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In this video, Carolin talks about how fixing the club face will help us not come over the top, eliminate those slices and hit some consistent contact. Today’s episode is a must-watch!!

Carolin Pinegger, she’s a professional with extensive experience in the golfing world. Her journey through the challenging LPGA Pro Tour has given her a unique and transformative perspective on the game. Also, Carolin’s commitment to excellence is evident through her certification as a Leadbetter Instructor. She possesses the skills and knowledge to enhance your golfing prowess. Get ready to absorb tips and techniques that have shaped champions!

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Hi everybody and welcome I’m coach Carolyn and today I’m very excited to talk about something really really interesting because it is so applicable I see so many of you guys struggle with this and that is coming over the top I know I’ve touched on this in a couple of

Other videos but this one is different because here we’re actually talking about our club face and how changing our club face is going to have that chain reaction down into our down swing top of the back swing into our down swing that we are going to stop coming over the top

So this is the beauty of the golf swing if you tweak something a little bit right here something is going to happen over here and that’s what we’re doing today so we’re focusing on our club face and how our club face and fixing that is

Going to help us not come over the top and eliminate those slices and hit some amazing little baby draws and make some consistent contact so let’s do it thanks for being here on YouTube and if you like this video please subscribe like and comment below I always love to hear

From you guys and let’s jump into this all right so we’re going to jump into our club phase and how this can impact our coming over the top coming over the top is something that’s so common and I also when I get a little off I struggle

With this so I want to make sure that you guys understand the chain reactions in the golf swing and why it happens so coming over the top is something that usually happens to people that have an open Club face so changing your path is one thing and trying to change your path

But if you think about it if you started with an open Club phas if you have an open Club phase at the top of the back swing what is the body going to do it is going to try to shut it every time your body and your brain knows so much more

Than you think you do and that is unfortunate but it is the truth and engulf it is just so true so you never decided to come over the top you never made that decision that one morning you’re like oh yes I’m going to today is the day I’m going to start coming over

The top no you didn’t your body knew that your face is open and so your body tried to compensate and it tries to shut the face down so let’s let’s do this so we have an open Club face here you see it’s open and I like to refer to open

Club faces as if you had a water fall that was coming you know obviously from above our club if you if that waterfall would be able to touch the ground and run all the way through to the ground then your Club face is open if I had a

Club face like this see if there was a waterfall it would really kind of hold the water up it wouldn’t be able to flow through so this is an open Club face this is a shut Club face and if it’s just kind of in the middle it’s Square

So that’s where we want to go but today we’re here to talk about the mistake of having this open Club face right here so what happens is your body if it came from the inside now and this is a pretty good top position right here you know

It’s just that my club phe is open so you don’t even have to be low or high or anything if your Club pH is open now if I came down the right way from the inside what what do you see my club face is wide open the ball’s going to go

Totally to my right and at this point I’ve had a good back swing a good top position I’ve also dropped it down nicely a little bit from the inside but my face is open so you’re still not going to you literally did 95% correct but you’re still screwed that’s golf but

We’re here to fix that 5% so hear me out now when we have this open Club face right here now if we want to get that face squarer to the ball the body is going to try to come more from the outside because see what happens here my

Face is now square-ish but the problem is that we still have spin we still have side spin on the ball because when we come from the outside in we have a path that goes left and usually it’s very hard to time that open face to be square

To the ball so what happens is the face is open the path is left and that creates a difference in face to path which creates the spin so to fix this we’re going to fix our club face we’re going to square up our club face in the

Back swing and also in our grip so number one issue could be the grip if you have a grip that is too weak and with that I mean your right hand is too far over your Club face will be open and that could be the cause of that open

Club phase in the back swing so make sure that our grip is good we want to have our grip in the Palm more so from a little bottom of the pinky finger to the kind of like you know last third of our pointer finger and then we want to make

Sure that these two are friends our thumb and our pointer finger here and then we see two Knuckles right here and then we’re just going to put our right hand and match it match that Lifeline right here to that thumb and to that joint and we’re done and you see that

That my hands are balanced on the grip here and that is a solid balanced neutral grip it’s not open it’s not shut so that’s checkpoint number one make sure that you grip it correctly and I have another video on grip which I’ll link below for you guys in the

Description so you guys can go check it out and then what happens is now our club face is square so it really sets us up to have a good Square Club face on the top some people roll it open in the takeaway that is checkpoint number two

Make sure that that right palm keeps fa facing the ground in your 9:00 position we don’t want that right palm to be facing forward see how it’s facing forward and my club is rotated open we want to make sure that keeps facing down and that we hinge back back and up and

Then we lift it up see how that totally neutralized my club face from down the line and now your body when I’m coming from the inside a little bit and when I say the inside in a good way I’m just dropping it down into that speed slot

And again good grip I’m going to my 9:00 position position my palm is facing down and then I’m hinging it and I go up now you really have that compression and your hands are leading and you’ll be able to have a good path and now you can

Actually swing at it and if you have an open face because of your grip or because of your takeaway give it a couple of shots change make these adjustments make this 9:00 adjustment make the grip adjustment make sure your Club face when you look at your video

Down the line is square not open not shut and then give your body a couple of swings to adjust it because it will stop coming over the top because your body in the first place started coming over the top because your face was open so it

Needed to shut it now it’s going to try to do that first couple of shots and you’re going to hit it left and that’s okay but give your body about 20 shots and it will straighten it out you are going to naturally without even thinking about it just like you didn’t think

About starting to coming over the top it’s going to start coming more neutral so really give yourself that time trust your body your body knows where you are even if you don’t think you do so let’s hit one right here grip is good and neutral 9:00 position I’m going to hinge

Backwards I’m not going to roll the face open and that is such a solid shot guys it is a joke so make sure you understand the impact of your Club face and your grip and your 9:00 position to your Club face in the top and why that makes you come

Over the top so make sure you try this guys I think this is super helpful because it makes a lot of sense we’re here to learn we’re here to understand why things are happening in the golf swing because that is what allows you to fix yourself when you’re out there on

The course and when you can’t call me up and be like yo coach Carolyn what the hell am I doing so thanks so much for joining me today this was super fun and I can’t wait to see you next [Applause] Time

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