Another #FTLIVE coming atcha! Scott Braun, A.J. Pierzynski, Todd Frazier & Erik Kratz welcome Senior Insider Ken Rosenthal to discuss the latest around the game. The guys dive into the New York Mets trading for Adrian Houser & Tyrone Taylor from the Milwaukee Brewers. Plus, Kansas City Royals Senior VP of Baseball Operations J.J. Picollo and New York Yankees backstop Jose Trevino stop by. Scott, A.J., Todd & Erik also spread some rumors, including possible landing spots for Framber Valdez and Ha Seong Kim.
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2:17 Start of Show
17:39 Ken Rosenthal Joins the Show
34:57 Ken Rosenthal Departs the Show
35:20 Mets Acquire Adrian Houser
1:01:24 KC Royals GM J.J, Picollo joins
1:25:36 J.J, Picollo Departs
1:30:44 2024 Season Rule Changes Announced
1:44:06 Yankees Catcher Jose Trevino joins
2:04:44 Jose Trevino Leaves
2:06:29 Slap Hands
2:08:22 End of Show

N On my come down on me can I get hold it IE oh it’s going to be a good one today ft live bronan pinski over here representing Florida and we’re going up against Kats and toddfa in Jersey a little weather difference right now what do you got outside sunny but cold like what’s cold because it’s cold

Here yeah it is cold here oh no it’s like 60 here that’s freezing oh Jesus it’s nice though there’s no wind that this is real this is nice this is exactly how it should feel at Christmas yeah 40 42 70 it’s dinner for two here

69 I checked it’s a little chilly I need to put my winter coat on I’m going to bring that up to one of our guests that are coming on today I went out without a coat on and it was like 48 and you’ll introduce him Scott but he

Was like bro where’s your jacket at it’s freezing out right now Mike dude come on no no it’s Jersey dud it hits 48 in Florida bro uhuh there’s like ice on the streets nobody out people don’t go out that’s hey that’s the best time to go shopping in Florida when it’s cold

Yeah oh if it’s cold like a couple days ago you weren’t here but it was like cold and rainy there was nobody out it was great people going hiding yeah how nice it is it’s 50 oh no yeah easy recruiting pitch here comes the Ice Age there’s a reason why the Blue Jays

Welcome sh Otani to denan and not Toronto in the winter time hey why don’t you visit us in our Florida facility let’s try that out for now I know you like warm weather by the way we’ll talk to Ken rosenal in about 15 minutes and then Kansas City Royals general manager

JJ Picolo AKA GM who gets [ __ ] done this off season we’ll bring him on and then Jose TR on the back end we’ll talk to him at about 2:30 eastern time before we charge the mound and talk about our favorite friend I wanted to bring up our

Other favorite friend of the off season I just thought about this the other day and just wanted to float this out there real quick so you know how Otani has the claws with the owner Mark Walter and Andrew fredman the president of baseball operations for the Dodgers if either of

Them leave at any time Shani can opt out of his deal with the Dodgers and I started thinking more about the ownership side of things and I’m like why does he do that on the owner side and then I thought about it where did he come from which team did he just play

For Angels why do you think he did an owner opt out clause well he should have done that in Anaheim but he couldn’t he just had gotten there he learned his lesson oh that there are some owners that really control their teams and control the sport and some of them suck yeah but

Wouldn’t he want he should have got an opt out if already stays then he get opt out right right he should have done it the opposite way well there’s a reason why he I don’t think was taking it seriously to remain with the angels and

I think that was number one maybe I feel I I feel I feel bad for trout I don’t because he should just he’s got it he’s got to say it with his chest Todd yeah but he’s got to do that he doesn’t have your chest if he had my

Chest it’s no good your chest yeah what about Katz’s chest Katz says that phrase all the time Katz don’t you if you’re Mike Trout and you’re the face of or one of the faces of the sport you make a ton of money and you’ve been a star for a

Long time why can’t you publicly say you know what [ __ ] this I want to go to a different team you can’t be who you’re not yeah he’s not him you can’t you can’t I mean we’re ask that’s like that’s like MLB asking trout to be the

Face of MLB like if the dude doesn’t want to get out there he can’t you know you’re not that would be it’d be disingenuous for him he would hate it it would drain him he is maybe loyal to a fault if if he stays I think it’s it’s

His personality I don’t know him as well as Todd knows him but I know the dude is loyal and maybe he thinks there’s something that that you know maybe he maybe he doesn’t think the grass is greener somewhere else yes he wants to make the playoffs nobody’s denying that

But I don’t know I I just don’t I don’t know that we’re I guess NBA does it all the time and how is that seen how is that seen outside of the NBA I think it’s kind of kind of me you know but I’m

Not a big NBA fan so if guys start doing that in the MLB especially one of the top five players in the game top 10 players I just think it’s a bad look yeah will that help or will that hurt you know not only just him but MLB as

Well um you know people are going to sit here and say oh you feel bad for me he’s making hundreds of millions of dollars I get it you know that’s part of it why most people aren’t going to feel bad I don’t feel bad either at the same time I

Just wish he could be in a playoff team and and we could watch him more you know and then people in the west coast like oh well we want to watch him more so yeah it’s a tug and pole kind of situation I just I I think he’s you know

If we’re being honest here once his once his golf place opens up in Jersey here he’s he’s gonna retire yeah right I’m just kidding no but for real he uh you know he’s doing just fine it’s about his upbringing man you think about it he’s got a good mom

And dad that have brought him up the right way he doesn’t want to be too crazy he’s softspoken he goes out there does his business and you don’t really see much bad about the guy another guy I think of is Derek Jeter I mean you don’t really he didn’t really do anything

Wrong so you know Mike’s just doing what he does do I wish he would get out there more I do but you can’t change somebody for who they really are yeah the difference between Mike CH and Derek Jeter is a bunch of rings on the finger true I mean that’s that’s the difference

Right jerck Jeter was out there in a different way he was out there dating every supermodel and every hot famous person in New York every time you looked up so he was out there a different way but Jeter had rings and he had wins and that’s why people you know that’s one of

My the funny Arguments for me people say well Jeter overrated because he’s know he’s more famous because he played in New York well [ __ ] yeah he is I mean if he played in Kansas City yeah he wouldn’t have had the access to the people he had but he still was been

Derek Jeter he still would have had 3,000 hits if they would have won as many rings but you can’t help if you’re he was drafted by the Yankees and he performed for the Yankees so I I hate that argument there are a lot of players that go to certain markets and fail

Miserably yeah and New York is probably the top or a top three Market in that area right New York Boston or probably the two two Philly probably the three right you’re really good you go somewhere you start to struggle and then you just get pounced by fans and media

And just your entire life gets consumed by how much you’re not performing so there is pressure there the the only thing I’ll say and and then move on but I think Mike Trout is going to regret not being more aggressive with his own career maybe not he’s gonna be 50 years

Old and he’s gonna be like [ __ ] I was in the playoffs one time and got swept by Eric Katz’s Royals that’s my entire that’s probably the worst part of the whole thing was ER knew about him when we played in Puerto Rico that was that was

The problem you fig out I knew how to throw to him yep but here here’s all right so all right so we’re going to obviously go to yamama mod yeah you want go now I mean but but he everything we’ve heard from Adam Jones who played with him for two years and

Other people is that he wants the big Market yeah wait hold on let me get a little let me get a little whatever it is cute behind the scenes charge the damn Mount thank you okay now you can quiet on set quiet on set yeah but Adam Jones

Said he wants a spotlight y he just mentioned three places that he’s been rumored you know Boston which we haven’t heard much but we know he met with him both New York teams and Philly those are probably the three and then you throw in La which doesn’t really have the hateful

Media that the other three do but will he Thrive there if he goes to one of those three I mean he says he wants the spotlight but and I know that listen the spotlight in Japan is different than the spotlight here because in Japan they’re so respectful and they do everything

Kind of you know A to B and they don’t really get in your personal life and all that stuff but man you go to some of those other cities I mean it can’t get nasty especially if he doesn’t pitch well which I expect him to pitch great

But if he wants the spotlight you choose you choose New York you choose Philly you’re going to get the spotlight goe go I was just gonna say because and here’s kind of the updates on the Yamoto Matt gelber the athletic does a great job covering the Phillies

He said the Phillies made an offer and then you also have Lars Newar this I don’t I don’t know why we’re talking he’s not going to St Louis come on you got to laugh about it this is what our job is our job is to come clean it up

Shoot [ __ ] down so Lars nupar who played with Yamamoto in the WBC on team Japan he believes the Cardinals still have a shot at signing his friend and teammate and he’s doing his best to sell him on St Louis quote there’s tradition in history and it’s a great baseball Town

That’s what I’ve told him all good agree with all of that but if you think the St Louis Cardinals are outbidding the Dodgers the Mets the Yankees and I guess even to an extent the Phillies and the red you cray is he does does large Nar also think that otani’s gonna get Andrew

Fredman or Mark Walter to leave the Dodgers opt out and sign with the Cardinals too he wish was Ben Verlander hopes so it’ be the biggest signing ever listen if if Lars with this magic he’s talking about can get him to sign with the Cardinals I’m gonna pay this guy to

Come help me get some more housing over here and get the price down this guys would be unbelievable if he did sign with the Cardinals him and Lance over there that’ be I think that’d be pretty sweet why not let’s go we just talked about how Yamamoto wants to be like like

In in the spotlight he likes the spotlight St Louis is the anti Spotlight but but the one piece the one piece is the fourth richest owner in baseball or third richest owner in baseball is the Cardinals ownership so could it happen sure it could happen but like said you’re

Cray come on LS I don’t care how rich the dit family is and bush anheiser bush is whoever it is the dits OWN the Cardinals they don’t have we talked about this they don’t spend the money they don’t do this is not a cardinal move Sunny gray Lance Lynn Kyle Gibson

Cardinal move Yamamoto for 300 million not a cardinal move at all Lars Lars Nar took the Cardinal Way book and he was like how to pursue free agent tell him about the magic of St Louis and their fans anything else no we don’t have anything else in the free agent section

Of the Cardinal Way book okay I’ll give you a little Cardinal Way on how to own the team ready so Bill dwit Jr in 2020 appeared on a St Louis radio station and said the following quote that got me excited about being on foul territory One Day quote the industry isn’t very

Profitable to be quite honest and I think they understand that but they think you know the owners are hiding profits and you know there’s been a little bit of distrust there this is what he was talking about back when the owners were purposely trying to limit

The 2020 season where MLB could have had a true Renaissance period and been the first sport back and had close to a full season and we decided to have a 60 game blah because they didn’t want to pay the players as much that’s what happened period and you had owners like like Bill

Coming out and saying essentially that they were poor which is insane because I feel bad I mean I always wonder like is it lucrative to own a major league baseball team I mean I think they do okay I don’t know any poor owners do you know I feel

Bad I feel bad for some owners that they like Bill that he owns the team and it’s not making as much profit as he thought it would are you [ __ ] kidding me of course I’m [ __ ] kidding you they have they were the original ones with ballpark then the Braves copy with the battery

Now that’s the stand but they don’t count that yeah doesn’t count okay I’ll I’ll tell you this so what I played for the Giants okay they one year I was with the Giants in spring training they told me before the season started now again this might be [ __ ] but I’m I was

Told this by numerous people before the season started with the Outfield signage and with the advertising they had already sold they had already paid for the whole season of payroll and the whole team now that didn’t count account because it was a different company parking ticket sales concession sales uh jersey sales Berry

Bonds hitting you know 12600 Ops right all that stuff that didn’t even count but they had already done their just with the signage and the sponsorship and all that but that’s a separate company exactly that’s why when I was like I’m losing money bull [ __ ] these are these are real estate deals so

You start owning everything around you but you don’t count it with the team’s budget because also Ian if you look at the national TV contracts those alone give each team like a h hundred something million dollars a year so when you see a team like Baltimore or Cleveland with their freaking payroll on

The season being what $50 million I’d go to dinner with that owner and a heartbeat he’d have to pay too better [ __ ] whole another thing we could talk about about how much they make off the field like just putting the patches on jerseys I’ve insane amount of

Money it’s just damn just B owner got what was it 50 50 million put in their pocket for bam right when they but for them they go listen that was an investment that we all made together and that’s like if we made an investment in our personal lives and it happen to turn

Into 50 mil a team correct because you own a team there is so many things because you own a team nobody’s selling teams for losses nobody it’s not happening oh you know it’s tough being in a small Market you’re still like if anybody has a gripe it would be the

Marlins the Marlins can’t find any success in financial terms and they’re still not selling their team right now they’re not selling it for a loss it just continues to go up I agree I mean I I again for the Marlins aren’t losing money because of

