Golf Players

FULL Back & Hamstrings Training RAW


Lets go through a back & hams training session together. Deadlifts, Rows, Leg Press and more with IFBB PRO Justin Shier.

okay it’s Monday and on Monday we
deadlift it’s back in hamstrings day
going to do a little bit of back stuff a
little bit of leg stuff this is more of
like a back and leg day I do some
hamstring work I do some quad work and I
do some back work so it’s a fun and
difficult day I’m excited you’re
here variant O2 this is the peach
juice today non- stem I’ve had like four
cups of coffee so I didn’t really need
any stimulants but I want to get a good
pump so the variant is the way to go use
my code shower 10hd you guys
know the drill let’s go
train here I’ll show you guys a trick if
you’re too short we just pull the pin
out dippy toes then you bring it
down like so I my think I did it
backwards no that’s fine yeah yep I did
backwards oh oh oh oh
oh all right so like I said it is a back
and hamstring day so I’m going to start
off with some pull downs I’m going do
three sets of this neutral grip pull
down as you guys see it’s not like a
traditional V bar I’m in a little closer
it’s a little bit wider and that way it
just kind of aligns with the lats better
opposed to kind of being like this where
I just feel like a little more torque
through the elbow so if you do have
something like this that’s a little bit
wider I personally prefer that more
opposed to just being a little
restricted I used to do more involved
warm-ups but as far as I’m concerned the
best way to warm up for a movement is
just do the
movement as
warmup just kind of simple I’m going to
do three four sets pyramiding up get the
lats fully stretched contracted push
some blood around get the Shoulder joint
moving and grooving and then we’ll start
working oh it’s [ __ ]
heavy all right so like I said I’m doing
three sets here that first set is like a
heavy set of 6 to 8 now I’m going to
pull back get a couple sets of 10 to
12 I just slowly inching my way up this
stack throughout this offseason trying
to get as strong as possible everywhere
across all rep ranges so hitting a lower
rep range there and now we’ll dial the
weight back and get a little more
reps got it
okay A little bit of weight off that
last set was a little heavier than I
wanted to be so just down back a bit
okay so time for the third set I’m just
going to repeat that weight I backed off
to like I said that first set felt a
little heavier than I anticipated so I
backed off a little farther than I
typically would so I’m just going to
repeat that weight I was just explaining
to my videographer I just spent the last
90 minutes in the dent just getting
worked on and I feel like maybe that’s
why I’m not feeling 100% which is okay
it’s perfectly normal variables like
that happen but it’s also important just
to accept that sometimes things are a
little different you don’t always feel
your best so just kind of um adjust as
yeah okay pull Downs
done going to do this lying hamstring
curl so like I said we are going to
deadlift today and I personally like to
get my lats and my hamstrings warmed up
before I do any stiff leg deadlifting to
me it’s not just a safety thing but I do
feel safer as I approach that movement
it’s also just I connect better once I’m
a little pumped once there’s a little
more blood in my back blood in the
hamstrings I like to fully lengthen
fully shorten the hamstrings run them
through a full range of motion and then
we’ll get into a stiff leg deadlift
so L hamstrings
so personally I I really like to think
about these no different than a bicep
curl and I feel
everybody can understand the
concept of squeezing up a bicep curl and
really flexing and squeezing the biceps
but for some reason when it comes to
hamstring curl you see people throwing
it up arching their back using their GL
you see a lot of this [ __ ] instead of
just like squeezing the hamstring I
think maybe because
of like the the front double bicep
people understand that and nobody’s
really flexing their hamstrings on stage
but I feel like if you can just focus on
lengthening and shortening the hamstring
without using any momentum or low back
or throw you get a lot more out of the
movement me personally I’ve just backed
off this weight quite a
bit and I feel like I’m getting more out
of it just by focusing on the movement
instead of the weight
right you guys see that wasn’t very
heavy got two plates and a 10 but I just
focused on doing them [ __ ] perfect
nice controlled eccentric pause curl
squeeze repeat go until you can’t go no
more so it is also her back hamstring
day we don’t do the same movements it’s
like I’m just relaxing here this is how
this is how I rest in between sets very
proper we don’t do the exact same leg
day but we both do the HST string curl
and then we’re both going to deadlift so
