
by Dangerous-Purpose-96


  1. Ok_Outlandishness294

    Or move, that’s about $30 to $40 worth of food where I live.

  2. Background-Ad4388

    This made me LOL. I’m gunna pull this on my wife soon!

  3. That’s some serious “integration” a la Chasing Scratch!!!

  4. MooDenggit

    I gotta update my Top 10 Ugliest Putters list

  5. TheShopSwing

    One of the most volatile commodity bundles on the market

  6. Old_Excitement6114

    Was in the middle of typing, “well, guess that means you can spend as much on a new driver,” but then I realized the putter … thought it was some sort of pan or dishware lmfao

  7. Oh man I totally missed what sub this was in and spent the longest time trying to figure out what the fuck that was. That is one butt ugly putter

  8. nudniksphilkes

    Damn loch Ness monster always adding tree fiddy to my grocery bill!

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