Simple Golf Striking Drill – Golf Swing Tips #simplegolftips #golftips

if you want to practice hitting the ball
stronger striking it better get your
legs involved feel like your legs are
actually getting involved with the hit
and what I want you to do is feel not
only that your legs are moving say
towards the ball and then away from the
ball with this knee coming across so
your normal kind of idea is what your
knees might be doing but I want you to
feel also that we got ups and down in
there so feel as you start your down
swing like you go down as far as you can
and come up when you’re practicing
almost like you’re going to really kind
of kick the ball with your legs don’t
feel so arm Centric feel much more leg
Centric and what you’re going to
find is your low Point changes your
strike changes and your speed
considerably change make sure you get
some of this involved get your legs
involved it’ll shock you you’re welcome


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