Team TaylorMade’s UNCUT Range Session With Qi10 Driver | TaylorMade Golf Europe

Tiger Woods, Scottie Scheffler, Rory McIlroy, Nelly Korda, Collin Morikawa, Tommy Fleetwood, Brooke Henderson, and Charley Hull are on the range at the TaylorMade Photoshoot warming up for the day. This video is the uncut session where they get loose and see/hit new Qi10 Driver for the first time. Scottie isn’t taking divots, Tiger tries a BRNR Mini Driver, Nelly gets her hands on a Qi10 6-wood and so much more. Watch the full video to hear their reactions to the Qi10 family line up as well as the banter between the group.

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your heel strike goes low left low low left and cutting oh spinning spinning cut I need that I love that shot that’s my shot okay yeah no I I if I see it go right I have like this anger that gets built up inside of me and I’m like well you was like like it com back though yeah I like a release like I’m just like it’s like 10 have you learn how to hit a cutand have you learned how to hit a cut no because I tried and then it screwed up my swing for like six months they would throw their shve oh go to the ceiling and then you go like yeah they do the weird yeah I’m like oh my God that’s good that’s just disgusting that’d be I’ve never seen I’ve never seen a match like that up close I’ve only seen on YouTube this is quite a nice spot is it yeah it’s is good get to what get to what she it it’s good oh yeah yeah feeling a little stiff yeah I think we’re all moving a little slow here oh yeah oh nice I got all I like the new bags new iron did you uh did you get any hits when you went to the Red Sox stadium did you get any like close to the back Edge did you hit did they let did did they pitch to you to hit balls no no that would have been sick no it was a cool day it was a cool day oh yeah oh yeah did you just fly him from um Dubai Dubai yeah I how you guys feel but I feel like an 80-year-old man when I wake up in the morning need like yeah an hour to get gone yeah this morning was an early one yeah I planned to go to the gym and my line went up at 400 and I thought nope no wa for hour I st up late watching football that was also a mistake seems a great idea at the time yeah was fun game to watch you guys done you guys are done right we finished last week but I still have two more events I’m playing with Tony and then oh then gr thoron yeah and then with my dad oh PNC yeah are you done bro um yeah officially and then I’m playing the grant Thorton one ah who you are you playing with Cory Cory yeah I think the fans will like it Canadian fans [Laughter] anyway when’s that um what’s it called yeah not not this week not next week the week after are you going back to England Charlie or are you stay I’m going LA tomorrow yeah then I’m going Vegas okay and then it’s for a golf day but kind of mix in a holiday then I’m flying home for five days it’s for a golf day yeah and then I’m flying home for five days and I come back over okay oh my shoulder cracked Scotty you trying to no divot thing this today or yeah first ball curious you know see maybe that’s why you’ve been practicing the off season I don’t know pron sweeping it I lost about 15 yards with each iron to win but but it’s cool but yeah but it sounds cool but it works no straight to the driver Roos huh no straight to the driver we go moving a little slow this morning you feeling a little uh what did the whoops say good yeah yeah recovery is good oh I want to hit more balls but I shouldn’t do you use really long clubs for all your clubs or like just your driver well it used to be just my driver but since they like moved it back down to 46 now it’s just 46 in but how about like your irons are they they’re just regular standard okay yeah I was really sad when they made the change with the driver it made I mean obviously it made it big enough difference difference what were you using before uh I was using 48 yeah would you ever not choke down on like um no I always choke down yeah sorry my bag a little tight you good all right I was down the right it’s always nice when you get a brand new club and you just start wearing in a mark That’s not in the middle of the face I just look down this I’m like that’s on the toe great that than the evtis true right try one of these five Woods up to a wood Rory five wood yeah nice have you hit the new woods yet so I I played the new driver last week in Dubai yeah but I had this is the first time I’m seeing the fairways okay my right yeah works it’s okay done let me go home Colin how’s your back what’s up how’s your back it’s like I I could try and hit today