The the deals they have so I mean yeah do I feel sorry no do I feel sorry for like fiser and A’s no cuz he’s making a killing off the A’s just off Revenue sharing alone correct and this TV deal I know it’s not the greatest one but it’s still

Better than nothing they still split the national TV contract I know how much did Fox pay in Fox TBS look up the deals I believe that each team gets like 100 something so they’re starting 100 million in the plus before they even kick off yes and then a team like the a

Spends 30 million on payroll yeah that’s like the rest it Go they’ve spent a lot on the lobbying to get themselves in Vegas all that kind of crap but it still 70 million I want to be a lobbyist legal let’s let’s get back to Yamamoto here

Which is where the origin was and I’m going to give a softball question right off the Jump to our ft senior Insider Ken Rosenthal right now Ken great to see you so um we’ll get into your latest report on Yamamoto but I know you not might not necessarily have Insight on

This but I think you can probably agree with us on shooting this down Lars Nar still thinks that the Cardinals have a shot of signing Yamamoto what do you think think I don’t think so based on what I’ve heard but perhaps Lars has special Insight here and Lars might be in

Communication with the Cardinal front office and perhaps there’s something going on that we don’t know about but that would be a shock to be sure and it’s just from the standpoint of the kind of contract he’s going to command not something the Cardinals would typically do right they’re not that goes

Above above market so I’d be surprised but I’m going to Discount something a player on a team says because again he might have Insight that I don’t mystery team Ken they would be the mystery team they would be for sure yeah true and that and that’s where I wanted

To go the mystery team because it talks about how Philly offered him money now so like I know Katz might have had this question too but I mean I’m sure he’s wondering too is Philly really have a shot here as well besides the other three big teams that’s a good question

And Todd it’s interesting I would have said no two weeks ago but learning what we have in the past couple of days how not only did they meet with him but they met with him and made a legitimate offer they are in the mix so do I expect him

To go there no they’ve only had two Japanese players in their history there’s not a great tradition of that there I wrote about this earlier this week they’re they’re trying to establish a foothold in Japan and that is why I thought perhaps they encourag Joel Wolf the agent and Yamoto to meet

With them they wanted to show their serious but this seems to be more than that and the one thing I will say about the Phillies under John Middleton he likes his Stars we’ve seen that he likes free agents he likes to go big and for special players he will do that did it

For Harper did it for Trey Turner to a lesser extent schwarber and castanos and now Aaron Nola so while it would seemingly put them in luxury tax misery at the same time time if they feel like they can do it they are going to do it and the question then becomes would he

Do it would Yamamoto agree to come to Philadelphia over New York or Boston or LA or San Francisco that is where the doubt comes in I like how you said New York the first team after you said Philly so there’s kind of an inkling there I’m I’m starting to feel either

Way EI either way next next next next question so I’m just kidding um I want to ask a question about you know the people that he’s talked to already I mean I feel like Masahiro Tanaka might have something to do with this you know maybe have a conversation with him as

Well we’ve heard rumors about it have you heard any rumors about other players talking to him from Japan about the great you know the big lights in New York how he wants to be in that situation I don’t know about specifics there but there have been players

Talking to him at length major league players from these various teams we’ve learned of certain meetings and Harper had sent a video br Harper to the Phillies to show to Yamamoto the Dodgers had several players in their meeting etc etc and I am sure that he’s talking with

For instance kodai senga from the Mets right he’s fellow Japanese pitcher a guy that they’ve played or they’ve played together with on team Japan I’m sure these conversations are taking place along with conversations with American players that might have been over in Japan and would have some insight into

Just the different teams and the ballpark in the cities so there’s a lot going on here in terms of his research but that process probably is coming to an end and where we are now is the bidding stage at which the agents are collecting offers and weighing them against each other and

Going from there all right so the Red Sox have a shot and should they and can they make a legitimate push for Yamamoto definitely should should Eric and here’s a team that let go of its Chief baseball officer H Bloom because they said well they said it without

Saying it that he wasn’t going big enough he was doing things on the margins that they liked he helped with the farm system certainly but they needed to do some bigger things and at the start of the offseason their chairman Tom wner said we are going to

Go Full Throttle this off season well Yamamoto with the kind of deal that we’re expecting him to sign that would qualify as Full Throttle and also address their biggest need which is a topof the rotation starter so for the Red Sox whoops sorry about that guys like a number of other teams in

This mix he is an absolute need and must in certain cases and maybe in their case so if they don’t get him then the question becomes okay what qualifies his Full Throttle is it Blake Snell is it Jordan Montgomery I guess you can make that case but it’s not like

Yamamoto Ken I know yamamoto’s kind of everyone’s talking about he’s going to be the he’s the big name the hot name it was Otani now we’ve moved on to Yamamoto but look my favorite player here Corbin Burns right he’s he’s just sitting here and we had him on the other day and he

Said he will not sign an extension like GL now if he is traded is that holding up him possibly being traded and is that leading more towards the Brewers keeping him for the 24 season and maybe trading him at the trade deadline AJ it does make it more

Difficult and what Corbin said on the show the other day was merely reinforcing what people in baseball knew already he’s represented by Scott Boris Scott Boris clients almost never sign extensions one year out from going to the open market it’s just not something that he wants his clients to do and

Corbin Burns explained it very well he said you guys I’m this close I want to test the market which is completely understandable a player plays six years to get that that right to test free agency now how does this affect the trade market a couple of different ways

And it’s a complicated situation the Brewers are in their owner Mark atanasio still remembers what happened a couple of years ago when they traded Josh her the backlash that they received the way that affected the team and that was in the middle of the season and this is the

Off season so it wouldn’t be quite the same but he just lost his manager Craig counil I am quite certain he would like to compete at least at the start of next season compete against the team that hired Craig Council the Chicago Cubs and that is all part of this and then you

Get to the contract so in arbitration this year he’s projected to earn about $15 million it’s $15 million and it’s one year you’re only getting him for one year the Dodgers gave up quite a bit for glass now because the deal was contingent on the extension so they were

Willing to give up more because they knew they were getting him for five years it’s different with this and that depresses the price depresses the return you’re getting for Corbin Burns so maybe if you’re the Brewers I wrote about this in my most recent notes column maybe you

Say okay let’s take him into the season let’s take Adamas into the season as well Willie adamus the short stop also a potential free agent we can regroup at the deadline if we’re not in contention or we can just see this through and try to make the postseason for I believe the

Sixth time in seven years the problem with that is if you keep Burns and you keep adamus you probably make Burns a qualifying offer you almost certainly do that I don’t know that you’d make Adamas a qualifying offer and even if you do for those two guys you’re getting one draft

Pick each you’re not getting a draft pick for Brandon Woodruff who you’re non tendered and long term that compromises the Brewers so it’s a really difficult balance to strike you probably could get more at the deadline when there are no free agents available but you take the

Risk Corbin Burns could get hurt for whatever reason he might not perform the same his value could decline the only thing I want to pick at there Ken is the difference between Corbin Burns and Tyler glass now Corbin Burns has been quite durable the last few seasons glass

Now has never gone over 120 Innings I think that was also part of why we asked Burns about you know an a contract extension and he’s probably looking at glown saying I should double that if I get to the free agent Market next year what I’m confused about is the $15

Million if I’m a team that is looking to win the world Series this coming season he is the ultimate bargain Jack FY just signed for about that rate with the Detroit Tigers and he was barely pitching as if he should be in a rotation I know there’s upside there but

Corbin Burns is a one you look at his War the last few years three and a half four 5.3 and I know front offices are obsessed with Surplus value let’s say it’s like1 million per win on that right and we’re just estimating here it’s like he’s worth like $40 million and you’d be

Able to acquire him for 15 for one season I just just cannot get over how sometimes teams are looking at a rate like that and the same thing with SoDo when we talked about him and saying H that’s a lot for one year Scott you’re absolutely right and in terms of the

Sheer money yes there’s no question but what team say in response to the Brewers when they’re trying to trade for kbin burns is well you’re asking us to take on the 15 million that’s fine but you’re also asking us for top players top prospects and that’s the difference

Between Corbin Burns and a jack flarity right for Jack flarity you didn’t even give up a draft pick so 15 million for a pitcher of this caliber you’re absolutely right Scott it is not that much money and it should not be a deterrent really for any team but it’s

That plus the prospects plus the fact you’re only controlling him for one year that is what makes teams I wouldn’t say wary but it makes them drive a harder bargain uh let me ask you this question uh Chapman Bellinger the these are two guys that have been around for a while

Excuse me have been doing it for a while and have had pretty good years it just seems like it’s a little bit slow for them is there something holding holding this back or is it just part of the process now you know from year-to-year basis because these two guys can help

Out a ball club right away no doubt and they’ll sign there’s no question about that they’ll do fine the whole Market has been slowed down by Otani and Yamamoto to some extent and keep in mind also that Chapman Bellinger Snell and Montgomery are all represented by Scott

Boris and Scott Boris in the winter time has never hesitated to hold out and to let people build momentum for his clients or however it might play out now there have been exceptions to that the year when he did Cole straber and rendone in a span of three days of the

Winter meetings if he had the deals he wanted he went but he has never been hesit to go into January he did that with Scherzer to go into February he did that with Harper I’m talking about Scherzer when he was with or going to the Nationals so he controls those segments

Of the market and ultimately once Yamamoto goes he has the best players remaining and at that point he’ll be ready to go so Ken on Fair territory the other day you said how I believe it was 13 out of the top 40 on the Athletics free agent board have signed and that

Means 20 seven are still unsigned so I’m curious if Yamamoto is holding up the market do we suddenly have a spending spree during a time when baseball is supposed to be a little bit quieter for my years of working in the sport as a broadcaster the one time where usually

There is maybe one or two signings but almost nothing is between Christmas and New Year’s does desperation play in if Yamamoto suddenly signs on Saturday it’s possible and certainly there is no formal shutdown of the game between Christmas and New Year’s there used to be many years ago there would be

Actually a two-e period at the end of December in which nothing would happen the sport the offices were closed that was it there was nothing going on that’s not the way it is anymore generally speaking like you said Scott there are deals between Christmas and New Year’s

And if Yamamoto goes by Saturday I would expect that some things would happen next week I don’t know that there’s any question about it a spending spree I’m not so sure about that and one of the problems with this market and I didn’t mention it in Fair territory and I

Should have is that the quality of player is not as great as it was perhaps in recent years the top end guys you just mentioned Chapman and Bellinger Todd they’re really good players no question about it but there are questions about each of those guys Bellinger with the exit vows and the

Consistency Chapman with the fact that offensively he collapsed after his big April they’re not ideal free agents in the sense that I don’t know aani was or G Cole was a few years ago so that’s part of this too and that’s part of the reason it’s slowed down but in terms of

Your question Scott I do expect things to happen next week and it’s just the way the sport operates I’m not happy about it I don’t like the way the sport operates in this regard and in fact the people within the sport don’t like it either and I hear fans sometimes say to

Me why are you guys bitching about the pace and dragging out well the people in the sport forget the media I know you guys don’t like us but the people in the sport the executives the agents all of the people who are involved in this process they don’t get a break and it’s

Not a healthy situation now you might say they’re making a lot of money they’re famous whatever they shouldn’t get a break no everybody in their jobs would like a break from time to time and that’s something that baseball has not addressed in terms of the calendar or

Anything like that and I don’t expect them to frankly they’ve not shown any interest in addressing that but in terms of simply giving the general managers and the Agents time to kind of refuel that doesn’t happen in this Sport and for those who work in it again exempting

Media it’s a problem Ken you mentioned Scott Boris he’s always had the big names in years past mo mo not all of them but a lot of the big names on the board how did does he do it every year how does he I understand he has great

Players but there’s always been times Prince Fielder and and some other guys come to mind where he gets these guys till the last minute you just mentioned Bellinger and Chapman and he waits and waits and waits and then finally some owner gets impatient and just goes ah

Screw it we’re gonna get this guy how does he do it and how does it happen like that every year because Boris guys don’t sign early they’re always like the last ones to sign I mean this guy is he a magician I wouldn’t say he’s a magician

Necessarily he is good at picking out the one owner who might be in the most desperate position or the two owners and taking advantage of that he does that extremely well now he doesn’t always succeed and you look at Michael conforto that’s one example of a guy who turned

Down a lengthy deal it might not have been too spor as liking when he was with the Mets and ultimately gets hurt and doesn’t get the same kind of deals coming out of that maybe he will longterm make up for that money I don’t know but it’s not always perfect and

