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Charlotte Wilder on Goff’s💰, Caitlin Clark’s Debut🏀+ Bobby Marks on NBA Draft | GoJo & Golic |May 14

e [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] what’s up everybody Welcome to Gojo and gock Mike gock Jr Mike gock Senor Emerson latsia hanging out in the draftking studio in Boston we got a great show for everybody as always download subscribe rate and review us leave us a festar rating and check us out live Monday through Friday from 800 to 10 a.m. eastern here on the DraftKings Network catch the best of Gojo and goolock noon to 1:00 p.m. Eastern on the radio wherever you hear v v on the radio V anyway we got a banger up for you guys today that’s why I’m so excited I can’t keep my words straight here Emerson save Me For Myself tell the people what we’ve got coming up oh you don’t want to lean on me for saving you buddy all right so uh some big stories this morning we will get to how about Jared gof getting paid let’s go we’ll talk about that what it means they’re locking up their quarterback the ripple effect of this new contract like what it means for our Lord and savior Trevor Bobby marks of ESPN in hour two we’re talking the draft bronnie how about Kevin Durant’s future reportedly unhappy in Phoenix Color Me shocked and Tuesday Night Fever Caitlyn Clark’s much anticipated WNBA debut and go Gojo she looked pretty comfortable on Indiana’s first chartered flight yay but first things first what do you say we get weird let’s get wild Gojo if you would be so kind as to introduce our special guest for hour one yes it’s a a special day always when we get to kick off the show with one of our great friends you guys know her as the co-host of Oddball with am meel Hassen here on DraftKings Network every day but Monday she is Charlotte Wilder and she is here for a Wilder Wednesday on Tuesday Wednesday on Tuesday she is Charlotte Wilder and here she is guys I’m so happy to be with you I love starting the show with you I love ending the show with you anytime I get to be on it’s just I don’t take it for granted I want you know that wow wow how nice is that listen it’s true as we’re in listen we’re in draft combine season it’s a great reminder that Charlotte Wilder has all the tools right now to make it and Excel at the next level you can put her at any spot here fluid position basketball with Charlotte Wilder no matter the day no matter the hour she’s ready to go and Pull and shoot from three which is very helpful for us this morning because in addition to all that stuff that Emerson mentioned we also had basketball games last night that I’m sure you guys are going to be fired up to talk about Oddball I know you’re going to be joining our friends over on The Dan lebatard show later Charlotte and I I I I we’ll get to the Boston Celtics who are obviously your favorite team and are cruising right now towards another Series win and look like they’re going to be heading to an Eastern Conference Final and a lot of good stuff even though it doesn’t quite feel that celebratory but we got to talk about this Mavs collapse last night uh dad calls his shot as the Oklahoma City Thunder get back and even this series up at two a piece and guys I I I I was amazed watching this game we know Luca donic is normally someone who lets his opinion be felt to referees as someone that’s wed to complain about a call here and there but last night it felt like we reached our peak of Luca donic I think conversing with the referees more than he talked to anyone on his team the entire night and that effort and that energy led to Luca donic who was playing beat up having an off night especially towards the end of this game and really team Charlotte I think looking lost in a lot of critical moments down the stretch taking their energy and taking their cues from the leaders on their team one of whom in Luca who was busy there griping over every call on the other in Kyrie Irving who is back in his seesaw disappearing act in this series so how much did last night worry you in terms of your thought of Dallas’s ability to win this series I mean I’m going to be honest I always had the thunder in six like I always thought that which I’m very relieved is still mathematically possible because a lot of my other predictions have just really quickly Fallen apart um I I think yes Dallas’s collapse is a is a big part of it um also obviously I want to give so much credit to Oklahoma City and to sheail just Alexander and what he did in that fourth quarter um but in terms of Dallas you know there is a sometimes lack of cohesion that I think you see on the court which I think Luca talking to the refs is a perfect example of I mean at one point he got he thought he got fouled I don’t think he did he was on the ground he gets up he sort of TAPS both of his thighs and then both of his arms like he was doing some sort of Russian dance or like Eastern European I mean I guess that makes sense he’s Eastern European but like there was there there was a movement to it that I was like he’s either you know how I said it was like LeBron had a Rumple still skin tantrum a few weeks ago like Luca had one and then and then the rest of the team like I think that can be very very very deflating but more so than that like if you can’t if you can’t finish down in the fourth quarter like their defense for most of the game was really really impressive and then just like fell apart like in the third I was like oh the Mavs are going to win and like there goes another prediction that I had like why do I even bother and now I’m like oh am I a genius am I a basketball Savant um but you know I think that you obviously can’t talk about that one without talking about the thunder the the MTH just it’s just weird man The