Start the Golf Downswing with the Drop and Twist Golf Downswing Drill | DL Golf Tips

Welcome to DL Golf Tips from David Leathem Golf, your ultimate destination for improving your golf game. In this comprehensive tutorial, I delve deep into refining your golf downswing with the Insane Drop and Twist Golf Downswing Drill.

Are you struggling with your golf downswing, plagued by issues like an over-the-top motion, steep shaft angle, and open club face? Look no further. This step-by-step breakdown of the Drop and Twist technique will guide you towards a flawless downswing, ensuring a shallow golf club and square club face for consistent, controlled ball flights.

Experience the tangible benefits of this game-changing drill as we analyze real-time data using state-of-the-art Trackman Launch Monitor technology. Witness the transformative impact on your golf club path and club face angle, setting the stage for those coveted, perfectly compressed draws that separate amateurs from pros.

Plus, unlock exclusive savings on premium leather gloves from our trusted partner, Enter code “David” at checkout for a 10% discount, and elevate your performance with top-quality gear.

Ready to elevate your golf game to new heights? Work with me from anywhere in the world with online golf lessons, tailored to suit players of all skill levels. From fundamental techniques to advanced strategies, my personalized coaching will empower you to achieve your goals with confidence and precision.

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This move shallows it so when we couple that with our hands moving that way as well we got ourselves a nice little down swing shallow trigger move hey golfers and welcome back to my channel in today’s video we’re going to talk about the start of the down swing this is a

Really really important part of the golf swing because this has a knock on effect to he and ultimately impact which is the most important thing now it’s a move I see a lot of people get wrong I got a feeling for you I got two little things

That I want you to do to reverse this to get the club started the right way down we’re going to use trackman to show how that changes your path and your face which ultimately dictates your shot shape and your direction that you’re going to hit it so before we get started

With that if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and let me know in the comments where you’re watching from let’s get started okay so starting the D swing obviously that is what happens from when you’re at the top

This little window here as you start down what is happening we’re going to talk about the hands and the wrists okay now hands and the wrists are going to control the face what do I see most and I can nearly guarantee if you look at your swing on camera you’ll see some

Amount of this sometimes more sometimes less depending on the person but at the top of the back swing assuming the back swing position is pretty decent if it isn’t have plenty of videos on the back swing I’ll pull up an image of tiger here and just look at that save it as

Your screen saver on your phone and just etch it into your brain that’s brilliant okay what do we see let’s think but of the club first move down the but of the club travels this way okay so I sometimes like to think of that as I look back

This way I can picture a clock face and I could think of my hands going 12 11 10 so they’re moving this way right and I see this have an awful lot okay and something else is usually happening alongside this which makes things even worse okay what that is

Top moving that way and the face starting to open okay now we are in trouble what’s going to happen from there if I make that move so out and the face opens in that transition we’re going to end up with a very leftward path and an open

Club face what’s that going to create more of a left to right movement sometimes the face might get more open that one wasn’t too bad actually but can drift to the right very weak so golf is game of opposites we have to counter those moves so what we’re going to do is

We’re going to get you to the top of the back swing here and what we want to think about so imagine our clock face first thing I want you to do let the hands go this way do not worry about rotation don’t be trying to do this at the same time

Because look as I rotate there Club travels the biggest distance in the G swing it’s got to catch up so leave all this alone let your hands go that way so essentially fall but not straight down but back see that okay this is going to help with that club

Path it’s going to get you down inside or shallow okay now as we make that move what I want you to do is I want you to counter if both of my hands move this way so that way okay that would be the left wrist going CED and

The Palm coming towards me that movement is going to open my club face okay so again G of opposites we’re going to do the opposite of that and we’re going to twist them this way all right so as I do that these hands are going there this one’s turning

That way and this one pushing back essentially putting more Bend in the right wrist okay that is going to get me to close the face okay and it also showers the club a little bit too look that move steepens the shaft this move shallows it so when we couple

That with our hands moving that way as well we got ourselves a nice little downswing shallow trigger move okay so how do you do it obviously you don’t stand up straight away and do you do a lot of drills a lot of practice swings feeling here first of all I would think

Of the hands let them move this way then start to transition that now as I go and start to end rotate I am going to be coming at the golf ball from a pretty decent position let’s check it out on the trackman and see what difference it

Makes so top hands are going to go that way and I’m going to resist that opening so 3.1 1.8 nice little draw all right now I you know me by watching my videos I’m very much a I guess a hands and arms type of guy in the golf swing because

They control this club head and my point being when I did that drill the second time the the good one that created this shot I could feel how much if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re playing golf but don’t fancy the high

Price tag well go and check out my channel sponsor page gxg goolg really good quality glove at a fraction of the cost use code David at checkout you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well I wasn’t conscious of this by the way it just

Happened as I did that I could feel my body just having to react differently because of what I did with my wrists and my hands and essentially my arms too so these are nice cuz you can control these we started thinking B body it can be a bit difficult because we’re taking all

The attention away from Club face hands the end of the day they control the golf club okay guys nice one today give it a try let me know how you get on with it in the comments and if you’ve any questions about this or any of my other

Videos please let me know as you know I always reply to everybody and always try and help everybody because that’s what this channel is about all right guys before we go if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and

I’ll see you guys in the next one


  1. My local instructor got me on this move first lesson… it works. after practice from November to current my hands have gotten much better and I can deliver the club +2 to -2 on trackman. AND I saw ball speed with a 7 iron go over 100 mph for me which is pretty good. (arthritic and had a hip replacement) However now need to figure out a way to deliver club less steep into ball. hands too far ahead and all shots are low and low spin. Love your content and follow you here and in IG. You are a good golf coach Thanks for the content!

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