Every shot of Linn Grant & Sebastian Söderberg’s final round of the 2024 Volvo Car Scandinavian Mixed.

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yeah talking of that Swedish conveyor about Ling Grant the champion of 2022 I think she’s gone on the convey World a couple of times and she keeps on coming round that’s how good she is birdie we’re down at the third Ling gr’s hit it into the PA five Eagle chance ahead this to pick up to Green’s a little slower today good half a foot so that will take some adjusting and Grant’s found the green at four pin right this is a good spot I think it’s quite a tricky flag to access there a shoulder on the front left of the green to towards the top right of our pictures kind of nudges the ball away from everything oh it took a couple of hops too in the first two feet green speeds today Jamie slow 9.6 they fry to the wind quite exposed in Parts here on this golf course they’ve only been just over 10 or week actually fifth hole Ling Grant been difficult week this hole he’s just coming out semi rough to a front pin go in what a shot l Grant on [Applause] fire three birdies in five yeah takes you back doesn’t it remember when she opened up with five Bird’s in six hole shot 64 last day A couple of years ago they were chasing her that day that was a good try really good try and she’s got some chances coming up as well seven with her length 7 eight n and 10 five so what a chance she has here well just a bit shy here Ling Grant on the sth pting chipping rather down the hill come on move that the other way should come back a bit lovely shot that keeps the Run going [Applause] nice all right there’s room out that way welcome to the T the worst weather we’ve seen all day as well so he can no question hit this first green in these conditions that’ll do keep ticking off the the pass level par do oh yeah I think so’s going to get there are they can’t think like that can’t think like that at all he won’t [Applause] be just CAU the slope chance here on eight you get it online with the right strike nearly nearly pretty good decent t- shot to be fair pitch pin High just released a little we can just get this Stone theread and move on job done well done yeah Rock Solid tick off the holes two down these all have to go absolutely on a day like this right to left up made full use of that cup ouch that is going to hurt one that got away well that looks strong doesn’t it driving little cutter perfect he’s got a lot out of this part of his game this week on the Green again at a par five [Applause] Soderberg up at nine Ling Grant she’s got it dialed in today yeah the challenge is actually just hitting this pH once you’ve done that especially for the ladies 120 yards to that flight can really attack it what a shot it’s all or nothing for Ling Gran out there today not quite in gimme [Applause] range what a wonderful front nine that is 5 under par 31 ly Grant clear in second right now so the lead down to six maybe only for a few seconds that was the easiest tap and birdie ever for Sebastian sodb really just making the most of these par fives well if you’re going to bail out right is the miss you can see all that green that he has to work with I’ve just noticed you know this week he’s always been missing it on the correct spots it’s he’s never short siding himself so needs to be smart with this I think soda BG he’s just got to plot his way around not get too greedy out there o well just a second bogey of the week the other came with a three put on a path three yesterday at 14 but didn’t see that one coming given the way he’s been knocking them in no not at all I mean the yeah the part that he missed on 14 was a similar sort of length but it was also blowing an absolute hulie so this is a par five on 10 third shot for ly grunt pin in that back right corner you’ve got water long as well any sort of Breeze that should be off her right she’s been playing aggressively so far not her best don’t think she’ll be pleased with that one heading towards that bunker there it is yeah well called o hope they’re okay yeah he talked about that how on a on a Sunday the driver at times has got a little loose for him under pressure this is not easy this could go left on him on a heartbeat out of this rough go just when you’re playing out of thick wet rough like Anthony wall said it’s so easy for that ball to shoot left but at least it’s dry to get to 16 within five hello Ling Grant doing Ling Grant things on a Sunday at the Scandinavia mixed you take that from there eight days a [Applause] week leads just four if he misses it and that never had a chance yeah that was short in the back swing he’s feeling it isn’t he those nerves team moved up today substantially so 113 yards B just a fraction below her feet starting this right trying to work it back in down the right side needs a break out of those trees not sure wet rough as always the danger it doesn’t turn enough that will work nicely good recovery from Soderberg there on the rehearsals you could see he was playing for that floater he got it but just landed it way too short had the line didn’t it that would have been for the seventh birdie of the day and only just 11 holes so clearly playing some amazing golf I was just about to say huge cuz I thought that was going in I think he did too three shots better today than his playing partner it’s a par but it feels like a bogey that one will be easier