If you are struggling to hit your golf driver long and straight like the pros, this golf swing tip is perfect for your golf swing. In this golf lesson video Coach Lockey gives you a simple golf swing tip to help you hit your driver from the inside, hit more up on your driver and helps you understand how to release the golf club so you can hit your best golf drives.
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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!
I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!
I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!
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in today’s golf lesson we’re diving into one of the most sort after topics in the game how to hit your driver long and straight whether you’re a beginner golfer looking to improve your game or a season golfer hoping to add some distance to your golf drives this simple golf drill is for all golfers so grab your driver and let’s learn the secret to hitting your golf driver long and straight like the pros before I give you this simple golf tip this video is powered by Victory performance insoles the most researched shoe insoles in the world Victory insoles are made from Aerospace grade carbon fiber and are customized to your sport gender age and weight the carbon fiber plate flexes under your foot and stores momentum that would be wasted in the ground and as we know in the go swing if you want to start hitting that golf ball further you’ve got to boost your ground forces bigger Ground Forces more Club head speed and therefore more distance as you know golfers are also walking a long way around a golf course so you need that support to stop aches and pains and with the victory in Souls the strong carbon fiber plate will push pressure back against each part of your foot dissipating the energy more generally and allowing you to play in more Comfort if you’re looking for performance gains less injuries and an insole that’s going to give you that support and stability Victory insoles are well worth taking a look at now let’s get back to this super simple golf tip to help you hit your drivers long and straight this golf drill has been around for years but I still use it with plenty of my students it’s fantastic to help golfers understand how to hit more from the inside to hit more up on the golf ball and to help golfers understand how to release that golf color properly a recipe we all need to help us hit those long and straight golf drives so what is this simple golf tip to help us hit those longer straighter golf drives first of all depending on how strong you are and things like that depends on what club you want to use but I tend to use my driver still and because it gets a bit heavy using one hand I grip down the bottom of the grip somewhere down here right near where the graphite meets the grip then I want you to do is set yourself up like you’re going to hit a golf ball I’ve got my ball set up here ready to go and I’m setting myself up a little bit closer because I’m gripping down that grip once I’m set myself up I want you to put your lead hand your glove hand out in front of you a round shoulder height and then I want you to do a few practice swings few drills on swinging through and seeing what that feel like for you as a golfer what you should start to find is that you get your Club bottoming out getting lower to the ground quicker and then finishing higher on the through swing this is going to really help you hit up on the golf ball what also happens when you’re doing this drill is you can see that my shoulders stay very closed from this angle here big thing that we see with slices of the golf ball lack of distance hitting those drivers those hands come out shoulders start to open too quick paths go left big slices putting this hand out in front of you stops that lead shoulder opening up so much it gets your shoulders pointing more to the right of your target influencing that club path helping you hit more from the inside every time and when you swing through you’ll start to get a real good feel of the release of that golf club and how you want that club to pass through the golf ball to get that club face squaring up to that path to help you hit those longer straighter golf drives I’ve used this drill for years and it’s helped so many golfers angle of attack you start to hit more up you hit more from the inside so you start to swing into out and you start to get a real good feel feel of how you need to release that club to square the face up if you feel like you’re going to hit that golf ball that you’ve set up to just put a te down and set up to the te but I generally hover my club a little bit hand out in front of me and get a real good feel of that club moving to the right my shoulders staying more Square to shut angl tack starts to move up I can feel my club finishing loads higher than what it is on the down swing here and I can feel that club releasing as I swing through once you’ve done a few of those set yourself up to a normal drive and try and get those same feelings of that arm being out in front of you blocking those things to help you hit more up on that golf ball swing more from the inside and release that club better look at that angle attack 3.5 up path two into out a pretty centered strike and that Ball’s draw so I’m getting my face a little bit closed to that path as well don’t be scared to use this drill out on the golf course 2 before you hit your shots if you’re standing around waiting for the group in front or if you want to just do a few practice swings instead of doing actual practice swings just do a few feels with that drill and then hit your shot oh another Ripper again angle attack three up path two into out a recipe for consistent long and straight golf drives next time you go and practice give this drill a try let me know in the comments down below if it helps if you’re a slicer of the golf ball does it reduce that slice or even help you start hitting those drawers I’d love to know ah the lime balls are out today super simple drill practice at home practice at the range do it on the golf course before you hit your shot and you’ll start to change that angle attack that club path and that release to help you hit longer straighter drives let me know in the comments down below if that helps and again if you are new to the channel and you’re enjoying the content make sure you hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one back
Good one coach !
For anyone interested in VKTRY Performance Insoles – Use the link below and you get a cheeky 20% Off too 🔥 – https://www.vktry.com/COACHLOCKEY
Nice drill, Coach. Cheers.
I've never seen this drill before! I've only been golfing a few yrs – think I started around 1963, but even as old as I am, I'll give this a go for sure!
Hitting up on the ball is not a problem for me. My Ping i25 is 9.5° and I get tons of height. The problem is control. When I come to the range, everybody all of a sudden is wearing construction hard hats – patrons, staff, waitresses in the bar, groundskeepers out back on the practice green. The club keeps three helmets on a hook at the bus stop on the street out front. Out fucking front! Uh-oh… he's here again… They could go anywhere…
There's an Old Folks Home over there. Now, they got a "swimming pool." Thing is, they also supply the clientele with ball retrievers and every 3rd Fri hold a Family Banquet paid for by reselling the balls I hit just this past week. Fuck me. You should see their Christmas Buffet!
I'll give that one a try! Cheers coach