Sir Nick Faldo Fixes An Amateur’s Swing LIVE!

As a 6-time Major Champion and former world number one for 97 weeks…Sir Nick Faldo knows a thing or two about the golf swing. And in this LIVE LESSON, he applies his world-class knowledge of the golf swing…To fix an amateur’s first move live on camera. It’s amazing what happens when you know who to listen to… and implement proven advice from one of the greatest players to ever pick up a club.

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when you make your back swing your foot moves and then you spin around the corner and then where look where you’re pointing so I’m going to fix you in one golf [Music] ball all right guys so lesson number two we have Mr John Burns with us um John why don’t we hit a couple shots and give us a couple sentences on where you at with your game some things you want to improve on what you’re struggling with and we’ll hit some we’ll get you dialed in here where are you at with your game now what are like the main issues my main issue is just missing everything seems to be left of the target line where my intended thought where I think it’s should be going it’s always left recently recently all right used to always play a fade used to always play a fade until the when when did you buy the fancy uh Louis ventones about three months ago exactly when your game changed probably yeah yeah John let’s hit a couple let’s hit a couple shots and then we’ll have a look and we’ll talk through what we’re going to do right you wait and see watch yeah you just fire at your own go your own pace we’ll follow along left Good Start thank you let’s just do one more one more to get a video here yeah make sure you film it okay so so simple in your fancy Louis Vuittons when you make your back swing your foot moves and then you spin around the corner and then where look where you’re pointing so I’m going to fix you in one golf ball take a dress with a ball right take your dress right want to curl your toes up inside your shoes right and hold them there and now swing and hit it keep your toes up and turn and hit it thank you and good night I’ll see you next week that was one the one shot wonder One Shot Wonder there you go sorry it took me so long I just got to curl my toes all right that’s it all right I’ll take I’ll take the rest of the day off I’ll have a Moscow mu please while I wait seriously that was it all you’re doing is rotating that left foot around the corner and and it pulling everything around the corner so seriously to that was it two for two little po okay so really concentrate we were talking too much s so you can experiment which is a fun thing you if this is the one that’s the Troublemaker Just Turn curl your left toe up try that just to make a curl that up and stay there you got to keep it up all the way through the swing all through impact go keep it up and then just doing your normal swing okay still a little yes he’s a little he’s over the top let smidge so but that is everything spinning left so you know seriously as we get older hips don’t work as well do they and it’s and actually the more you go left I think it hurts more so to actually stand with your feet shut but not your shoulders your shoulders are pretty but they could do with a little tweak take your dress the ball right bring this bring this one back there just get get comfortable get your shoulders just a tweak there you go right same right curl that toe up seriously right and go from there just let it come where is it I lost it okay did I move it again yeah well you’re coming a little smidgen over the top okay I got another another thought to fix it nice and easy so that’s whipping right hand mhm see your shoulders work quite well I was going to say get your left shoulder up but no cuz this is whipping more so you w you want to go a little feel like you’re a little more left-sided when you’re walking around in the golf course just take a club in your left hand and just seriously just whack the rough a few times it’s amazing how it wakes all these muscles up cuz this is this you’re right-handed yeah so this goes soft because it’s not and this fella takes over right that’s all you’re doing you’re just whipping this around the corner so I I think it’s more this is too quiet too relaxed take your right hand off a second right and if you would if you were to just wet just do little tiny swings how now right now how much pressure do you now need in your left thumb a lot yeah is lot more otherwise there’s no there’s no ST no stability great so feel that pressure in your left thumb right a couple of those that’s good that’s good you can do it especially with your chipping do it just left-handed and you feel how much pressure you need yeah yeah see that probably hurts isn’t that so you need to do a little bit Yeah do a little bit you need a little rest little bit of arm exercises right so put that same pressure now in your left thumb curl your left toe up squeeze your right buttock and Fire come on feel the thumb now you stopped you buckled out on it I buckled out I went like this got make this more yeah I got and this less all right you are yes I’ll show you how to get more less in a second come in all right here’s another another trick just for a little shot okay because you’ve got quite a big trigger you got like a Captain Hook and it’s giving you power you got you see all this is p so relax either relax this or get it right off the club just hit me a Chip Shot okay take that off the club let me show you you take that right off the club now now I’ve got to be all Left sided now haven’t I look at that exactly what we’re looking for you got to take that fella this out well cuz you’re strong and you’re strong on top so take it out or when you grip it you’ve got to grip it with these three fingers and not that one just hit me a chip just hook that finger over and just hit me a 60 yard right now you’re going to feel your left hand work right and just feel that there you go we got rid of the there we go I’ll get rid of the flick mhm so you can do this on all your chip shots to wake it up right try another one okay two in a row all right now try one we put it on normal but put the pressure in those three fingers and relax your your trigger as much as you now go back to normal right and feel feel those three squeeze not that one you got to try and relax that one completely right feel squeeze that squeeze your thumb and squeeze those button three fingers then that will should you want to feel it under there not on top right get it feel squeeze it I see feel on perfect thank you very much there you go Sir Nick what do you think about for John too if we wanted to give him something to get the club path a little bit less out then and a little bit more in out any little feels or little drills with that if we wanted to like get him starting the ball more to the right more than Absolut well now very simply if I had a ball there right so you’ve got to start that ball right to that ball send it over the right hand side of that ball close and I think John when