Vibes are off I think is my professional analysis Cojo well yeah Dad this team looked exhausted down the stretch of this game and in a game where to Charlotte’s Point defense was the Hallmark of the team the physicality inside with guys like Derek Derrik Lively and Daniel Gafford who looked and went in and seemed to be bullying Chad holgren and this thinner interior for the Oklahoma City Thunder and while they were dealing with that and throwing their big punches early and waning late Charlotte’s right Shake El just Alexander was a steady heartbeat the entire time that guy I mean that was a tour to force of tough shot making in the mid-range that I haven’t seen really I mean that was like Kobe Bryant esque in terms of attacking that particular area of the court and doing it under duress the entire night he looked every bit like an MVP of the league caliber player there Dad no he absolutely did and it it was it they just were steady and just you know keep kept climbing during the game the third quarter I think both teams want to forget with how bad the shooting was on on both sides but it was fun early watching Gafford Gafford just go stand by the basket somebody’s going to pass you the ball or I’ll up you you know I mean it was it was something to watch early on he was just getting dunk after dunk you know we’ll sit there talking about Kyrie and we talk about Luca I I me personally I get tired of the whining I just get tired of the whining all the time if I get tired of it I imagine the ref’s get tired of it and and listen it’s not like they’re perfect they make they make some bad calls uh as as well uh but I I really get tired of the whining um but you you the guy though on Dallas PJ Washington has been fantastic right I mean for that late season pickup he’s been the most consistent thing they’ve had in these playoffs as Luca is grabbing a body part and hurts another body part and Kyrie you know has been up and down he’s kind of been that steady guy but you got to give Oklahoma City the credit for this one I mean I mean what was it a little over 3 minutes to go in the game was when they took the lead for the last time and they didn’t have a lead till early in the game they were behind the whole time and just kept chipping away and chipping away uh and making the comeback so one of the places you can look though in a game that turned out to be you know Oklahoma City with what was it Dallas was 17-0 in the playoffs when they had a double digigit halftime lead they are now 17- one because they were up by 11 at halftime and lost this game but one of the places you look at the loss and you saw it late is at the free throw line Luke had a chance to tie it up late with two free throws and he missed the first one they were 12 of 23 12 of 20 they missed 11 free throws and Oklahoma City missed one as a four-point game so we can talk about a lot of things in this but the one thing that you have all the control over in the world you’re standing there all by yourself Charlotte and you get to shoot a free throw and Dallas stunk at it last night you know I think that that is a place where we’re seeing a lot of fatigue across the league I think that when guys are just are short of their free throws it’s like oh my God you know these these people are exhausted like with the Knicks I mean the Knicks it’s like our pets heads are falling off and yet they’re somehow still walking around um but I think what’s really interesting you know you mentioned PJ Washington Daniel G uh Gafford um everything that that that Mavs team has around them and I think it’s the same with the Thunder like yes Shay gilis Alexander Chad holgren but the jallen Williams you know the um the Lou dorts the the people that they have who step up and and I’ve said the whole time the reason that I have had faith in the Thunder despite their young age is they have a team cohesion that I think we rarely see at any age group and R any team in the NBA I think that we’ve seen that you know a lot of the teams that are succeeding right now have had that kind of chemistry and that’s really exciting to me because you know I feel like I always try to um I just love the psychological and and sort of environmental component of sports and how that affects individuals and what they’re trying to do and I think that when you have a leader like Shay who can just like make those beautiful floaters who who really feels he plays with a kind of Grace that I don’t know that I’ve seen in the same way he’s done it in a long time um it’s it’s makes it it easy to support him but you have to do it and that’s what the Thunder did and that’s what the Mavs couldn’t do even though that I I think they’ve been much more of a team playing Team Basketball much more than they than they had been which is why they’re they’re you know the series is even it’s not over Gojo right yeah no and that’s why a lot of people look and say the Mavs in retrospect won the trade deadline with the kind of moves they made to fill out a roster that Luca donit seems to trust but now you’re right you get to these points when fatigue is setting in for everybody when all of the sudden the weight of these playoff series are starting to add up and you tend to look towards leadership and you’re right when one Sid’s got SGA who whenever they needed it could go and get a bucket on himself which we know the value of that in the postseason guys can go and create their own shots get to the Rack or in his case not go down to the paint because that’s where Dallas had been dominating decided he was going to attack in that mid-range and just hit everything shoot the lights out of the place and on the other side we’re at a really interesting place now where Kyrie Irving’s had sort of a Renaissance of people’s