but I’m not is it similar to Memorial same sort of thing same thing just like same thing in the gym like similar I was like doing lung like side lateral jumps and I was in the air pushed off and just middle there I like couldn’t land how is it for like hitting cuz I haven’t hting the golf course butting like drawers and pH and stuff it’s pretty um you can move it yeah yeah whoa I got no head covers get you back there do you want me to move the bag feel like the bag’s really scaring let’s move this back me on drivers already five’s nice I think I’m just going to go full game improvement like this is a five five like the size of a driver but it looks so nice I it’s so forgiving and my F’s almost like this one yeah it’s nice a little bigger a little like yeah I like I like the more I like to be able to hit down want out the rough yes and I get the popup I haven’t hit these woods yet yeah so couple different ones the huzzle looks so different oh that’s nice too a nice sound out of them they’re really uh like real solid feel like the hle looks very different on them maybe it’s the it’s the it’s this yeah it’s the you’re right it’s that thing there whatever that is yeah I have two different ones late in the morning I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hit one of those what it’s all I hit it is just haven’t played with me in a while that’s why usually it’s a a push cut no it has been since February huh it has been since February you yeah since I play with you I haven’t played golf since austa did we play Augusta April we played a practice run well that doesn’t count well practice round shots are not the same as game time shots this is true oh these are nice a sixwood sixwood nice wait you don’t normally have a six W it’s not a normal thing are you saying you don’t game one what’s up you don’t game one I mean I might I might need to I’ve never gamed a sixwood looks pretty nice actually this could be instead of my hybrid now want say a little drawer huh yeah play with a little drawer yeah but I like to fade it and you do you do shape it yeah I like to shape it to be fair but I’ve been working on like cuz I have no hip tank CU I got bad right hip so I’ve been trying to so I pick it up more so I’m trying to work on getting it okay and then stay in my tilt some way through yeah yeah yeah yeah so that’s I’m just straight in the bag really yeah it’s nice yeah I mean it could be instead of my hybrid no sixwood a sixwood I’ve never had a six wood before oh it’s nice 21 maybe that’s it’s actually the same as a seven 21 de interesting just has a smaller face which did I use am I still all right pardon am I still okay yeah you’re fine my B back no you’re all right get up right sort of L in this three-wood does everything look spinny on this range or is it just me just me I’m just getting loose I’m just looking at I’m like I just can’t just trying to make solid contact I know that’s a losing battle for me so it’s not a wow that’s hot that that five with Tiga yeah that’s that went a bit far I don’t quite hit it that far what’s this oh this a Max my Freewood think I found rob a new fivewood couldn’t resist doing a little I’m like little swing I am trying so hard so you bunching it over there I want to and then if I hurt myself again then I’m going be so mad yeah what of have you gotten your one my actual G driver yeah I have nine yeah I’ve got eight but it’s on uh mine’s on eight and then one Higher plus what does that mean I don’t know no M like oh yours is on neutral in it I know standard so is that standard no I think it’s that line there it I don’t know well actually I don’t know yours it’s completely way around completely Bamboozled now I don’t know why I just keep thinking of the ls that I’m playing I’ve had to uh I’ve had to put the weight a little bit towards the heel okay to to for a little more draw yeah I like super draw biased I also like hit kind of HD down on my driver do you yeah I’m like five five up for me so yeah like that to me if you looked at You’ probably be like not a lot of Loft see I don’t mind that though okay that looks good right yeah yeah that looks good oh spinning oh what shaft’s that t a yeah man a little more stability a little Flex to it bottom oh nice help me out a little bit nice that’s similar to mine just a little towards the heel yeah put more little more towards the heel there you go that’s my normal shot like it I’m back little release flat cut yeah nothing wrong with that thinking about going one more titch and Loft yeah that’s the nice thing with this I’ve always had to go higher lofted head and turn it down to it Square looking to me this