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Players react to Scheffler arrest, Valhalla tragedy | Live From the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

Harris English, Min Woo Lee, Will Zalatoris and others react to the tragedy that occurred outside of Valhalla Golf Club as well as Scottie Scheffler’s arrest on Friday morning of the PGA Championship. #GolfChannel #PGAChampionship #ScottieScheffler
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Players react to Scheffler arrest, Valhalla tragedy | Live From the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

and I was probably starting to come into the club around :5 510 so I guess I got there kind of right after all the police cars gotten there I had no idea really what was going on um I knew they weren’t letting anybody through from that side I was I was uh arriving from so I had to turn around um go north of the course took an extra 20 minutes or so and then I um got to turn in the clubw but it I mean it’s dark it’s raining um police lights everywhere I mean it’s it was uh very strange um coming in the course this morning not not the normal uh quiet arrival um and obviously got here this morning then uh news broke that Scotty had been detained and all that so we we had no idea what was going on um I mean that could have been any one of us uh I mean we’re all taking that same route coming into the club and um very unfortunate and you never want to hear about a person losing their life um coming to the course I mean it’s just it’s just terrible I mean uh we’re out here playing a golf tournament and somebody just got killed outside the entrance which is uh very unfortunate and our heart goes out to that family yeah it was a weird morning I mean obviously it’s very sad about the news um and then obviously Scotty what happened to Scotty uh I mean I I got in at I would say 5:30 around there i’ would say maybe a bit somewhere around there I think and uh it was yeah it was just a weird one obviously so much traffic and uh yeah I I mean I don’t know I was a bit shook about what happened um on both the scenarios and uh yeah I mean it was during the round it was even hard to just concentrate and I had to make sure to you know keep my head in the game cuz I mean I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone um and yeah obviously what happened to Scotty was very scary too uh and um yeah hopefully he’s okay and uh yeah you know it was just a weird OD you know I I I give Scotty such a hard time because he’s I’ve known him forever but he’s literally one of the best guys out here and um I’ve always joked since he’s been number one in the world you want to hate him so bad but he’s such a nice guy and you know he a Str man of Faith he just had a baby he’s he’s a standup as they come he’s very active in our community in Dallas it’s just it was just bizarre yeah it’s um obviously what happened this morning is is a tragedy like you said it’s a sad sad thing that happened and and we feel for everybody involved um yeah I mean it’s one of those things that doesn’t seem like it should happen and I don’t know the details of it but um that was was terrible news and then everything that’s gone on with Scotty it’s I don’t really know what to make of it I’m sure he wasn’t trying to do anything wrong in the situation um it it was still probably pretty dark out and it’s not you know the easiest of entries to navigate so um yeah I mean we I I don’t know the details of it but I’m I’m sure he wasn’t intentionally doing anything wrong and um definitely added some interest to the morning


  1. Reports are saying that the Booking Officer recorded the following items from Scottie before he was stripped searched:

    One gold watch
    One alligator skin wallet
    Master Card
    American Express Gold Card
    Visa, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche

    Two tickets…

    La Bohéme, to which Scottie replied- it's an opera.

  2. Dude wins 4/5 events, has a baby, comes back after a couple weeks off, starts rd 1 shoots a -4 under 67, goes home and sleeps, wakes up, gets arrested and stretches in a jail cell, comes out for round 2 and shoots a fucking -5under 66 to go -9 under tied for 4th behind a leader who chokes, and a 2nd place player who chokes, and a 3rd place and a share of 4th player who won’t even be in the top 10 tomorrow. If that isn’t a god damn sports legend at it’s finest i’m not sure what could even be considered as such. #1 golfer in the world, nicest human on earth, and then plays like that to be in perfect pouncing position with 2 rounds left after that kind of morning. The guy isn’t just special he’s superhuman. Sunday Scottie is a dangerous man. Lets go Scottie!!! 5for6 with 2 major wins in a month has a nice ring to it 💪🏼

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