Thanks, Dad.

Thanks, Dad.

by blue_kiwi9224


  1. EJfromBeerLeague

    That made my chuckle out loud. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Careful_Cheesecake30

    I am going to start circling my pars to feel better about my game.

  3. heyitssal

    I wish my dad was like your dad–alive. And funny when he was alive.

    Have an okay day!

  4. ICEMAN_101

    Whoa, Bonnie Dundee, that’s super local to me 😂.

  5. Forward_Record932

    Bonnie Dundee is a top tear golf course name. I may travel just to see what the offering is there.

  6. Tuckboi69

    No he was just saying he bought a 5 wood after the round

  7. Bitter-Heat-8767

    Be thankful for his wood, that’s why you’re here.

  8. Kind-Truck3753

    I’ll take “things you don’t say to your dad” for $800, Alex

  9. Antitribu_

    Grade A Dad comment there. You have a good one for sure.

  10. Yelkram3322

    This looks exactly like something I’d send both of my boys

  11. Allenwrench82

    My dad used to tell me that if he woke up with a boner then it was a good day. Definitely could have lived without knowing that, but also wise words.

  12. sphincter008

    Are the f’s and g’s fairways and greens and reg?

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