opinion of him during this postseason because he hasn’t been saying anything controversial he’s appeared to be a good teammate and playing good Ball but in this series it’s been hot and cold and we haven’t really talked about the fact that Kyrie Irving is doing his Anthony Davis impression where he plays offense once every other game and then does the disappearing act for the rest still a capable distributor and then on the other side you’ve got Luca donic who you see listen deeply relatable to be that banged up and want to tell people about it I think there’s a lot of us that succumb to that every now and then where if you’re hurting you want people to know and Luca was clearly showing that he was hurting last night but this is a guy that is still supposed to be the leader of this team or one of the leaders of this team in the MVP of the league that you’re able to count on and when all of the sudden I mean they spent I don’t know how long in pregame warm-up doing the whole thing about how God ch God was doing all these drills with Luca pregame to simulate the pressure that Lou Dort was going to put on him to try and frustrate him and then as the game went on Lou dor was still very much able to frustrate Luca donic to the point where he was off his game Charlotte I was losing it first of all God shamod helping Luca johnic figure out how to deal with Lou Dort that’s the name Olympics like it doesn’t get better than like that’s the good stuff guys that’s why we love sports uh yeah it didn’t work Luca you can rattle very easily you can get under his skin and I think that it’s interesting the amount that he does want us to know that he’s hurt because then on the other hand and and look these could be these are sort of two sides of the same PR strategy right like because if you look at Jaylen Brunson for the Knicks who’s asked in press conferences are you hurt are you tired how are you feeling he just says I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine in a way that makes it makes one think that maybe one might not be so fine um I do think though that there is what I’ve admired about Jaylen Brunson is the way he’s been able to say like it doesn’t matter like that I can be hurt that’s that’s not the story however you know we talked about an oddball um am me was saying like if that’s the case and if that’s the the road that you’re going to take then like don’t tell me in two weeks just how hurt you were which I think also is definitely more of a can often be like a team PR thing I think that if Jaylen really doesn’t want people to know he they won’t but you know I mean stuff gets out like it’s I mean but like hockey players do that every postseason that’s one of the things that we love about the N the Stanley Cup Playoffs is that two weeks later we get to hear about these guys were playing with like severed femoral arteries or a broken shin bone yeah and and you know what I I’m I’m I’m fine with that I mean but but I love the Jaylen Brunson approach now you go on the court it doesn’t matter how injured you are you’re on the court so you’re going to play again this may be the old school coming out in me but I think it apply it should apply here now you’re on the court don’t want to hear it even if I’m your teammate I don’t want to hear you telling me how hurt you are are you telling everybody I know you’re hurt you know there ain’t one person on that Court that’s 100% And Luca is certainly beat up I give you that without credit but at some point you you you just you don’t want to hear it you’re out there playing you just play yeah I think too it depends who’s telling you how hurt they are uh I think Luca is someone who um does not maybe we don’t give him uh the benefit of the doubt in terms of like how does he mean this to come across because it feels like when you say how hurt you are when you complain to the refs that that verges into excuse territory to me um and and all of it’s true like it’s all true but everybody out there on the court has some sort of issue going on and I can imagine that if you’re his teammate it gets a little grading to be like oh oh I’m sorry you’re hurt like do you know and and that it just gets sort of boring so it’s very interesting to see how that plays out in terms of wins and losses where it’s like the Thunder also talk about youth like this is where being 22 years old is really nice because your body can bounce back in ways that even at 25 26 it just can’t and the Thunder I mean let alone your 30s God don’t talk to me my back I’m like need a back transplant but there is this there is this element of like it it happens very quickly you don’t feel pain when you’re young and the Thunder Are Young no they’re uh definitely dealing with that and Charlotte I’m with you on the complaints thing with Luca it’s we know he does this this is part of his game and you kind of go numb to it but last night the way I thought about it is it became his entire personality last night to the point where it was affecting possessions it was affecting the flow of the game it had a tangible impact on the way the rest of that team was playing and that’s where it can’t broch into but that’s a product of fatigue frustration injury all those things adding up Dad so a couple couple things I noticed I like to hear what you guys think about it first Lou Dort I thought that was he got a couple early files and I thought uhoh you know that’s going to be trouble if he can’t be as aggressive on the on the defensive side but he still managed to shot horribly though hit a couple of big shots uh in this one uh I thought Luca got a absolute GIF going to the line at the end of the game when he fell down I don’t think he got he got hit at all what were your thoughts Charlotte let me start with you about