The BEST Golf Club TaylorMade Have EVER MADE – But At WHAT COST!?
I’ll be good then two three WS to the power five that’s landed on that’s literally hit the that absolutely Cannon off it as well with a bit of fade cannoned into there when it comes to new product releases I always get excited especially when it’s a product release from tailor made usually the driver is the standout piece but this year I think they’ve released something which is a little bit different a little bit special and probably outshines the driver just that little bit you see often when we talk about new golf clubs we talk about forgiveness we talk about can it be a low spin bomber can it be the club that replaces my driver helps me hit Fairways and reduces my handicap not very often do we say that a club can bit all of those things introducing the brand new qi1 tour fairway wood now I’ve actually been using this for quite some time now I’ve hit lots of good shots with it the occasional bad shot with it which is normal but today we’re testing it out here on the golf course and test it inside in all its different settings oh Bobby look at that over 250 260 yards cuz as you can see it has a huge 50 g movable weight in the back and I’m no Einstein but that’s quite heavy I’d say that’s probably the heaviest moveable weight you will ever see in a golf club so the ability to move that mass front to back by such great extent is no mean feet and nothing to be sniffed at the fact that it looks so good this is probably the best looking 3-wood I think I’ve ever seen I do have a little bit of a soft spot for 3-woods I feel like three Woods always look a little bit nicer than drivers don’t they I don’t know what it is it’s personal preference I might be wrong but if something looks this good and sounds this good surely it’s in for a sniff of the best club of the Year isn’t it and surely it’s in for a sniff to go in your golf bag like the reason why I’m so happy with that I hate this hole by the way this is a hole for me which I can never seem to tip the Fairway with it’s stroke index two but it’s not stroken it’s stroking it’s one for me I’ve hit that there now this club at the moment is in its least forgiving setting and I’ve hit that there now this club at the moment is in its least forgiving setting with the weight forward look at where the t’s gone there to produce that ball flight is rather scary so what can we do if we get it out the middle and actually put a good golf swing on it there’s your answer that was just a little bit better and I feel like I’ve tested this club across all of its face I’ve hit low shots I’ve it high shots out the face I almost skyed it once and that would have really upset me to be honest because I really do like the look of it and we have this gorgeous little Infinity Top Line which I thought if you hit a ball out of it it would mark up and ruin but good news for those who haven’t tested that it doesn’t in fact ruin it just rubs off which is nice to know because these aren’t cheap this is probably one of the most expensive 3-woods you will ever see so you want it to perform most of the time oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yes please right there and after that Trio of opening shots I must say one of the big things that I disagree with a lot when you do get an adjustable golf club is sending you away with the adjustment key that’s like sending you away with a Supercar engine and like allowing someone randomly to tweak it and just thinking you’re going to do better but with this one I almost feel like you need to adapt and you need to learn how to play the different shots with it because changing the center of gravity that much will change the ball flights massively and we’ll see that when we jump inside in a moment’s time let’s do a couple more let’s go downhill on a more appealing t-shot see if we can get some really nice high bombs and the spin rate with this wait till you see the spin Ray with this wow and one of the things I’m really happy with about those Trio of openers is it’s not taking me long to go and pick them up and that’s always a positive sign when we’re testing golf clubs off the tea front to back dispersion side to side dispersion doesn’t take very so I’ve now come to quite a difficult hole a par five and I’ve come right back to the championship te’s they’re the white medal te’s we’ve come all the way back here it’s 53 30 yards down the hill around the corner now can we get I’m going to hit three t- shots here I’d say three drives but three t- shots cuz this I think will be used off the tea quite a lot as a driver replacement especially in summer when things start firming up can we with at least one of them get on this green in two that means we’re going to basically need two shots of 265 yards that’s correct I can’t believe that’s correct that was off the top of my head as well now the whole place slightly downhill so it should be pretty much maybe it’s going