Performance Golf One Wedge Review: Wait, Seriously??

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to like the Performance Golf One Wedge. But after testing it out with all kinds of shots, it’s been in my bag ever since. Here’s why.

Buy the One Wedge:

My Full Written One Wedge Review:

00:00. I was super skeptical of the Performance Golf One Wedge.
00:54. Why I was Skeptical.
02:31. A quick disclaimer.
02:53. So, is this a club you should consider?
03:50. This is definitely NOT the club for some golfers.
04:39. My first hour with the One Wedge.
07:01. The real test for me.
08:21. After 3 rounds my verdict is…
09:33. A quick caveat.
10:26. Close.

I was super skeptical of this golf club I thought that I was going to get it use it for 5 minutes and put it away and say you know what it’s not even worth me doing a review on it and the reality is I have been totally blown away and I have not taken it out of my bag since I first started reviewing it if you struggle hitting out of bunkers tight lies out of divots out of the rough and you’re looking for the closest thing to a Magic Bullet to getting out of all of those tricky situations then this may be exactly what you’ve been looking for and that’s what this review is all about today we’re reviewing the performance golf one wedge and I still am surprised on doing this review I was highly skeptical I’m going to tell you exactly why what I mean and really what this wedge is all about in today’s review so if you uh are looking for something that has the potential to seriously change your game keep watching I think you’re going to dig today’s video okay first off let’s talk about why I was so skeptical of this club well it’s for a couple reasons first off any club that promises to be a Magic Bullet especially one that’s not necessarily made from a manufacturer you’ve heard of or a big name you’re always going to kind of question like yeah well if that’s the thing like why didn’t they do that years ago why you know why now why you guys Etc the second reason is because of who it is made by which is performance golf so before I tested this I wasn’t super familiar with performance golf I knew a few things I knew that they had some digital courses they had some training AIDS they have some bigname instructors that have helped with the courses but I also know they’re very very good at marketing which is part of the reason why I was hesitant to review one of their products because the last thing I would want to do is review a product have one of you go buy the product and then get sold upsell upsell upsell membership not being able to cancel and I was afraid because I know there are a lot of golf marketing companies out there that can kind of like lock you into some of these things and end up being a pain in the butt to work with I have bought products where that has been the case so I wanted to make sure I got all the information about performance Golf and I worked with them a little bit and I tested out for myself before I actually reviewed the product because I was a little concerned about that and if I’m being totally honest I think you should still just know that just go in with your eyes wide open that if you buy this product there will be opportunities to buy other products they are very good at what they do with the marketing but the good news is is after going through their courses after trying out this product I’ve been very impressed with what I have seen after talking to the people behind the company I genuinely think they’re doing the right thing and they were out to just try and help the average golfer which is something I wasn’t totally sure about when I first got this club so I just want to be upfront about all of that I want you to keep that in mind as you are watching this and this is also a good time to say if you click the link below you buy the product I will get a commission on that if you’re not okay with that you can just go to Performance and go do all the research on your own like I’ve said in previous videos I don’t care whether you buy this club or not I’m just trying to do my best to give you my unbiased reviews on the products I use and help you find the right products for your needs so now that we’ve gotten all that disclaimer stuff out of the way let’s talk about this wedge let’s talk about performance golf let’s talk about what you get and if this is something you should consider investing in because I think it is probably going to be a good fit for a lot of you so the idea behind the one wedge is that it is in fact one wedge like theoretically you can take this out on the course and it’s going to be the only wedge that you need so it comes in 50° 56° and 60° variance this is the 56 that’s what I recommend you start with if you’re looking to buy one wedge I think that’s going to be the most versatile for you so on top of being the only wedge you need one of the things that they promote with this is that you don’t need to adjust your swing or adjust your stance for different positions so you don’t need to open the face real wide when you’re in the bunker you don’t need to spread your leg like basically you just step up to the ball put the ball in your normal position you make a swing