Improve your golf game by properly warming up the most important parts of your body, practicing stability, and working through a wide range of motion. During this 40 minute practice we target the shoulders through rotational twists, the hips and abdominals through strength-building movements, and smaller joints (wrists and ankles) through gentle stretching to provide a full body warm up. Add this into your weekly routine to see major improvement in not only your golf game, but your entire body’s strength and overall well-being. But this practice is not just for golfers- it’s suitable to any level yoga practitioner wanting to improve mobility, build strength in mind and body, and wring out tension.

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Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga With Paige from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga With Paige’s negligence.

hello hello it is wonderful to see you
on the mat thank you for joining me
today on yoga with page today’s practice
is designed specifically in mind for
golfers but anyone can really really
benefit from this flow focused on the
spine working through the spine twisting
directions upper shoulders back core and
pelvis and glutes and quads so those are
the major muscle areas that we will be
working through today to help you
perfect That Swing it’s a really really
good warm up so we’ll be working through
a lot of dynamic Mobility sort of
movements some static stretches thrown
in there and just allowing yourself to
wake up and prepare all of those muscles
that you’re about to use so grab a block
if you would like one have some water
handy and we can begin whenever you’re
ready in a nice easy seat
starting our practice today in any seat
that feels comfortable to you legs
crossed with the ankles sitting up on
the knees find a moment to come here now
preparing body and mind take a big
breath in feel the
belly and and exhale really draw the
navl into the spine let anything go that
you don’t need to bring onto the mat
with you
today coming into a neck stretch let
your head tilt to the right side letting
gravity just pull you down here nothing
forceful just beginning to feel the left
side of the
neck breathing into that
space letting your shoulder drop down
from the
ear and when that feels good we find
slow slow half circles so tucking your
in taking your head back to the right to
send your gaze
up so making slow little half circles
through the lateral side of the
neck find finding what little micro
movements feel good to you here maybe a
twist and then return back to Center
take a moment to roll those shoulders
out and carefully let the head drop to
the left
side taking your first few breaths to
really just open up notice what you feel
tightness any
tension and then on your next breath
begin to release that tension
letting your head Rock back and
forth and returning back to a nice
spine whenever you feel a little bit
up inhale reach the arms above the head
and exhale draw the elbows down to about
shoulder height Palms Face Forward
fingers are spread big Cactus
arms inhale
in and exhale draw the elbows and the
Palms together in front of the
chest inhale open back up Cactus this
time on the exhale drop the hands send
the Palms back towards the back of the
room working through the shoulder joint
inhale back
up exhale in front of the
chest one breath per movement
making these movements as slow as you
to to move gently and in your own
time beautiful finding about one more
and we can release the
hands taking this right arm out Crossing
it over the chest hooking the left
underneath for a nice big stretch here
feeling this radiate along the shoulder
down through the length of the arm
dropping the shoulders down creating as
much space still in the chest as you can
remembering to
breathe one more
breath and then taking that arm up
finding a nice tricep stretch your right
hand tries to meet the back the middle
of your back so using this left hand to
pull the elbow down it’s okay if it
doesn’t reach wherever you feel the
stretch in the back of the arm
big breath
in and on your exhale release the right
arm to the mat left shoots overhead
gazing at your right hand reaching
keeping the sit bones down on the mat or
on your heels if you’re sitting on your
knees and just getting nice length in
the sides of the wrist
ribs the
obliques maybe coming down onto the
forearm if space
allows lifting back up and crossing the
left arm over the chest right reaches
underneath and we breathe
this can also be a nice place to take a
few wrist
rolls warm up those
wrists we’ll do that again here in a
second and then finding your tricep
stretch this time the left hand comes
toward the
back sitting up nice and tall
maybe creeping those fingertips down a
little bit
more and release the right arm is
overhead big side
stretch keeping the chest open towards
the front of the
room as you breathe
Rising back up and coming onto the back
planting both of your feet and lying on
back gently tuck the shoulder blades
underneath you Palms down on the mat
just find a few breaths here notice
anything you feel in the lower back in
