Golfers can help the golf course continue to improve by doing their part! Filling divots is one of those things that takes very little time but will help the golf course and felllow golfers enjoy better conditions. Do your part!

So now I’ve hit my shot on the green but as in most cases with a mid iron I’ve taken a divot now it’s time for me the player to do my part to keep the golf course in as goodest condition as possible most golf courses including ours provide sand to help fill our

Divots and to do our part to make the golf course better just takes a second get a scoop head back over to your hole to your divot and fill the hole up to the surface gently step on it and voila you’ve evened off the surface and as

Most of you know Bermuda Grass Grows across and that grass over time will grow across and come together to provide a very smooth playing surface better yet while you’re here get another one that somebody else forgot to do because of course nobody would not fill their divots

Intentionally have a great day do your part

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