he puts that ball down oh this still pulls a little even exaggerate more like you’re going to start farther right right about two pieces in front of you one if you put that see that’s perfect see that that’s in line with your target you can you can believe that but when you look at that right edge of that head cover wow that’s over there yeah you got a stretch for it I bet at some point you’re going to maybe even have to feel that far out somewhere right out there that’s where I want to bring the club well you want the golf ball to the golf Ball’s got to start down the right hand edge of that head covered have that as a visual you know and then so you’re going to have to feel the club face pushed through that line it’s got to head in that direction feel feel the grip that’s all right you went for it oh you foot see Lou vitt on that one go give me my toes please let’s have both toes right toes up come on and then into out a little bit let oh it mov but there we go I like that one it worked and I I want to just I want to move him once C Nick if you don’t mind just for a second John to give you a feel of like the exaggeration do do the close stance one more time too with your feet a little closed and then you so oh closed Clos just aim to the right left foot forward right foot back as much as you like yeah get in where you feel comfortable get off dialed in keep your hands on the club the whole time I’m just going to move the club a little bit to give you a feel so when we’re saying into to out on the way down it’s probably going to feel like a whoa right like holy cow that feels from inside and it’s probably going to feel like holy cow that feels out that way oh yeah right it’s got to feel like a holy cow it almost feels I know when I want to hit drawers especially with longer clubs it feels like you’re heading in that direction yeah it feels like you’re going I’m back here I want to feel like it’s coming that way yeah you feel like you’ve got to you’re trying to get the club anything in this space here that’s fine like when I come back here I want to try to come this way yeah I mean just try that’s right The Stance like we said it makes life a little easier and then keep the feet on the ground nice and still and just try and swing into that Gap there we go there you go there you go the first draw of his life for the last three months same thing good exaggeration yeah was a little miss the feel here’s the key John when you’re doing this for you to get out of you hit in a pull let’s say say 10 yards left in the beginning it’s got to feel like you’re going to hit a 20 yard push and I bet it’ll go pretty straight just just in the beginning the other important thing obviously feet and knees stability I mean these are all over the show so how do you get consistency you’re doing something different every time so you know so very important you get your feet so what I want you to do is like the good old Jack drill we’re talking about Jack so much he his feet used to just do this they come over look look at the stability back down around the corner simple as that if you want to improve cuz your knees are doing this and your feet are doing that so my goodness it’s going to so just learning to just rock the weight over to here yeah that will be a now that’s all a huge that put behind your back like I did just put it behind your back just feel your feel your feet lift your heels off the ground a little get on the balls of your feet right and that engages your the knees doesn’t it now just put 90% of your better yeah right and then 90% over there Just Let It Rock there you go and keep those get that foot to do the same thing each time there you go that’s so important for you just a little bit overow load the knees load the knees feel it in the knees cuz if you’re up here these go all over the shoulder put try and get the weight down so you got the I’ve got the weight right in my knees now look there and through you get in your golf posture boom just a little move like that that’s all you need don’t have to go any cuz what we want to do is feel that and feel the pressure go easy just do little little turn right just a little bit onto your weight just push it just as you go push the weight into your a just a little bit you you you’re moving too much without moving without looking without you look at the golf ball feel there you go and then go the same way push the ground there you go right push the ground down there you go and push different is it yes hard work it’s like this hard yeah you’re you’re like there when doing the Hokey Pokey so cuz if you take it back and this knee moves right there’s your funny you know and then that moves that and you just spin yourself out so you seriously work from the knees down and I used to do a simple drill I used to go to the the bed put the knees up against the mattress and can I turn and keep them you know just not always touching but close mhm because Club golfers do that right so if I can make a back swing and then and everything is kind of touching the bed like so look at that that’s that’s very important as well because now my body is doing the same thing if my knees are going here and my shoes are going there obviously I’m going to do something different aren’t I so it’s such a simple little drill to think can I turn and I’m obviously helping me stay in the same position so important if you want consistency which is what you said yeah it’s in your knees it’s in your feet and knees it’s in your Lou and your knees all right good back thank you sir beautiful Sir Nick


  1. Nick Mr fix it, he's actually a very funny guy, a few of us chatted to him at Wentworth many moons ago, on a practice day, he was very funny and accommodating, still got my program and glove that he kindly signed hanging in my office wall

  2. This is such an easy fix … you guys are making it way too complicated. Obviously he's casting slightly and his shoulders are too quick. Fix the casting by placing a tee or any small object 1 ft in front of the ball and slightly off to the right and tell him to swing through that plane.

    Secondly, just have him fire his hips before his shoulders by telling him to make his first move forward pressing his left heel down hard – this will elimate the casting and drop the club into an inside plane.

    At this point, his problem should be fixed but also i would have him just stand with feet shoulder width apart and take an iron and just practice for 30 seconds switching the weight back and forth between left foot and right foot while slightly sweeping the ground to get used to shifting his weight.

    Either way this was not the right approach that Faldo took (in my opinion).

    Long story short, as long as the hips are out ahead of the hands (clubhead), you won't come over the top. Anyone who casts typically has too much involvement with their upper body and not enough hips.

  3. 5:13 "squeeze your right buttock and"…fart. 😂 oops…a bit too much squeezing going on? Or not enough? LOL

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