In this video PGA Golf Professional Rick Shiels gives his best golf tips to hit the golf ball straight. Many golfers want to learn how to stop the golf slice and how to shoot lower golf scores & this video will help you improve you golf. If you want to lower your golf handicap and improve at golf you need to learn how to hit the golf ball straight as well as how to hit the golf ball far.

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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel! This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf equipment reviews, golf instruction & I play against some of the best golfers in the world!

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.

I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

In this video I’m going to show you three very simple tips to help you hit the golf ball straighter than you ever have before number one is aim it’s so unbelievably important if you want to hit the ball straight you’ve got to be aiming towards your target now what’s

Really interesting with aim often it’s challenging to aim at something that’s further away we’re got to bring that Target closer to us from here I’m going to aim to the 150 marker in the middle of the driving range now if I was just to try and aim the golf club at that 150

Marker it’s hard it’s really hard so what I like to do stand behind the golf ball and pick a point that’s much closer to me in line with that 150 so I’m drawing an imaginary line here and actually this’s perfectly almost this old diver in front of me right there now

How much easier is it to aim the golf ball to that diver which I know is in line with the 150 marker just to illustrate that I’m going to put this alignment pull down and I can stand behind this ball and I know if I aim my club perfectly to

That alignment stick that is going to run all the way to the 150 marker and the club head is key if we want to hit it straight that club head has got to be aiming straight so then I can aim my club at that marker

I want to run my feet parallel to that point so if anything running slightly to the left almost like train tracks and I know with a lot of confidence that I am aiming dead straight towards my target number two is Club face control yes we’ve aimed it at the Target but if

That club face starts twisting too much in our golf swing as it comes to hit the it’s not going to be aiming at the Target a couple of really key checkpoints and to be honest something I’ve struggled with in the past yes we’ve aim the club straight I’m very

Confident with that now what we’d like to do as the club goes back we don’t want the club head to be rotating and twisting too much into an open position because that’s going to return the club open and hit the ball to the right we

Also going back we don’t want to aim the club down to the ground too much because as we come into the F again that’s going to aim over to the left our checkpoint and I advise you to practice this as you go back to halfway so effectively hip

High we want the club head just to be slightly leaning over notice how the toe is just in front of the heel not by a lot but enough cuz as I turn back down again that is going to be aiming straight another really good checkpoint on the way through the club head has

Also returned back in that matching position where the toe is just in front of the heel if we can get really good halfway back into impact and halfway through I will guarantee you you will hit the ball straighter because you’ll have better face control now a lot of

That does come down to the grip which is a different topic in its own right if you want to know more about the grip I’ll put the link in the in this video or the top line of the description because the grip does influence the club

Face but if you can go back with the club head slightly tow in front of heel you will hit the golf ball straighter you’ll have so much more Club face control rather than twisting the golf club too much oh that’s absolutely Arrow straight oh that felt good and finally

Tip number three yes you might be aiming at the Target yes your Club face might be square but the last factor in hitting the golf four straight is the Direction your Club enters the golf ball what path your Club enters the ball now if you slice the golf ball if you curve that

Golf ball way off to the right hand side it might have started straight and we’ve heard that before my ball starts straight but it curves offline or it starts straight and it goes to the left if you curve it too far to the right your swing Direction your path will be

Too much from out to in you will be swinging across your body if you are a slicer I want to try this put a club down or an alignment stick it doesn’t really matter what it is and feel like if the target is 12:00 I want that Rod

Or that club to almost be pointing to the right of that more like it’s pointing at 1:00 aim your Club face straight don’t change anything your Club face but feel like as you come in to hit the ball you’re going to almost mirror that line this will stop you slicing it

If you CL face it straight and you swing it down that line you’ll start to see a little bit more of a draw shot shape if you hook the golf ball you might start it straight all well and good but it then curves off to

The left I wa this time to point that club or that alignment stick to 11:00 because you need to feel like you’re cutting across the golf ball a little bit more aim your C face straight and feel like you’re cutting across the ball that’s so so so straight oh felt

Good three top tips aim Club face and path will help you hit it straighter than you ever have before be sure to like And subscribe and we’ll see you next time


  1. For me it’s usually always grip. Grip influences my club face direction the most out of any tip. It I hit it right I know I’m too loose with the grip, it I pull it left I know I’m way to stiff and my hands are turning over. Best tip that was given to me personally, my score dropped significantly after learning how much grip influences the direction.

  2. Would be great if you start applying this in your own rounds then as well Ricky!
    Instead of shaping every single shot possible.

  3. Great tips!!! My son was really struggling with aim and we worked tirelessly on picking out a point a few feet in front of him. It made a world of difference for him!

  4. This is a fundamental issue with Rick's channel. I have watched Rick's struggles and – with not hate all – seen him constantly spray it all over the course. His honesty about the shortcomings of his own game and his journey are part of what makes the channel great and he is to be admired for sharing it, warts and all …. but even as a nine handicapper, if I want advice I will go elsewhere… I wouldn't pay for lessons with a pro who every time he tried to demonstrate something kept slicing or hooking it…

  5. Haven't actually watched the video because you don't have much credibility in this space sorry. If I want tips I'll watch a specialist teacher like Porzak golf.

  6. On tip two, use spine angle as a good checkmark of being square throughout the backswing. Justin Thomas would do this in his pre shot routine to be in a proper P-2 position, and this is what Rick is saying in the video

  7. In my pre-shot I'll intentionally aim too far right, waggle, then aim too far left, waggle. So, in the middle of those two extremes, I set-up and go.
    It works well near the pin as you can use the pin as your left or right aim point depending on the break.
    Similar to your 1 or 11 o'clock, with 12 being dead straight.

  8. So excited to watch all the new golf channels that will soon be popping up from all the people telling you you aren’t good enough to give a lesson 😂

  9. So basically do all the fundamentals right? Thats like releasing a video saying I tell Rory how to Win the Masters- Score lower than everyone else!
    Yes, obviously, but the execution of things is far more difficult.

  10. Hi Rick, as a Tour Professionnal on The Sunshine Tour in South Africa, I would love to make a content (break 75) with you in Mauritius where I am from! We have DP World Tour golf courses!
    Let's make it happen man!!! I hope you read and reply to this comment.💪🇲🇺

  11. The last person who should be giving tips on how to hit it straght. No wind pin in the center hit will say i think ill hit a trap draw here. Hes obssesed with shaping the ball he cant hit it straght.

  12. Would to see more tips on the channel like it was when 1st starting out or just make another channel for tips and advice just don’t neglect it like the HIT one 😂

  13. All golfers “Aim” their shots by picking a target,all golfers try to keep the club face “square “ to the ball and all golfers have their own “swing path” . This is not new . What you didn’t tell the people is how to correct an imperfect “aim”, “club face” or “swing path” . This is an extremely poor video/job. Please do not make any more videos unless you tell the people how to correct a problem/situation.

  14. Ngl you either are good and have an understanding about aiming for shots or you have no idea where to you are aiming like bubbie and you just hit and hope lmao

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