I presented my wife with divorce papers, so I bought a new putter

by doc_jayhawk


  1. GolfGodsAreReal

    She bought it for you as a thank you for the divorce papers

  2. Good to know I’m staring at half of your wife’s future putter.

  3. spankysladder73

    Now you’ll only have that to
    “Anser 2”

  4. Beautiful-Courage876

    Big step! I’m sure getting to this point was not easy or fun. I wish you the best going forward.

  5. FreeUpdootBot

    She may want the divorce because you putt with a glove on.

  6. mustang19671967

    12 years ago I bought new irons . One of the best days ever

  7. Business_Coffee6110

    Should have waited until it was final, now she’s entitled to half.

  8. Best20HandicapEver

    Happy for you, I hear life gets a lot better

  9. FireMaster2311

    This isn’t the dude she broke 90, right?

  10. JoePhatballz

    Good shit! After I read about your divorce I, too, bought a putter.

  11. withurwife

    Brutal. Now I have to stop fucking her. Awesome putter though.

  12. takes12KNOW

    OPs post history is actually mental. Best of luck with the flirting my dude

  13. WesHarrison

    Well, that’s one way to handle a rough patch – at least the putter will always stay on par.

  14. Theoskaroskar

    ….proceeds to 48 putt the next round 🍌😂

  15. WhelpStupidUserName

    Should have waited. She might try to get that in the divorce.

  16. ozceliknevzat

    Sometimes you just need a fresh start – and a better short game.

  17. Chappy_Sinclair1

    Putter now most expensive part of the whole bag based off that Wilson Staff glove

  18. stlouisraiders

    Did your wife make fun of your cargo shorts too much? Seriously don’t dress like that in the course. You look like a bum.

  19. 28MilkDuds


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