and make sure you hit the ground that’s all you’re trying to do make your normal swing and hit the ground and regardless of whether or not you’re in a tight lie in the rough in the bunker the ball should theoretically pop out and so for some people that will throw you off if you’re used to doing certain thing out of the bunker if you’re used to doing certain things for different lies going back to just that one swing will take a little bit of used to also if we’re being honest if you’re trying to improve your golf game this is not necessarily the club for Scratch golfers this I take that back this is not the club for Scratch golfers there are some downsides we’re going to talk about in a minute so if you’re looking to improve your bunker game in the more traditional way then this may set you back a little bit because you’re going to get used to that one swing and then as you start graduating getting back to regular clubs or getting down into a single-digit handicap or whatever it might be you’re going to have to go back to opening up your face and hitting actual bunch bunker shots but if you are an amate player a mid to high handicapper and you just struggle to get out of the bunkers and you’re looking for the easiest way to get out of the bunkers that is where this club shines so let’s talk about my first hour with this club so I’m going into this I’m highly skeptical one of the cool things when you buy this is you will actually get a free course that comes along with it that’s all about how to use it so it’s done by Martin Chuck the production value is very good I think there’s like 10 videos is um that are all like anywhere from like 3 to 7 minutes long so they’re short they’re easy to digest and it kind of walks you through everything you need to know about this club about the swing how to hit it out a different lies and you know it just basically is the instruction manual for this and it’s very well done so I went through I watched a bunch of those videos before I went out and used this for the first time figured I would start from the rough because generally that’s the easiest thing for me to hit out of I like having the fluffy lie with the ball sitting up it’s a little bit better and uh one after another I just kept hitting balls up and down onto the green uh very impressive uh I was like okay this this this seems to work pretty well but I can generally hit balls out of the rough pretty well especially around the green so what if we move this to a tight lie and I’m using it on a very tight Fairway for chip shots where often I can top balls I can flood balls I can get fat that consistency has always been a challenge for me on tight lies one after another just perfect up and down onto the green onto the green no top balls no fat balls no thin like it it all just worked and I got to say at this point I’m getting you know I’m starting to buy in kind like okay this is pretty impressive what this is doing that being said it’s not perfect I will say distance control with this club is challenging uh I found because you’re kind of making the one swing I’ve always had a tendency to swing a little bit too hard so I was hitting a b a lot of balls long The more I’ve practiced with it the more I’ve gotten it dialed in but I will say that is probably my biggest sticking point so far is just kind of figuring out how hard to hit it when you’re just doing that one swing which is maybe a little bit different from how you would normally approach a Chip Shot or wed shot keeping that in mind one thing that really did surprise me is actually getting the balls to spin the grooves on this everything on this club is totally legal it’s totally conforming you can use it in tournaments you can use it for whatever uh but actually getting the ball to go up and stop and spin a little bit you know it it was pretty impressive even using range balls which is how I was first practicing this I was impressed to see a little bit of spin it wasn’t like hop hop stop or it wasn’t like you know getting the ball to spin back in Reverse but there was more spin on it than I expected to be for what’s ESS a super game improvement Club but here was the real test thing I struggle with most is hitting out of bunkers so it was working pretty well out of the rough it was working pretty well off the Fairway got a bunker brought a bunch of balls up and out every single time like nine out of my first 10 shots were out of the bunker now I will say you don’t get at least with the 56 you don’t get a ton of Loft it wasn’t like they were going high and stopping on the green they were all I was on like a a pretty deep like 5T deep bunker um they were all going like 2 3 ft over the lid and then a lot of them were rolling out out of the bunker and so this is where kind of that distance control is still a little bit of a challenge this thing has been great for getting me out of bunkers but I’m still trying to dial in how to make sure that I’m not only getting it out of the bunker but also get it to stop near the flag but I got to say just be able to focus on one swing thought putting the ball right in the center of my stance and then every time just watching the ball pop out and get out of the bunker that forgiveness