Is She The Best Female Golfer On YouTube?

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guys welcome back to day 22 today I have a very special video Our Guest today is Sarah [Music] winter all right so many of you have seen Sarah winter she’s on Instagram primarily but you’ve been on Bobo Sports you’ve been on you’re on like golf girl games you’re just you’re making quite the statement in YouTube golf now so welcome to the channel um thanks for being here thanks for having me this is so exciting team Taylor Made team Taylor Made and then Sarah’s caddy today is Katie yeah she said she’d only play a match against you if I cadd yeah so Sarah’s caddy today is Katie so they’re going to be a team I’m playing the back te’s and Sarah hits it really far if she played the red teas she would be hitting it over the greens so she’s going to be playing the whites it’s about 6,000 yard it’s typically what you play so let’s get right into it I don’t think we need to do a t flip cuz I’m not going to I’m going to go first because I don’t walk up there way up there so hope you guys are ready for this subscribe to the channel yeah good luck to you too good luck to you ladies um I think I think I’m going to need a lot of verdiers to win honestly cuz I’m not kidding Sarah hits it probably farther than like a lot of women in golf it’s crazy so probably hits it farther than a lot of men in go she does yeah that’s actually true so I’m actually quite nervous today we’re on a 10th T Palm Beach National shout out to Mike for thank you for having us out I love this course it’s one of my favorite places down here in Lake where Florida um but let’s get right into it big dog in hand it’s time to make some birdies oh nice yikes Sarah what this could be a problem bu no it really far right down the middle okay what is the TR to do today Paddy well I got my 18 birdies I’m going to give you yardages so we’re just going to have fun so you’ll do the thinking I’ll do the think I’ll tell you yardages you do The Swinging as long as we’re just having a good time I think that’s what’s going to get in his head car four Katie gave me my target so I’m just going to rip a driver and put it out there oh that’s perfect a little bit less but it’s great I feel like that’s fine yeah yeah okay pulled it a little bit but I think we’re fine she’s got 100 y to the pin so little sandwich yeah like a little smooth pitching W this tree is in front of me but it’s not in the way I don’t even see the tree I think you should just go I need some of that Cofe you need some of my coffee yeah where’s your coffee I left it in the truck that’s tragedy don’t do it he’s the other team he’s the enemy yeah I can’t get for my coffee are you kidding take my 50° cuz I I feel like sometimes if I hit smooth with a club it goes right so I’m better just hitting as like really hard a little ledge right at the pin I should have a birdie putt after this hopefully oh yeah oh that was so nice there a little left but we have a good put was great good job that’s all cuz my caddy 91 yard for me I’m going to play this about the number because it is just absolutely perfect out here there’s no win or anything probably the first time we’ve do swept all year I know comment down below if you like do sweeping because I I’m going to comment on this video because I love it okay okay wow have to see that all right there’s no gimmies she said there’s no gimmies yeah this is going to be a tough match all right well we we were happy with our shot and then like a Hilo key sunk a dart but it never is as close as it looks from the Fairway no that looks a lot closer he definitely has a cut it and we can put some pressure on him and make our cut first and then maybe get to him yeah I think it very well could and Sarah just mentioned there’s no gimmies today so no we’re going to I mean like unless it’s like I want I I want this to be intense yeah yeah oh look at this service I don’t have to do anything yeah all you have to do is just just make it just make it a little uphill and then it looks like it’s going to go down but it is a little damp cuz we’re quite early so just going to give this a go I’m going to be kind of aggressive cuz I want to make it oh oh that was such a good putt I thought I made that for like seconds that roll I’ll give you that one on the first hole no I’ll put it I mean I I’m I’m generous but you don’t have to take it I feel like we don’t want gimmies I feel like it’s got to be like see what you do if you make it I’ll take it mind games of not taking your gimme yeah that’s that is really something okay that’s good oh my goodness I’ll mine now yeah this you can have that I thought I made that man holy crap all right part for me Sarah has about four 4 ft for her [Music] car should have took the Gimme no no gimmies uh Sarah’s one over I am even par we are on to par three number two which is whole number 11 subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already I think we just crossed over 500,000 subscribers which all thanks to you guys um let’s keep it going okay let’s hit 2 million okay so we bogey and he hard but the thing I like about stroke play is like it’s never over yeah cuz I mean anyone that plays offl knows like a lot can happen in one hole so true so being L down is like it’s okay will make him feel a little comfortable yep make him feel like he’s got it in the bag on him I feel like the energy coming out of their Camp kind of scares me little than why it does yeah I got 162 I’m going to play at 162 anything a little bit short is is totally fine stay of the I was not very committed on that shot that g it I wasn’t committed to hitting eight iron I