Those guys don’t get as much publicity as the guys getting the big money but Scott Boris is not perfect no agent is perfect no writer nobody in the game is perfect so to answer your question the bottom line is he is quite skilled at reading the market and he’s quite

Skilled at working teams and owners and every year it seems it is a situation where he comes up with a few that make you go wow how did how did he get that money for that guy and it doesn’t always happen and some guys who he represents don’t get the money but he

Has routinely done this year after year AJ and I don’t know that anyone knows the secret to what he does but he is good at getting money for the top guys there’s no doubt about that and Juan stto is next one thing that I think he’s

Got is and I don’t know if other agents too have this in but ownership you talk to owners sometimes to get a deal done I know he’s done that in the past he’s G to illich he’s gone to learner and watch DC before I mean he’s when he did the

A-Rod deal he went to what was the guy’s name who used to own the Rangers Tom hick he went right to Tom Hicks like it’s a power play by an agent though because most agents have to go through a general manager he goes right to owners

It’s a good move they’re the ones that actually make the decisions so Ken appreciate the time man uh thank you so much and uh hopefully we get a little Yamamoto action in the next 48 hours we all could use it thanks guys Ken rosenal with us on Ft

And by the way we’ll get in about 20 minutes the Kansas City Royals general manager JJ Picola who has been moving and shaking so on that topic we do have a trade to cover that we haven’t hit that occurred in the past 24 hours let’s go on the move the New York

Mets acquiring Tyrone Taylor from the Brewers along with Adrien how for minor league right-handed pitcher Coleman Crow there’s a little more info if you’re looking on the screen right now Hower last season uh low four Z 412 Mark made 21 starts Tyrone Taylor I think has gotten a little better the

More that he’s played in The Bigs he’s a really good outfielder really good defensive outfielder um can play all three spots and as you saw on the Tweet there 81 games last season 10 home runs in a half a season he’s a nice underrated fourth is outfielder I would

Say right well who do the Mets have next year they have in Center they have uh nmo right Marte still there right yeah left field is because they got rid of Cana so left field and fam isn’t there anymore so who’s in left field I mean right now on

Their depth chart the outfielders are Nemo Marte DJ Stewart Tyrone Taylor Cooper hmel Alex Ramirez so this is a nice he might get some bats in New York unless they sign somebody right yeah so I mean Hower they need pitching we’ve talked about it it’s senga and kind

Of you know and Hower listen Hower in a pitcher non-pitcher friendly ballpark like Milwaukee and that whole division really Cincinnati Wrigley Pittsburgh is not the greatest place to pitch in the world he’s done pretty well so this is a sneaky good move for me for the Mets I

Don’t know why the Brewers did it but it’s just I mean other than than I guess payroll but Hower and Taylor aren’t making that much are they no no not at all and by the way also I guess you could include Jeff mcneel as yeah I mean right now in their depth

Chart they have mcneel and left I mean this is just the MLB depth chart and by the way for the rotation yeah you got SGA this is what they have right now S one Carrasco uh no carrasco’s gone seino 2 I forgot about Cino canana three who’s

Fine if he’s he’s been hurt though so much Hower and then guys like Tyler McGill um David Peterson you know your fifth starter kind of options they’re going to pick up another starter or two of course also they’re going for that Yamamoto dude if you ever heard of him but who Yamamoto

He’s a big deal in Japan but no they save I mean and we could show Bob Nightingale on here too so the deal should save the Brewers about seven million the one thing I can promise you is there are two less pissed off people today thanks to this this trade the

Milwaukee Brewers are [ __ ] ruthless in arbitration and Adrien Hower and Tyrone teller do not have to go through that process with the Milwaukee Brewers I would say there’s a decent chance they will settle on a number with the Mets if not they’ll go to ARB and they won’t be

Blamed for the world ending because of them which is what the Brewers like to do to piss off guys like Corbin Burns and Josh haer and trust me that’s real you’re pinching pennies you’re pissing off your best players that is a thing we’ve heard from both of those players

On our show about it but but anyway to me Kat you know we host Brew Crew territory all the time I have a different perspective of this I mean Adrien Hower is nice starting pitching depth and Tyrone Taylor is nice Outfield depth they don’t cost much combin seven

Mil for those two I think the Brewers are showing us a sign of where their budget is at for this off season where’s seven million what did we just say Corin BDS is GNA cost 15 15 plus for this season Y for this season maybe they’re

Still going I see to me I don’t see this as a a precursor to trading Corbin Burns because if you’re going to trade Corbin Burns you need Adrien Hower because you need those Innings that’s why they signed Colin Ray earlier before the tender deadline before there was like

Any opportunity for him to talk to anybody else is Colin Ray the end you know gonna push them to the World Series no is Adrien Hower gonna push them to the World Series no is Corbin Burns absolutely he is and maybe this 7 million is something they needed to free

Up for the non-argumentative pre-arbitration or arbitration contract that they’re going to have to sign with Corbin they know they’re going to have to pay whatever the top dollar is they’re going to have to give that to them and by the way great Point here from Mike who said previous Milwaukee

ARB negotiations did involve David Sterns he could carry those veloc to the m it’s much better though if you’re Hower and Taylor and you go to arbitration with a new team then your old team you came up with because it doesn’t hurt as bad someone I went I got

Traded and went to arbitration it wasn’t as bad because I was like if I would have gone with the twins who got traded the Giants it was like man I’m sitting across from Terry Ryan a guy who drafted me and now he’s saying all these bad

Things about me so it’s a little bit less but it still sucks as a player because you just sit there like this and you’re like they’re lying they’re lying but I can’t act like I care and I’m like trying not to pay attention but they’re lying they’re lying okay this isn’t true

But okay now it’s my turn you hey you went to one of those arbitration hearings believe it seriously that’s all awesome dude I would love to I would love dude people need to know about these things cuz they did you did you just get attacked basically how bad were

You just s so I walked in I was with the Giants I walk into this room it’s three arbitrators so it’s like a it’s like a long table right and there’s all these it’s like kind of u-shaped table so it’s like this with the three arbitrators

Sitting here and then one team sits on this side and one team would sit on this side so I walk in I sit down and Brian sa and Ed ketti are straight across like right here you know six feet away way and I walk in and they’re like this with

Their feet up sorry I got no shoes they literally had their feet up like this and they’re sitting there and I walk in and they’re like oh yeah sorry I got no shoes on nasty it’s my house I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want okay so I walk

In and they you know we get to talk for an hour and all the player association people give their case and they get to talk for an hour then we get a rebuttal they get a rebuttle then you walk out of the room and you’re like all right

Thanks you thank the people you walk out of the room and Brian saving ni you’re like hey thanks water under the bridge now we move on to the season and you’re like after all the [ __ ] you just talked about me for two hours like stick with

You I mean it’s just interesting some of the things they say because you’re like that’s like I’m literally sitting there going that’s not true like one of the things they used against me was well Jason verch had this many pass I had five pass balls and Jason verch only had

Four and he catches Tim Wakefield every time and I’m like he has never caught Tim Wakefield yeah like Doug meell catches and it was just it was just all this I don’t know but I won so I didn’t really care I was gonna say that’s good

Good as long as I got they let me talk though which was cool because I get to talk and that was that was cool you should have said hey this front office sucks they made this wrong move they made that wrong well I just but I just

Gotten traded though so I didn’t get to I didn’t even know them I was just happy man I was like man I’m a giant I got Barry Bonds my teammate I got all these you know they had just been really good yeah I was going from a super small

Market to a big Market I was like man going be awesome and I get and listen to that and I’m like damn this how they treat people but I listen I tell this if you’re not going to sign a contract as a player early like you don’t sign you

Don’t get one of these pre-arb deals done you should go because you want to F like ask Corbin Burns now he knows yeah like you find out what teams really think about you and he’s got a chip from that of course he does every player that

Goes through it is like God that’s the worst thing I ever went through especially if you lose if I would have lost I would been pissed but it’s like I’m going to show them screw them yeah right but the thing is there’s so you give a number like you say I want five

Million the team offers you three million and if you can’t get in the middle somewhere before you walk into that room you either get five million or you get three million there ain’t no in between you get one of the other and the owners somehow usually always win the

Numbers like the case numbers like there’s 15 it’s usually like eight seven owners right the players never seem to win yeah there’s reasoning for that there’s conspiracy theories I don’t know listen I mean it was it was I mean I remember I think I still have the The

Notebook that my agent made at the time it’s like it was like 500 pages of [ __ ] in there well also the people that make the decisions on those ARB cases who rotate because they get fired by one side or the other if they favor one side

Or the other too much they don’t know baseball that well I challenge them come on the show let’s talk baseball let’s see what you know and you can make the case well we don’t want them to know too much you’re just neutrally presenting a case but if you don’t know how baseball

Works how does that case work do you know what I’m saying well that’s why they said when I spoke it was important exactly so go goe Todd no like you said five pass balls to four oh he must be bad because this guy beat him out so

It’s like if they don’t know baseball they they wouldn’t understand yeah exactly like that’s why they said when I did mine Michael weiner you know rip Michael weiner uh former head of the former head of the player association um he’s like we want you to speak you know

He’s like are you okay speaking I’m like well yeah what are we gonna tell and they’re like we want you to walk through what a catcher does compared to what a regular position player has to do every day and I was like great how long do I

Have and they’re like you got 10 minutes I’m like perfect so you know you start from like when you get to the field and how much more a catcher has to do and crows I mean I think you have my back you know video and scouting and dealing

With pitchers oh and then you got to go BP and then sometimes you have to do this with a pitcher watch a bullpen this that go to a pitcher meeting and a hitters meeting right catch the game then next day starts over again whereas a position player left fielder Todd’s at

Third he’s like man how am I going to get a hit today I’m trying to get that one handed Homer out front on the slider you know meanwhile the catcher’s like [ __ ] oh I went on for four but my pitcher threw great so it was a good day

So it was cool to like sit there and and explain it to someone like you said that I wasn’t sure knew that much about baseball crazy well and the other side of this deal I know we don’t dive into this always so much but I just thought

It was interesting Coleman Crow is the one prospect that goes back to the Brewers and Tim Healey brought up a good point he covers the and he’s been on this show before you could see here this is a Savvy if not super sexy trade for

The Mets they check off two boxes at a very very low cost which in my mind I think that’s David Sterns for you there that’s what you’re paying for and this is by the way the first deal with Stern’s former team and and former dude that he oversaw Matt Arnold and himself

Um anyway if this is what the Brewers are doing to cut salary they’re in a rough weird spot and then he added on and said the other thing as we’ve seen repeatedly in Mets turnover the new exec often is more comfortable trading the old exex prospects that’s what Coleman

Crow was he was drafted by the Angels when Billy Epler was there then Billy eper acquired him in the Eduardo Escobar deal this past season and then the new guy comes in David Sterns and he’s like ah this guy’s getting Tommy John surgery this year see you and that’s how it

Works yeah there you go so I thought that was interesting but I trade that I actually think could make a big impact Mets need to add some depth at a low cost I mean you got your number four number five I guess starter yeah Low 4 Z

Adrien haer’s been in The Bigs for several years now he belongs in a rotation at the back end of course yeah if he’s a free agent this season what does he get probably Kyle Gibson Lance Linn money I would think so does he get Jack flarity money well fl’s 15 Gibson

And Lynn were more like 11 12ish so you’re getting both players for seven yeah he’s never he’s never thrown more than 140 innings and when he’s thrown those Innings his best season I think was 21 Howser’s best season and his ground ball that was what he would he was huge

In a ground ball low Fly ball rate it’s gone up and the Brewers now obviously Sterns is over with the Mets so he hasn’t screwed up any trades yet but the Brewers recently have cut ties with players and gotten back somebody that has done a better job so Tyrone Taylor I

Think he’s going to be a good platoon piece with DJ Stewart who came out and did really well last year and earned a spot on this year’s team but I think he’s a good platoon piece because again he’s only played 8900 850 at bats in his three plus years in

The big leagues and so he’s had a tough time staying on the field I think it’s one of those cases that maybe there’s trends of going the opposite direction for the Brewers and they have a little bit of extra in the Outfield so to me I think it’s a great great cost savings

But you have to you have to supplant that pitching somewhere because there’s you know while it’s only 111 111 Innings last year you still got to find those 111 Innings somewhere the Brewers rotation right now does it scare anybody though no Burns Miley Freddy Peralta Joe Ross he’s Peralta Burns Peralta yeah but

I mean okay Miley has a history of not being healthy right Ross definitely has a history of not being healthy I mean Colin Ray he’s been hurt a lot I mean can they do it again with this Patchwork rotation not like it’s woodriff Peralta Burns you know I mean how’s are listen

