Do TikTok Golf Tips Actually Help?

today we’re going to see if famous Tik Tock advice can help your game or if it’s a complete joke what is this this is Tiger Woods here oh how sick is that dude oh my God I don’t know that tip sucks that’s not a tip that’s a [Music] sabotage we’re J and the question today is do golf Tik Tock tips help your game I think they do I completely disagree I’m more of a feel oriented got you’re more of a technical yeah the format today is a 1 V one nine holes each hole the cameraman’s going to show us a ticktock tip we’re going to implement it into the hole see if it helps us and at the end of nine holes we’re going to know does it help or is it bad all right let’s get the first tip here the first tip is from Adam Scott once you start using Adam Scott’s grip cheat code you will never go back first thing place the club out the side of you with the toe of the club facing you no grip taken yet next place your fingers of your glove hand on the golf club there Al automatically gets you two and a half knuckle showing and your left thumb on the right half of the golf club essential for having a nice good grip interesting all right Johnny start us off I do like that cuz it’s going to get me out of my head tow in that’s way in the fingers I’m not used to that I was scared that’s what was going to happen it’s easy to turn the club face over when that happens yeah okay first swing of the entire day this this ball could go anywhere take it wind that’ll be fine all right and we’re off do golf tiktock tips help oh my you are uh you hardly made it past the woman I kind of like the feel I just flip through so I think if I don’t flip through then it’s going to be square okay get in the fingers and we’re good I tugged it again you know I don’t know if I like that feeling so far it’s working for you yeah maybe I feel like maybe I’m going too baring into the fingers yeah you probably are it’s really awkward you still you still haven’t made it past my dve match play action he likes the sound of match play after that shot I would too I don’t like it I got to like leave the face open every time it’s a tug yeah you tug that one too I know just a nice punch eight it’s fine okay and this honestly feels kind of natural okay that might turn out very well for you okay I was definitely going too much in the fingers I think he wraps around a little more than I was doing so it might have been uh user air yeah user air okay that tip helped there a lot more than the last few oh my gosh it hit the divot in front of me dude y if I make this then I win if you don’t I make it we tie open the door for me to come back in yeah this would be an unbelievable tie what what is tie well we’re all squared what a disappointing [Music] tie 195 downwind so this one isn’t really a tip but it might be more oriented towards Ashton RZ tip possibly oh no did you just pause uh yeah why that was like really hot I have a girlfriend I’m just trying to practice here Mr CER come on brother guys see what I have to deal with every day pause yeah I want to see a pause that’s not a tip that’s a sabotage you can play well and you can get girls it’s a huge tip I want to see a pause if I don’t see a pause you’re going to hit another one go I mean I still wouldn’t consider that a pause but I love that result I mean I’ll count that was a pause cool that Ben I don’t know how you do that sit you barely paused it really wasn’t like that good of a pause really do you want me to hit another one no it’s fine oh it’s right here it’sit in the hazard okay play where she lies down oh stay on stay that’s honestly not that bad of an outcome should I pause yeah oh my gosh what is that the new go in the Ben CER yo okay that was a great tip so I’m going to get girls and I’m going to be able to pause my back swing so my tempo’s good all right need to chip this in to tie the hole ah all right you’re up one 3 two [Music] all you need is about 205 out I got a five iron all right what’s the tip let’s see it this one’s like iconic you guys are going to like this one hi everyone this is Tiger W here I’m going to detail my iron game I start off behind the golf ball same as I pick a spot out uh two or so in front of the golf ball I line that up thought this Tic Tac advice another waggle then off I go it’s the same routine the same I love he picks a spot 2 feet in front of it I got my spot walks up to it make sure he’s lined up one take look wiggle wiggle oh no tiger you screwed me are you out I’ve got to settle down I’m kind of swinging out of my shoes right now I might be out we just need a 205 shot out pick my Target in the grass in front and get the two Wiggles little thin but that works just fine so far these tips have seemed to challenge them a little bit I honestly think it’s going to be hard for Ashton because he’s such a feel oriented guy some of these technical tips aren’t going to work well for him not OB be I’m just going to punch out take my medicine sit down oh it’s perfect money I actually don’t like the waggle feels like it throws my timing off no dude it gets me you so stiff yeah you are so stiff it gets me lifting yeah you’re like you got yeah I know it’s a bad tip like this is the waggle yeah I think I just had a lot of hinge you are adding some turn in [Music] there is that going to go yeah it’s see oh my go go in what a shot time to make a par I of the trees I’m going to have the waggle but I’m going to make it a little more catered to me waggle sucks that still wasn’t even really a waggle I hate that that’s horrible oh you Sally see no waggle in the Putt and I do it good all right you make your putt you win the hole he