This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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so let’s talk about driver one of the
biggest misconceptions I tend to see
with students that try and get the best
results with driver is to try and hit
the golf ball massively from the inside
okay so we tend see golfers that get
really promoted with a huge tilt and
trying to hit it this way the problem is
when you start trying to hit the golf
ball this way all that’s going to happen
is you’re going to end up sort of
standing up and moving like so right now
therefore what I tend to say to most
students when it comes to using the
driver is the easier way to get the ball
fli higher is to move the ball notably
further forward so if most people are
kind of conditioned to play the golf
ball say on the inst step of the lead
ankle and the reason for that is the
club sort of comes down and then it’s
Rising by the time it meets the ball if
you move it further forward what this
will do is this will mean by the time
the club face greets the ball it will
feel more closed or it will be more
closed so the more you position the ball
left for Ry golfer the more the club
face will be closed by the time you hit
it and I think what that will do is that
will stop or it certainly does for a
students it stops you sort trying to hit
it from the inside and it gives you more
confidence to sort turn and stay more
behind the ball and ultimately that’s
the thing that you’re trying to do and
get your own feeling for it right
because when we watch the pros it’s
obviously a fast motion but we know that
they kind of look something like this
right when they finish and they’re
always kind of behind the ball and the
reason why they’re behind the ball is
because they they tilt the pelvis head
stays still but for most amateurs we
always end up looking up and looking
massively stuck and then the problem is
is when you go up you can’t get your
left shoulder back and behind you
sacrifices distance and then all of a
sudden next thing you know you’re sort
of scooping at it so with a lot of
students if you like a fast tip that
will make driver much easier is instead
of positioning the ball on the inst step
of the lead ankle right which is maybe
what a pro do but you’ve also got to
understand a pro moves this way and then
they move this way more behind the ball
so it’s easy to get the face Square they
don’t obviously stand up and move too
much on the inside so I think if you
start experimenting by positioning the
ball further forward that will help you
close the face without forcing it you’ll
then be able to sort of get that sense
of turning through the ball and then
you’re going to be able to get that left
shoulder back and behind you maximizing
Club spit I’ll see you soon


  1. So much to learn in this crazy game, dont you find that "General tips" can be dangerous as everyone swings a little different and alot of info goes misunderstood mainly due to a lack of basic talent??regards

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