Four er for his career he’s not awful but it’s funny when I go when I Googled Adrien Hower it says relief piter for the New York Mets relief picture is what it said that’s what it said guys like in 202 I mean he’s 30 years

Old in 2021 Adrien Hower in 142 in the third Innings had a 322 erra ra plus hundreds League average 128 that’s Elite that is an elite elite Mark like if you have that number in your career as a starter you’re considered for the Hall of Fame obviously it was just one season

My point is he belongs if he’s healthy in a rotation as a five I agree so I thought it was a nice little move that’s a little David Stern’s action there s picking on his whole te s sneaky good move it is we saw that with the Marlins

And Rays like Peter Bendix went to the Marlins and they almost immediately acquired Vidal bruhan who is supposed to be a big Prospect hasn’t really panned out yet so they’re friends they know each other because hey remember remember those guys that that you liked but or

That I liked but you didn’t like as much let me take them off your hands so sneak a move that totally happens you like it does though I mean there are some teams that work better with others no of course you see teams trade routinely with each other because they know they

Know their farm system their friends whatever it is they trust the other guy because listen I there I mean you guys played for a bunch of teams I even would hear things a lot where hey you know this team’s not going to trade with this team because this GM pissed off our GM

And they don’t want to you know was a meal you know move 10 years ago where so and so got screwed and they were hurt and they didn’t tell them I mean you hear about this stuff all the time so there’s definitely little nuances to to

Who you trade with and who you don’t who you trust raised Mariners they always make deals and I think the Mariners are hoping that Ray make another deal ra Dodgers have made a few yep raay Dodgers have made some that’s fredman obviously right with the old Squad yeah with his

You know his web of people that he’s Dodgers Red Sox have made a bunch over the years too yep big money moves that’s teams that make sense on that front all right let’s do a little uh I was actually I was actually talking to one of the trainers at the Pats thing that

You know I knew half the trainers that were there since I played for half the team it was something that I was asking one of them about some of the traits and that process just like AJ said you have to trust the team that you’re trading with if there’s anything that’s possibly

A little shady or nefarious from other times then you’re like you’re going through a process of of vetting these three guys that you’re bringing in oh did they hide some things remember back in the day I think Colin Ray actually talking about Colin Ray the Padres hid some things

When they trade him to the Marlins the Marlins you know found out he was he needed Tommy John they they they reconciled it but forever if you’re going to trade with the Padre’s you have to think ah maybe there’s a little bit of shadiness the white where Ray got

Sent back didn’t he get sent back to the PO wasn’t there like he got sent back to the Padres but because he had yeah he had arm and they had to figure out the trade a different way the White Sox did that with um uh white socks to the

Phillies uh Garcia was it Garcia Freddy gar Freddy Freddy went to the Phillies and they found out that the white socks were hiding some injury that he had and I remember talking to the Phillies trainer at the time obviously those guys are gone now but they were like we’re a

Little we’re a little leery of doing a deal with the wh sock so it’s not just like oh why don’t you go and get this guy well you know what maybe we don’t trust that team or maybe we’ve heard some things they talk they talk about each

Other behind each other’s backs no doubt and so you have to you everything has to line up for the trade to happen you should by the way that trade was just so the White Sox could get Gio Gonzalez back to trade him to Oakland again they traded him away traded back for him

Traded him away poor Gio first round pick I mean he it worked out well for him it did he had a nice career but the Padre story if you want to read back if you missed that go back and time it’s pretty sketchy I mean PR got you know a slap on

The wrist but was PR the GM when that happened yes he was I was surprised I thought he was gonna be in big big trouble and he was in Small trouble after Towers it was it was PR for sure if you Google it it’s a good read I

Remember reading a lot about it um all right let’s spread rumors shall we we just did I know but this these are those are rumors facts we went over a trade and an investigation that happened that ended up in someone getting in trouble now we’re going to do rumors okay so

We’re going to bounce around a little bit and um we’ll start with BR walk-off talking about framber Valdez and I don’t think he’s going to get traded but they put top 10 Landing spots for him if he does Cubs Reds Giants Phillies Braves Red Sox Orioles Blue Jays Dodgers

Yankees this is not exactly how I would rank it why would they trade him because the Astros are dancing around the luxury number they’re making one for me they’re making one more run this is the one they have Verlander for one more year they have bregman for one

More year right rber wasn’t the same this past year no Altuve maybe is altuve’s deal almost up I think his is close got one or two years but bregman’s definitely up after this year correct brantley’s gone framber I think is up Verlander’s up so they this is kind of

Their last run I can’t I cannot see the Astros trading him unless they don’t get off to a good start then everyone on the table for the Astros but I this guy he he struggled last year I mean he did throw a no hitter but he still struggled

Other than that especially down the stretch and in the postseason so can they figure something out to get him back to the old framber I don’t know mado’s gone so what effect will that have but I mean this is a guy they’ve counted on for years and years and you know I just

Don’t see him moving them right now maybe later but not now if they call me about trading him I’m hanging up and the reason is and I’ve Loved framber Valdez for years but the reason is they would think something’s wrong like yes they know him better than anyone

Else if they’re calling me about that and he’s not super expensive and they’re still trying to make a run and they’re not a team that does this exactly they let guys walk they let George Springer walk they let Carlos kareah walk they let Verlander they let Verlander walk

They let Verlander walk they’ve let a lot of guys walk they don’t trade guys they’re still in their window for me they still have Alvarez right they still have bregman they still have altua they still have Peña they still have uh you know a lot of guys in their team that

Are Tucker’s still there right I think he’s got one more year and then he’s a free agent I think he’s got two Tucker yeah it’s close I mean all these guys are all these guys are like in the you know verland right you know so framber Presley they’re they’re still in their

Window of winning and I don’t think that just because they lost to the Rangers scares them away I think they’re like maybe more motivated especially Alex bregman and some of those guys especially when Cory seager’s like you know what would have happened if the Rangers didn’t win the World Series

Will’ll never know and kind of punked pregant I think which is awesome but I I think I think the the the Astros are in their window and I just this doesn’t make any sense for them to trade now again if they get off to a bad start and we get into June and

They’re behind the Mariners the Rangers then it might make a little more sense and they’re not close to a wild card but until the Astros don’t go for it I’ll be shocked yeah I I don’t see it I I don’t see it even being a thing I’m just

Saying though also when you look at that list Katz I mean I think for example the Orioles being seventh on this list they are going to they are going to be desperately in the starting pitching trade market because they can’t play in the free agent trade market so I think

Any list needs to have the Orioles in the top three when you’re talking about a starter that could be towards the top of a rotation in terms of his potential agree 100% agree yeah they need to be the top they need the Reds the Reds and

The Orioles need to be the top because they’re not going to dip into this Market obviously the Reds made the run at Sunny gray and that was you know that was they came up short but they came up short probably because they offer less money so that’s where that’s where they’re

Sitting in in this market so to me if anybody which I don’t think framber Valdez is going to be up on the market because because I agree with everything you guys said like they’re still in their window maybe one more year but man like I just if you are the Reds or The

Orioles with the team with the position players that you have plus the DAR of position players and prospects in the minor leagues you have to be at the top of this Market if the Yankees Dodgers Phillies Red Sox Mets are all at the top of the free agent Market because they

Have cash you have cash in prospects so if there’s trades if Dylan cease if the white socks call if the if the Astros call you have the currency they’re looking for because the Astros are like 28th now in their minor league their minor league system so they need to

Build that up go ahead give it to them give them what they need all right let’s move to the Pittsburgh Pirates and remember it’s just spreading rumors we’re just just scouring Twitter having a good time MLB Scoops the Pirates will do whatever it takes to get Shawn maniah really if he

Cost 100 Mil you’ll still do it I don’t like whatever it takes that’s a little too intense for is shamia a game changer I he pitched okay last year for the Pirates he is because the Pirates can’t sign anyone they just signed he pitched better in the second half they sign

Mcing right but that’s what they do like they can’t play in the ab C range they have to go for D list man I give Mani a little more than D list but great listen compete try to compete try we talked about yesterday try to get to 500 try to compete for

Something like if you’re Bob nutting if you’re Derek Shelton you’re going Bob nutting please please give me a chance get me somebody give me some veteran guys yeah nut up nutting like come on like yeah I mean Pittsburgh is such a great town when the baseball I mean we see it for the

Steelers I’ve been to Steelers games unbelievable Pittsburgh is unbelievable and this team is good so let’s try to figure it out and make this team better and if Shawn manai is the guy that thinks you put you over the top then go get him please go get him do you think

He does no but I mean I think he helps yeah yeah it’s nice it’s a nice rotation depth I mean this past season in 117 and two3 innings he had a 444 ra ra plus 95 the year before 158 Innings of 496 ER ra Plus at

76 um and the two years before that he was close to League average so he’s he hasn’t been able to find it again you know back to his early career days in the last two months in the last two months manah was he was doing it last

Year yeah yeah but they also put didn’t they put him in the rotation and say hey you’re a rotation Guy start every fifth day so when he’s bouncing around nobody’s we talked to chicken strip Ross strippling right he didn’t know what he was doing he’s like this sucks I’m a

Starter I’m a relever I’m a starter I’m a opener I’m a closer like what the hell am I doing he had a player option by the way for 122. half million for 2024 and he declined it who sea manah he really want to be in San Francisco yeah because

San Francisco bouncing his ass around he didn’t want to go to Sacramento again the Bay Area listen the Pirates whatever it takes I I don’t see I don’t believe that at all cuz they don’t do whatever it takes to win right now and that’s just who they are maybe they are maybe

They’re maybe they’re changing the Neil Walker Neil Walker you’ll hear it on Legends territory he talks about they’re ready to they’re ready to make a move so if there’s a division Joe yeah Joe MCU always said don’t talk about it be about it baby and guess what they haven’t been

About it so we’ll see hey Todd father I got a special for you talk to Cherry Hill New Jersey’s finest that’s how I like to start the intro here he’s got the whole crew today general manager of the Kansas City Royals who’s moving in Shaking All offse long JJ Pico joining

Us right now on Ft live for the first time JJ great to have you on you got a couple Jersey guys here with you how you doing yeah I noticed that when I got the email I felt like I was going back home what’s up guys hey we got we got you a

Fresh pie waiting for you and you know a little uh little antie pasta if you’re ready to go so you tell I’m ready man I love it good stuff hey JJ let’s just get right to it you guys have been super active so far this off season why did

You guys decide to be you know more active than you have been in the past couple seasons and can you give us a breakdown on some of the ex signings that you’re excited about yeah I mean I think it was pretty simple for us we went through the whole year we evaluated

What we thought we had we weren’t happy with our results at the end of the season you know I’ve said this a lot I don’t think we were 106 loss team but we lost 106 games but we’ve got a we’ve got a good nuclear so of some players like

Bobby Whit Jr Vinnie pastino Michel Garcia and there’s others then there’s some guys in our pitching staff that are going to continue to get better but we need to jump start it you know this window right now is only going to be open for so long um there were pre

Agents that we really liked from a starting pitching perspective also from a the bullpen we need to address the bullpen and then we we need to add a bat or two so um you know we were pretty aggressive right from the get-go and uh we’re pretty happy with where we’re at

At least at least at this point in the off season that’s a good segue what I want to talk you about at least to where you’re at I mean you signed really some veteran guys here that have been around the block was that like the first and

Foremost did you want to sign guys that had a little more experience and are you guys still looking to sign more guys as you’re going forward here yeah that was definitely an objective because um you know I don’t know what our average age was but we were one of the younger teams

In the league uh we have Salvador Perez Jordan ly we had Zack ranky last year uh but outside of that we had a lot of guys who were in their second and third years in the major leagues and a lot of guys that made their debuts so you know even

Though we’ like a lot of our players we felt like when you add guys who’ve been in the playoffs I think three of the guys of One World Series all eight guys we’ve added have been in the playoffs it should be a good mix and you just think

About what these players have gone through uh through their careers getting to free agency they’re going to add a lot to that Clubhouse and we’re going to mature a lot faster have we not made the move so uh they were the type of guys and when you talk to them all they talk

About is winning you know they’re past the point in their career where they’re worried about if they’re a major leager or not they know they are and they want to win so it was uh it was a good week so does some of these moves your window

Of winning you said you kind of mentioned your window of winning is it kind of precipitated by the fact that Bobby Wht Jr is not locked up for long term or is it a case that you sit there as GM VP of executive operations of excitement in Kansas City and you say

Hey Bobby we want to do this extension uh well we don’t have anything that’s going okay we’re going to sign this this we have this hey Bobby do you want an extension or these precipitated by or these like precursors to the fact that he’s hasn’t signed an extension yeah I I

