Golf Grip Fundamentals | Find the Correct Grip Pressure | Titleist Tips

Loose, tight, or somewhere in-between? Titleist staff member Jason Baile shares his thoughts on grip pressure and the key is not how tightly you grip the club, but how you apply pressure as you take hold of the handle.

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00:00 – Introduction
00:21 – Where, how to apply pressure
00:38 – Benefits of upward pressure
00:57 – Demonstration
01:01 – Summary

let’s talk about grip pressure Sam Sneed famously once said you should hold it like a baby bird I love Sam to death but I got to disagree with him if I were a baseball player hitting a 90 mph fastball the last thing I’d be doing is holding this bat like a baby bird we know that power is a big part of our game so I’d say Sam it’s more about where you grip it and where you apply that pressure so I want to make sure that I’m applying pressure to the grip I just don’t want to make that pressure be pushing down that’s going to send a lot of tension in my forearms my shoulder and probably my lower jaw I want to make sure that I have all that grip pressure pulling up if I pull up into the grip I can still have Supple wrists elbows and soft shoulders but yet have really good control of the face so when I step in there I want to feel that grip pressure pulling up with my fingers relaxing my forearms my shoulders and my jaw that way I have control of the face I can make a very intentful swing and still have control of the club face so pull up into that grip don’t push down

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