352 yards to the pin….who’s going for it??

by TimberBucket


  1. sqwirlfucker57

    Even with an absolutely perfect drive I’m short. 7 iron down the center and an easy PW or 9i into the green.

    Just kidding. I have no self control. I’m overswinging my driver and taking my drop 😆

  2. TheParlayMonster

    What a view!!! I would take my driver and pray.

  3. Furry Creek! I should’ve I shanked to the left anyway

  4. ILikeXiaolongbao

    With a perfect drive, tailwind and a hot summer fairway, I’d have a shot given that the elevation is so much lower. If I hit a 250 carry drive on a flat surface it probably makes it.

    Fuck it, why not, if it goes in the water I’d still have a shot at par.

  5. CoachMikeLikesToEat

    I never hit left, unless of course there is a body of water.

  6. bionicbhangra

    I can carry my driver like 280. Even with that drop in elevation I don’t think I could get there. And you are dead if you are stray left or right. The landing zone in front of the green is incredibly small. That might be where I end up and it is probably going in the drink.

    I don’t have the precision to pull off that shot even 1/2 times so I would just try to layup with a slightly faded 3H and try to get closer to the right side without going OB.

  7. jbraun3op

    I’m playing it as two par 3s with two iron shots, chip on, three putt for a 6.

  8. AnxiousMind7820

    Not me. My miss is left so there’s a good chance I’m putting it in the water.

  9. OffInYourShower

    It’d be hard to resist. Smart me hits 4i and a wedge, but if I have any confidence in the driver by that hole, I am going for it.

  10. LongDriveLawyer

    I don’t know where “here” is, but “I didn’t come all the way here to lay up.”

  11. FiveFootFore

    No wind, yes. Down wind, with that much of a drop I might actually go 3 wood, as crazy as that sounds. Into the wind low punch 3 wood or driving iron. Cross wind also a punchy driving iron.

  12. Just_Your_Random_Bro

    I’ll aim directly for the pond and when I’m betting on going anywhere but straight as per usual, I’ll hit the straightest drive of my life …

  13. New_Negotiation_5895

    My slice would be perfect with the driver

  14. perhizzle

    My fans didn’t come to see me lay up. They may be imaginary, but they are still my fans and I will honor them.

  15. EffectiveAd3788

    Adjusted due to elevation might be a 330 shot… too old for that so I would try to hit a nice 270-280 yd drive but in actuality hook one in the water

  16. omgwthwgfo

    Such evil hole. They want me to waste my balls either on the pond or the trees

  17. Useful-Tie414

    If I’m the anchor player in a scramble, hell yeah I’m hitting that green.

    If I’m in a tournament, or even in my routine rounds, I’m hitting it 245 hybrid and wedging it to 3 feet, missing the birdie and hating myself for the next 5 minutes

  18. ForeTwentywut

    Downwind? Giving it a shot.

    Likely I end up in the drink after hitting a lefty slice when trying to hit a tiny fade when I try to put too much into it. I do have a downhill downwind 345 yarder on my resume, and often go above 300 on one hole that is downhll at my course.

  19. BigBoss6610

    Definitely going for it! Unfortunately I’ll overswing come over the top and hit it right into those weeds in front of you! 🤣🤣

  20. redditsuckbadly

    What does it play like? The tee box looks very elevated. Not going to lie, I’m going for it. Aim at the back right bunker and try to power fade just a little.

    Could I get there with the elevation and a nice roll? Yes. What will almost certainly happen? Water.

  21. Inevitable-Bass2749

    Super casual 5 wood right in the middle of the fairway then a nice 9 iron onto the green. Actually who am I kidding I’m hitting driver into the trees on the right

  22. Kmccabe1213

    Aiming left side towards water expecting my usual fade. Drilling a dead straight bomb 280-300 into the water

  23. 7i layup… into the water and kick myself wishing I would’ve at least had fun hitting driver into the water

  24. One-Order-8775

    I normally hit it like 260-280 on a good drive, but on a hole similar to that in elevation change this year, I hit a perfect draw that must have landed on the bottom of the hill, and ended up 50 yards out on a 420 yard hole. Easy 40 yards further than I’ve ever hit it, but the elevation makes quite a difference. Happened to be the long drive hole on men’s night that week, and was about 80 yards further than the next guy (in 18+ cap). Proceeded to sky the next drive about 100 yards in height and distance on a par 5

  25. DataCakes12

    Luckily I brought my bathing suit because I’m going in the drink.

  26. colorcodesaiddocstm

    I’m aiming for the smaller of the two islands and fading it into the fairway. at least that is how i see the shot in my head. aka not reality

  27. brettman215


    For me it’s definitely a…

  28. 00sucker00

    What a spectacular view! This is what I I love about golf, as much as the game itself, it’s enjoying the landscape that the course is stitched into.

  29. LibrarianLegal1892

    Better question would be- who isn’t going for it 😉

  30. XxRoastedGarlicxX

    Hell yeah!! Driver gets unsheathed, I aim 80-yards to the left to counter my death slice and I bomb it 220 straight left with a hint of a draw 😂💀😂

  31. d15nonvtec

    Cart path on the sliced drive and kick into the woods right, lose the ball, take a drop, smack it into the water on the 3rd shot, take a drop, put it short of the green, duff the chip, chip again way short, 3 putt. Sounds bout right

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