Think what what Bobby and other players want to see is that we want to win you know you were here Katy when we had things going pretty well um it’s an exciting place to play but when you’re trying to extend guys um they need to see a commitment and our owner John

Sherman and his entire ownership group have been outstanding through this whole process they’re very supportive of the decisions they’re excited about what we’re doing uh hopefully it’s a precursor to things we can do in the future but um you know we’re going to be focused you know Bobby we like him a lot

There’s other players we we like a lot uh but when players see that we’re willing to do some things and shake things up and make some commitments hopefully that that opportunity to sign Bobby long term becomes a reality JJ does any of this have to do with the new stadium proposal

That we keep hearing about for the Royals bringing in more veteran guys bringing in a higher payroll showing the people of Kansas City that you will spend given the opportunity you know I’ve been asked that question a lot but but honestly AJ it’s not I mean when we

Sat down at the end of the season uh John Sherman was really clear that he wants a more competitive team and we talked Al about the Avenues to get more competitive and free agency was one of them so I it’s really completely separate from the stadium I really St

Clear of that that’s not my expertise at all uh I just want to get good players and surround the current players we have with guys that can win so um you know as I’ve answered that question a couple times this week it’s they’re two separate two separate things that we’re

Dealing with JJ how nice is that phone call by the way the owner calls you and says oh by the way payroll restrictions are off here’s 50 million go outspend the Red Sox Yankees and all these Mets combined go get some players oh great Mr owner thank you very much byebye I’m on

The phone now to every agent click yeah no he he’s been awesome I mean we we knew we had some money to play with we had about 30 million came off the books from last season so you sort of assume we can spend 30 but when we got to the

Finish line and it was really one more starting pitcher that we needed uh when we got to the finish line line it was really just a a simple conversation with John and said you know we have options we can trade some players try to get another starter or we can keep our

Lineup intact and go get a free agent that we know is a proven winner and he’s it was a short conversation he said go ahead and do it let’s let’s get it done so it was that was exciting that was very exciting so JJ I’ll ask about the

Past and the future so Ken rosenal who I trust more than any other Insider said that you guys had offers to Sunny gray and Eric fetty did you play for guys like that now that that process is done and they signed and is there anything else that you’re looking to do this

Offseason yeah well sometimes I think Ken is in our war room somehow because he gets all the information but uh um the what I’ve realized over the last say 48 72 hours is we have 50 some days until pitchers and catchers report we’re certainly not packing our bags and

Getting ready to go to Surprise Arizona right now uh it gives us a chance to step back evaluate where the team is evaluate where the organization is you know our minor league system is always going to be vital in our any success we have in the major leagues but we have

The opportunity now to to look to improve this team on the margins to try to finish it off uh if it happens or not I I really don’t know I hope it I hope we can do a few more things uh but also we we can eye up ways to acquire some

Prospects uh now that the the 24 team looks like it’s fairly settled so we’re not we’re not packing our bags and shutting it down for the winner we’re going to keep pushing how much does being in the division you’re in help you out because let’s be honest listen as a

Former white socks player and a white sock fan the division isn’t very good so how much does that help you out especially like you said your owner calls you says hey you got some money you can change the future quickly with the Right Moves yeah I I think because

Of uh some of the like a Bobby Wht Jr it gives you reason to be optimistic we think we got a superstar in our hands uh and then you just sort of evaluate I I don’t know exactly what the the other teams are going to do but it seems like

There’s some teams in transition uh we’ve gone through the transition for two years and now it’s time to push forward so the timeline of Bobby being in his third year next year and and Vinnie and others um it matched up with where our division is and gave us more

Reason or more motivation to push push right now and try to make a run at it so as Chris gets called you about Salvador Perez yet because he seemed to get every other Royals guy for the white socks so the rumor for a long time was they W

Salvador Perez so is he next to go the white socks n we’re gonna keep salvi it’s uh yeah no we you know salvi Sal’s a static right now he called me over the weekend and he was so happy because you know he’s at a point in his career where

He he knows he he doesn’t know how many more years he’s going to play but he wants to win um you know he’s got 10 and five rights and we’ve had great conversations about where the team is but at the end of the year I couldn’t

Look him in the eyes and say hey we’re going to compete for the central next year so after these moves he’s excited and he’s motivated uh so I haven’t heard from gsy and I doubt I will as much as I like gsy I don’t think he’s gonna call on that

One hey how do you sell a guy like Bobby Whit to stay here in Kansas City with you guys you know considering these big Market teams out there as well that have bigger budgets how how do you sell a guy like that well it’s G it’s going to be

Challenging there’s there’s no doubt um but you know Bobby lives in Texas it’s a short flight for his family to get up here to see him play he really has embraced the city he loves playing here I think the city fits his personality he knows how much everybody loves coming to

Watch him play so I think it’s sort of selling itself right now then you just deal with the the realities of baseball you know he he’s gonna have opportunity uh without question but if he uh if we can get to a number that he’s comfortable with uh I don’t think he has

Any doubt about staying in Kansas City he loves it here um you know he’s friends with Patrick Mahomes he sees what Mahomes does for for our city from a football perspective so why not be the the baseball end of that combination all earlier in the show we

Were talking about ARB and we’re talking about going through arbitration and what a crappy crappy just terrible situation that is are you in those meetings and do you fear that with Bobby Wht like the stuff he’s done he’s done historical things here in his first few years you

Guys are going have to go in and tell this young man who is essentially going to lead your team to another world series hey you know what you did this pretty terrible and you did this pretty terrible and then the next day come to him and go hey Bobby what’s going on

Like the nice JJ Picolo hug yeah no it’s it’s definitely something you want to avoid there’s no doubt about it it’s um it’s not a system I think anybody likes I don’t think the players like it I can just speak from our team perspective the Kansas City Royals don’t like it uh

We’ve been one of the more successful teams I think in staying out of hearings we’ve gone into a couple the last two two or three years but over the course of time we’ve not gone to hearings all that often uh just because we have to

Sell who we are we have to sell culture we have to sell um you know the team concept and anything that takes a [ __ ] out of that is harmful to a small market so we try to avoid it at all cost and you know that’s that’s part of the

Motivation as well of trying to get an extension what’s the what’s the alternative you’re you’re you’re in these offices you’re in these meetings you’re in you know the front office meetings and players are doing it with their agents and the Players Association what’s an alternative what’s a positive

Alternative that can be good for the game because Bobby Wht in Kansas City to me is really good for the game yeah you know I’m not smart enough to know how to structure that thing but uh you know you’d like to see some sort of uh sliding scale based on performance

That that slots guys in to certain numbers and those numbers have to be acceptable to the PA without question but to avoid an arbitration hearing I think it’s worthwhile for our game to explore those opportunities and I believe those types of discussions have been had uh we just haven’t arrived at a

At a conclusion or or come to an answer that that satisfies both parties so I hope we keep working hard at it because it is one of the it’s one part of the game that nobody likes hey JJ we got the news basically as we brought you on publicly we a lot

Of us knew about this already but the MLB competition committee came out with changes they’re not huge but some changes for the 2024 season 18 second clock with Runners on down from 20 four M visits down from five if a pitcher starts to warm up before an inning he

Must face at least one hitter and the runners landan of first has been widened into the infield grass so my two questions are your thoughts on any of these and also how much of a heads up do you get on these changes these ones in particular don’t necessarily affect much

Of what you’d be doing with your offseason moves but still curious if this goes back to say the GM meetings it does uh during the GM meetings there’s a breakout session there’s five clubs in one room across six different rooms and uh MLB presents what the proposals

Are we have an open discussion about them take them back to a large big room with all 30 clubs in and you know I don’t think anything was too controversial in in this year’s uh proposals so everybody was comfortable with it you know that the clock you know

Knocking off two seconds I think there’s an argument to be made that you know maybe that’s not necessary but uh players adapted really well to it the the fans like the pace of the game I think players like the pace pace of game so you know it wasn’t that big a deal

The um you know the one thought I had on the on the runner Lane you know you like that that to be a reviewable play but um you know you’re not going to get everything you want but I think they were minor and there there won’t be too

Many side effects of those rules and too too many complaints hey the runners Lane intrigues me as a former catcher because every Stadium’s lanes are cut different right the lines are cut different some stadiums the line is right on the edge of the grass some there’s like a foot

There’s there’s it’s different are they going to make that Universal for every Stadium because otherwise you know if I’m a if I’m a team and I have a bunch of right-handed fast guys that want to bunt I could just cut that lane way wider and they could run way more inside

As long so is MLB gonna make that a universal width my understanding is there will be a a minimum width to that lane so it could be wider I think more to the foul side so my understanding between the grass and the the foul line I hope I’m right on this but that’s

Going to be standard um because that was discussed in those GM meetings and I I didn’t see anything that changed that proposal uh but to your point AJ that that’s what they want they want consistency uh with with what that lane looks like dumbest rule in the game by

The way one of the dumbest rules they ever came up with dumbest r one of the dumbest rules one of the dumbest rules they ever came up like because a right-handed hitter has to run inside I mean unless they’re going to make a big you know and the Bas is in it’s just

Stupid it’s confusing for sure and that’s why I brought up the replay because I feel like when when we watch it on replay you can see the intent of the runner so I maybe one day that’ll get in there that’s interesting uh I want to ask you a question about getting guys

Like so that we talked about it during like the Christmas time through New Year’s and that kind of stuff are you have you ever signed a guy during that time period or is that just like an Unwritten rule where it just like we try not to sign guys around there no you

Know what this year Thanksgiving we had something going on Wednesday and I thought maybe Thursday we do it and you know I said to my wife you know I might be on the phone tomorrow who knows fell apart Wednesday night I think it would

Be sort of a weird badge of honor to do it but um I think for the most part people like to take Thanksgiving and Christmas at least a day two days out of the year and put the phones down and get back to work the day after that but uh

I’ve never done it you know to answer your question I’ve never done it well JJ I would say this off season has been moving a bit slowly we’re having fun we have plenty to talk about but I mean many of the top free agents are still on

The board at least half depending on how you rank them and I I think it’s fair to say that Yamamoto is the big prize right now and there are many other teams that haven’t done much that are then going to go to options B and C do you think that

There will be many people behind the scenes who usually get a little bit of a break between Christmas and New Year’s who will have to say sorry to their family and friends I’ve got to work a lot more because let’s say Yamamoto signs this weekend and then all of a

Sudden you know it kind of opens up Pandora’s Box yeah I think so with every Domino that falls the the urgency to get something done is greater so you know if Yamamoto signs on Tuesday I would expect the rest of the week to to really pick

Up people will be working I I don’t doubt that at all I I think our nature is not to sit still anyway so there’s only so much sitting around you can do um but look it’s a competitive business and you don’t want to L miss out on opportunities so if it’s December 26

Teams aren’t going to be afraid to do business so I I do think it’ll pick up all right JJ I was told not to ask yes or no questions but this is a yes or no question I just need a yes or no did you make an offer to show Otani

No but we went up and down with his we came I’d like to tell you we came in second but okay that’s fair for $2 million a year you would have signed him no no no that’s my question this is my question would you have signed him for

$1 a year for 700 million years I’ll defer to my owner how’s that okay that’s fair but what do you think about what do you think about how his his contract was structured and how all that went down it is it good for the game yeah that you know that’s a it’s

Complicated uh you know on the surface initially I thought you know that it’s not good for the game but then when you think about the the dollars that are attached to that deal you know it’s difficult to get to that money so you’re G to have to be

Creative um you know because we weren’t involved in it at all you know you look back on it and you you try to think for the Dodgers and the other teams that were in on it you know they spent a lot of time on it to try to make it work um

So I give them a lot of credit he’s an unbelievable Talent just talking to to Hunter Renfro this week you know how good is Otani what type of teammate he raved about him you know so he’s clearly one of if not the most elite guys in the

Game and um teams had to get creative to make it work so give them credit JJ he’s already signed you can admit to us that the Royals were in he flew into Kansas City he took him to what is it stack 39 for some barbecue maybe what is it

Lydia’s the Italian place ly he’s already signed you don’t you can tell us what really happened with yeah yeah I wish I had better news for you but we were focused on other things okay okay that’s fair grinkie what about Zack grinkie he’s he’s come out and said he

Wants to pitch again I know he’s he was a royal last year he came up as a royal Wai young as a royal any chance I know it’s gonna be hard so this is a yes or no question will Zack grinkie pitch for the Royals next year that’s a tougher