to brush off than the previous two but still it’s half a shot back to the field over to Ling Grant we know the te’s been move forwards playing down that left wing look at that high ball flight should be good that that was a nice swing got through that better didn’t he spoke about earlier on this week how trying to be a little bit more aggressive through the ball so he doesn’t hang back this young woman as well Ling Grant that’s a big ask to get home in to but has to work it right to left trying to get it chasing sounded pretty sweet eyeing it up and down and that’s because he loves it that’s more the the fasting soda boat that we’ve seen in the last three days a low one of skitter couple of bounces and spin one two just not quite hard to get it all the way up the that Hill there outside chance for birdie business has resumed as usual it’s a birdie for Soderberg slow pass get it there come on get it there so hard to make do cuz you’ve got to force it don’t you it’s it’s almost got to be last thought out there at the moment yeah you don’t want to be doing that it’s always a good sign when you’re picking up the tea relatively quickly smashed it down here fr struggle with the water yesterday that looks a good line maybe a bit left got to come back it is Stay Stay no bit of a gift really this pin for soda BG say there [Music] oh yes an extra couple of yards that would have been even better but from an awkward light that’s done pretty well is a big one isn’t it yeah look at that I’d rather win the other [Laughter] one she had a good touch show to BG on five he’s up against a bit of a burn patch it’s not easy but that’s job done to be honest that was a bit scruffy in there you were giving that spency wouldn’t you oh yeah just inside left for soda BG will be a good up and down because the pitch was a bit of a scruffy spot fman dear dear four from the time now in the last 24 hours three today where he’s missed the short ones look at that leaderboard had plenty for Miss brain she’s not really got many to the hole come on turn turn everything but Pace [Applause] again holes are running out yeah if you’re going to have a chance those are the sort of parts that you want to see falling aim it over that bunker and just let it go asking for it to drift it’s a relatively quick part from there now was so good on Thursday was behind the wall down the right yesterday he’s dreaded that it almost look like quite a protective swing that just anti right returns hard on that one different to the rest that we’ve seen so far had a shaky start recent times making a few better swings down Breeze as well so keep releasing do it had the line again just shy I mean it’s so easy for us to say but you got to give it a go yeah that is a worry cuz it’s something I’ve not seen I think the two part FS coming up as you said a key for me they are a key yeah you’re right just need something like this to wake him up I think he sort of breeze it’s off the left it’s strong as well she was looking to start that further left but she hits it that far it’s caught that bunker it can’t be short enough at this stage you can see he’s a little bit Twitchy there with the hand so it’s like oh come on come on come on come on come on hold on definitely Creeps in the back of your mind doesn’t it when you miss a few of those cuz he can definitely get there in two if he rips one it’s been a good stretch of holes these three 600 for the week he’s L that right that’s fine relatively shortsighted maybe but it looks like the ball’s set up so taking the lofty option she done well there she was almost too close you know little half Swing From the Rough down wind right these need to go in now for lingar four behind for to play here we go oh it bobbled around a bit didn’t it never onl mind that was the poorest P she’s hit all week I’d say tough little finish 15 16 18 is not going to be easy into the win so if she can get to 18 just got to sneak I think yeah agreed I think that’s a realistic goal as well it is the play oh that’s fat uhoh heavy but I think it’s left yeah he’s he’s okay a good bad one there well Ling gr 16 she’s had a mixed uh week on this I’ll double bogey a birdie and a bogey needs a birdie today I think that’ll help should be perfect yeah I just had a feeling he didn’t like that the way he was practicing and uh so it’s proved want a bit of spin on this one for Zoda BG just desil completely on that pitch just imagine if that went in that definitely would have helped settle the nerves but still just holding on playing quite anxiously it looks like body language says it all yeah he’s lost himself at par five now soda B cat W in her hand she’s hit it to here at least is downhill so she should get it there well it’s a big ask for mer to be honest just a bit of tidying up to do for Ling Grant remains for back I think the body language tells you she feels she’s a few too short here right now take your chances he’s got a fairway metal in hand yeah I think he’d run through the hit driver yeah looks like he prefers this one maybe just aiming at those right bunkers knowing that that can’t reach with the three-wood I wonder if he can see the flag from there we’ll find out shortly [Music] work to do [Music] Richard this is huge needs it yeah yesterday her title charge faed on the back nine here he is just a pitch shot into 11 but see the flag it’s all good here on 11 along and left there’s a bit of a bow