Biggest mistake when fixing a SLICE? ❌

They try to sort out the PATH first, but with an open clubface, this is either impossible or it creates an even bigger miss, so they revert back and end up in the same cycle over & over. Let’s get that CLUBFACE fixed ✅


Hello, My name is Shauheen Nakhjavani, Co-founder of Nakhjavani Golf. I have been a golf coach for 10+ years, I’ve given over 25,000 lessons in-person & online, and I have worked with many professional players; including Kevin Chappell, Stephen Ames, Darren Clarke, Calum Hill, Yannik Paul, Eddie Pepperell, Jeremy Paul & many others!

If you want to learn more about my style of coaching, you can find more instruction here:

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golfer comes into my studio a lot they have the club face wide open let’s exaggerate it for the purpose of this right well I can’t possibly swing from the inside out when I have an open Club face what people don’t realize is if my club face is open and then I actually try to shallow this club and swing from the inside I’m actually pushing my start line even more in my case to my right if my face is already open that wants to start it there and then I try to swing from the inside it’s going to start even more there I have no chance of hitting my target that’s in front of me the ball’s going to start into this wall and never really come back so what happens often times is because the face is open and there’s a lot of Loft we want to try to hit down and start it to the left in my case they’ll swing over the top of the ball so you’ll see you’ll see a lot of steepness start to happen from golfers and a lot of path issues actually start to happen because the club face gets so open it opens the face horizontally it adds Loft which creates a lot of spin loss of compression how can you feel like you can compress it again and fix it you start getting steeper and hitting down and left on it to try to fix the start line and to try to take some Spin and Loft off the ball if I try to swing from the inside and shallow with the face being open I have no chance of doing that so the best way to actually correct the steepness coming down in a large majority of golfers is actually to fix the club face because if we fix this club face angle now there’s left Lo less Loft on the face and my start line is moving to my left right so now if my club face is in a stronger position if I come down steep right I’m I’m actually going to start it even further left it doesn’t work anymore so believe it or not the stronger the club face gets the more incentivized usually you’re going to be to want to start it in my case out to my right because the face is already keeping the Loft down and pointing left so I can offset it by shallowing the attack angle and the path and that’ll actually clean up my start line as well if the face gets too open that’s adding Loft that’s starting the ball too far to my right I’m going to naturally start to really deepen it and cut across it to hit down and fix the start line control so best way to clean up a path issue usually for I’m not going to say everybody but for a lot of golfers is the club face and then that can relate to the grip strength it can relate to the wrist angles those are probably the two biggest influences of course the forarm rotation plays a factor so many other things but those are the two biggest ones

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