Yes no question that’s a tougher one um like I know I’m not supposed to comment on free agents but we we love Zach grank I I was so happy that we were able to get him back here the last two years uh he was a shot in the arm for us just the

Way he goes about his business uh we’ll see where the off season goes I you know if we’re going to be continue to be active there may be opportunity for him to come back that that didn’t that doesn’t exist today um but it may change you know that there we we have basically

Two months and really count spring training we have over three months till opening day so we’re going to leave all options open you said something there that I’m like I I guess you hear that but to hear it from you like why can’t you comment on a free agent is that an

Organizational thing is there an MLB rules yeah what how’s that work that’s MLB MLB rules we’re not allowed to comment on uh pending free agents or current free agents why so I I wish I wish I I knew why I think it’s just from a competitive standpoint people trying

To leverage things so MLB wants to control it so we we have to keep those things uh private I I’ll jump in just for a second sorry Todd just on this well unless you got something on this my I I I have a yes or no question too I haven’t get to

Mine yet well I’m just GNA help add context if I can JJ because I worked for the league so I think if you have people commenting about players too much they could give away their interest or non-interest in a player and that could affect the player’s Market that’s that’s

How it was explained to me interesting yeah absolutely no that’s uh I think that’s that’s dead on and um you know again I don’t make the rules I just play by them and you know we’re we’re we’re reminded every year not to comment on free agents so you know i’ rather not

Get a call from the Commissioner’s Office Fair keep them out of trouble what’s your question Todd what do you got so how long were you in Jersey for was my first question so I I lived in Philadelphia Middle School moved to New Jersey went to Cherry Hill West we used

To beat up on Tom’s River South no that’s [ __ ] man did yes JJ I love it he wait what what year was this what year this is my senior year was 1989 so I was a little bit little bit before you yeah but we had some good teams that’s fine so you

You were you were the purple uh cougars right yeah we well we were the purple lions East was the Cougars all right so I got him mixed up I was just making sure that’s what happened he got me flustered that’s okay we used to play that Saturday all day interner Squad

With you guys yep yep do you remember the field how it had the school in right field you had it over the school yeah that’s right you got it up so my question is kind of Jersey related so I’m putting you on the spot here so if

People in Kansas City see this don’t get mad at me who has better food New Jersey or um is it is it Kansas is it missou or is it well both we have both really both yeah Kansas City Missouri and Kansas you’re right on State Line I’ll say this

The bar the barbecue for sure is better here but when you’re talking about Italian food and cheese stakes and sandwiches and stroli you know it’s hard you’re heart pressed to find that in Kansas City awesome awesome that’s all that that’s all I got JJ I’ve got one

More Kansas City sneaky good for food now no doubt C A Food Town sneaky good if you know where to go it’s a food town no doubt it’s it’s excellent all so last one for me JJ so from a GM’s perspective obviously sometimes you have to make

Tough phone calls to you know let someone go or tell them that they’ve been traded do you have any go-to lines or how do you deal with the psychology of that maybe calling a player telling him he’s optioned or even calling say a coach and telling him that you know the

Team has to let him go yeah you know what it’s it every case is a a little bit different but I I’ve just found the best way to to to go is just be honest you know be transparent with the player it’s bad news no matter how it’s

Delivered it’s bad news you know now trade’s a little different you know trade means somebody else wanted you uh but but when we option somebody down there’s no good way to put it you just try to explain the situation be upfront listen to the player let him vent and uh

Hopefully because mo more often not that player’s coming back up at some point so you got to keep them going so I just found transparency and honesty is the best way to go I like that well we respect what you do thanks for coming on

Here hope you had a good time with this crew um and enjoy the rest of your offseason keep hustling we like what you guys have going on there all right guys thank you and happy holidays to you all thank you same to you JJ appreciate you JJ Bola general manager of the Kansas

City Royals hanging out with us on Ft live it’s good stuff it’s good to have the GMS on I love when the GM come on you find out things you didn’t know like why you know we kind of had an idea why they couldn’t talk about free agents but

Then it’s interesting you know like you said you got a call from the owner and the owner’s like you can spend and he’s like go go go call call call let’s get these dudes here now right it’s awesome it has to be a great feeling opposed to

AJ prer who the owner calls and’s like oh yeah you have to cut 50 million now and he’s like [ __ ] yep some tough phone calls and also I think we got some good context on the Bobby wit situation which I think is more complic at than most

People imagine it’s like oh just throw 350 million at him or whatever the number is right and find a comp like a Julio Rodriguez comp or whatever and now actually he’s got another season down though because the more you play the more expensive you get if you’re maintaining productivity but it’s the

Money it’s convincing him that they’re goingon to win I I thought actually probably the most interesting part is his combo with salvi too Katy where salvi called him and he was like let’s go baby I’m looking at the news yeah and this is what this is what the Royals

With d more and JJ was there when I was there the crew that they have as far as the front office crew they really do a great job of making it a personal thing it probably comes back to bite them when you have to fire guys when you have to

Get rid of guys but they do such a good job of making it personal so to hear that that salvi called them and was like yeah I love what you’re doing let’s go it re-energizes players and it gets this is a leader on this team he’s a

Different kind of leader but he’s been there and he’s seen it and he’s like look this is what’s going to happen in this town when we start winning I can tell you this as a betting man a betting man I watched a lot of Royals games even

When they were well out of it the one thing I that stood out that I’ll always remember from the royals man they had guys that could not throw strikes and when when you had a guy like Seth Lugo Michael Waka they’re adding veterans that know how to find the [ __ ] strike

On Will Smith we didn’t even ask him about if they’re the favorit since wa damn it wait so who Scott who’s the it’s got to be the catcher’s fault then if they don’t throw strikes right obviously because they’re setting up in the wrong spot you know there’s lazy catchers that

Show up to the field last that’s right Dilly dallying talking to the media just picking on the freaking spread in the clubhouse they just thought more about the game plan for once Scott we can move on real quick hurry up Kess well let let’s get the I wasn’t playing oh gosh I

So much the days I was playing I didn’t you didn’t want to get all feel all bloated and look bad in your uniform but the days I didn’t play I had when I didn’t play I would crush a chocolate like kiit Kats Crunch bars Reese’s I’d go through about six of them dude

Atlanta Atlanta we had Waffle House come in on Sundays oh they’ cater it they they’d have the Waffle House people come in on oh my gosh covered smothered DIC C every oh oh at Atlanta he used to make the peach crisp the peach cobbler in that same Skillet every single time on the

Last day and you played him with the Phillies we played them all the time that peach Cris got absolutely smacked by me hey last thing do you guys like biscuits are you guys biscuit fans well I mean some of us are from the south so yes I didn’t ask if you’re from

The south nerd I asked if you like biscuits from the south you usually like biscuits biscuit I I when you’re talking about in the cover I I can’t stand biscuits bro oh dude biscuits and gravy are like the best with the gravy too I I don’t I’m not into a good one they’ve

Been too dry for you you if you go to a good place and they have good biscuits and gravy it is like I just I don’t I like bread I like you know but I just can’t get in biscuits all you’re gonna have to make me some then because people can screw up

Biscuits it’s one of those you get a good biscuits there’s certain there’s certain food categories if you [ __ ] it up you really [ __ ] it up yeah yeah der’s going to eat some biscuits and gravy and some bacon and eggs let who D is scenes my guy is Christmas dinner

Christmas breakfast also anytime you talk about a food Katz probably has a hat that has the food on it biscuits bacon whatever it is he probably played for a minor league team that yep you know had played the bacon the bacon yeah when we wore the bacon jerseys for the

Iron Pigs we played the Toledo Mud Hens and they freaking had eggs on their eggs on their jerseys of course they did yep everybody wanted one I would have bought one all right let’s get to breaking news Okay so MLB came out with the press release that the changes for the 2024

Season are the following number one the pitch clock with Runners on moves from 20 seconds to 18 seconds okay the mound visits that you can make go from five to four which was one of my favorite moves made a few years ago uh if a pitcher starts to warm

Up before an inning he must face at least one hitter is that when he’s on the mound or no if he comes out and warms up because guys come out warm up and then make CH make the change then in the playoffs it’s like you go to another

Commercial break it’s stupid yeah that doesn’t happen as much anymore but it still happens not not near as much as it used to manag used to be super tricky they think they were sneaky they were like oh I’m going to send my guy out there and they’re going to pinch it knowing that

This dude’s got 142 pitches you’re like he ain’t pitching nobody they used to try to be too sneaky listen there a good rule anything to speed up the game the one that’s the one to me that the runners Lane is going to be interesting like we asked JJ about because they’re

All unless they make it a uniform cut from Line to Line to Grass there’s going to be teams that are going to extend that a little bit and make it a little bit wider it’s like the Maite right but is there an advantage is there an

Advantage to it you follow I’m saying if you’re a right-handed guy and you’re fast and you can bunt and you can run way inside because that’s where it’s cut I mean you can affect the guy throw like the catchers throw the pitchers throw so you’re saying a team that has a cuz you

Know they they wet they wet down the dirt right in front of home plate when you have a sinker ball pitcher going so that’s obvious you can do that game day guys do it it’s almost like a puddle in front of there you’re saying if you have

A right-and stacked lineup you think a team may when teams don’t bun at all teams May extend that wider yeah no I’m saying if they do if they have fast guys and they even lefties like if you have a lefty and you want to like drag a ball with you right

Bring it with you you’re going to get a little bit out and you’re going to get into the lane so if that lane is wider you can get more into the angle of the throw you see what I’m saying I hear you I hear you no so it’s GNA be interesting

To see if it’s you because there used to be teams that didn’t even have a baseline like Toronto forever didn’t even they just had like the little the Metrodome used to have just the little square cutouts right no baselines and like Toronto and I think even Tampa used

To not have dirt baselines they all do now but they used to not have so now you know they made them all uniform they have dirt but they’re all cut different I remember Brian Butterfield used to go out and measure how far the the little circle thing is

At first base so you knew how far that cut was as a as a base runner so you knew how far to get your lead he’d be like cut is 11 foot and then you go the next place it’ be 12 point5 feet and you’re like oh okay so it changes your

Lead because most people be like oh I want to get a foot on the cut but if you go to different places they have different cuts do you think do you think the rule is going to be like super enforced now like if you even have a

Foot on the grass that’s what I was going to ask like if you’re if you’re cuz we think alike we look alike we’re like twins we’re like twins except I’m ugly I’m not so is it going to be like super like oh I saw it you know the

Super superstar Phil cous is going to say I saw his foot partially on the grass oh there’s has to be I I I think if I think the rule the rule should be if there’s any peace on the grass you got to be out no yeah I agree right right or wrong I

Agree so then in Tampa what are they gonna call if Tampa gets rid of the rid of the dirt I don’t they’re going to have to put a line there a line in Fair territory or is it if your foot’s on the line now you’re out like what what is it

What is it specification so that’s what I’m saying they have to make it un but all the CRS all the teams now have dirt baselines they used to not they used to be empty so they all have they all have this dirt that you see now they all have

It they used to not so now they all have it but the difference is the cuts are different so if you go on if you Google all 30 overhead teams the cut from there’s some teams with the line is like right almost up the the cut is almost

Right against the line and then you see that one one there that looks like it’s New York maybe looks like Arizona right Arizona okay but see how there’s probably what this foot maybe six inches then you go someplace and there might be two foot right so they’re gonna it’s like it’s

Like te I remember team certain teams would would make their line come back to Fair territory or go foul depending on who the I remember with the white socks our DRS keeper made it go depending on who we were playing ball would go foul or ball would go Fair exactly dude I

Remember that I remember that it was nutty all right so I have a response from the MLB PA when MLB throws something out there so here’s Tony Clark on the rule changes he said this afternoon player reps voted against the 2024 rule changes proposed by the commissioner’s office as they made clear

In the competition committee players strongly feel that Following last season profound changes to the fundamental rules of the game immediate additional changes are unnecessary and offer no meaningful benefits to fans play players or the competition on the field this season should be used to gather additional data and fully examine the

Health safety and injury impacts of reduced recovery time that is where our Focus will be we know this because Whit Maryfield is part of that committee on the show all the time sherer’s been on that committee and they all [ __ ] about the same problem because they’re like we

Can’t actually do anything and even if we’re in there sometimes they be like all right cool yeah we’ll let you know and then they’re like yeah we’re not doing that they don’t have five to four right it’s five owners four players isn’t that what it is I think oh it’s

Six four they really have no say have no chance so why would you you can’t make it five and five because it’ll never but you should have you should have like an independent person ump that’s what we thought make it five and five and then have because then the UMP but then that