should have hit it just a hard nine because it’s too early in the morning to be trying to feather something 138 140 to the pin okay and then the front’s 126 26 okay okay so I’m going to hit an eight um the Green’s open so I should try to take advantage of that because I am one down already you followed me no I didn’t don’t go in the bunker okay in the bunker I mean I hit it good I just didn’t draw so we have a bunker shop but that’s okay not what you want to see when the green is open from his partner miss you usually want to hit on cloth but that’s okay you’re good at Bunker spots you’re really good at Bunker I’m good at Bunker shots down yep and this whole with a little car just move on move on set never happen about it we you about about it all right I put myself in not the prime position a shortsighted downhill bunker so I pretty much have to land it the first Fringe and then let it you can that that’s good I left it a little bit short um it’s really soft here but I need just good contact here try to get myself a decent look at PA all right pretty good got another lengthy parut not where I want it to be over that old ball Mark and it’s going to be pretty fast cuz it’s downhill okay that okay I mean I wish we need it two down through two hot start for me hey there’s a lot there’s a lot of golf left to play and it’s stroke play right stroke play so anything can happen feel a little bit better it’s a beautiful morning though out here at Mikey D’s course we’re do sweeping haven’t done that in a long [Applause] [Music] time I always hit driver on this hole and I’m always too close to the green so I’m changing it up what a bad problem I’m changing it up I’m trying to have like 100 yards into the screen instead of like this awkward 54 54 yards right we should be fine it’s perfect yeah that’s a good one you’re over for two on the behind the back little I know I’m working on it just give me some time okay it’s a process yeah I’ll keep cutting it out until you hit it and then it’ll look like the first time you got 250 if you hit this 250 yards that’ll put you 33 yards P so I do we want to be 33 y that’s kind of an awkward distance okay do you want to like I love 90 to 80 like I can really stick it close that actually I’ll just rip driver I’ll just rip driver let do that said screw it didn’t come here to lay up okay it’s going to be a great angle had a little high on the face but it’s good I thought for a second it was going to be in the trees but no iect exact number that I wanted 105 yards Sarah is up there a little bit farther she’s going to have just a short wedge in this is going to be a nice little 54 1 in choke down shove it in the door here let’s see what he’s got oh my go okay oh too much salsa oh wow he’s all the way back down in the Fairway all the way off the front I thought I cured poo like that’s the first time I’ve had it in a while and that’s so dumb I’m going to go under um just cuz there’s this Branch that’s kind of low so I’m just going to bump and run one up there and try to stick it close oh my God I should have maybe went over that’s unfortunate another bunker but it’s she got a little more room to work with there so it should be a little bit easier this is a nicer bunker shot a little more green to work with just going to try to get one soft and high and get one close right Kitty we got to we got to stop the bleeding right now yeah we got to got really nice really nice okay A little better I mean I would have liked it to be closer than that but we have a par that was perfect let’s walk away with par on this hole and then Birdie the next one we’re right back in it let’s see what that chipping lesson taught you all right this thing had 15 had like 64 fet of spin on it which is just crazy I me I wasn’t expecting that um um is going to the left here uh probably got to carry this at least 50% of the way there maybe 60% cuz it’s going to land into an up slope so oh sit sit okay well guess I read that all right I got this for par it’s breaking to the right oh oh my gosh ran out of steam of all things good okay the door is open right now let’s see if I can take advantage that was a really nice roll much as mine sna that’s good just want to hear that sound I haven’t heard it much yet all right three over to one over onto hole number four we do have a par five coming up and some nice easy short Par Four so things could get really interesting I have a two- shot lead on the hole number four for now how you feeling I’m feeling like I’m down three through three how you feel I’m feeling good we need to we need to get our putts a little more dial but that’s you know a team effort [Music] here we’re not doing horrible not doing horrible but I just know we could do better yeah and nobody wants to watch a bunch of bogey no so this is where we wait okay so you just bogey that that one right we both bogy we both bogied I’m rubing off on him that’s perfect that’s actually perfect let’s go watch him okay hole number four par four this is the longest par hole on the back nine so this is definitely the I think this is the number one rated hole but that’s neither here nor there I got a driver I’m going just in between the Tower and the bunker trying to hit a little baby draw here well well right of the Fairway but it’s okay right’s better than left here where we turn this is where turn Let’s go Team girls okay I have my line now I just have to hit hit it going be right by mine there’s the bunker though yeah oh yeah that’s fine all right good shot not in the bunker on The Fairway we’re good no you carried that easy I honestly was a little scared going left cuz my Mist today has been left and there’s