to take a lot it’s going to take a lot but why not have a go then we’re going to look at some numbers because I think you’ll be really interested to see just what the differences are when we do start tweaking this weight around there’s a reason why I’ve got it in this low spin setting it might be because of one shot of it it might not be but if you know me you’ll know the answer to that that is not what we want we’re not going on to in there oh dear the good news is I’ve seen it that’s the only good news we can take from that the bad news is when you hit that shot you know when you get your expensive 3-wood out you’re like oh I’m just going to hit three-wood boys and then you hit that nope not what we want come on you’re better than that oh yeah the wind’s definitely off the left cuz I felt that might be drawing but it’s gone more towards the big tree I think it’s okay though so we need to go tight to the left hand side that’s the only way we’re going to do this probably almost cut the corner a bit which I wouldn’t anticipate trying to do with a three-wood but here we go the wind will bring it back I know it will let’s go oh yeah just have the ball an aim there and it’s perfect only took three attempts but we shouldn’t be able to have a go at that in two so what technology is in this club to make it so expensive let’s have a look so as well as what tailor made claim are their proven Technologies just like twist face just like that V steel design although I feel that the V steel design has partially given away for this massive 50 g removable weight which is the party piece really it also features Infinity crown with enhanced alignment we’ve discussed that already and I’ve said just how good that really looks the tour inspired shape and it of course features as well that adjustment in the huzzle where you can change it 4° so two up two down and change the L angle as well so for me I mean there’s a lot of technology in there isn’t it is it worth £379 I’ll leave that for you guys to decide let’s go inside and talk numbers so this could be an absolute Beast as we know and to be honest for the price it probably should be but we’ve got it set on its most forgiving setting we’re going to hit a couple of shots we’re going to move that weight forward that’s going to drag the CG towards that face it’s going to make it a little bit lower spin a little bit more of a beast and I might also Drop The Loft a little bit as well because as you all know I’m a huge mini driver fan but then this could almost be that cuz the head shape’s quite big it’s quite confidence inspiring and I actually really really like the look of this like really like the look of it probably my favorite tailor made Club of 2024 so let’s just set the ball rolling a little bit with some nice easy ones that felt so good I’ve pulled it a little bit I’m hitting it Gally left today in testing so that is what it is take it what you will not the longest of the day though 247 spinning at 3,800 which I would actually expect from this because I’ve got that weight setting in the back 10i yeah it’s the right shaft let’s keep going how forgiving do you want your three-wood and how long do you want it that’s the shot that’s the shot two four spin pitching pretty much bang on 250 and rolling up 270 yards if I can have this shot all the time that club would be in my bag no questions asked the issue is if I have this club I’m reaching for that wrench that’s over there straight away and I don’t know why because I probably do need that air of forgiveness but the kind of the sexy part of this club is is moving that spin down and not having that shot that kind of Bloons up a little bit it’s still going to be probably a similar distance 230 carry running up to 240 that’s the shot that annoys me not with this club because it’s not the club’s fault it’s my fault but the spin rate there is double that of what we had before so more pilot error than anything else would you spend this amount of money if you had that shot in your bag that felt really nice again High spin going to be very similar numbers to the last one let’s hit one more then let’s move this weight to the front Nice Shot Nice Shot you see even getting feedback from here but head shap wise really really enjoying this I could stand here and hit this all day especially like that that felt so good that’s that middle of the range spin 3 and a half 000 pitching 23 243 running up to 260 now the beauty of this as we’ve said the party piece as it were all we do take that screw out a bit a little bit more and let it drop down I’m always conscious with these cuz I don’t know how far you want to take it but that is now that massive weight in the front setting huge movable probably the biggest movable weight you’ll see in a golf club as well that’s so we should see quite a big difference and we also just have that standard weight there you could get that out with this key but you wouldn’t do cuz there’s nowhere