5 Things Senior Golfers Must Know About the Golf Swing

If you want to learn the VLS Golf Swing, check out Todd Kolb’s Top 5 senior golf swing tips for any senior golfer, no matter if you are a beginner golfer or an Experienced senior golfer!

If you’re a senior golfer looking to improve your game, then you need to watch this video! In it, we’ll share 5 beginner tips that will help you improve your golf skills quickly.

If you’re new to the game or you’re just looking to take your game to the next level, then you need to check out this video! We’ll teach you the basics of golf, from swing techniques to how to hit the ball correctly. After watching this video, you’ll be a golfing pro in no time!

This beginner golfer-friendly video will teach you the basics of the VLS golf swing, from the stance to the swing. By the end of this video, you’ll have the foundations needed to start improving your golf game!

We’re talking about five things that senior golfers need to do I’ve got a lot of great stuff for you here today so we’re going to move quick so buckle up and let’s get ready to roll number five is the grip all right how we hold the

Club is an intrical part of how we can swing the golf club so there’s two things I want you to be aware of when it comes to gripping the golf club number one is I want you to make sure you’re holding the club more in your fingers

Versus your palm so this would be more in my fingers this would be more in my palm now you know if you’ve watched any of our stuff here at Us Golf TV that we promote holding the club at like a 45 degree angle we’ve done a ton of videos

On grip that are really in depth you can check those out but basically holding the club at a 45° angle angling it so I’m holding it more in my fingers and then go ahead and closing it around so that’s the first thing when it comes to

The grip get it more on your fingers versus your palm now the other thing on the grip that’s important is that you have a little bit more of what we call a stronger grip meaning when I’m holding the CL right here all right the more my lead hand rotates over that’s strong the

More my lead hand works this way that’s weak in general I want a uh maybe a slightly stronger grip than normal so as you hold the club you look down you can see maybe two or almost three Knuckles number four is the setup you got to get set up correctly so what are

We talking about we’re talking about ball position and we’re talking about body position so for the ball position really simple all you got to do is put your feet together put the ball in the center now I’ve got a seven iron okay this going to work for pretty much any

Iron all right ball in the center Club back behind the golf ball take a step towards the Target and then take a step away from the target about equal distance so let’s go through it let me give you a couple numbers so ball in the center of the stance I’m gonna step

Towards the target about four or five inches I’m GNA step away from the target about four or five inches and that’s going to help me get the ball in the correct spot now when it comes to the body position you know this you know this we love the 6040 man we love the

6040 you’re going to hear more about that later so the last thing on the setup okay my tip number four I’ve got the correct ball position is that want you to feel like you’ve got a little bit more weight or pressure on your lead foot see that see how how I bumped my

Hips all right that’s going to set you up in a really good position number three is the back swing the back swing swinging the club back and like I said already a couple times we’ve done a ton of videos on the back swing we could you could sit here for

Hours and if you haven’t already hey subscribe to the channel ring the bell and you know my favorite question all right my favorite question is where are you from tell us where you’re from Nick and I love hearing where you’re from the whole team we get to those comments

Every day so on the back swing here’s the simple thing that you can do in the back swing to really keep it nice and easy what I want you to do is feel like you move the logo so I’ve got a you know every glove’s got a logo on it this one

Right here is called this one’s from Talking Stick all right Nick and I have been there that’s pretty nice spot huh Nick we like that spot there it is there’s them we love it’s a beautiful Resort if you’re ever down in the Phoenix area check it out but I’m going

To take the logo which is talking stick on this glove got that setup and Al I’m going to do is move the logo I.E the Talking Stick away from the target see how I’m doing that logo moves away from the Target now when you do that that

Gets the club in the perfect spot get your hands in a good spot and really set you up for a good spot so let me kind of tie these three together and I’m going to share with you number two and number one here we go so I’ve got the grip more

In the fingers okay a little stronger I’ve gone through my setup towards the target away from the target I’ve got the bump now I’m just going to get that logo working away all right I’ll take that I pulled it just a tad but it was pretty darn

Solid tip number two is what we call pressure shift but you probably feel it as more like a weight shift so I I got all my weight on my lead foot I got all my weight on my trail foot the pressure movement the movement of weight on the

Feet is huge when it comes to any athletic movement think of throwing a football hitting a tennis ball shooting a basketball anything we do athletically there’s pressure movement or weight movement so you remember what the other tip I gave you right the 6040 right so weight shift pressure shift we start

With 60 40 and then early on I want you to shift your weight towards your Trail foot so here I am like I shift towards my trail foot all right and that pressure movement from front to back and then towards the front can tie everything together so let’s go ahead

And hit a shot here we go I got the grip little stronger ball position 6040 logo away now as I move that logo away I’m going to move that pressure towards my trail foot that’s number two oh that was better Nick didn’t even have to move the camera on that one was

Right down the line right now tip number one this is the best tip number one and this is something you can literally take to the golf course has to do with the follow through what we call the Finish if if you watch anybody think of just picture

In your head right now a great golfer okay or a pitcher or a quarterback and you know how they make it looks so smooth and they just make it look easy you see them hit these shots and it’s just like boom they hold this finish they’re in balance and it’s just so

Natural and easy how can you do that I’m going to tell you right now this is tip number one when you finish your swing I just simply want you to have your knees touching see how my knees are touching all right that gets my weight my

Pressure forward and my trail foot is up on my toe okay that’s tip number one so let’s go ahead let me go ahead and hit a shot and I want you to just watch my finish oh best one of the day holding the Finish little Club twirl there knees

Touching in balance it feels like a professional all right and you can do the same thing now what is a simple drill we’ve talked about five different things what’s a simple drill that you can do to all this together this is a golden nugget I’ve used this one for

Years it’s wonderful so we call it the right left drill okay right left drill so when we’re set in here remember how we had that weight a little forward you remember that how we had the 6040 right okay so and we moved it to the trail

Foot so we start left we go right and then we go left so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to make three continuous motions nice and slow no ball okay so here go let me go ahead and just let me demonstrate it so I start with my

60/40 so it’s right left right left right left now what I’m going to do is I’m just going to go ahead and I’m going to step forward and I’m going to hit the shot and I’m going to repeat that phrase but a little quicker here we go right

Left okay let me do it one more time let’s tie it together so here we go we call it the right left drill pay write this one down get a pencil out piece of paper and write this one down right left so here we go start with on the lead

We’re going right left right left notice the heels notice the heels lifting right left step forward repeat it a little quicker right left oh there it was you could feel the rhythm now that you understand these five tips what I want you to do is I want you to watch my next

Video on five great tips on how to hit your driver


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