How To Shift Pressure Towards the Target – FOOTWORK IN THE GOLF SWING

If you want to shift your weight and pressure towards the target and hit consistent, powerful golf shots you need to focus on your footwork.

In this golf lesson, PGA golf pro Kerrod Gray and Martin Chuck demonstrate a series of exercises to transfer weight to your lead leg by banking your trail foot.

These exercises are great for all skill levels and especially if you are spinning out in the downswing.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 – Introduction
0:15 – Banking the trail foot in the golf swing👈
2:15 – Stop spinning out in the downswing
3:35 – Drill to shift pressure towards the target 👈
4:25 – How should your trail foot feel in the golf swing
5:55 – Video takeaway

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getting your footwork right is so important for hitting consistent powerful golf shots and in today’s video I’m going to show you a key move to stop your feet from spinning out and help you move more efficiently towards the target let’s get stuck in m so Canadian Legend moan Norman has believable had a certain feeling about this Trail foot right and the understanding that we have now is it’s called a banking yeah and there’s certain drills and exercises that we’re going to cover today mhm but I want you to talk about the importance of this move for us you know I think you know it’s like intent precedes motion right so if we have the idea of what we want to do our body can say hey okay then then there’s always a struggle or something in there that fights us but Mo for those of you that don’t know mo and and I know you know Canadian Legend I would say mildly maybe some some sort of social thing he had that lent himself to just focusing on practicing golf yeah and he was the best hitter I’ve ever seen period yeah okay so Mo would say things like I’m going to touch the inside of my right ankle on the ground now there are always exaggerations but the neat part about it is if you stood over a golf ball and you tried to do that event guess where I just took my body yeah I took my body to my lead leg you know typically my pelvis opened a bit I got into a position that good players get into whether by accident or whatever yeah you know so MO you know he’d have H had a little wider stance than the average guy wider than that and so in this little strike car like I’m going to really focus on you know collecting the ball to a finishing form but a real banking on my trail foot you know and so that sense of how this foot gets in into the InStep helps me laterally collect myself on my left side you could see it was a nice it wasn’t a full swing but it was a nice crisp strike definitely divot afterward these are things that you’re not going to see that with a struggling golfer you’re going to see some sort of spin out move where you you’ll see the evidence like Sherlock Holmes could get his microscope and go yep there’s the spin out no banking why don’t we uh I want you to swing to the Top Mountain just demonstrate that so guys at home if you do film your swing and you see that your back Le is leg is doing a bit of a funky move I place this golf ball up against Martin’s back hill yes we just did a great video on this as well that you can check out now as Martin swings to the top mtin I want you to demonstrate the old right leg kicking in spinning out move so we do so we can see the ball kicks away how often do we see that every Golf Camp it’s it’s one of my primary things like right away it’s low hanging fruit it’s the easiest thing for me to say hey let’s work on fo work I just call let’s have Happy Feet not sad feet yeah yeah let’s let our feet bank and let’s go to our you know our lead leg rotated relocated kind of kissy knees I call it yeah you know for a joke we have this phrase it’s basically one two G on my shoe just these little catchphrases for students to go okay one two gum my shoe this could be the executive of some huge corporation I get I’m saying that just so they have they’re busy mentally with their goal of intent you know whether it’s banking or just a better finishing form yeah so as you as you do that again M we love feedback right weally golf ball here so on this one I want you to ensure that you’re not spinning out with that foot and hitting it yeah so you know here’s just a mon Norman kind of banking Trail foot beautiful yeah and as we can see from that face on VI on that one that ball wasn’t touched at all now we’ve also got a golf club as a reference down here mate now for the guys at home when you place this underneath your heel cuz we want to be self-sufficient not always have a coach there you’re just going to place this kind of like midfoot as we can see here and and safely you wouldn’t want it where your Club could hit it so just you know out of Harm’s Way a little bit behind yeah and so here’s a situation now where the golfer can have a sense of how this club can actually Bank as the you know and you could if you want to you know you can hit a short little shot and see how that club can bank and I can get forward and touch the ball and do it and that that was fantastic I love this sort of drill here now the one thing you got to be mindful of guys is that when you do this don’t just try and keep it down oh no Let It Go you really just want to have the same intention of hitting a normal shot right and the final little drill M we got a couple of here for this banking to talk about where to place them because we had an external Focus here of the club dropping down now we’re going to go more of a feel on the inside of the foot aren’t we right right so as I get this you know I could stand over a golf ball and get in a position where I can I feel as though I can let this right foot push that t same thing over here I think a lot of people on my lead side they don’t realize that you know this this ability to invert int your feet is a big deal in golf as I I coach a lot of golfers that come to the camp they’re 50 plus yeah they haven’t run around barefoot in years right so the strength and mobility in their ankles is sort of G and they’re not used to living on the inside and outside of their feet yeah so I try to awaken that because if a club is passing you by and this foot’s flat typically you can’t sustain the expansion of these angles and impact nicely okay so when we get in here we have this goal of saying okay I have these two T’s and I’m going to feel like I can bank and I you know I won’t press these te’s in but my goal is that feeling you know how I can get that sensation to get on the golf ball and hit a shot love it so really at the end of the day the players who if they were filming themselves from predominantly down the line is where you’re going to see this one the most guys and that back leg is firing out you might struggle with we’re going to say predominantly an overthe toop motion you’re doing some great manipulations on the way down uh this is an excellent exercise Martin isn’t it for essentially getting players feeling like they’re moving more towards the Target and finishing let’s say uh tall and extended in this P yeah so we call it at a dress where heart to the ground in a finishing form heart to the heart to the sky flexion extension obviously there’s side Bend components that are very important in golf to and again it’s in the cake mix we’re trying to end in this nice balance of flexion extension rotation side bends yeah you know but I don’t even get into that language necessarily with students too much I just give them okay what a little bit of recipe do they need to hit it better yeah yeah absolutely let’s get the ball in the air going somewhere straight Target all right mate one more let’s pay close attention to Martin’s Trail foot on this one as he goes ahead and PES us down there let have a little fun get set always last thing Target look back to the ball h a little shot a little skinny but fine functional beautiful look guys Martin Chuck out here at the Raven excellent information on how you can control your pressure towards the target ensuring that back foot is banking thanks for watching this video YouTube thinks that you would benefit from watching this one next so click that card and it could be the tip that you need to take your game to the next level I’ll see you next time

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