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Rich Eisen Questions New Seahawks HC Mike Macdonald’s Attempt to Put His Own Stamp on Team’s Culture

Rich Eisen and Chris Brockman debate if new Seahawks head coach Mike Macdonald was right in removing photos from a wall at the team facilities that showcased the franchise’s past glory under Pete Carroll.

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the conversation has been non-stop um
about the post bellich era in New
England and what that’s going to look
like and that’s understandable I mean
Bill’s been there since 2000 and put six
trophies in the case not a lot of folks
are talking about what the post Pete
Carol era is going to look like I mean
Pete put one in the case came so close
to putting two in a row in the case we
hadn’t been talking about the Chiefs
going back to back first team to do it
since the
early a Patriots because the the
Seahawks were going to do it having
a dynastic team there I know we don’t
refer to them as a dynasty because they
only won
once but P Carol what he built in
Seattle significant and I know Seahawks
fans are incredibly prideful about that
as well they should because prior to
that Mike homran took him to one Super
Bowl they didn’t win it there were some
nice terrific fun years with Chuck Knox
and the Old Kingdom and what have you
but no Super Bowls there some terrific
players and some history but not like
Pete Carroll so what’s it going to look
like without Pete Carroll Mike McDonald
is the new head coach there young guy in
his uh mid to late 30s
right and he came from the Ravens
staff he’s a he’s a Hardball guy right
right okay Jim hired him from John to be
a defensive coordinator there he was
terrific there Aiden Hutchinson Blossom
there and John’s like I need him back
Jim’s like okay I assume that was the
way it went brought him back Mike McDon
looked terrific there as the defensive
coordinator for Baltimore and now
Seattle’s like that’s the
guy so what’s going to be different
obviously Pete had a
loose facility in locker room there and
by that I mean there was one video I
where um the Seahawks remember that
video of the Seahawks social media um
group had a had a camera and players
went up and spoke to the camera as they
were coming off the practice field and I
think it was DK metf came running
through and then Pete came on in a
scooter zipping by it looked like a
circus like coming through and and I’ve
been around a Pete Carol team one I saw
in Munich was coming off a four-game win
streak and they were loose and having
fun but you know obviously being serious
about the game and Pete obviously knows
how to run run a championship team well
word is out now in Seattle of the first
couple of ways that it’s different is
the basketball net that was in The
Practice Facility is gone oh no well
that’s one thing I mean ping pong tables
have been removed and things of that
nature but the one thing that caught my
ear came from Leonard
Williams who’s late in the Pete Carol
era defensive lineman believe he arrived
there in recent years as we all
know him talking about an empty wall in
facility on which there used to be
photographs of the championship days of
Pete Carol and those photographs of
those days of going to NFC championship
games and winning the Super Bowl and
leion of Boom are gone Give a listen my
Impressions with the team and with the
coaches and with Mike um as a overall
feeling it just you can just tell
there’s a sense of urgency right now um
and in a way that’s kind of bringing
everyone closer together that’s making
everyone you know be so locked in and
like in meetings and in the in the
waight room on the field it’s like you
could just other there’s a different
sense of like everyone’s like locked in
on a different level and I remember the
first day we came into the team meeting
uh Mike pointed out that you know
there’s empty walls in the in the
hallways and things like that and um you
know for a person like me I think that
made me really excited and I hope it
made the rest of the guys excited cuz
you know we’re obviously going to
respect tradition and the history of of
the Seahawks but um I think it’s given
us like a clean Foundation to like
create whatever we want to be uh we’re
not chasing to like be like any other
team that’s been here before we want to
create our own identity and listen I I
first of all like hearing Leonard
Williams saying that that the team’s
close and there’s a sense of urgency and
that that’s good
but how does one respect the past by
it and I don’t
get taking these photographs down off
the wall
as if what it’s oh I’m kind of I’m kind
of going the other way well I kind of
like it hold on a second this is
Seahawks reporter just put a little more
more meat on the bones before we have a
conversation uh Seahawks reporter for
ESPN’s NFL Nation Brady Henderson adding
saying that the hallways adjacent to the
indoor practice facility had a dozen
pictures on it Sherman’s tip the famous
tip as you know uh against San Francisco
Chancellor pick six against Carolina