water yeah you kind of little over compensation but that’s okay that happens golf I mean everyone knows golf is a mental game always so if you hear there’s Hazard on the left sometimes subconsciously you’ll just leave your face a little open not in the bunker that’s right I don’t think we’ll have too trouble this is a longer parkour so I kind of wanted to pit a good one there but that’s okay I think I think it like perfect cuz the dog likes to left the little so you kind of put yourself in really good yeah right now for the intimidation tactics hey what’s our tactic what we need some trash talk from you soon a I I’m having like I’m still learning how to do it cuz I’m from Canada and we don’t really trash talk sometimes I’m in a match and like if I’m winning like I’m like feeling bad so I’m like say like feeling sorry you know what I mean but I need to get better like you need to be like okay yeah this is good so you can maybe C me on how to trash talk I don’t know if I’m very good at trash talking either no you’re not okay yeah clear clearly I’m not you just got to give him a lot of options to think about and ponder about okay um the’s pretty small you just got to be like whatever you do you cannot miss left and then all he thinks about is missing left whatever you do you can’t miss left or right cuz there are Bonkers on both sides so I should just hit it right at it oh right way right made it on the green but way right yeah they got in my head a little bit 116 to the pen okay so a little nine iron right at it or should I go a little right I would say right at it pretty center of the green oh yeah a great nice oh right next to each other I literally thought they were going to hit I know would have actually helped bird coming up I have to give you the read though hey it’s always closer than it looks when it’s pin high is it Sarah’s got birdie a birdie putt here probably finally 5T outside of mine yes okay I mean I had to give it a go all right got a little bit of information off of that didn’t break up quite as much I’m going to go about I’m about 2T here hit it 2T yeah I’m just going to hit it 2 ft just right there that might have been the worst SP I’ve hit like two rounds a go it wasn’t worse than that’s actually not very there it isot is nice spot all right here we go this to tie the hole right here I think it’s probably pretty straight why’ you hit that so hard t oh my God that is actually unbel no I actually did not I was worried about it going right and then I just pull it left and live down you didn’t have to hit it to that t box back there two over to three over this is uh this is some golf here but it’s close and that’s what we like when we play okay we got one back baby let’s go baby let’s go baby okay so we’re three over through three over through four three over through four he’s two over through four I mean it’s not cool we have a lot of golf there’s a lot of golf B to play all right first part five of the day that’s just you know it’s that’s that’s special of me to miss that but two over Sarah’s three over far five settle back in make an eagle here wind’s a little bit off the left here so or off the right so it should set up nice for a draw oh my gosh it’s good it takes Rocco’s breath away that was a good one time to eag did you feel the earthshake yeah did that was insane there was a there was actually there was a record of a I think you can’t say that many when you’re going to say something The Weather Channel just recorded a little Shake in that it was actually oh my God see how it is like if he would have just like spit it out it would have been Fant dyslexia no there’s really no strategy to this other than swing as hard as I can swing as hard hard as you can yeah yeah that’s fine okay yeah it came down it’s running down the cart P you might help me if we cut the corner a little let’s hit like a seven iron over this tree in the middle and then hit a wedge and make a birdie that way 7even iron is like okay perfect and then it gives you I think gu seven will get over this tree yeah it will definitely so let’s just do that really nice good shot there nice perfectly it went perfectly over that tree like not too high not too low just perfect okay okay all right 187 for me I am going to hit six iron try to play this 190 probably 195 because this into the wind I think I I feel pretty good about this kind of aim at the right side of the green draw back in there actually don’t know if that’s in the bunker or what it’s over the bunker oh it’s in all right I think that should be pretty good I might have an eagle F but knock in their cloth I’m going to we got a birdie cut a little less but we can make that we’re due for one our C have been long and wrong they’re about to be in and I don’t know speed is really all I’m focusing on because that has been a little off just a little look at my caddy she’s so official I know she’s so good she’s taking her job so serious she’s so good she wants to a win more than me I think what do you see in here it looks so straight it looks straight it just goes a little up a little down okay goes a little to the [Music] right I mean this is not it I’ve been leaving them all been so fast every single but a little more speed a little more left all right I got an eagle putt this is a lot closer than I thought it was going to be oh just didn’t break I’ll take that for break yeah I hit it right where I was right where I was aiming really really nice confident pu there that’s a birdie for me back to one over Sarah has this to stay at two back oh yeah die safe cast it I don’t know what I do Katie’s literally my angel right now we have four holes to play I’m one over