uh the complaint that Jaylen Williams travel or or double dribbled on the dunk he got that put him up 94 91 it was a one-point game he got control of the ball and then dribbled I was even watching go wait a minute uh but the the chief uh the crew chief Zach zarba did say he didn’t have control of the ball and then dribbled again but uh obviously Dallas was going nuts over that one I mean you know I think any team in these Play Rick Carlile submitted the Pacers submitted 79 different plays that they thought could have gone their way and didn’t I think anytime in the playoffs when you start uh adjudicating every single call it’s like yes that might have been a call that could have shifted things but also I’m sure there was a call earlier for that went in Dallas is favor that could have shifted things I think I you kind of lose me when it comes down to unless there’s something so egregious I think like I mean in the Celtics game it was very interesting that the Jaylen Brown ankle grab was not a technical fowl things like that which I can even admit as a Celtics fan um but those those smaller things I’m like I mean just it’s hard for me especially when your star player is literally down at the other end of the Court complaining to the refs and is not down doing what he should be to be like yeah that’s the you know that that’s the thing that that swung it I don’t know Gojo maybe I it’s tough right like I was gonna say it’s a little it’s a little Ticky tack for me even in that moment especially when like Charlotte said you’ve had the opportunity to win this game if you’re even semi-competent from the free throw line your best player is at the free throw line with 10 seconds left with a chance to tie this thing and just gives it away there and then you’ve got a player late who can’t make free throws when he needs to and can’t miss them when he needs to to try and tie that up when they’re down three in the waiting seconds of that game so Dallas had plenty of opportunities I think officiating overall was kind of weird in this game they let an odd amount of physicality go but they still find managed to find ways to get a couple of guys like that in foul trouble bottom line is now we’ve got the young team that’s been very steady that goes back home with this season even at two series even at two a piece and I I I would have thought Dallas I picked them to win last night I thought they were getting ready to shut the door but looking forward and prognosticating here with the level of fatigue we’ve seen from this Dallas Mavericks team and the way they’ve been Ultra ego Hot and Cold versus the ultra Instinct of SGA and this Oklahoma City team the Thunder seem to be in great position as they head back home but coming up next got to talk about the other game that we saw last night the Boston Celtics go up 3-1 in their series against the Cleveland Cavaliers as they head back home with a chance to close the door so why does does it feel like that for anybody involved with this Boston Celtics team and LeBron James sitting Courtside in Cleveland something nothing or everything next on Gojo and [Music] n a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] he a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big night for Boston’s dynamic duo here people Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown combining for 60 points in a game four victory over the Donovan Mitchells Cavs now after the game both players praising the effort of their opponent give credit to Cleveland they came out with uh great energy they played fast they play hard um they tried to speed us up they tried to Rattle us and uh and I think it worked in the first half you know and then the second half we composed ourself a little bit better and and pulled away a little bit when best player goes out everybody has a more freedom more opportunity and uh you know we knew it wasn’t going to be EAS to the playoffs they don’t they don’t want to go home uh and you know give them credit they they play hard from beginning to end they made um plays on both fans they hit big shots so it was a battle it was fun out there yeah when uh those two have their offense going Celtics are extremely difficult to beat Gojo and that’s even more true this season with their improved Supporting Cast yeah the Celtics winning this game wasn’t surprising especially given the headline pregame that Donovan Mitchell wasn’t going to be playing and be available for them we all figured that would come but Charlotte how worried were you it definitely seemed a bit tougher to come by than than most people would expect it are you buying what Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown are selling in terms of reasons why or are you panicking so I’m not panicking but I do have a problem with how Jason Tatum has talked about this this series that these playoffs first he said a few days ago he was asked if the Celtics are a super team and he said well no you know we don’t have coach of the year we only had two Allstars and I’m like okay first of all if you are basing your selfworth and uh judging Yourself by the awards other people have given you you probably work in entertainment in Med or media and you’re like very sad like don’t do that Jaylen like you’re better than that and then he comes out and he’s like um well you know their best player was gone so everybody has more freedom like spinning that somehow as if that is a reason that the Cavs were more dangerous without Donovan Mitchell which is just not how it works Donovan Mitchell has been the Cavs offense and I think it’s a testament to the Cavs I would say that this was an unbelievable performance by them in a way that it didn’t feel like a Celtics collaps so to me you know when they start when the Cavs