to there’s nowhere to move it shall we change the loft or should we just keep it as this Bob’s shaking his head I agree with you as well because as a fair test we’ll keep it at 15° and let’s see what we got funny how the weighting feels different and it’s only moved like 2 in realistically should this be less forgiving or should you be able to hit more Fairways with it now because you feel more comfortable with it as a club pitching at around 245 running up to 270 yards 266 spinning at 2,000 so straight away there we have seen that spin drop dramatically and the ball flight it’s the lowest one we’ve had as well it does look special oh Bobby look at that that’s the shot that would have spun at 4,000 and it’s not done and that’s up there straight down the middle over 250 260 yards 3,000 backspin instead of 4,000 backs spin it felt like a very similar strike and I must admit if I was spending this amount of this amount of money on a fairway wood I would certainly go and get it fitted I go to my local T Bob you got fitted for a wood didn’t you yeah last year was it that this similar one the stealth to with the movable yeah yeah did you do much movement with the weights yeah I was hoping for a little bit more we’ll talk the weight on you don’t know what it’s on no whenever I don’t look I just hit it I like that Bubby I like it guys comment below what weight do you think bobb’s fivewood is on or fourwood that is a beast that is such a beast I’ve left it a little bit to the right but it’s a gorgeous gorgeous golf shot and a gorgeous ball flight I could stay here hitting these all day but we’re not going to do we’re going to back out on the golf course I’m not going to lie this will probably be in this set in because it even looks a bit better does it I don’t know do you think it looks a bit better yeah right last one another 270 which is almost my driving numbers actually oh I’ve hit that left I’ve hit that left oh dear so very interesting numbers there and this was the best of the three drives one of them unfortunately we had a casualty it did um it did in fact hit the big tree and landed just under it the first one was over in the rof but what do we have left in because I said two shots of 265 would be enough what do we have left in to the par five 245 so that’s massive by the way I know it’s downhill but that is a big old drive we probably don’t even need this really and this is where if you are using it off the Fairway then the setting I’ve got it in probably isn’t the best or the smartest but I still feel like it can bomb them off the tea I’ll be good then just faded into the flag nicely that one two two three WS to the power five that’s landed on that’s hit the flag that’s literally hit the it’s like I hope there’s a massive pitch mark where you can see that cuz that’s like bounded into the flag I mean it wouldn’t have been an albatross because it wasn’t my first t-shot but it would have kind of been kind of sort of have a look wow it shots like that way I just love golf I’ve been been testing clubs all day really enjoying myself love it and then you kind of this is like the last one we’re doing today and you finish on that and you’re like how lucky am I to do this for a living and how lucky are we for this beautiful game wish me dad was the to still be enjoying himself playing it you can really see how that’s pitched I mean it’s literally it’s go job is H the flag I think but it’s pitched here with a bit of fade cannoned into there and then we’re left with that for what you could say is an eagle it’s probably not but guys my review of the brand new tailor made qi1 tour Fairway give it give it give it a go give it a go if you’ve got some money cuz you need it is it marked up what’s Bobby’s On woo o where is it on I don’t know I think that’s I think it’s in the middle that is the most boring setting have sorry should move it
First nice video
That weight is essential for golf in the uk, forward for summer and back for winter. In addition you can lift up and down.
I'm genuinely grateful for the opportunity to engage in such stimulating discourse. It's a rare and precious gift.💞
The atmosphere of respect and civility fosters a conducive environment for meaningful exchange.🧡
I’ve bought the QI Max fairway wood and it’s genuinely the best club I’ve ever bought, it’s a cheating stick 😂
I like my M5 3 wood. Just screams.
Since the merger with Adams, they have really stepped their fairway wood game, up!
Those strange comments are back!
Love 3woods
Don’t you wish we could all share more smiles with our parents.
Big price for the average smuck !
How does it compare to last years model stealth 2 .?
I am still using a sim ti 3 wood and sim 2 ti 5 wood. Taylormade undoubtedly is the king of fairway woods.
so really expensive you say so if I live another 30 years, I might be able to afford it second handed
Was that a new titleist head cover in the bag?……..nope false alarm….nothing to see here…move along