the neck
and we’re coming into a dead bug
variation so we’re now connecting to the
core send the legs up nice and straight
the arms come with it almost reaching
for your feet and we’re taking opposite
arm and leg so this takes some
concentration especially if you’ve never
done this before so really really
connect to your abdomen and slowly move
your limbs with control so left leg
comes down as the right arm shoots
overhead control
it squeeze to bring it back up now the
other one
beautiful back
up taking about five of these on each
side so this is number
two really controlling your muscles
here waking up stirring some fire some
heat in your belly
and if you mess up with your limbs don’t
judge yourself it’s
okay it’s good for the
focus here we go if you’re sticking with
my Pace this is our round number
four and we’ll do one more on each
side Beau
beautiful raising back up meeting here
and we can release the feet back down
knees are up towards the ceiling feet
are planted Let The Palms Lie by the
sides just like before tuck the shoulder
blades underneath this time we are
preparing for bridge pose we want the
feet hip distance apart and on your
exhale squeeze through the glutes send
everything up really ground down through
the palms of the hands and the feet
sending your hips as high as you can
being careful not to Crunch the neck we
want to be lying on the shoulder blades
not on the neck you shouldn’t really
it up in the cervical spine really
squeezing keeping the thighs knitted
together hold
here you got this
2 one gently release the hips down hug
the knees into the chest bring the head
up towards the knees and find a slight
Little Rock a little suway kind of side
to side or back and forth massaging out
your lower
back and keeping your knees into the
chest release the head back down send
The Shins parallel to the mat
drop the knees to the right side extend
the arms inhale gaze at the ceiling
we’re in a slight little twist and on
the exhale take your left hand and meet
it towards your right so working through
the upper spine the scapula inhale to
twist and open exhale to meet
Palms five of
these moving with the breath
working through that range of motion
aiding in your
beautiful then use that core don’t use
your arms use the core to lift the legs
up coming back onto the back exhale let
them drop to the left
side find your position first inhale
we’re in our big open Twist and then
exhale the right arm comes to the left
like you’re closing a
book a really really massive big
book maybe we should call this pose page
Turner five on this side
taking your
time and meeting back on our
backs hugging the knees into the chest
give yourself a nice little
squeeze and then carefully take the
hands behind the thighs rock and roll up
crossing the feet at the ankles scooting
back to the middle of your mat coming
into a nice tabletop posst
pose so before we hit anything else
we’re going to open up through the rests
so send the hips back towards the
heels flip over the hands I’m flipping
over my words so we’re on the backs of
the hands here we can scoot them as
close to the knees as you need to and
then carefully just rock back and forth
as you lift the hips working through the
forearms the backs of the
wrists maybe a little side to
side find what feels good
here maybe take the hands out so the
fingers point to the sides of the
room get that
way take two more breaths
here before meeting back on all four
all right tabletop pose fingers are
spread wide grip through the mat gaze
between the thumbs working through the
spine finding some grounds of cat Cow
inhale drop the belly lift the Gaze
up exhale grip through the mat round
through the back tuck the chin in tuck
the pelvis in the
tailbone synchronizing breath to
here really working through the scapula
see how much you can draw them together
as you lift the
chest if you can kind of let your back
you really focusing on finding space
between the scapula
lubricating the shoulder
joint find one more
round then meet back and tabletop inhale
peel the left arm up towards the sky
exhale threading it under thread the
needle coming onto the left shoulder
only staying here for that breath then
inhale to press back up lift the left
arm we do this three times
exhale thread the needle one more
time inhale lift back
up exhale thread the needle this time
staying here for about two breaths
allowing your shoulder to open as you
press away from the
mat on your next exhale lift back up
inhale reach for the sky and then send
this left arm in front of you extend the
right leg behind connect to the core
Flex the foot
inhale and on your exhale crunch
everything round round round try to tap
your nose to your knee inhale
reach find length exhale round one
inhale and exhale
crunch releasing everything down finding
a child pose I recommend widening the
knees a little bit really allow your
heart to melt down for a moment find a
few breaths of surrender reaching the
heels back towards the
hips perhaps steepling the fingertips
here hitting the shoulders a little bit
more taking what you need
one big breath
in and out melt
down on your next inhale lift the head