and a runoff area you know yesterday I was using words like in control in charge so golf being golf he probably roll this in but it is slow overall maybe right to left but not much yeah tough one yeah the camera sometimes for shortens those it might be a little longer than it looks so yeah it’s got feet Richard but this is the man that we’ve been keeping an eye on popart yeah easy got to tick off the hole seven to go for the lead he got two farway bunkers down the left but it won’t be in play at all just aiming at one of those tall Flags in the distance sounded pretty strong needs a birdie really and that’s a good start he seems like he’s found 20 yards that’s exactly what he said to me this morning but he’ll need it here into this whistling [Applause] Breeze I think he’s okay there full English in a couple of parts for I play so maybe that’s not the way an hour and a half yeah it’s just gone slightly rifer unfortunately the last hour or so get in what a shot what about that what about that what a great finish from Lin Grant 65 special player just keeps on producing special moments Ling gr with the grand stand finish in front of her home adoring fans a closing 65 and that is the target as things stand in the clubhouse 17 underpar that shot for soda bag laid up to here off that right just hasn’t looked the same player today he he is a quiet man but he he looks a little even more quiet of the normal no question he’s feeding [Applause] this holding on to something isn’t he if that wenter in that would have been a massive bonus but just the par it’s okay still with a three- shot lead that was definitely the anti-ri shot I think just teeing up so far right aiming down the left and trying to get that breeze to catch it and good job that’s gone shy the bunker well that was always a bit left wasn’t he got away with that one really you’d have to say Okay what have you got Sebastian that was Heavy wasn’t it oh just made this hole Look So Easy yesterday flushed it off the tea hit it to about 4T rolled it in for a birdie different story today at this point in the day It’s just tough to really hit them hard enough and take the break never had enough Pace really did it it tried it tried but it’s a bogey and now it’s only two yeah took him 49 holes to have a bogey he’s had now five in the last 8 it’s a good pain to get to this on the left trying to hold it in there well it’s okay that’s all right there big break good couple of feet overall keep the pace up slightly better at least one better than yesterday today 15’s right the seventh toughest hle the next is Fifth and you got 18 second hardest hle so still a tough stretch coming up couple of good t- shots in he now sod BG soda BG absolutely boomed one here yesterday Just sh 370 yards not a similar sort of story this time round it’s called Mega High that’s very good yeah great leave as well perfect spot if you’re going to miss the green looks like a pic up and down we’ll find out it’s pretty straight actually it’s all about the pace he’s going to be sweating over one more to come Soderberg wind’s howling from couldn’t miss to can’t make and that lead is down incredibly to one shot no man on the DP World Tour has given up an eight shot lead going into the final round hands up none of us could I know it’s tough I know it’s hard to win Jamie but and he could still get the job done we’ll be willing him on but no but you just never know someone gets close to him it’s not easy it’s a tough day the wind’s blowing as well it’s uh there’s some difficult holes out there and you’re always going to get one day Richard where where suddenly the game of golf reminds you it’s not easy well that shows you how it’s gone from 8 at the start of the day it’s down to one now three holes to play uhoh oh he’s got lucky doesn’t look it from our camera angle but interesting to hear Wally well this might be the last shot we’re hearing where’s that front bunker I think yeah Anthony maybe can confirm for us yeah just on the bank it’s stuck there that’s okay he’s going to have to factor in a lot more moisture on the green as well it’s just a Gusty Breeze Ali that’s the trouble [Applause] here very good shot very good shot from Sebastian Soderberg but that one he makes you can imagine he’s got so much support out there friends family urging him on hitting a soft shot here he not the play one of the besties hit on the back nine oh what a give for a birdie [Music] here no conviction in that at all kind of bizarre in a way as well with the tension and everything on the line to hear that thumping music at this time was that not his heartbeat well yeah could well [Music] [Applause] be what a moment to find a fairway again for Sebastian Soderberg well the crowd reaction says it all gasps come out with no spin it’s going to run what can you do [Applause] well he’s given himself a putt to be the champion it’s going to be another drop shot and for the very first time since Thursday afternoon Sebastian s lber doesn’t lead on his own I don’t believe it Ling Grant’s your Champion again it’s been a horror day for Sebastian Soderberg your heart goes out to him she’s history maker again her coach Steve Jefferson on hand with the victory hug Ling gr somehow has just won the Volvo car Scandinavian mixed poor poor Santi and sodir to watch another DP world to video click here and to subscribe click here


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