
golf compression drills

Release the Golf Club PAST the Ball for Maximum Compression

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 How the golf club works in its entirety ie: from the handle to the club head can help us…

How to Transition in the Golf Swing

If you want more pars, but struggle with pulls, weak rights or thin shots, then let’s get better compression with your golf shots now with a great move to seamlessly blend the backswing and downswing. So, let’s get to it!…