has it to go two up that was Tiger Woods all the way it was the waggle it was always the waggle unlik in the Tik Tok advice the unexpected turn of [Music] event ready since we got the driver in hand Now secret to hitting 300 yard drives what is this instead of swinging it you got to whip it get your get your towel out get your towel out I mean can we take a second to appreciate how nice this ghost towel is first so whip through all right I’m going oh my gosh a learn how to hit some 300 yard drives like your boy I need to get some Strokes back on ash oh I actually did it it felt good dang okay the club felt really light with how light the towel was and just fell into place not even joking yeah gosh what it feel like it feels like I can’t hit my dang driver and I came out of it way too early and I didn’t whip it like the towel no coming through on that drive like the elbow stayed in like whipping it through and it just was smooth for me all right since that was just like a driver tip I got one more coming for you up on the green that was pure perfect I’m on it probably like 10 ft 97 with a cross wind just cut it it’s not bad at all good shot put it inside yours all right since I want you guys to make these birdie putts I got to putting tip for you I’ve just started tucking my elbows in when I put and the control that I have now is unreal I want you to imagine this tuck do you keeping now this is the way you’ve got to do it I want you to feel like this you’re pushing your palms up to the sky whilst tucking your elbows in then move the Palms over and grab your putter I get it but literally I feel like when I stir first started putting well you feel like everything is just connected as one in hands here here tuck those elbows this doesn’t feel bad hit it it didn’t seem like that helped you no I hate that actually I don’t want to change my putting up I’ve got it to such a place where it’s foundationally solid now I don’t want to tweak anything so you make this you’ll come back what drop to two down to one down oh one down solid stroke no that was a solid freaking stroke I like it uh-oh little connectivity P 318 yard there’s water so you got to lay up short all right let’s see this tip one of the best golf tips I’ve ever gotten was actually one of the first golf tips I ever got and that’s to keep the club as far away from your bodies you can get it throughout the swing I think you’re going to feel a lot smoother as well as a lot more speed in your golf swing a lot more effortless power okay saying stay long in the swing he’s saying yeah keep the club as far away from you as possible and okay you’re inside the 150 oh my gosh is that wind taking it yeah it completely blocked it that’s completely fine time for the freaking candy review let’s go nerd gummy clusters the ones that we gave to Wesley Bryan at the uh good good open ND clusters let’s go what a t yes let’s try just as good as I thought swinging a hard 52 left of the pin stay long as Ben says gosh Ben Haden sucks no it’s when you stay long like that you will have a tendency to thin it all right what do you rate that candy seven 93 yeah it’s good it’s freaking good this thing’s probably playing like 115 low key probably like looking good yeah solid oh good shot solid wow were you thinking about staying long there or no um going to be honest I wasn’t thinking about a single thing hey that that just goes to show maybe no swing thought’s the best swing thought true I like that one more foot and that was probably the best chip of my life yeah I know that’s a great strike all right make that you in the hole good bird thank you all right takes you two up it’s a fresh hold no advice I’m just going to swing my swing best SN thought it’s a no SN thought I have advice for you guys up at the green based off of if you hit it or not M wow what a swing did I fly the green what’ you hit don’t worry about it I have honors oh my go in the hole oh my gosh it’s in it’s in it’s short oh or two feet that’s a swing that had no swing dot except commit through the shot same here and I flew the green this tip actually come in handy really is it a flop here’s how to hit that show stoer flop shot what you’re going to do is open the club face open The Stance while forward of center have your shaft backwards turn around your front leg throw it as hard as possible sounds like a of speed through it and trust it God she’s so hot hands behind it waight forward stay through speed coming through it flop Central holy he right Jenny if you make it you win money all right that takes me one down [Music] Ash all right what do we got many us there are so many nuances and moving parts to the golfing swing it’s kind of like a Monday morning at the house you’re going like this with your foot straight here like this I don’t know if you’re smacking that like that or smacking like that where you going quarter turn the left no this is like the advice you get from every 50-year-old guy all right we get it helps with the turn open that thing up open her up open her up Johnny open her up John it just feels awkward is it because we’re young we actually we can clear through without the toe being open we can clear our hips fine that’s probably why you missed right because your body was already through the ball before way through yeah oh that’s money I’m really good at holding my uh finish right now that’s perfect 116 down win playing 110 yeah when that when that’s open it helps you just get through but I don’t need to get through more and I pulled it but that’s fine what a kick how do you get a left kick there what a shot when you’re finding these tips did you think they’d actually