Sarah is three over this next hole it definitely favors you because you have a way better angle off oh my God I need a little bit of help from the golf CL right [Music] now all right whole 15 it is hotter than a freaking Bulldog I got four I’m trying to hit this 240 off the te probably um this hole is I love the way it’s designed because you you want to be aggressive off the tea but you can’t so 4 IR in hand here oh yeah do that’s one go right it’s it’s it’s not in like it’s in play but it’s not in a good position it’s down in the there’s not water there but it’s down in the little gold I hit it right it’s it’s not in a good position uh full on sended at those three palm trees yeah you’re on my team aren’t you I mean I just want to see a good match I like that okay so palm tree sending it let’s do it oh yeah oh yeah that’s going to be fine okay that’s that’s an that’s what you needed right now okay I just listen to you guys that’s a that’s probably going to be right side of the Fairway and it’s going to have a nice short wedge in and I’m I’m going to be hitting out of the junk so could have we could have turnament events here oh he’s down he’s down in there he’s down bad wa okay this this is good I I think that I’m in the hazard it’s not it’s not marked but there’s usually water here and today there’s not 9 here 148 yard another birdie get back to even this is a great yardage for 9 just need to make good content oh there I am perfect hit that hard yeah now I see I just hit a lava rock I think it’s actually a moon rock this is probably where they find him anyway I’m right to the green but I’m pin did you find your ball yeah it was in the junk you know I used to they used to this is a hunting method back in the day they used to kill like geese and ducks and stuff they take this and you fling it and the amount of power that it has really really Gooding with wooden sticks I’m playing with golf club all right 90 yards right at the pen you got this 90 yards right at the pin is it breaking a little actually I’m going to stop thinking yes oh this is all over it mean a little left should went in but I’ll take it should have went in all right missed the green I actually didn’t think that I that I missed it but I did I want to get this get this on the on the surface and rolling as soon as possible how does that not break any all right a little bit of work left but I do think I can make more right over that little darker patch of grass come on I I thought it was it didn’t really break wow you might regret that if this slips out again Little M games yeah that that was I mean maybe I will regret this if it it’s not going look out I don’t do that you push that that’s a bogey right after a birdie back to two over absolutely burned yeah it’s kind of a pillow fight but one stroke lead three holes to play that one Burns a little bit I thought I I don’t know I just hadn’t been hitting the best plus today so that wasn’t that confident [Music] but great work swing we needed that need that so bad I mean you never want your opponent to play Bad you just want to play good and them not play as good you just want them to give you opportuni we really needed that to happen there y so we gained another one back now he’s only one up now he’s only one up we have how many holes left three we have three holes left three holes to play I me three over not horrible nope not horrible all right whole 16 Perfect Two iron hole for me I’m going just right to the bunker is kind of the line that I like to take here cuz it just kind of a little speed slot over there but you know I think there’s a lot of a lot of reasons why I missed that Putt and one of them is the fact that I only had one cup of coffee this morning um that probably is contradictory to a lot of what people believe but for me you know I got to have I got to have two cups and I got to you know wake up properly dear St Nick All I Want For Christmas all I want for Christmas is that shot Santa over and over and over I think I’m just going to swing smooth I’ve been swinging hard and that’s swing smooth nice and easy has been working what are you going to do if she dve the green I’m going to be really happy for that was a great dve nice Sarah go perfect condition that’s what we needed all 122 here I’m going to play this 125 so I’m going to hit a hard I’m going to hit a hard 50 it’s good that landed so nicely it was PPH and then it just spun back that’s why I thought about heading pitching W but then it’s just you get too feathery so I’d rather have that than being over the back I got a birdie putt I shouldn’t be complaining I should just stop talking now we have a game plan I going to chip this obviously we have 37 yards um just want to get it close yeah yeah just get it close just a birdie opportunity here price is Clos as mine it is closer than M so that’s good all right I have 36 ft up the hill breaking to the right I I got a spot here I got to make sure I’m seeing here kind of a speed thing here a lot more room behind the pin than I thought there was so this one was kind of on me to leave this one this short but got adapt and overcome here thanks all right tie it up right here I can tie it up right here that is right and I have a perfect readed for my caty little left to right um little uphill easy stroke just broke a little more ni all right nice bar all right I am one up with two to play things are coming down to the wire here we have two par fours to finish sah is going to be able to get really close to both of these so I I need to make a birdie all right I am looking for the same exact key ball that I had right back there two iron in hand the beautiful ta tailor