went up in the second half took their first lead of the game I was like this to me is the real test of this Celtics team right here because I think the Celtics team that we have seen these playoffs against the Heat and against the Cavs in those two blowout games that they’ve lost is like things get hard they get frustrated they don’t keep fighting in the way of like you know offensive rebounds or playing defense as hard as they could Tatum did that much better this game I think Brown did too I think Drew holiday was unbelievable this game and they and they pulled it off you know they won and I think that it’s healthy to have some games that are not either a blowout win or a blowout loss because hopefully because that’s what good basketball is supposed to be in the playoffs we’re going to see some of that if they keep advancing I I think Charlotte to your point this is the first game that they’ve won in single digits the first postseason game period the Celtics have had decided by single digits this postseason but Dad it to Charlotte’s point and to the questions that Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown are constantly feeling the expectation for this team and the reality of them right now without christops porzingis earn two wildly different places and because of the regular season they’ve had this has been a joyless experience for the Boston Celtics in the postseason Because unless they win by 20 plus no one seems to be happy and this team seems to be more relieved than anything when they get through these outings because this core in particular knows the standard that they’re being held to right now and it’s one that I don’t know if anybody can live up to but I will say they are finding themselves with a very easy path through the Eastern Conference thus far considering the teams that they have faced along the way and now the fact that they’ve been without stars in the last two rounds yep for first I gave credit Cleveland Garland played well Moy Levert came in and got the start had 19 form and then you know I talked about free throws in the other game we could talk about threee free throws in this game that Cleveland took 17 less Cleveland only took seven free throws in this one and Boston took 24 uh that’s something Cleveland was talking about after the game but forgetting all that Charlotte I’m wondering will people have such an issue with Jason Tatum and the way he handles himself and the way whether it’s on the court or behind the microphone is it will that all go away if they just win a title or is that stuck with Jason Tatum for for as long as he’s there I mean anybody who wins a title in Boston you become you become a king real fast uh I think you know for me coo you talked about the joylessness like I cannot wrap my head around this team or what is happening I don’t know if I still just have like unresolved Trauma from last year’s Eastern Conference Finals where things were looking real good and then suddenly they you know they face the Heat and things are looking real bad um I I also I think you know Joe Missoula the head coach of the Celtics is is a is a real weirdo like he I don’t know how else to put it he is a a strange dude but to his credit I think that he and also you know GM Brad Stevens has put together a really really solid roster I think Missoula has been very smart about how he has played his guys all year because they’re not that hurt like christops is hurt but you look at these other teams and when they’ve had to rely on on people in a way that just puts an unbelievable burden on them and especially you know like Donan Mitchell he’s dealt with injuries this whole season uh and then he’s out last night and I think that um there’s something to be said for how these that the playing time has been managed because they’re all still able to be out there and of course that is also luck but um I don’t know I’m sort of all over the place because I I’m you know I’m like why am I not having this did you see party down well it’s did you watch party down pressure with Adam Scott no I didn’t okay well he has his tagline is are we having fun yet as this guy in a beer commercial and that’s sort of how I feel I’m like I don’t know I don’t know I no and I should be and then I feel bad because I’m like an entitled fan who’s like oh we’re winning but it’s not the way I want them to win it’s like what is wrong with everybody what is going on this is a mini meltdown that you’re witnessing we’ve talked about it a lot this postseason it is comparison being the thief of Joy it’s watching sheay Gil just Alexander and Oklahoma City do interviews together after the game and it’s watching palpable Joy from other places and then it’s seeing what was a team during the regular season that was a blast in the Boston Celtics but now everyone looked around and realized the stakes it’s like all of a sudden at one point I don’t know if you guys have ever had this feeling when you’re flying in a plane and you look out the window and you realize oh that’s 30,000 ft that is a terrifying distance to be from the ground and for a while you’re sitting there white knuckled wondering why you let yourself get into this situation that kind of feels like the way the Boston Celtics are flying through this postseason right now and I think they’ve all realized especially with christops out because I think it does matter for a guy that was kind of inherently more the most fun of the group and also represented this thing that was different about the team from last year to this year he also seemed to be happiest to be there like I think when you go from the Washington Wizards having a career year with the Washington Wizards to being loved in Boston with you know title or it’s a failure that’s a really