going be a little bit of crossover so
you’ll be seeing a bit of ifbb pro
Jasmine Shire as
well I’m going to do one more set here
just going to repeat that same weight
one more
time actually I’m lying I don’t know why
I wanted to lie to you guys there I’m
sorry for that I had two plates in a 10
I’m going to pull the 10 the 10 didn’t
seem important but then I realized I was
being a liar and being a liar is not
cool don’t ever lie it’s super lame
are not cool
we’re in a bit of like a it’s like an
automotive shop next to us and a [ __ ]
mechanic across from us and then a
moving company right next to us there
just so much
traffic I don’t like
that there we go that’s
better I don’t want to stand on like I
don’t want to stand on this crack and I
definitely don’t want to stand on this
crack and this crack so you just got to
set the bar in a place
where where I’m
standing I’m not stepping on a crack and
breaking my mother’s back as they
say I do want to bias the hamstrings a
little bit here so you’ll notice I am
going to push the hips back in the
starting position so we’re going to kind
of Drive brace through the glutes and
and then pull but again it’s my back day
so I want my back to take some load as
well inevitably your low back is going
to work
but I do want to see hinging through the
spine but also get some gluten hamstring
so instead of just kind of being over
the top where I’m pulling like this I’m
going to drift the the hips back really
stretch the
hamstrings and then pull and then again
as I lower you can see this is what’s
lowering the bar right I’m not bending
over at the spine I’m pushing the hips
back and that lowers the
bar my lady
gra you hear that that’s
Italiano we’re going to Italy this week
so we’re working on our Italian Jasmine
show them some Italian
which is uh coffee with milk
please see
beautiful take off
Okie nice booty shot I just bend over
right for the
camera these are feeling pretty
good such like a man thing we got a
deadlift Jack here but I don’t need it
just to pry the plates
off hey
that was
easy yeah I matched last week had to
work a little harder for it damn that
appointment sometimes matching is
winning and I matched last week’s log
book I’m
happy good
Jaz she’s like an old low back injury so
it’s just kind of this constant fear of
like triggering this low back pain um
but honestly I’ve had a similar injury
and I think we’ve both found that like
making your low back stronger is going
to be the best thing you can do in that
scenario don’t push things and aggravate
the injury if there’s an injury but also
don’t be afraid to use your low back and
strengthen your low back cuz a lot of
that [ __ ] is just mental I can tell
myself I’m having a bad day with my low
back and I’ll make it true or I can tell
myself that my back is fine and I’ll go
dead with five plates both scenarios
exist at the same time I promise
oh all
right two
sets done moving
on about to pass out feel laded
Next Movement I’m going to get into some
dumbbell rows I’m going to do these
bilateral both arms hinge back and row I
got a question the other day somebody
asked me why I prefer to do these over
single arm dumbbell rows now I don’t
necessarily prefer them one over another
they’re just completely different where
if I were doing a single arm row I’d be
stabilizing with this hand and I’ll be
rowing with the other now that I’m using
both arms I’m stabilizing throughout my
back glutes hamstrings so the back and
Erectors have to stabilize and take the
brunt of the load while I row opposed to
me just leaning against this where the
only thing taking the load is my hand
and then I’m rowing so in my opinion
they’re one they’re two different
movements but it’s a little more bang
for your buck with both arms because you
just simply have to work a little harder
oh yeah
without my staff to tighten my dumbbells
they’re getting a little loose these
days I guess I need to tighten them now
can’t blame Matt for this anymore
tired bro’s tired today
yeah it’s okay I’m not [ __ ] tired
dude ready to kill
it I actually need these and put this
back on
this will be the last back movement so
I’m going to do this seated cable row
you guys are going to see I’m going to
pull High into the upper back now that
pull down I did earlier was very lat
specific trying to dig into the lats
that double dumbbell row I’m also trying
to bias the lats it’s one of those
movements where you’re going to
inevitably use a little bit of
everything the low back stabilizing
you’re going to retract the scapula a
little bit when you’re rowing so I kind
of look at that as a bit of a full back
movement but this is going to be very
specific into do the upper back so I’m
just going to do one set here I have an
entire full back day at the end of the
week and another full leg day at the end
