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  1. I want one, prices have jumped here

    Didn’t pull trigger on Pro…he who hesitates is stoned 😂😂😂😂

  2. Thanks for the shout out!

    Atleast i know not to swing it faster than 117mph 🤣

  3. I have newer drivers but the LTD Pro is still in my bag. Something about the neutral balance I can really go after it and it's rock stable. With the fade bias I try to get a pronated wrist feel that I'll hook it and drives go dead straight.

  4. I had this ltd driver and I hit my longest drive ever with it. I crushed it 340 yards down a long par 5. To be transparent it was downhill after about 280 yards, so roll came into play. My only complaint was that the ltd wasn’t very forgiving on off center hits.

  5. I’m curious what temperature and elevation you have your launch monitor set at. Great video

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