Ingrain the effortless hip motion through your swing

I’m just having my hips kind of tilted
forward and they’re rotating in an arc
or a plane kind of Imagine a plane of
glass here they’re rotating around those
back and through that’s what’s going to
build a lot of consistency there so
again let’s do 15 or 20 reps going
pausing right hip higher hips Square
left hip higher as you’re coming on
through to the Finish you can let the
arms come on around once you’ve done a
few of those grab a club do the exact
same thing right hip sink into the
ground left hip high so we’re going
right hip high sink into the ground left
hip high and when you have that club
just make it all one fluid motion as
you’re coming on through there once
you’re comfortable with that that’s
going to give you a lot of again it’s
going to feel like there’s some kind of
momentum to the swing like it’s a little
bit effortless as those hips go back and
through and it’s going to allow you to
be nice and solid as you’re hitting
these golf shots

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