press through the hands to come back
tabletop find a few more rounds of cat
Cow before we thread the needle on the
other other
side making sure you’re breathing
big noticing what’s going on in your
body what do you feel
returning back to neutral
spine peeling the right arm up high high
high exhale
thread inhale to
reach and scoop it
under last one make this
big and stay here for two to three
ringing out the
spine breathe in some good luck for your
practice breathe in gratitude for your
body and exhale to press out inhale
reach and then send that right arm in
front left leg extends
exhale round and
crunch last one make it
beautiful releasing back down this time
finding a child pose with the knees
together big toes together knees
together hips back Reach
Out walk both of the hands over to the
right side feeling a nice nice lateral
stretch on the left side of the body as
you reach the fingertips out hold here
for a
breath exhale walk the hands back
through Center and over to the left
side coming back through the
middle up onto the
knees taking the knees hip dist apart
tuck the toes and exhale draw the navl
in Hover the knees about an inch or two
off the mat grip through the fingers
hold here gazing in between your hands
pressing the scapula
away you got this
2 1 extend the legs plank pose nice high
plank pose tucking the elbows in slowly
lower down chaturanga tap the nose to
the mat inhale press away upward facing
dog untuck the feet Shine the heart
forward hold here for a breath or two we
can drop the knees if that feels better
slightly bend the
elbows and then carefully we are coming
up to stand at the top of the mat
Mountain pose maybe roll up
find your footing here gazing at your
feet hip distance apart and then draw an
imaginary line up from your feet up up
up up up through the through the thighs
through the hips slightly tucking in the
tailbone up through the abdomen through
the shoulders roll them down Palms Face
Forward tadasana Mountain
pose take a big breath
in and out
now finding some fun with these next
kind of keep a little Bend in your knees
and just literally swing around swing
that energy
around maybe tap
yourself but just let your arms float
around wherever they may let your legs
pivot with you making these as small or
as big as expression f as as you
want all
right move that energy you ran have some
fun with
it stick some dance moves in there all
right one last
breath then come back to Mountain pose
step the feet a little bit wider then
hip distance
apart left hand comes to the hip right
hand shoots overhead nice big
stretch connecting to the core not
letting yourself hunch
over back up other
side and coming back up this time taking
the hands behind the lower back inhale
lift the chest send the hands down the
back spreading wide between the collar
bones take a nice little Bend in the
in just a moment here we’re going to
forward exhale slowly take your chest
towards the thighs letting the hands
float overhead helping yourself to open
up through the shoulders maybe find a
slight little sway
here or a static hold whatever feels
better to
you feeling the blood rush to the Head
letting your breath give you
permission to
open to let
go using the hands to help you lift the
head back up coming back to a mountain
pose releasing the fingertips coming
into a little flow so inhale spread the
arms wide shoulder height exhale round
through the back arms come in front of
the chest standing cat
inhale back
up exhale drop the arms Mountain taking
that two more times inhale raise them
nice and nice and strong and proud
round back
out and
exhale back down to a mountain
Shake It Out notice how you
feel ground down through this left foot
picking the right up your knee comes in
line with the hip and we now work
through the ankle joint just giving your
ankle a few little rolls this way that
way and then releasing the knee if you
had it keeping the hands on the hips try
to extend your leg from the quadriceps
so so really really activate here
holding yourself up hips are square hold
here if you can’t or if you can reach
reach for your big
toe and exhale bending the knee coming
into a quadricep stretch taking the foot
behind the hips if you can reach with
both hands really pull that foot into
the hips as you send the knee down hips
forward feeling a beautiful long line in
the front of the body waking up through
the hips flexor as well as the
quadricep Last
Breath releasing the foot stepping it
all the way back coming into a big big
high lunge so take your time to find
your St your stability here hands come
to hips hold here reaching that right
back then drop the knee down once
three times
twice yes work through the that leg
three times back up into our high lunge
extend the arms out in front of you
Palms meet so inhale peel the right arm
back only twisting from the upper torso
keeping your hips nice and square this
time inhale peel this arm back exhale
meet inhale peel the left arm back and
meet two more times
again working through our
rotation let’s see how your golf game
improves after this one I’m sure you’ll
notice a difference I would love to
