What are the best golf balls you’ve ever found on a course? These are my favorites.

by LarryBrownsCrank


  1. mustang19671967

    One of those are about my ex. Will
    Let you guess

  2. Walt_Clyde_Frog

    I work in New York City and live in a suburb of New York City. This was right after 9/11. I was playing a golf course up by me called the Garrison. I was searching for my ball and came across a “I love New York” logo ball…never played with it and have it till this day.

  3. PresidentElectFLMan

    My dad died in ‘96. My brother came up from FL and the day of the viewing we went out for a round in his memory. On 17th hole I sprayed my drive to left into a fairway bunker. In same bunker that had my ball I found a ball that had no brand markings and only had the marking “Oh Shit” on it. We buried him with it

  4. Speedbird223

    I found one a Pro V1 a few weeks ago that had the guy’s name, date and referenced an Eagle he got on Bethpage Black’s second hole. Tough hole and approach shot but don’t think I’d ever commemorate and Eagle or hole in one on my balll?!

  5. Jackeking99

    I ones found a vice ball with someones kid printed into it

  6. Snoo_71691

    Are you in SW MI or NW IN? I’m pretty sure the sex ball was mine from last season… 😂😂😂

  7. IntergalacticBrewski

    lol I have a buddy who marks his balls like this, did you happen to find this in Michigan?

  8. tattierjag80

    I wonder if anyone found my custom balls. The guy working the counter was a real dick from the second we walked in, probably because we looked like a bunch of punks. We were paying for our round and I grabbed a handful of “experienced” balls from the bucket. Dude looks at me all smug and says something like “I make a fortune off guys like you. Shank them into the woods and I’ll sell them back to you”. He was just being funny, but he already pissed me off so I marked my balls with swastikas. Thinking something stupid like “yeah good luck reselling these” lol.

  9. Garys_Suburban

    Found one last week with a picture of Joe Biden on it that says “Help, I’m lost!”

  10. MikeHoncho43

    I found one with Chinese characters on it, the other side says “Foo king long”

  11. Ok-Raise-5115

    Found a few Vice balls with “time to get shit done” and “if you found this ball then you suck too”

  12. high-levelpassenger

    Dang I have the same ball as the first pic a friend of mine gave me! I know I’d lose it so I just hold onto it?

  13. It’s a $10 stencil kit from Amazon. I marked mine the same way until I got a stamp

  14. Difficult_Lobster769

    Found a Vice ball with a literal nutsack on it, vowed I would never lose it and then proceeded to shank it into the bush on the next shot

  15. “Juicy Booty” pro v1. Sits in a shot glass on my desk.

  16. Striking-Seaweed-831

    Once found a custom ball with “There’s always money in the banana stand”.

  17. SkulyCSGO

    Not mine but my buddy found Obama’s prov1 at a course in VA.

  18. badugihowser

    A silver sparkly one and a weird semi-translucent shell with a cheering cartoon dog.

  19. Last week I found a “Beggin’ Strips” branded Pro V1

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