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all right guys welcome back to day number 1777 man we are grinding and we’re absolutely loving it we’re back to the graduation this is video number three if you tuned in last week I played the whites and I did not pass I failed I shot 200 under missed it by a long shot um didn’t play very aggressive so back to the white te’s I’m going to try to play a little more aggressive and uh get to that 400 number before I can go back to the blues and that will be 3 under hope you guys are enjoying this series so far if you have not had a chance to subscribe to the channel now would be a great time to do that also if you want 18% off bad birdie apparel click the link in the description use the code Micah 18 starting on the back nine here at the cape club in Palm City Florida let’s get right into it [Music] all right hole number 10 280 yards I’m hitting the mini driver it should be a pretty good carry it’s slightly into if it’s a little short it’s totally okay but I’m going to aim right down the middle and uh this club usually draws so hopefully it works out that might be long straight up cook that right at the green that’s the power of the burner baby God I love that thing all right guys I L I hit the green on the first hole here and I have an eagle putt to start this thing off we’re going balls to the wall here you know that’s actually an aviation term um most people don’t know that like these in Old aircraft they had two the two joysticks had two balls on them and they would just balls to the wall I think I just chunk that putt did you hear that mhm it’s on a great line until I only hit it halfway there all right 18 ft down the hill is literally unbelievable that’s the stupidest part I’ve ever seen one under after one I make long putts just takes me a little bit to get there all right here we go hole number two mini driver in hand I’m trying to car I mean I’m aim at that right greens side bunker and I’m going to hit a draw it’s like 320 to the pin but I’m only looking to carry this about 300 because of the wind and also it’s a little bit short it’s fine oh baby you may have made this oh oh baby NOP that literally did you see that it literally hit the Rocks yeah it’s in the left bunker you’re kidding uh-uh it bounced forward into that greens side bunker yeah it it bounced that it would bounce that way and you saw it down yeah I saw it running across the grass you’re kidding that means that carried exactly like 295 because I think it landed just short of the grass and hit the rocks that is insane 100% hit the Rocks yeah I mean I hit it good yeah it looked perfect it was beautiful I actually think this might be one of the luckier bounces that I’ve experienced in golf for it to land and bounce here is insane but when it’s going your way it’s going your way pre-standard bunker shot would love to see this go in 58° in hand it’s about to start raining on me tasty tasty tasty man golf is simple when you just hit it in the right spots or when you get lucky bounces I mean look at the mark on the ball look at that have to change balls I hate doing that it’s getting kind of out of hand isn’t it yeah you act like they don’t send you dozens of balls every week if you need them how many dozens of balls do you have at your house right now I don’t know exactly that’s code for I don’t want to tell you people would be I would be embarrassed or dead straight I just hit it pretty hard it did move a little bit but it moved to Perfection that will go down as one of the luckiest birdies in this series onto a par five to under through two man what a difference between this week and last week so far the way this video started [Music] out this one I mean I could just I could just kind of play it safe and hit literally a like a five iron and have 190 into this I can hit driver and just send it so we’re hitting driver and sending it I’m going to aim right down this right where this cart path turns and I’m going to fade it and it’s going it’s going to be perfect [Music] uhoh you see that that’s water now I get to drop at about 160 and try to make Birdie the old way oldfashioned way I mean just a great drive but when you’re trying to hit it into to the N that narrow of a fairway you knew it was going to go that straight you just aimed down the I know I hit it just right down my left far left line all right I’ll make I’m still going to make birdie all right as per the rules of golf where it crossed I can go inline from the pin and back so I’m getting myself to write a really comfortable nine iron it’s 160 yard Shot full down wind this should be perfect I’m not supposed to say that anymore sorry Jacob that was a little Scotty footwork there very safe shot right in the center of the green you see that slip I got a birdie Putt and uh Putter’s feeling good so let’s go make it get to 3 under through three be absolutely cruising here all right PE with [Laughter] it all right 36 ft I did it again 36 ft here for birdie I got this braking left quite a bit but I got my spot here and uh just kind of a just really want to focus on speed here okay well obviously miss that misread that I got to I got to fix that little like there’s like a little recoil that happens or something right after I hit my right after I make contact it’s so weird it’s like a subconscious thing two under through3 I don’t know what I’m