Golf Players

New Student Swing Analysis 📝

Episode 13

This is from a new online student who struggles with a lack of compression and getting stuck on their back foot. Looking through the top of their backswing and transition, you’ll see where the root cause gets created and how the domino effect forces him to react with his pivot.

Of course, there’s a world where we can manipulate the backswing differently, but when you’re dealing with someone who isn’t young anymore, you have to be careful not getting them to load too far back or they’ll have trouble getting back to the ball. Cheers 🤙


Hello, My name is Shauheen Nakhjavani, Co-founder of Nakhjavani Golf. I have been a golf coach for 10+ years, I’ve given over 25,000 lessons in-person & online, and I have worked with many professional players; including Kevin Chappell, Stephen Ames, Darren Clarke, Calum Hill, Yannik Paul, Eddie Pepperell, Jeremy Paul & many others!

If you want to learn more about my style of coaching, you can find more instruction here:

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you know it’s a shorter pattern a little bit laid off all of that’s fine uh you know you know you load nicely into the legs you can see a good change of KN Flex so your pelvis is tilted down nicely shoulder PLS tilted down nicely hands are staying in front of the body nicely Club is already shallow which for a shorter swing is certainly preferable and so from here all we have to do is just try to find a way to get the body to open up you know the one issue that I see here is it just looks like a little bit too much of a pull down and you can see kind of where the hands are and there’s just a big pulling down effect to the hands at the start of the downswing so this big vertical drop to the hands and a lot of this has to do with the fact that you’re yanking on the club so there’s too much force basically being applied into the hands and not enough being applied into the body and so to me there’s when there’s so much hand speed relative to the amount of body speed that a player has you’re going to see the club steepen slightly in transition which is what yours does and you’re going to see a golfer get really stuck with the hands a little too far inside and in your case you mentioned on your back foot because your body can’t keep up with the speed of the hands and so you can’t rotate and get to your lead side anymore and so from here you can see how this club Trends a little bit steeper uh coming down and then you have to shallow it out really late and that’s where the body kind of backs up to keep the club inside the hands here and then obviously at this point you know just stuck on the back foot not a lot of rotation you can see kind of like a higher handle delivery which is quite common as well with golfers who get stuck you can see obviously like a full throwing of the arms here and we don’t quite get off that backside and then the hands exit down the target line but more importantly they also exit very flippy so there’s a lot of like face rotation that impact and then you’ll usually see this club not only exit very vertical but you’ll see the toe of the clet typically really turned over at this point so that’s kind of like the Snowball Effect that you’ll see but really all of this trend starts kind of from the top down you know to the top of the back swing I wouldn’t change anything but from here here we really got to slow down the speed of the hands and we got to get the body more involved with a lot better rotation and then in doing that if we leave the hands alone your hand path would work a little bit more out in front of you instead of being yanked down the club won’t steepen through the pull down effect which is what you did right there and then your body won’t need to be stuck on that back foot and have to save it and obviously this is always going to lead to a two-way miss you know a lot of blocks a lot of pull draws and especially because of how the hands when they pull down they get really stuck to the body they have to push away from you really late so you’ll see that exact theme happen kind of right here so at the top of the back swing look at where the hands are you look at the speed in which the hands kind of get yanked down so there’s this big kind of vertical drop to them and then really late in the swing they have to push outward which is what you did right there and that is a shallowing move when the body’s hanging back but then that will often times expose the heel of the club and you’ll see a lot of Shanks happen from that as well which is why your strike can be very thin very Healy and obviously that’s not really ideal for depression

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