Carol Schneider Paul Allen celebrating
the Lombardi trophy Russell Wilson tiad
after the 2014 NFC Championship game how
is that in any way shape or form a
distraction or anything other than
additive removing it means you’re going
to create your own time here yeah well
and I don’t understand that would come
from a coach that came from
Michigan now I know college and Pros are
different and tradition might be
different what what what if he showed up
in New England I mean what if Gerard
Mayo started ripping bellich and Brady
photographs Off the Wall now it’s
different there because he was part of
it he played and he coached
MH my first thought when I saw this was
good thing he’s not the Green Bay
Packers head coach because the
Carpenters inside
of that facility would be working
overtime with the back ends of their
hammers right
i what does that mean that’s an empty
wall fill it with your own stuff but
we’re going to still respect yeah fill
it with fill with your own highlights
and memories but why don’t you just
say we can be better than these guys on
the wall that that that preceded us what
do you need them there as a reminder of
what maybe you’ll never be but you could
say that about any team anywhere at all
these are the one these are the guys
that are doing it I kind of like it I
don’t understand why you’re you’re
taking a look at what used to be here
that you’re the one replacing that you
want to strive for that but it’s got
nothing to do with anything that you’re
doing here sometimes we’re weighed down
by the ghosts man what ghosts you first
of all what do you mean what ghost the
ghosts that were looking at you every
single day being like never going to be
us you’re never going to be us you’ll
never be as good as us all those guys
are gone so take down Brady’s
photographs in New England but you
you’re doing but you just said the
difference well the difference so then
name you know they only won one we’re
not talking about the Packers and the
Steelers and the Cowboys and the and the
Patriots ask any Seattle ask any Seattle
Seahawk fan and what that era
represented for them and that one does
represent you’re you’re erasing it
because you’re sitting here and
saying you create your own isn’t one
more four five6 honestly I mean did E
did E flu say down all those pictures of
pyton with the Lombardi trophy take that
down I mean what if he showed up in
Dallas that’s a lot of pictures to take
down what you going to take all the
names off the circle too like ring of
actually they might should they probably
should do that in Dallas because they
are weighed down by the ghosts of 30
years AG I don’t understand how anybody
walks through a building with that and
goes you know what we’re going to take
this stuff down and I’m going to use it
as a motivational Ploy it’s just like
you’re your own man you’re your own
organization you’re your own setup and
the fact that these photographs are on
the wall is not a uh a a ghost that is
clanking around you know and and
haunting you certainly if the guy who
helped put those pictures on the wall is
supposedly still part of the
organization like what are we doing I I
was surprised to hear that like to look
at the history of your team and the
success and go that’s an
impediment is kind of weird to me that
is weird I agree with you I agree as
opposed to we’re going to be better than
those or we’re going to continue that
tradition or we’re going to have a new
way of winning just like the old guys
did I I certainly it kind of surprises
me did did John Harbaugh say take all
those pictures of Brian bck down when he
showed up there and this is the guy
whose staff he’s from Michigan I mean
there are ghosts
everywhere if you look at it that way
that was just kind of weird which makes
me also think was the Pete Carol
transition not as hunky dory as we make
it seem like that’s what I’m sitting
here thinking about still wanted the
coach well that’s
true but it’s not like he’s lording over
proceedings just by smiling with Paul
Allen on the wall is
he that’s the way I took it was just
kind of weird but I I do I I I’m I’m
happy for Seahawk fans to hear that
Leonard Williams is just like yeah we we
get it we’re locked in we’re there sense
of urgency around it great it’s your new
way of doing it but why does it have to
erase the
predecessor and their successes it’s
just kind of weird catch the rich eyes
and show every single day on the Roku
Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free


  1. Everyone on here talking about its to start a new era well i didnt knie pictures prevent you from doing that if your haunted by the ghost of the past because of some pictures it makes it sound like the players are weak minded and thats not a good look for the team or a first time head coach i dont think it was the best move but ig time well tell

  2. They are going digital. All the history that got painted over will most likely be displayed on big flat screens. As a very long highlight reel. That will
    probably include Largent, Cortez, Warner, Alexander, Lofa, the LOB and more.

