
Trevor Fisher Jr Golf

No-Pro Texas Cornhole Show Draft

A big cornhole tournament is happening in Waco Texas, and PROs won’t be there! Who do we think the best non-pro is? Are Non-pro events better? Thank you to our sponsors! https://bigdbags.com (Use code TCS10 for $10 off a set…

Notre Dame Football Mailbag Show | Hit and Hustle

Greg Flammang and Jamie Uyeyama answer questions from Irish Sports Daily subscribers on all things Notre Dame football including the ceiling of the 2024 team, Riley Leonard development, the offensive line, starting wide receivers, and more! Podcast links Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hit-and-hustle-presented-by-irish-sports-daily/id1673143301?i=1000631118156…

Circle Dreams

The clear difference between the quality of the NHL & NBA playoffs. Is Tom Brady really ready to get roasted? Plus, how to truly go “medieval” this NFL Draft. Finally, a poor translation exposes the NODPOD Gazette for the fake…