is just on standard dude I’m at which is 10 and a half yeah but I think I might go titch cuz I I want that thing running away from me on that cut it’s perfect no yeah but I can’t turn it the other way it’s going to fall out sky where do you usually spin your driver at 25 26 I’m like 22 23 my best year on tour I was spinning my driver 31 3200 where are you wow yeah I’m like high 2000 usually yeah I I hit I mean he hits up on just a little bit yeah see I hit down on it I’m like zero to point maybe one down yeah same I’m between those numbers yeah I’m like up four up five how about when you first came out dude eight out up up and it was just it matched up it was fine it was awesome so what I used to do with my driver like when I first came out I just aimed on the middle of the Fairway yeah you hit the gear effect straight ball well that was yeah so I I just I do that and would hit I would start at the right edge of the Fairway and come back to the middle yep like that you just missed it no no if I hit it good I just aimed on the middle of the Fairway it would start right edge of the Fairway and come back like every single time and if he did miss it missed off the heel and it was a straight ball up the right the right side perfect pre- twist I mean yeah obviously no twist face like just normal effect yeah yeah but that’s when I was swinging all six eight whatever yeah nice there noly oh yeah a little lower ball flight than you gotta way us far he flew it on the te box yeah I did see that yeah that’s far Miss hit that one I hit that one good hit that one like tiger oh shut up F Tiger’s new three-wood go nope Mele but that’s what the titch more off was allowed me to do I can hit that so launch it higher a bit more I can get that one yeah yeah yeah yeah and I can always te down and hit hit the flat hot one that one I love that shot where’s this other one I drove you nuts in La yeah but I was using a real I know you were I know my ball carrying 250 rolling out another 150 what’s going on shots that the necky cut I like that this one I told you I’m monke around that one titch more Loft yeah so I can hit that and I can go maybe shape one the other way now should be all right if you got those two it’s good for me did you find your driver ready I think so yeah that first one the first one yeah told you yeah it’s good is that the that was the regular one yeah anybody got a Max one I’ve got a Max you got a Max yeah I just want to see what it looks like playing position it’s big oh my God here you go oh my God oh my God that’ll fix that slice you ever play like a bunt driver at like British yes yeah so I’ll show you uh where’s my driver yeah actually it’s like my favorite thing to hit yeah so whenever I’m not feeling like too good with the driver uh I’ll usually hit this you still Tee It Up High see I can’t do it when I te it up high I have to te it up low just a three One Mini Java yes nice have you got the mini Drive in your back yeah use that pretty much every week please tell me that that was good that was good I hit that good we need to get tiger a mini I’m I’m not get tiger a mini I’m not using a mini are you still using that Tommy hey are you still using it I was but Tiger’s just taken manine I think washed it all over Marco simun I like just keep hit in the mini you play you play a lot more than I do you use it way more than me really happy all right cut look at you that’s not a bunt though you gained speed tiger n but 17 18 game speed 20ish is pretty good it’s different now oh you change have you changed your swing no it’s different it’s not have you had to change your swing though because of it I had to yes I told you I have to rotate my hip more I have to rotate into my back hip just to get enough no it’s terrible cuz I can’t there’s no more angulation anymore I need I need like a six I turn my foot out nothing turns in anymore it’s gone it’s fused actually that’s what I want to do so how do I get angulation is like I have to turn my hip back deeper so I can actually get a chance to get this kind of angulation so if you feel anything it’s in your right knee but if I don’t turn my yeah but if I don’t turn my hip going back then it goes I crashed in my lower back again CU you have no power because I because I have I can’t get any Ang there’s nothing there but if I can turn in my hip a little B more definitely just get it back which is like he goes up and rotates a little bit I’ve been trying to get it deeper Rory Rory’s not warmed up he can’t hit hard yet no I try I’ll I’ll get one let me see see choked what you think those very w


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