Discover effective golf coaching strategies for building a strong high school team. Learn how to provide support, encouragement, and guidance to help your players succeed. Get tips on motivating players and improving their attitudes. #GolfCoaching #HighSchoolGolf #TeamBuilding #MotivationTips #GolfSuccess #YouthSports #CoachingStrategies #PlayerDevelopment #GolfTips #PlayerMotivation

so that’s four scores so that means four
I had two guys shoot even par and then
two guys shot one under a piece which
was which is a really really strong
score for a high school team um so proud
proud of watching them not going to take
any credit for I got him there safely on
on the bus but um I did uh I did I did
take him to eat after and I was congrat
I was congratulatory I I I try to pick
them up when they’re down try to um as
far as the coaching stuff you know a lot
of lot of the nitpicky stuff about
yardages and things like that but um
other other than that kind of kind of
let them do their thing get offer words
of encouragement sometimes we got to you
know redirect or get get some attitudes
check but other than that um I like like
to to watch and facilitate and um just
watch him succeed

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