Poor um’s gonna have to make every decision correct because there ain’t nobody ever gonna cross over there’s not a good answer for how to make these decisions but he should the players that should have some input on it they do they get to sit in on the meeting yeah

And they go no they go like this and then what what was it Gladiator where the the emperor goes like this and then the gladiator’s like y live live live well they get to sit in there the owners put their headphones on while the players talk and then they go oh you

Done okay well here’s what’s actually gonna happen it doesn’t matter it’s a good question ask our new guest here scooter yeah he’s coming just give him one more minute once he comes on about he’s got that Yankee Wi-Fi dude he didn’t pay for it oh minor league WiFi

Got him leue catcher no but it’s a good question ask catchers too as as well like is that going to impact the way they throw are they have going to get it get it going to get out more to throw it and that’s going to cause another Split

Second you know what I mean it’s real I mean it’s real all stuff I would I’d be lying if I said I never hit a guy in the back on purpose I mean no diggity yeah we talked about that we talked about it dude I freaking whacked a couple of

Dudes right in the Back Square in the back who was who was the Reds reliever God I’m drawing a bank that right he threw the ball at what’s his name so hard went the Cubs through it he like took an extra step to make sure he was

In line God and the guy and the guy doesn’t know he just keeps running oh yeah I’m going base hit air I’m going yeah all right let’s bring him on he’s ready to go Jose trino Yankees catcher joining us right now Jose great to see you dude and let’s get your immediate

Reaction to that if is he Frozen come on he’s come on Josie one time got to come on here with the catchers and you got to come on Big League Wi-Fi like he’s got the the cowboy shirt too after that Beatdown they got on Sunday he’s still wearing

The C it’s like man he’s got he’s a glutton for punishment oh he loves them cowb he’s not old enough to have seen the Cowboys actually win so when they lose when they lose he’s like oh this is this is the cowboys that I know this is

Okay yeah this is where this is I’m used to this okay this is my running Lane what I mean we got to ask him about web and Yama too I mean they’re like one and 21 last what the front runner teams like if you just meet like a super

Cash Duke basketball okay Dallas Cowboys Yankees who would be NBA Lakers Lakers okay just curious I mean those would be you would think right the Spurs are the Spurs are hitting it though they’re they’re they’re hitting their stride right now they’re they’re looking for the number one pick

Again does have brother the Pistons the Pistons can’t can’t get out of their way they’ve lost like 18 in a row or something well the the Spurs had lost like 18 in a row and they beat the Lakers like they pounded the Lakers the other day somehow I don’t

Know how that’s what he’s gonna bring up just like just like Jos is gonna bring up how the Cowboys you know want all those Super Bowls before he was born so didn’t they beat the Eagles this year the Cowboys beat the Eagles yeah one-onone standard standard year oh

Winning win in Dallas lose in Philly Philly wins in Philly loses in Dallas hey how how about our Tampa Bab bucks baby let’s go oh my God he’s not a bucks fan who’s are I I can’t I can’t believe I was at the Super Bowl 2002 I don’t

Care you are not a fan I am not a fan I admit it I I was not a fan I grew up when the Bucks were so bad he couldn’t be a fan wait wait wait on that topic so whose side are you on MLB or mlbp with

The rule changes like should we yes the players should have a say I know that they should have a say they should be able to to actually have a real but I’m in the middle here you guys I think all agree that the runners Lane needed to be

Addressed for a long time so to me that one I think is okay to be addressed I think the players association’s probably more pissed about what the pitch clock yes are they pissed about the mound visits no I don’t care I I I could see just little things you know that are

Just peeve you kind of like yeah like Mound visits I I think that’ll peeve some of why why do you have to make it four what’s the big deal like I’m not saying I’m mad about it but I’m just saying like they always seem to find a

Way to get whatever the heck they want and that’s I guess part of the G even if they don’t get it after a year they can just implement it like that so it’s just it’s just whatever they want happens even if you have this committee it

Really doesn’t matter at the end of the day they can still decide what they want after a year if we say no so it’s like whatever I think the runnner lane is fine open it up a little bit I mean there’s been yeah we’ve seen a bunch of

Them where it’s like man they should have been called out and they don’t even freaking call it or they go the opposite way so whatever I mean it is it is what it is now none of these rules are impacting the game no honestly they’re they’re they’re just they’re like uh these

Little moves to try to speed up the game everything is speed up speed up hurry up hurry up hurry up hry up right the the the only thing that could impact the game is the 20 to 18 seconds a little bit we’ve talked to Pitchers main you know mostly Max about injuries and

Things like that and and the guys that have been in the minor leagues are used to it um but the five to four Mound visits I tell you was mad Kyle Snyder from the Rays because he goes he used to go to the mound like every inning you’re

Like oh here he goes again to tell him something uh I remember Joe Mau used to go to the mound all the time too when we’re playing against him we’re like God Joe you need a freaking one of those trolleys to take you back like in in

Detroit where they have the line from home play to the mound like you should get a golf cart back and forth yeah M visits suck they don’t do anything for us for The Fan Experience I I bitched about them starting about 10 years ago well you’re you’re a bitcher

Yeah I am a bitcher because I would watch catchers go to the mound every five seconds to have a little coffee talk with their pitcher yeah but sometimes you just need that talk I know but you don’t need that talk 12 times a game we were getting that in the past

True it’s a little different now with the pitch comp too because you don’t have time so you can’t really even go I mean cr will tell you you used to go out there and talk about like okay we’re gonna do this and okay this guy at second could be relaying signs here’s

The next three pitches both pitch G you don’t have to worry about it and there’s also times you go out to the mountain and be like hey man talking about where we’re going to dinner then I mean it’s just you know part of the game you still have four

Chances to do that four is yeah but four like do the when the manager takes the pitcher out does that count as a mount visit or is it only if you go talk and don’t take the pitcher out yes a mound visit is when you’re not making a change change that’s a

Substitution that’s not a mound visit okay hey Scooter yes I used to go to the mound and if a guyy like you have to pick a certain guy you can’t just pick a dude that’s like gung-ho serious like but I used to go to like guys and be like hey

Before you throw this next piss just understand that true that true love is blind and the next thing you like I’d get I’d either get like a little like smirk like or I would get the guy to laugh and like that’s all I was trying

To do or or I’d go to him and do like major leag I’m like what what would I what was the major league [ __ ] I’m drawing him by I’m like strike this guy out and I drag it out like the edited version the TV version yeah the TV and I

Would get a good laugh that’s what I would try and do but no and I’m all for that you’d have to pick and choose that’s visit no more fun no more fun you got four times to have fun four times that’s it and otherwise you can do it in

The Dugout let’s bring him back Jose trino catcher for the New York Yankees oh looking much better super smooth now there it is that’s a big league Wi-Fi right there all right so good turn off Coco melon sorry wow by the way we start what is

That behind you is that is that a calendar with your name on it yes I love that oh tabino family that’s cute we’re busy we’re busy actually lot of days you ain’t busy at all busy my ass like to tell I like to tell people I’m busy so they don’t bother

Me I’ll tell you what I’ll show you my family calendar yeah for real if you would to get a hold of hosie you can see all the open days there he is open he will show up at your cage and he will show you how to receive the crap out of a low

Pitch wait my question is you know what oie can we show that again can can we show that little can we show that no there we go perfect now look you know what I don’t see on there flight to New York to talk to Yamamoto so where is that on that

Calendar what do you mean you weren’t part of the recruitment pitch oh man you just give me a call say what’s up we’ll talk been and Will Smith to talk to show and to talk to Yamamoto you’re the catcher I figured they’d fly you up to New York sit with Boon

Cashman oh man I if they if they want to they can call me you know and they know where I’m at in Texas oh damn I like that little arrogance of course you he’s a Cowboy fan bro what do you expect ex I got this fresh glove I got

This freshy here it’s a my oh you like that one I appreciate that nice I I took Jose out besides I there you go like that there you go big league signature right there hey wait let’s get back to Yamamoto for a sec because thank you Aaron Boon just spoke about the pitch

Because this isn’t the Otani situation yamamoto’s a dude he’s like wants the the attention so we’re allowed to talk about him unlike you know Tani was keeping stuff secret so so your manager said that there was a video message from Hideki Matsui in their presentation and signed jersey from him

And he also said that they talked about the Yankees Red Sox rivalry and what it’s like to play in Yankee Stadium for the playoffs and he and Boon said quote that seemed to light him up a little bit so what have you been following hearing

And what would your pitch be if he did actually call you uh I mean dude the gu’s a stud the guy’s a stud Flatout stud um I’ve actually been watching some highlights on him for a while now um watching how he pitches to certain uh hitters watching how he throws to lefties

Watching how he throws to righties uh for me man I I feel like I I could get the most out of him you know I I feel like you know Todd you can show the glove again there’s some awards listed on there if he wants to throw to it he

Can if he wants you know I think that’ll be pretty cool but no man he’s he’s a he’s a once in a lifetime kind of Talent dude like going back and watching his highlights uh from this past year and I and I actually always say this too and

You there’s some catchers in the room but if like a lot of people don’t know this but I do because I would like the guy to be on my team um he’s won three years in a row battery mate with his catcher anybody know that nobody knew

That no so I’m curious of like why like how how do they have this kind of like camaraderie to where it’s like okay they win battery made of the year you know for three years so um my pitch for him would be the pin stripes are heavy

But the parade will be worth it so come on over I got the chills right now I like that good Tod you trying to come back Todd Todd you trying to come back no you’re out of your mind they asked Todd to do a painting to give to

Yamamoto that’s that’s that was their that was the Yankees pitchie why why what is a negative what is the negative of Yamamoto what’s something that he’s not going to be good at if he doesn’t sign with the I don’t know I don’t know man he’s he’s a good

Talent you know and it’s hard to predict in baseball for me you can’t predict anything but on the track that he’s going it’s it’s hard to find a 25y old that has won three sa Youngs uh I think he’s done a great job so far um and I

Think you know going back to the WBC going back to his season this year um I feel like he’s done a great job and he’s on the right track and I just think that if he really wants you know the spotlight if he wants to go and throw in

In a in a uh in a big you know fan base where the lights are brighter you know all that kind of stuff I mean the Yankees are the right team for him so let’s put this scenario out there what if he signs for $325 million how are you going

To suffice your guy Cole knowing that he is actually signed for a higher amount than Garrett is Garrett are you going to be able to massage Garr ego I feel like I feel like I just do the catching around here so you don’t massage

OS uh no we get outs so if you can get outs I like you you stri people out I like you put up zeros I like you um I mean I I I don’t know I don’t know how to answer that question that’s more of a question for somebody that has a lot

Higher pay than me so I just I’m back there just putting fingers down and trying to win a World Series that’s it yeah I gotta be be honest with you this little arrogance you got going on here this like humble arrogance if that’s a way I’m I’m digging it cuz you know I

Remember you in the locker room when I used to make you go get my my clothes clean get out of here and go get me my drinks and my food I C twice what I got you coffee like twice no I appreciate that anyway but AR I got in there listen

I know you don’t act like this I know you don’t act like this when you’re off camera but I really I really like this arrogance you were in Jersey remember we I took you out to dinner the other day we had a couple drinks and we were just yapping man about like your

Daily day why don’t you tell people about what you do during the day how you get prepared for even an offseason you know talk to me about that yeah no uh for me it’s an early morning I try to spend as much time my family as possible

So I’m up at the gym at 6 um and of course um I’m still going to therapy I’m still I still have a massage therapist that kind of stuff so that’s worked in my day but it starts at 600 with the lift uh usually get done around like 8

8:15 uh and then they go into baseball activity whether it’s you know BP front toss uh machine work anything like that certain pitches that I’m that I want to see that day um and depends on what I’m working on whether it’s plate discipline whether we’re trying to you know hit

Balls to a certain spot hit certain pitches uh and then after that of course it’s the catching stuff I I I feel like catchers have a longer day in the offseason than most people so um and that that just whether it’s blocking receiving transfers footwork that kind

Of stuff uh depending on the day um and then after that it’s you know take care of business and get home man dude I never did any of that [ __ ] withj the hell is he talking about AJ AJ I I I like you damn I’m proud of

You that’s why you got all them them Awards you put on that glove platinum and gold and all that I got 10 which is fine I got the uh the iron iron skillet award I got the iron skillet award back there no you got a World Series man you got a good

One that’s true yeah I got one of them I could do that hey but for real did all right so before I get to my real question I do because Todd’s talking about you getting his coffee right did Todd ever do this to you because this is

One of the greatest moves I ever saw Paul canero once made a guy not gonna say his name Brian Anderson go get his coffee Gordon Beckham and he get the coffee and he get it and he bring it to him and he’d go like this

