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In this video, Carolin demonstrates standard drills for establishing a stable center in your golf swing.

Carolin Pinegger is a Leadbetter Certified Instructor & Previous LPGA Pro Tour Player

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hi everybody and welcome we are taking
the hallway onto YouTube so I’m super
excited this has been a long time coming
I was like it won’t fit on YouTube it
won’t fit into this format but we’re
making it fit we’re doing it because the
hallway is really where it’s at you know
me this is the type of content that you
guys love to see so I’m making more of
it so today I want to go through a
couple of really standard drills that
you can do at home and offseason or even
in season when you’re just not on the
golf course cuz let’s be realistic not
everybody has time to go on the golf
course every single day not even I do
believe it or not so let’s jump into it
if this is your first time on this
channel Please Subscribe let me know in
the comments below what you think and
give it a thumbs up if you love the
video I cannot wait to share more videos
with you and they’re just going to keep
on coming all right so the first tip is
with your hip shift and your transition
so all we need is a wall this wall this
wall if you’re righty or Lefty depending
on which way you want to face but walls
is all you need sounds like a song let’s
make one all right well is it love it’s
all you need I only need walls so that’s
all good so super standard but it’s a
really good drill for taking the club
back and taking the club through so back
swing and down swing so what we want to
do is we want to get our outside of the
left foot onto the floorboard right here
into the bottom of the wall and then we
want to make sure we want to kind of
check how much space there is right here
and you can also put something in
between here so if you have a head cover
or if you have something else you can
put that in between here and I want you
to when you’re going away when you’re
turning so I like to cross my arms here
I like to just keep that head cover
there because a lot of people sway off
the ball and they’ll drop this head
cover like that just like you saw and
that’s not ideal because if you start
dropping the head cover you got to make
see how much space there is now between
the wall and my hip and you’ve really
kind of lost tension so now you can turn
really really far because your hip has
kind of you know given way and if you
keep that
hip on the wall what happens is that
you’re now resisting with your lower
body against your upper body coil and
that’s what’s really going to give you
that boom that’s going to give you that
snap back that whip effect down so if
you’re somebody who struggles with
contact and penetration where the ball
comes off the face really well and like
like a bullet like then this is the
drill for you make sure you put that
head cover there cross your arms and
then you turn back and you keep that
head cover and on down swing I want you
to feel like like you’re pushing that
head cover into the wall really really
hard right when you reach the top just
below just just um before you finish
your back
swing so just before you finish your
back swing I want you to start pushing
into that head cover into that wall and
that’s really the start of the down
swing happens at the finish off the back
swing so um it’s actually not too
separate motions the best players in the
world actually move at into um two
different directions at the same time so
as they’re going back and finishing
their back swing they’re already
starting to Pivot and push with into
that left leg into that wall that we had
there so that’s what gives you really
that separation see how my upper body is
still going right lower body body is
already going forward and that’s what’s
giving you that torque to go through so
I hope this makes sense and again this
is great for your back swing it’s great
for your down swing it really really
helps and this is something that so many
amateurs are lacking and it really
causes a lot of Chunk chots a lot of
really weak contact just no penetration
no like power off the face so if you
have a bad ball striking day next time
you find yourself chunking him and hit
him thin both can happen because if your
body B out if you move away from the
wall you can bottom out behind the ball
so either you hit the ground before and
if your body doesn’t hit the ground it
kind of pull up and that’s where that
thin top comes from so really the Chunk
in the top can be caused by the same
problem by that same mistake of not
having a stable body because I always
like to think of it as a I’m going to
grab a off as kind of like a pendulum if
you ask yourself what is the center of
gravity and the center of mass in your
golf swing and that’s your body right
and if you have a pendulum here we’re
going to just hold the golf club on the
top and I’m just going to give that Golf
Club a little bit of a you know a little
bit of a momentum so what it does it’s
always going to do the same thing
because this part doesn’t move so it’s
just going to swing left and right like
any pendulum would but what happens when
I start moving the top when I start
moving a top see how this golf club is
going all over the place and that’s
exactly the same concept that happens to
you when your body moves in the golf
swing because your arms are essentially
that arm to the pendulum and your you
know Club is the extended pinol so if
you’re starting to move all over with
your body your arms have a really hard
time catching up sinking up finding that
bottom of the swing and they have to
compensate all over the place so we want
to make sure that the Stabler this stays
and this stays and you turn around it
well with some stability and with some
resistance the better you’re going to
come back to the ball and that’s really
all the magic so make sure you use your
walls use your hallways but you don’t
need have way you can just have a
regular wall and you you pop your hip
against it and you make sure that and
you back swing this little space does
not get any wider and then the down
swing you push into that wall really
hard put a head cover there if you want
to you can do without a head cover and
that is really magic little indoor drill
that I wanted to show you so I hope you
guys enjoy this make sure you come here
next time there’s a lot more great
drills coming for you in this little
indoor situation and I cannot wait to
have you join me in the next session


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