going to do on this next hole probably going to go for it and do something crazy but you know what would be perfect right now is if I had my fishing pole because I guarantee you with the water with the air pressure the way it is with the storm moving in did you see all those yeah we just walked through a natat nest with the air pressure the way it is with this storm moving in oh my gosh they would be absolutely smack [Music] smoking all right no stop just come up with something a little here we go two under through three onto the fourth hole I got foring that there just absolutely no sense in hitting driver it just does not it does not make sense I’m going to have 100 yards in if I hit this I’m going to go just left to that bunker it’s going to be perfect or you just hit it straight wanted you to hit it might be in the bunker no it’s past it it it get over it yeah okay that’s perfect then it’s great 110 yards I love this yardage for myself it’s a perfect 54° I’m going to just spin this right back to the hole it’s going to land 2 feet past and it’s going to back to it and go in how tasty was that it was yummy that’s the ones that’ll make you make you come back man it looks really straight it is it’s just a dead straight putt that just wiggled on me that was a great putt I’ll take that all day two under through four holes got to find two more birdies out there find an eagle out there there’s a lot that can happen hopefully you guys are enjoying this video so far and this series we are 17 days into it it’s been absolutely incredible I can’t thank you guys enough for all the support this next hole maybe another Mani driver you just never know 200 under through four we’re on the hole five hole number 15 going 10 yard right of that bunker 4 and half I’m trying to hit this 230 gives me a 100 yards in really awkward distance um can’t hit drivers there just not enough room here we go that’s cutting it close there TIG I think it might be in the Fairway I was just saying it’s cutting it close to that there’s a it drops off very quickly there but I think it’s okay it was it was a nice strike I know the gats are out all right oh my gosh kind of on the right side but it got a good bounce I’m in the Fairway 95 yards I’m playing at 92 I like this number I just need to get it close well actually I’m just going to I’m just going to focus on hitting a good shot here and if it ends up close it’s good like I said 92 is good like I said crows are smartest smartest things you see when they when the ball hit they jumped about to pick it up right now I think most birds would do that this turned out very nice I love when like I have a yardage and then I hit the yardage it just feels so good it’s like even if it wasn’t close I hit the yardage and it’s like come on baby three under through five holes there’s golf left to play and I’m one shot off of the goal I just want to I just want to learn how to make birdies and then keep making birdies you can make a bogey here and there it’s fine but just be comfortable making birdies cuz sometime I get scared of making birdies I really do all right whole 15 this is the signature hole out here at Cape Club um 119 yards from the white teas it says it’s playing downwind to about 112 so it’s just a full 54 I’m going to trust it and uh this be a great time to make a hole in one wouldn’t it get back there oh look it tried I know it tried to come back out of there I hit a great shot there I really did feel very good about that I know it didn’t necessarily look like it but I I mean I hit a fantastic shot there just off of the green but that just trusting that number and hitting it I hit it a little bit long but it’s just just love that just taste [Music] come on baby four under oh that feels good that feels good the difference between this week and last week is just astronomical 40036 this next hole I’m loving having 100 yards in so I might try to get to that number but if there’s enough room up there I might send it 7eventh hole I’m currently 400 par par out here I make it making any birdies on top of that it’s even better two iron in hand I’m trying to hit this 260 I want to finish it on that bunker out there I want to be in the Fairway I want to have a wedge in my hand been feeling good with those so let’s [Music] go first time I’ve ever been on The Fairway in this hole I don’t think I’ve ever hit this Fairway and had a shot into the green so that means I’m going to make birdie 70 yards playing 74 just smack dab in the middle of the Fairway here I love it I’m totally down for this 70 yards says it’s playing 74 I think I got that shot in the bag I pulled it it’s going to be long sit Don’t Go Over The Ridge okay it didn’t that’s totally fine the dialogue that happens in my head when I hit a golf shot is is kind of crazy thankfully before it’s usually not that busy but then as soon as I as soon as I hit the ball sometime it gets pretty crazy yeah I like this let’s go for three in a row here wouldn’t that be a turkey oh man great roll though I love that roll love the read love everything about that the hole just missed it two holes to play I’m four under actually if you remember two 3 weeks ago when I played Grant these next two holes were absolutely insane and it led to a crazy playoff if you haven’t seen those videos you should go check them out part three part five to finish why not go birdie eagle