So how does the golf club lie to you well the golf club is rigid and has a heavy weight at the end and just by its very design when you first pick it up you feel its weight and it’s very instinctive to try to use it as a lever

Or a hammer and when you try to use the the shaft to make the club go fast with your muscles you’ve got the wrong idea right from the right from the get-go you see the the goal with the golf club is to make it part of your body as if it

Was another arm so that your movement is natural and a golf swing is a movement it’s not a force movement means that we use rotation and gravity and natural forces around us to create effortlessness we always seek effortlessness natur naturally any skill that you’ve done well you’ve never

Learned it by breaking it down to parts and pieces and forces you’ve simply just learned it by intent and your body naturally tries to find the path of least resistance the easiest way to do it the problem is if you don’t have the right intent and you keep overthinking

It and telling your body how to move you can literally get stuck and teach yourself bad patterns

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