You forgot 3 wood, 5 wood, hybrids, irons, wedges, putters, golf carts, etc. SO many other fun ways to find water on a course!

Only if it’s a nice ball. Played a full 18 with some random ball I found in the woods (roughed up callaway diablo). Put anything more than $4 per ball on the tee, and it’ll find that water.

Obviously get the golf joke, but what am I looking at in the other panels
Only one out of those four will reliably find water.
I have all the confidence in the world that there’s a Scottish scroll with this exact joke illuminated by a monk somewhere.
You forgot 3 wood, 5 wood, hybrids, irons, wedges, putters, golf carts, etc. SO many other fun ways to find water on a course!

Only if it’s a nice ball. Played a full 18 with some random ball I found in the woods (roughed up callaway diablo). Put anything more than $4 per ball on the tee, and it’ll find that water.

Obviously get the golf joke, but what am I looking at in the other panels
Only one out of those four will reliably find water.
I have all the confidence in the world that there’s a Scottish scroll with this exact joke illuminated by a monk somewhere.