  3. Lol great journalism rich. This is very much an example of bad, poorly researched reactionism that plagues not only sports media, but the very political media that is in the process of tearing the country apart. It’s far less serious, obviously. But still symptomatic of the toxin that is the need to create daily content, regardless of whether there is content-worthy news.

  4. Nothing is erased the hall was cleaned for a fresh start the lob and Pete Carroll will always be seahawks legends superbowl history the standard has already been set so let's compete always. Nuff said boom 😅

  5. You know Rich, I like and respect you but this franchise needs to move on. If the walls contained pictures from ALL eras of Seahawks football, e.g. Walter Jones, Steve Largent et. al. then fine but these were ALL Carroll era pictures and the franchise is more than the Pete Carroll era.

  6. I like the idea of removing the old photos too- even if just for a while. It’s the coach’s prerogative and I respect it.

  7. Great fn hire!
    He is too damned insecure to celebrate any previous successes?
    And Jodi/Jon’s bullshite about maintaining the culture?
    What a load that was…..
    This looks really, really f’d up folks.
    But I have only been a 12 since ‘78.

  8. The coach is Virtue signaling, bc he couldn’t come up with something else. If the guys on the wall are adversely impacting the players, they are unprofessional.

  9. This has been blown WAYYYY out of proportion. It was ONE wall and they are replacing the pictures with 'video' boards. There are still plenty of pictures and mementos of past players throughout the facility. A non-story

  10. I guess what Brockman is saying is that they should take down Brady's and Bellichick's pictures… I guess I'm with Rich on this one. All for telling the team to create their own legacy, make their own memories and be their own team… But its unnecessary to remove the success and traditions that came before. If anything, it makes it feel suspicious of the removal of Carroll from the HC job.

  11. It was all just an overreaction as expected, John said they're replacing the posters with TVs that will showcase more of the team's history beyond just the PC era

  12. i am very hopeful, but i feel like leonard was trying to reach for something to grasp to. i respect him for taking that stance. if i am wrong then i am sorry.

  13. I’m a 12 and I’m ok with what he did . We can’t live in the past and need to move on. Obviously he knows how important Pete was to the fans and the teams in the past . I think it’s a good thing in my opinion

  14. That move makes him look insecure as a coach. Never ends well when a coach try’s to stick his name on every decision. Disrespectful af

  15. Seems like Seahawks fans have mixed feelings. I’m a very ardent hawks fan I actually like that they tore the photos down and want to start fresh. Everything is fresh now.

  16. As the new guy coming in to lead a team you have to play the bad guy for a little bit to set the expectation that you're in charge.

  17. As a Seahawk fan I have NO issues with this move. It's a new day, a chance for this team to rally together. There's plenty of ways to honor the teams history but I want each player on this team right now knowing they are apart of history and what's about to occur.

  18. I think I speak for a lot of Seahawk fans when I say we have been trapped in a weird kind of limbo and all we think about when we
    remember our first Super Bowl is how easy it would have been to have 2 and we don’t. All of what’s happening now with the photos coming down is a direct result of that play on the goal line 😢

  19. Lifelong Seahawks fan (dating back to the early Hasselbeck/Alexander years) – Rich is way off on this one. This is an excellent move. For the last 10 years, Seahawks fans have heard from media, pundits, etc. about the team potentially trying to re-build the Legion of Boom era. That's NEVER going to happen. The whole point of hiring Mike Macdonald and parting ways with Pete Carroll was to reel in a new culture and a new direction. If you're dwelling too much on the past, you're unable to establish a concrete vision for the future.

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