of the week so this is just a day that I
utilize to add a little more frequency
to my back and my legs because those are
the things I want to bring up so without
further Ado let’s row
right one and
done now let’s go do some leg
press Next Movement I’m going to do the
sideb squat press I said this a bit of
back in the leg
day you guys see I kind of have it
broken up back hamstrings more back now
some quads I just kind of worked this
day a little bit cross a few sessions to
figure out what works for me I was doing
the stiff leg deadlifts and then moving
right into the leg press and I just
found I was underperforming on the leg
press so hinging with the deadlift
hinging with the barbell row or dumbbell
rows and then going and doing that cable
row I found by the time I got back here
my lower half was fresh and I was able
to give this 100% effort so that’s kind
of my thought process behind this is to
handle my hinging my back stuff and then
come and end with legs cuz I just have a
little more energy to do so and it’s
been working really well for me
okay I usually rotate out the other way
so it was weird to rotate but I wanted
to address you guys you guys might
notice my heels are very low on the
platform I’m drifting my heels off about
an inch I’m doing that so I can get as
much knee flexion as possible bending
the knee now if my feet were higher I
can still get some bent in the knee but
what that’s going to end up doing is
driving more hip flexion
where feet are lower I’m going to get
more knee flexion really want to bring
those heels into my hamstrings get as
much Bend in the knee as possible that
way I’m getting as much stretch and load
on the quads as possible now you guys
also might notice that my heels are
lifting up a little bit in the
hole in my opinion is not an issue now
there is maybe some tradeoff for load
where I might not be able to go as heavy
but I’m able to achieve more kn flection
which for me is more focused on my quads
which is what I’m looking for I’m really
trying to prioritize my quads in this
movement so that’s my consideration for
my foot placement
here get 12 reps okay
okay two
more oh yeah
good oh
what she said it was good she said nice
work who says bodybuilding can’t get you
huh sorry I had to burp I didn’t want to
like burp and throw up halfway through a
set I drank too much water in between
sets don’t do that don’t drink too much
water between sets it’s like a boxer
right you just got to swish it around
your mouth spit it out get back back in
fight anyway my shoes messed up I need
to straighten up my
tongue okay now I’m good
[ __ ] oh
yeah oh it
okay l
see all right love you I’ll see you soon
bye final movement I’m just going to do
one set of the adductor
machine 15 20 reps High rep get the
crotch burning not the type of burn that
you know had in college it’s a different
burn I never went to college but I did
have a crotch burn all right let’s do
that’s it for back and hamstrings as you
guys see it’s more of a back and leg day
and I talked about this a little bit
earlier on when we were filming I just
want to bring up my back I want to bring
up my legs and the best way I’ve found
to do that is to increase frequency so
when you have all of your execution
lined out food sleep all of that stuff’s
ticked off increasing frequency on
movements can help you improve a lagging
body part now if you guys are lagging
something adding frequen can help but
don’t just copy what I’m doing because
it’s what I’m doing find what you need
to improve focus on that construct a
training program that works for what you
want to improve and execute I’m just
here to show you guys what I’m doing and
what works for me and this is what works
for me so I appreciate you guys watching
like I talked about earlier I’m going to
go to Italy next week or actually this
week here in a few days so we be gone
for a few weeks but we’ll see you guys
afterwards I’ll be a very cultured
uh Italian speaking man and I will have
Tales From Italy to share with you guys
I appreciate you guys watching ciao


  1. Hello Justin, nice move with the wide V grip on neutral pull downs, on camera , when you slant backwards, which you do very slightly, you will find that your elbows are landing a tad high, unless that is your goal with this movement and you do not mind

  2. I wouldn't do hamstrings before deadlifts because you're gonna want all of your leg strength for the deadlifts,I do them after

  3. Back workout today for me. I will follow your workout. Say hello to my girlfriend Jasmine looking so beautiful.

  4. Great video. I've really liked 2-arm DB rows for a few decades now. I don't see them done often.

  5. What's your training split Justin? I want to do back and hams but i don't know how to divide it into the routine

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