help us no this thing’s opened at like a 90° angle all right I’ve got 86 yards but golly I feel like I’m set up for 200 whoa that was perfect just kidding but you do pull it that strike was great I could never use that tip because I clear too well D told I got a crazy drill that you guys are going to use on every sing you’re not supposed to do drills on the course oh yes you are so far the only Tic Tac advice I like I like the putting one and then the grip one and you like the towel one you like all of it oh my gosh oh my gosh some meat on the wishbone all right let make birdie shut Ash out and take us even in the match this guy is a cutting machine dude your stroke looks completely different it looks sound it looks fundamental it looks good you think yes you’re starting your balls online sweet yeah that’s my my third birdie today [Music] wow all right your tips coming in the Fairway on this hole with what like an iron yeah okay yep all square going into eight see if I can keep my momentum oh little Fairway finder little stingy that went nowhere wow we need some more driver tips Ash oh I need to go to the range I don’t need any more tips my mind is full of them you want your tip here I do all right start gaining consistency with your irons with this drill from Roy maroy grip the club normally with your top hand but with your bottom hand hold it just below the grip now make some abbreviated swings feeling your front arm straight and your back arm tuck close to your body then when you come down and through feel like you’re slap shotting a hockey puck getting those arms out in front of you so he gripped it here and then here extension here and what the Slap Shot of hockey P okay wow how sick is that are you kidding me how sick is that dude did that drill help you no kind yeah helps you stay connected through yeah it was a good swing I like it coming through when you hold the club like that all right 131 going to 52 just a hard 52 you do not want to go long here goes here all right I like it oh my gosh it feels good oh no I think that needs to go though oh he’s short I thought that was going to be so good okay I’ve got 119 yards there’s definitely wind up there so I’ve got a 50° I’m trying to keep it a little lower okay it’s not bad no it’s not bad at all I don’t mind that drill I do feel more connected my shot here was literally directly at it there’s two things in golf my friend yardage and accuracy all right okay I have no idea what this green is doing this is like do you want him to pull up a green reading tip for you real quick no help you out two things in golf my friend accuracy and distance I think we should probably get some more pting tips for him probably yeah yeah he’s been all been possible yeah I should have did that when I was in my brainstorming session last night oh my gosh it wasn’t enough Pace I’m fumbling the freaking bag right now all right all right takes me one up going into nine we’ve come a long way you guys ready for your last one this is the only drill you need to have consistent ball contact here we go I want you to take your stance and all I want you to do is take it to the top drop your hands and then rotate step one take it back step two to the hip step three rotate love that that’s exactly word for wood like what Bryson talks about so he takes it back drops the hands turns through definitely tried it but it did not work what happened I’ve got to find a fairway got to find the green hey you got to try that swing tip oh I will I hate these cleats bro no I have no I have nothing I have no cleat whole nine not going the best but I’m going to beat Ash and that’s the end I mean I heard mine hit trees but I feel like it’s over there safe but your is way out yep oh wait oh my God gosh yo and I have a clear shot at the Fairway that I can punch out to here here drop it in and then turn hey hey we’re in the bunker actually you bounced out the other side of it I don’t know that tip sucks for being out on the course I don’t like it oh yeah we got a shot all right 154 it’s going to 99 yeah it just feels like such a block type of Swing thought oh sit sit sit went long and left oh boy that thing flew like I want to see some good golf you can cut that stupid swing top maybe if you’re practicing it’s different but not when we’re playing all right I’m just going to try and start it under the trees and cut it around how’s it looking freaking so good wow good shot that’s a great shot you don’t need any swing tips no I cleared my mind there was like just focus on the shot I was there in high school that’s not an easy up and down cuz it’s just so wet he’s going for Paw right now this is for my birdie if I can get on TT time him I win the match get up it’s really all I needed if I can twoot from there and tie you with the bogey then I win big butt for big butt when he needed it most dang it oh what an up and down that would have been for par and that means if I two putt this I win the match oh if you miss this you’re going to embarrass yourself in front of thousands of people and the four people in the Fairway easy it’s good but all right sir I F so freaking hard it’s not even fun Tik toac tips they may not help what do you think no do not listen to Tik Tock tips unless you are in the biggest rut of your entire life and just need some sort of Guidance play your game that’s the sole basis it play your game I think final conclusion Tik Tok golf tips do not help I can guarantee you I’m not going on Tik to looking no but if you guys do want to watch us play some good golf without a bunch of stuff in our heads [Music]


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