that consistency I’ve not had that with any club and granted like I said like a lot of these balls are rolling out I was hitting a lot that were a little bit too long I’m still dialing the distances which is one of the challenges with this but it’s getting me out I’m not leaving like three four five balls in the bunker it’s like I’m able to get it up and out and two putt for bogey kind of thing as opposed to potentially having to take an x on a hole and that’s a big deal for mid to high handicappers like if you can do that that’s worth having this club in the bag for that reason alone so I’ve now spent the better part of two hours on the practice screen I’ve taken it out with me for three different rounds and I’m bought in like honestly I didn’t want to like it I thought it was going to be something I would test out and put away but even as a 10 handicap someone who struggles on tight lies and bunkers this has become my go-to club I think with more practice I’m going to be able to really dial in the distance a little bit better you definitely don’t have the control you get with higher-end wedges especially if you’re getting like 50 60 70 yards out so if you’re a good golfer if you’re a scratch golfer a single digit this club probably not for you you’re not going to have the control you’re not going to have the spin uh you’re not going to have the workability with this that you would get from all of your more standard clubs but if you’re someone that just needs to get out of a bunker if you’re someone that doesn’t want to hit the ball fat or top it when you’re just trying to chip up onto the green and you’re looking for something that has maximum forgiveness so that you can build some confidence I mean this club like I genuinely I expected to not like it not use it not review it but I’ve been so impressed that I kind of couldn’t not do it I couldn’t not review it because I’m I’m I’m using myself it’s staying in the bag so take all of that for what it’s worth I do want to caveat this with performance golf is very good at marketing they’re very good at what they do there’ll probably be an upsell where you can get three clubs if you’re only going to buy one just go into all of that eyes wide open uh but in my experience and talking with them and learning about their return policy and how they treat their customers you shouldn’t have any issues and if you do let me know I would love to hear about it because I don’t want to promote companies uh that don’t treat their customers well but everything I’ve have seen so far is that they do but the fact you’re getting this club you’re getting the course that goes along with this club as well as a couple bonus courses which is cool uh they’re going to help you with different aspects of your game uh it’s a really solid package so it’s not a cheap Club it’s 140 bucks retail for this but honestly taking a $140 gamble for a club that has the potential to change your game in a pretty big way like I’ve been very impressed with how it’s changed my game still surprised by it um but it’s true I recommend you check it out so take all that for what it’s worth I’ve got a written review that I will link to below so as I use this more if I have any addition additional thoughts that’s where I’m going to be able to update it if you have questions about this feel free to drop a comment I will do my best to answer every single one um but yeah I’m a fan didn’t expect to be but this is definitely a club worth considering for mid to high handicappers that are looking for absolute maximum forgiveness and help hitting out of the trickiest lies with that my name is Sean Ogle I’m the founder of this thing here at breaking 80 where we talk about cool golf products and golf courses if you got some value out of this maybe consider hitting the Subscribe button thumbs up notification Bell drop comment do all the things that help this Channel and allow me to shoot videos like this for you but with that I hope you have an excellent day and I’ll see you on the next video peace


  1. I bought the PG One, 56 degree, wedge about a month ago. I am a mid to high (around 16) handicap and wasn't able to see a difference between my Ping Glide 56 degree when I used the techniques shown on videos from PG's with the Ping wedge. My big negative is the same as yours on not being able to control distance. I can't seem to chip one less than about 40 feet but after your review I'll go back to the range and see if I can improve my opinion of the club. I'll be interested to see your follow on experience with this club.

  2. I love my 56° vokey and would definitely still stick with it for longer pitches… but my bunker game and my 60° are a liability. I know you recommend the 56°, but do you think the 60° would help with that extra rollout you’re trying to get used to and still be a good bunker option?

  3. I wonder how much difference in design there is between these clubs and Cleveland's SmartSole wedges. They both seem to claim the same benefits. Any thoughts?

  4. Nice review. Callaway had a club much like that a while back called Sure Out and it worked. But they took them off the market…So these should do well….

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