made P p790 you guys can pick that up CL the link in the description um here we go they all right between [Music] them uhoh that right up behind it it’s just to the left you’re going to it’s going to play a joke in your mind a trick in your mind when you go to stand up on it but you don’t have any tree trouble really but because you’re going to be so close to it you’re going to like yank it got to be just full send here yeah but smooth smooth like the last one gotcha smooth s okay from here right over those Palms actually I would say at the bunker kind of yeah that’s perfect did I get over I think you are right next to each other yeah all right Sarah hit a great Drive I think it’s probably right close to mine so we’re going to have it’s going to be kind of a wedge off here hopefully we’re not in the trees I think that I feel like mine for some reason is going to be I think she may be behind the tree and oh really all right well let’s go find out 105 yards this is uh I’m going to try to hit a 100 yard shot here I think this tree could potentially get in someone’s head but I’m going to try to just not going to M act like I’m going to act like it’s not even there 100 Y is just a nice full 58° good yeah great distance there I mean how can I go farther right than that with that tree I mean if it hit that tree it’s literally probably in the water it’s a good shot yeah it’s a great shot actually not even a good shot pat yourself on the back there you go 105 105 plays about 100 get over the bunker get over the bunker bunker shot is it in I think it’s in the bunker okay all right it’s all right okay you’re just going to get this hit it a little left of the pen Let It Roll right down into the hole all right well it’s me again not the position I want to be in I’m almost just handing him this w that’s a great yes that’s great how did that just stop that was such a good shot I hit it and I was like that’s so good and then it’s like no it’s not all right would be nice to make another birdie here it’s been a little bit kind of had a little we had a little uh desert of birdies all right clean it up here all right not the score you want to make from 100 yards nobody wants to make a double when you have a wed in your hand but I mean we’ve all been there I shot 86 I didn’t hear about that all right onto the final hole I am two over and I think you are 5 to two onto the last hole you know we can’t all we can’t we can’t all like play under par every day can’t beat yourself up me unless Scotty shuffler maybe I should went to prison [Music] this two iron right at the bunker maybe kind of right side of the bunker here and just try to hit a little draw kind of like the last two shots have been really nice and that would put me in a good position here try to make a birdie to finish this round out that’s perfect nope yep it’s in the bunker it it landed in the Fairway bounced twice and then jumped right into the bunker oh no that’s that’s going to be a uhoh ah we are being smart because I am down I’m going to aim right at the bunker like Katie said and just hit 180 which is my five iron put one in play Maybe sneak a birdie yes okay that was nice we found the Fairway maybe that was what we needed that was exactly what we needed he’s in the buper I’m in the stairway I should have about 100 Y in which I usually love I think this shot I’m going to like just focus on not like releasing it right cuz I’ve been pulling it a bit yeah you know so just feel like I’m releasing the CL so go right at my target yep like that 103 yard to the pin she’s going to take a pitching wedge and just go right at the pen perfect nice shot good not as close as I little left birdie putt on the final here now I got to hit out of the bunker from like 50 yards you know with these I think it’s all about really good contact only have 75 yards so I’m gonna try to hit something that just spins a lot and a little bit long that’s okay but get on the green just get on the green here good contact I thought you made it know that that came out really nicely I uh look at the peanut gallery thank you thank you thank you you hate to see it but you love to see it left to right okay go do it oh such a good just you know finish me off take me out of my misery 14 ft down the hill here breaking a little bit to the [Music] left we did the same thing how does it St there hey that was awesome good job Sarah definitely think we’re going to need a rematch one day I want I want to myself oh thanks you too guys I hope you enjoyed that Sarah’s channel is linked at the top of the description make sure you subscribe to it um you do like Vlog content and um I haven’t really figured it out yet but yeah a little bit of everything yeah definitely gol so subscribe to subscribe to Sarah’s Channel thanks for coming on that was a lot of fun and uh we’ll do it again maybe do a little we a rematch you and Ben versus me and yeah let us know if you want to see that we’ll see you guys tomorrow [Music]


  1. Micah, hope you and Katie can do more collaborations with Sara ! Refreshing Entertainment !

    BTW, when Sara said,

    "Unless you're Scottie Scheffler. Maybe if I went to prison."

    Fantastic Line ! Hilarious !

    Who said girls can't "Chirp" / Trash Talk.

  2. 1st hole Sarah fell victim to one of the classic blunders, only slightly behind land wars in Asia. You always take the gimme 😂

  3. Sara, me versus you. If I lose a hole in a 9 hole match then I don't get to take you on a date.

  4. Great video. Sara is super chill and a solid player, and I loved seeing Katie "on the bag" for her. Can't wait for the 2v2 rematch!!!

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