it’s been done before to keep you guys [Music] entertained I love the smell of fresh cut fresh cut grass it’s l like there might be nothing better to me it’s just so good I’m sure there’s some people that can relate 139 y it’s 130 playing about 9 yards cuz it’s uphill it’s into the wind I’m playing about 139 I’m choking down about a/2 in that could be good I think it’s perfectly pin high again I think it’s really good just based off the strike and based off of how I felt I think it I think it’s about a yard long that’s your favorite say oh I mean I love getting to pin High that’s that literally is the best thing in golf if you if you can get to pin high you can play golf uh Tiger Wood said that and U probably pretty good if if he said that um if I was the one that came up with that term probably wouldn’t be the same I think I got her I think it’s in it’s just as good as in what’ I tell you when I start getting these certain feelings I I I feel dangerous and I certainly didn’t feel that at Myrtle Beach but I’m feeling it now fin a hole I’m five under par from the white te’s like there wasn’t a like see the back te’s they have them up but there’s not a ton of difference but that’s just literally so much like trying to Computing in my head that’s just completely the dialog soft perfectly fine probably going to have 180 in or so you know what I’m not even going to try to I’m not even going to try to guess I’m going to go up there I’m going to hit that and uh I’m going to make Eagle I got to stop I got to I have ADHD or something this is terrible I got 196 but it says it’s playing about somewhere around like 205 it’s into the wind left my five five iron at home at my simulator so that’s what I should be hitting but I I don’t have that so I’m going to hit I’m going to hit four iron I actually am choosing to hit it off of this because I think I’ll make better contact if I drop it in the rough oh gosh I pulled it sit sit and did not cut [Music] sit can’t make double what we can’t make double yeah we just can’t make double I think it’s in play I just think it’s we’ll be long I mean just take your medicine hit a hit a six iron you’ll be okay instead I’m trying to get all aggressive little ride of it give myself a birdie putt if you’re happy and you know it clap your cheeks if you hit it no stop I got I have to I literally have to I have to get rid of that mindset of like always being upset that I’m coming up shorter always saying just hit it golf is not a game of perfection wow what an adventure of a por to finish that is five under for the third episode of the graduation series I had to do the white cheese twice unfortunately but hope you guys enjoyed subscribe to the channel we have 13 days left in this 30-day challenge we’ll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
keep it -4 if you go to the blues bro
Sounds like the insert of your putter is loose!
Stick with your mental approach, paying off dividends. Also think that short game lesson with JT will be a game changer.
Snakes On A Shirt
Throwing the incorrect plumb bob in there to trigger trolls?!
Your intro is so chill, and I love the b-roll footage you got for it. Keep rockin Micah! I’m rootin for ya buddy ⛳️🏌️
I can see your mental game working!
Tiger did not come up with trying 2 be pin high on your approach shots! My quests some little old Scottish golfer thought of this term about 400 years ago?
I finally seen someone comment how good the intro song is! I absolutely agree! Best sound and visuals for an intro out there!
Bro where do you keep going?
Yes sir
Use this as the like button to keep the intro and song
Back to what mediocrity?
the only guy that i like but also walked with more humility. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ oh well. not good enough to be as arrogant as he is.
Delusional egomaniac lol.
Watch out that Scottie foot work will get you arrested! Too soon?
Maybe Myrtle Beach flipped a switch for you.
I think this qualifies as a heater…😎
How has he not got to 500k yet?
I wonder how many retakes these golfers take when they hit a bad shot that they don't want us to see?
Dude when hitting a fade aim where a straight ball doesn't hurt you.
Your new calm attitude is a GREAT change. The game we play is in that 9" between our ears!! GO GET IT !
not gonna lie that intro montage is the most relaxing one on YT and I look forward to it each time
Your game has gotten a whole lot better in the last month great to see. Go low tig.
Good playing Tig. I still think you're over swinging. Example on the fairway shots on #3 vs. #4. #3 was out of balance and #4 was perfect balance. The golf swing is looking good in the last few videos. I would suggest that you focus on temp and balance. A solid shot goes farther than a missed shot. I really hate that Burkshires attitude rubbed off on you a little bit and him pumping you up on long drive. Seems you been chasing distance ever since. I was almost happy you broke your driver in the tournament video. You played great and I think it's because you kept it in play. If you hit it solid with tempo, you're still out driving most people in the world. I said all that to say stop chasing distance, swing smooth and don't let the lows of golf throw you off your game. You're a very good player. Keep it up Buddy.
Love the new positive mindset bro, building your confidence and playing great! Keep it up 💪🏻