beautiful and once you’re finished Step
Up inhale raise the arms above the head
and exhale sink into chair pose slightly
tuck the tailbone in raise the arms drop
the shoulders hold
here fire up those quads sink a little
lower one more
breath and exhale straighten up Rain the
fingertips down shake it all out and
prepare the other side ground down
through the right foot left knee comes
up we rotate through the
ankle we open up that
ankle hearing any clicks or
Creeks all right preparing to extend the
leg try at first without using your
hands but always modify as you
need or use your hand if necessary if
you can reach getting a nice little
stretch in the back of the
leg before we flip it bit taking our
ankle behind us getting a stretch in the
front of the leg standing quadricep
stretch big
breath use that Center of concentration
focus you’re gaining strength in your
ankle all of your stability
muscles and then releasing stepping back
carefully into a nice high lunge
find your footing hands come to hips and
we drop that back knee
once twice with
control three
times sending the arms out Palms meet
this time our left hand peels back
first exhale
inhale front two more
times really squeezing the shoulder
blades together on the
beautiful carefully stepping back up in
through our chair pose but this time we
heel toe the feet out coming into bare
pose so take a hold of the wrist and
really sink low in the hips so you’re
waking up these hip creases
here breathe it
out our last time firing up the quads I
promise and carefully release down
coming down onto the back
sink down onto the hips first down onto
the back you made it you did
it plant both of the
feet notice where your heart rate is
at extend the left leg up right foot is
still planted on the mat if you can
reach reach for the leg pulling it into
the chest otherwise use a towel a strap
anything handy
maybe point and flex the
foot coming into our cool down stage of
practice and then gently cross that left
leg over the right so your ankle comes
onto the right knee and you press the
left knee
open gently flexing this right
foot if this is okay we stay here
otherwise we can deepen this sensation
by lifting up the right leg and
interlacing our fingers behind the right
thigh find what works for
you connect to the
breath to this very moment
two more
breaths maybe you go a little bit
deeper maybe you release a little bit
more carefully unravel the legs send
both of the feet up towards the ceiling
reaching for the ankles the inside of
the feet the big toes happy baby
let everything hang out here Gravity is
here to assist
you pressing the lower back down into
mat giving it some relief from all that
twisting and just be
and then releasing the left foot
planting it down extending the right
pointing flexing the foot if you did on
the other side keeping things balanced
and even as balanced and even as we
can and then Crossing that ankle over
the left knee and coming into your
version of this glute
stretch staying
here or lifting up coming into a reverse
supine pigeon
on this next exhale pull the legs in a
little bit
more and unravel back to happy baby one
time maybe this time you find a
little happy sway baby rock a little
side to side
side taking anything else you need
before we come into our final
twist and exhale
let the left leg extend the right knee
hugged into the chest and twisting it
over that left leg extending the right
arm gazing over the right shoulder if
that feels
comfortable just releasing the lumbar
spine the lower
back no
Force find what feels nurturing
coming back to the breath
and carefully when you’re ready slowly
roll back onto the back switch your legs
extend the right hug the left knee in
send yourself some
love and then find your
twist see where you can soften here in
shoulders in the
hips maybe in the face the forehead the
jaw let any extra residual tension
go it is your choice to hold on or to
let go
and taking a final big breath in this
twist and rolling onto your back on the
exhale finding a final resting posture
that works for you corpse pose letting
the feet open to the corners of the
mat maybe a little reclined
butterfly open up those groins those
hips somewhere we can come back to
breath awareness for these last final
moments of our practice
observing your mental
space taking note of any physical
changes in the
body energetic
changes and then let all thoughts go
and just allow yourself to
breathe let this this practice sink in
breathing in and
out fully and naturally
your own unique bod’s rhythm
and as you begin to carefully slowly
come back into the room you may stay
where you are or join me and rolling to
one side coming up to a
seat where we take one final breath to
really let all the benefits of this
practice seep into our bodies in our
minds and I thank you so so much for
joining me on the mat today allow me me
to be your your guide here to warm up
your body and I hope you have a great
great practice or game match I don’t
even know what you call
golf or the rest of your day whatever it
may bring I hope to see you again very
very soon


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