Every amateur golfer will at some point ask themselves the question, “I wonder if I could make it on TOUR?” It’s ridiculous, yes. But it’s fun to think about! But that question might not be as ridiculous if you were an elite athlete and one of the greatest basketball players of all time. In this video, NBA superstar Stephen Curry straps on a motion capture suit with GEARS Sports Founder, Michael Neff, to find out just how close his golf swing is to being good enough to make it on TOUR.

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  1. Come on. Played with Steph (I am a 4.6 HCP) and beat him by 7 strokes. All the sports/celebs claim to be a 2 or 3 or 1.5 HCP and they can't play except on these easy, wide open courses to get their HCP. Stop it.

  2. Only thing noticeable in his swing comparison was an earlier wrist hinge. Other than that, his swing tempo is the same, because he reaches the top at the same time and impact at the same time.

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