In this lesson Golf Confidence Pro, Golf University, Search 4 Scratch and Team Indonesia Head Golf Coach Lawrie Montague teaches us Master the Three Ball Drill for Improved Golf Distance Control

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The next time you get to the driving range try this out three balls in a line let me just show you one more time there three balls lined up called the three ball drill start them at about that distance there as you look at on the on the video

Practice rehearse just above the ball to begin with so hold the club above the middle ball point it and point it point it point it stand up to the shot point it take it through again dead straight down the top Target line really good contact you’re going to hit the

Ball much closer to the hole which is going to lead to lower scores and having a whole lot more fun


  1. What is the point of the three balls I don't get it and you hit the other ball in front after you struck the ball where did that ball go and again what is the point of this

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