He go wouldn’t even take a sip he just go and pour it out in the Dugout he just go and he go get me another one and we just bust he did it to like five Todd was really nice I will say Todd did like a little extra more like more cream than

Usual but I’m okay with that it’s his coffee it’s not mine I’m not drinking it that’s his stomach he’s going to have to deal with go for it you know okay okay that’s good at least he drank the coffee cuz that was one of the funniest things

I’ve ever seen that’s good all right so my real question is where were you and W soda got traded and what was your reaction where was i o um I was at I was at home I was hanging out I mean I was you know I I I’ve said

It I’ll say it again like one of the best hitters in the game with the best hitter in the game the Bronx is going to be is going to be bumping the zoo is going to be going so I I uh it’s going to be excited man he’s he’s a good

Player you know obviously everybody knows that but to pair him with judge and and Big G DJ all these guys man it’s going to be fun to watch just some good baseball um have you spoken to him yet no I have not no no no I I I I don’t I

Don’t like to bother people in the offseason man I see them way more than anybody else so I mean and like I said I I I catch baseballs on this team and Strikes you can tell he he’s a bit you can see the calendar how busy he is

Anyway anyway I want to I want to get talk about your charity event man I think what you’re doing man you’re helping out young kids too on and off the field tell us a little bit about it and uh what What’s been done so far yeah

I mean we had a we had a pretty good turnout uh a few weeks ago um we were hitting baseballs off the lexingon it’s a warship in in in the port of Corpus um then I don’t think we sold out the doublea stadium for Corpus uh for the

Hooks but there was a few people there was a few hundred people there um we collected can Foods uh we collected toys and it was just a great event to bring the community together man and and honestly I I didn’t know this until someone had sent me a

Link um about the news they said we created $850,000 in direct uh income to the community of Corpus Christie so which was nuts I mean that’s almost a million dollars just off of you know having a celebrity softball game and hitting baseballs off the Lexington in the baseball tournament so um it was

Pretty impressive man uh the bananas came out we had some uh some local you know athletes that play pro ball um Vanessa who plays softball at UT you know and it was just a great event man it was it was fun all weekend the competition was great I keep trying to

Tell Todd to come and uh bring some of his quote on quote you know Jersey Boys down to South Texas to to get a little bit of loving but I don’t think he wants to do that no you don’t want that noise you don’t want you don’t want the no the

Jersey Boy coming down there and embarrassing you guys but that’s another story hey you you actually you actually run a tournament for kids too as well yeah from all all different types of Ages and stuff I think that’s more interesting too so we did so it started

Out as like a basic camp and now it’s GR growing you know to a crazy amount now that we had a one-day tournament for softball girls uh which softball is badass those girls are legit man they could freaking play some ball um and then we had you know the tournament for the boys

And next year I know you know things are just got finished but we’re starting to think of starting to think of some things I think we’re going to think about going back to Corpus but we’ll see what happens we want to make it a qualifier I don’t know if y’all know

Anything about you know you sports but qualifiers are where it’s at I guess Todd can kind of speak on that but that’s kind of what we’re going to shoot for making it a qualifier try to get some more you know competition and more teams in but yeah we had 76 teams and it

Was it was crazy man it was a crazy weekend a lot of fun Jos did you see the new the new release of the rules all the all the rules that they just came out with as far as like it’s it’s official now 18 seconds or eight 18 seconds you

Guys can remind me of the ones the one I want to ask you about is the running Lane one less one less M visit SE one that one affects you the pitcher can’t warm up before an inning or as to face at least one hitter and then the running

Lane to First is widened to the infield grass not just foul line to the running Lane but from the running Lane to the infield grass oh wow you see that you see that picture there yeah yeah yeah so it’ll be on the inside of the bag I’m just on the

Inside of the bag yeah so we can’t smoke nobody in the back anymore so here’s so here’s the question how are you going to how are you going to deal with this what what kind of mechanics obviously does it take no I have a a lefty first basem so just throw

The inside the righty first basement is going to be tough because they’re going to have to reach all the way across if they’re going to the inside other than that then I’d suggest if you have a righty first Bas you throw to the outside so you got to really move your

Feet you know the the spring training drills inside inside outside outside you got to do all that you you know yeah that was that was really sweet of you that was nice yeah we appreciate they made fun of me Josie because I said I smoked dudes on purpose before in the

Back because they’re inside and they’re like do you know how many out calls you get hey hey what’s funny is that uh I think I almost smoked Cole Calhoun one time in the back i’ I’ve smoked a couple people in the back but there’s been a couple times

Where I haven’t gotten it called and it’s it’s an error I think last year I might have done it I’m gonna have to look at this but I think last year I might have smoked somebody in the back and I was like he’s out and they’re like

No he was in the running Lan I was like all right wow yeah so we’ll see you know they’re just at this at this point I don’t know they’re just kind of you know hoping something sticks you know they’re making rules up every year I think the game is great the way

It is I think you know you got guys running the bases now you got guys hitting homers you got guys throwing a billion in five so like what what more do you want the games are shortened the time is shortened like the attention span people are watching the game you

Know the next thing you know like I don’t know what the heck they’re going to have draw a fan from the crowd and play left Center I don’t know I don’t know what they want awesome I don’t know what they want last time we had you on

We we talked a little bit of Spurs basketball with you do you still want to talk about the Spurs after what they’ve been through the last like I don’t know 25 games it’s been a tough run in San ant but we are we are we are so excited for

What’s coming you know when though when when 29 when is it coming that’s the question it doesn’t matter when it’s coming as long as it it’s coming it’s were you okay so were you on board with pop getting on the mic and saying like joseo don’t don’t boo Kawai anymore

Because you are a bad fan I was at I was at the game and I was actually very shocked I was actually very shocked when it happened I was like was that God talking to it and I was like No just kind of like kind of like God basically

The same no I mean it was it was pretty shocking but then like I don’t know if anybody could go back and play it but the booze got louder obviously and then you poke you poke that bear and there’s no stopping that bear man we’ve seen that bear in San Antonio

So I think pop thought everyone would just completely shut up I don’t think that’s how fans work that wasn’t happening he would have been better off saying everyone boo him louder and everyone would have been like wait no we’re not yeah no treat I never found I never found the the

Reasoning behind it though I don’t know if that’s what like if it was I mean the guy brought a championship to San Antonio so I like why wouldn’t you know why would we boom you know just try and get in his head right I me because fans

Are not normal we’re all fans of teams we’re all fans of teams he’s a fan of the Cowboys right he Boo the Eagles when they come right he goes toys jayen her hey hey hey I have a video that I’m thinking about making public Todd did I show you Todd I think

I what you go ahead you trying to be funny no it was me at the Eagles game when I was going to the Eagles game when I was watching oh you told me about this man I got annihilated annihilated annihilated like me it was bad let me let me ask you like you’ve

Seen you’ve seen the Spurs championships so you know what like winning in San Antonio looks like why are you a Cowboys fan because you weren’t you were barely born when the Cowboys last won um that’s a good question that’s a that’s a that’s a real good question I think uh the first

Time uh they changed my diaper I was like peeing blue and silver so I think it’s just you know it’s just in my body I’m just automatic yeah it’s just automatic that you yeah I haven’t even showed y’all I haven’t even showed y my cow my Cowboys

Tattoo what come on do you have like a do you have like a Cowboys tattoo with like a unn or something yeah I have the the Cowboys the Yankees and the Spurs all in one area you know slot of champion what happens when you’re not on the Yankees anymore why was it the

Rangers what about your Rangers tattoo yeah where’s that no I was Yankee Yankee fan growing up Yankee fan growing up yeah you got your Duke you got your Duke tattoo somewhere else too no no no I’m a I’m a a Ruckers fan now yeah let’s go R yeah can’t spell the

Rest we just go Ru the rest is Ru yeah who’s your team Waites matter Stockton wait wait wait lastly because then we gotta jump so what’s up yo we didn’t get to the other side of the juodo trade which you know you can tell us about Michael King and how good he looked

Towards the end of last year higashio and his long run in the Yankee catcher fraternity has now come to a close we had him on what was it last week so what do you think of that side of things and if higashioka doesn’t get a tribute video will you

Protest oh I’m protesting 100% if he don’t get one that dude’s a stud I I’ve I’ve said this time and time again like higgy’s higgy has a special place in my heart just because of how he treated me when I got to New York um I mean I went

In there and was like blind you know I’m from a small town so I don’t know what New York is like uh but higgy wrapped his arms around me and was like yo man like anything you need I’m here any kind of questions anything so um and

Obviously king king’s was a good friend of mine uh and he looked he looked really good at the end of last year you know from from coming into a middle relief to being a a starter I thought he did a I thought he’s done a good job man

And I wish them nothing but success you know especially higgy man Higg hi my dude I like it one more quick um Otani signing we haven’t had Yan since it didn’t seem like he was really interested in New York I mean Steve Cohen for the Mets side said he came out

And was like the agent didn’t even call me that’s pretty telling do you think that he didn’t want to get all the New York media action all the time I don’t know but he’s a good player man he’s a good player and he deserves that contract um you know Dodgers going to be

A good team and when we uh maybe we get Yamamoto see where we’re at yeah say it with your chest bro Yankees Dodgers World Series let’s go hey can you can you go make sure my son’s not crying anymore please in there’re okay all right thank you he’s pissed off about

The calendar there’s a lot of Open dates on there yeah we had to turn off Coco melon for this so he’s he’s pretty upset go get it go get him go get him give him a hug give him a hug for for uncle Todd all right thank

You good to see you dude keep crushing the offseason all right see you bud see you cheers ma’am Jose trino with us on Ft live and I love when we get to talk a little bit about like people being fans of like other teams right like it’s cool I think it’s

Cool and he was at the game when at the game popped off the man yeah yeah um on that note this is day four of the seven days of parlays from our bmgm fam and this is pro football day so BM Jam account holders will receive a token to

Use on select parlays in same game parlay each day during the promo period go to the seven days of parlay’s page claim your daily reward receive parlay boost tokens to use on select parlays and sgps each day during the promo score a bigger payout if you win your parlay

With the token activated happy holidays from the king of sports books gambling problem or concern call 1-800 gambling big game for Todd’s bucks tonight Saints Rams no no I think the Rams wi oh we got a game to spare like if we lose we’re still in first if they can beat them we

You got a mous in your pocket um you a no footballs they I’m Todd Baker Mayfield no uh Justin said why don’t we have Juan sto as a guest he’s invited he’s definitely invited we’ll work on me juano yeah come on on Justin tell them we’re ready Otani too we’ll take them

Both yeah Yamamoto too heck we’ll take him too y he went into the he went into the Yankees the Yankees bubble where they just don’t let they don’t let anybody like get through that bubble so we gotta we gotta work at them we gotta work at them yeah if you Yankees PR if

They can hook that up for us we would love that I know they’re watching but let’s Slap Rck oh really mm I think so I’m saying now talking yeah we are we’re yeah this is real life we talk conversation yeah me how about C hats he got the old school players weekend hat on I love it got that right you saw that you saw this John right here Jean it’s

Got to be Bruce oh with the lemon the lime green or um not lime green the lemon lemon yellow no lemon cell bright bright what do you call Vault Nike calls it Vault that fluorescent green color neon green thank you neon green vult but that’s yellow the hat is yellow the hat is

Yellow but the the green around there the neon green oh yeah I got green it’s beautiful it’s beautiful it is lovely we have one more show tomorrow for Shi or excuse me uh Yoshi no funny um otherwise next week we won’t be live we will have have content for you

On the YouTube channel but look out for that and tomorrow I can give you one of the guests at least go ahead really good player on the Texas Rangers played about a month and then looked like he’d been playing for 10 years in the playoffs EV Carter

Carter that is cor Carter yeah pull count Carter on tomorrow’s show toddfa Katz AJ o you know what that means see you next year that’s correct out of office mhm don’t don’t contact me I’ll call you maybe you can talk to him on Twitter but we’ll see everyone for tomorrow show

I swear I was thinking That


  1. Let’s not kid ourselves. Trevino is a great defensive catcher, but offensively he brings nothing. He had one good first half for the Yankees and has been less than mediocre since then. The only reason he’s on the Yankees is to be Cole’s personal catcher.

  2. Just an obvious suggestion. If the Players Union won't approve of an off season deadline for trades and free agents, why not just have a two-week moratorium at the end of the year on any deals or business contact to give everyone a vacation? You can go back to wheeling and dealing after New Years.

  3. I love hearing the trashtros window is closing! Cant stack the draft anymore or sign steal. Hopefully that shit teams window wont open again in my lifetime!

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