Master the perfect golf downswing with our expert tips that ensure you never rush your downswing sequence again. Learn to maintain rhythm and control throughout your golf swing for more consistent and powerful shots.

This video breaks down the key elements of a successful golf downswing, helping you to improve your overall game. Tune in for actionable golf tips that will transform your approach and execution on the course.

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right golfers I’m going to share three simple tips to stop this horrible over-the-top action a real common issue that I’m seeing with loads of golfers through measur data from the JD Golf Academy is them trying to keep this elbow in the air for too long as they started downwing so basically starting it down swing turning with this up in the air which creates these horrible down and over the toop actions three tips the stop them if we stop that action you get it longer straighter drives every time so tip number one we need to make sure at the top of the back swing that we’ve actually got some room here and this requ Rees you to make sure you’re not overbending Trail arm such a common issue with so many am golfers is they overbend Trail arm getting everything quite close now there’s no room really to pull the arms down like you’ll see in the pros so the difference between the pros and the arms Pros are good at pulling this arm down arms are not they keep it up in the air and turn so if you don’t create that space on the way back till a to actually get that arm to come down to lower this Trail arm it’s going to be impossible like it’s just not going to work so Point number one let’s get some room at the top of your back swing meaning we need to make sure that you’re getting your hands a bit higher easiest way of doing that take lead hand and put it in the crease of your Trail arm so right in the middle and what’s going to happen if you feel this arm creasing a lot you’re going to kind of Squish this hand you’re going to feel it squished if you don’t if you squish it less meaning you more extension at the top with your Trail arm you’re going to feel that there’s hardly any pressure on this hand so in the crease just holding on the trail hand down the club if I do my short kind of tucked in swing which we do see amors do often with a sway out I’m really squishing down on my hand so I’m going to feel as I turn up to the top of the back swing there’s a little bit of squishing of this hand but hardly any we want this kind of under 100° Brent round 90 would be amazing lots of amet me included was like 120° Brent I used to be so very much kind of in here and creating this space at the top of your back swing is only going to allow you to create some space to pull down into this is such a simple way of doing it in that crease and crease it less anything less is going to be a win for most people watching tip number two what I want you to do go top of your back swing and stop and I want you just to look at this space just literally have a look turn your head and stop and look I’m doing it just with Trail hand so this one doesn’t get in the way you could do it with both hands on and I obviously I can see from here just for the camera now from here what you want to do is just close this Gap up a little bit feel like you are pulling your arms down what you can see from this down the line camera is that’s going to drop the club more on this path and get rid of this way now what I want you to do is try and keep your back to the Target as you do this so up to the top with your more space in here and then as you start your down swing keeping your back to Target loading up Lead Foot so feel like you just pressure forward feel like you just pull These Arms slightly down again getting that club into what people call the slot more from the inside hopefully delivering some better pass angle of attacks for longer straighter drives just look at it you’ll see it going down or staying up and turning and tip number three very similar to tip number two but I want you to feel not only now are you coming down but going out as well so I want you to feel like you’re pulling almost the grip off the club that way as you start your down swing so this is an added kind of bonus if you can get both of these movements doing what good players the pros are doing is they’re actually kind of pulling out this way as they start down swing so not only lowering this but moving the hands slightly that way where amers are much more this stays up turn and almost come a bit closer to then crash down into the ball so this spearing feeling if you have a bit of the club out the top of your Trail hand again I’m just holding on the trail hand not only am I feeling back to Target loading lead side but I’m going to feel like I go that way a little bit so really push that out so this is coming down while going out and again what you’re going to see from that action is it does lower that Club on this much better path for some better contacts keeping this elbow up for too long is such a common issue with so many golfers now if we can get all those three elements in place or two of them you know might find it’s just two of them what you’re going to start to find is you’re going to start finding some more power sources from better strikes made from some better Club pass like that which is going to help you hit more Fairways then turn it more greens if you’re in it longer let me know if this helps if you want to find out how to get your irons better check out this video it’s got similar information to this but more iron based


  1. Mark, this is brilliant. I’ve taken lessons in the past where I just couldn’t figure out the feeling I needed in order to perform the motions I was trying to make. I just spent a few minutes making the spearing motion you talked about, and I think I have something to work with now. In the past, I’d end up casting trying to get into the slot, and ultimately settled on a shorter backswing to mitigate the over the top motion. Can’t wait to get out onto the range and give this a go and see if I can get some distance back. 👍

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