A good predictor of swing direction ⬇️

Where the clubhead is positioned at last parallel (P6) on the downswing is a decent indicator of the swing direction on any particular swing.

The more outside the hands the clubhead sits, usually the more leftward the swing direction (RH golfer)

If you can keep the clubhead behind the hand path at P6, you’ll typically see a more positive or rightward swing direction (RH golfer)

🧠 One important note: there is a difference between swing direction and club path – it is certainly possible to have a leftward swing direction and an inside out club path for a RH golfer. You can also have a rightward swing direction and an outside in club path. So this frame/position isn’t the end all/be all!

Follow @kraftygolf to shoot lower scores 🏌️‍♂️

Video credit @swingmania.official


1 Comment

  1. Watch Fleetwood’s right foot the power has not started yet just before the ball he’ll fire it against the ground and transfer the energy through the ball.
    That’s why little guy hits so far😊

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