good feeling I think when you’re Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown and you’re like oh God we’ve been here for what seven years now trying to just like SLO through this and we keep getting we keep getting stuck and also Drew holiday I think that the guys who came in this year there’s been like a oh this is sort of fun this is sort of cool like the garden the T Garden loves when we’re here and Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum I think are a little broken um because Boston will do that to you well it’s interesting like there’s there yeah go ahead Dad no I was going to say and they and they have look at the chance they have get out of this series and play either an unbelievably destroyed beat up New York Nick team or or a really good you know very good Pacers team who certainly has a lot more depth than than the Knicks but it’s not like it’s murderer row no it isn’t but if somehow this Knicks team squeaked out they would not win that Series against Boston but they would absolutely make a few guys on that team cry I have no doubt in my mind that they would break them in a very different way in a limited amount of time in that series as they were likely gentleman swept by a team that seemed like they are destined to make it to the NBA finals and then from that point on unless christops porzingis comes back and gives them that extra Edge I still have real questions about what happens with whoever comes from the West [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back to Gojo and go Mike Go Jr Mike gock Senor Charlotte Wilder and Emerson latzio before we get to opening night in the WNBA where the story has apparently become more of how we’re getting there than anything else out the gate Charlotte one part of the Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers game we didn’t get to last night was who is Courtside now I want to preface this by saying NBA players who are out of the playoffs attending other Playoff games is not something abnormal we saw later in the late game between Dallas and the Oklahoma City Thunder Tyrese Maxi was at that game watching underneath the basket these guys have time they love basketball this is what happens but LeBron James his wife Savannah and Rich Paul the CEO of clutch Sports sitting courtside at the Cleveland Cavaliers game where LeBron is obviously from where rich Paul and Savannah and them are obviously all from but where LeBron had a storyed PR playing career as he is potentially testing the waters of moving teams after this season with with Los Angeles while his son is in the draft lottery uh right now Charlotte is this something we should read into is this a LeBron James cry for attention where were you at on the scale of LeBron James media masterminding last night I mean I don’t know I don’t ever know what he’s doing he’s always like I mean I do like sometimes it’s it’s way too obvious what he’s doing but the the weirdest thing about this for me is that I was I was watching this in he scor side and it felt like a retired player who comes back and is hailed as the hero and The Crowd Goes W he plays for the Lakers like he’s on a whole different ass NBA team right now everybody and they are just like obviously this is different because it’s LeBron he’s played for a bajillion years he’ll be going into his 22nd season um I don’t know I guess I just have a hard time seeing him leaving La and the Lakers they take care of their own there uh I think that you know it’s come out that they would be probably happy to draft bronnie and basically give LeBron whatever he wants um so it felt a little bit like here I am did you miss me like I it felt maybe LeBron needed a bit of an ego boost of like a bunch of people cheering for him in the playoffs and remembering when that then that happened in Cleveland but uh I also think it could just he just wanted to go to a game like I think with LeBron it it is so because he does this so often and you know like tweets hourglass emojis it’s hard to look at take anything at face value um I my favorite part of it was that he had a bottle of wine and a coffee cup under his chair as though he’s me going to the movies which I appreciate it so I don’t know what he’s trying to say senior but you know he definitely something because who doesn’t try to who doesn’t try and sneak in some booze to wherever they’re going right but tough to do that in a in a in a 20,000 seat Arena and I heard it was like a $500 bottle of wine which certainly he can afford a bottle of wine a coffee cup and a and a bottle of water is what he had going on there so good for him I man listen I I a couple of waters well you know you got to stay hydrated u i I have no idea why it was there I I no clue and does he like the agulation I I do think he likes the headlines and likes being the star which he is by the way um but I I I’m you know what that that’s that’s for a lot of other people to try and dive into why he’s there I’m just interested to see what goes on now that his son bronny is at in Chicago at the NBA combine basically where he looked good shooting threes the other day even though he’s basically 3 in shorter than what he was listed in the USC program and they go through five on five scrimmages in the I think I think today uh and and to see where that goes to see where these two end up because that’s the one thing Mike I have no doubt about that if he stays in the draft because he still has the the escape to go back to college if he wants but if he stays that he and his dad are going to end up on the same team some somewhere Gojo is he a bad Cavs fan though talking LeBron he did not wear the shirt provided for Cavs fans and then he left early as they were getting set to lose you know what he’s not a bad Cavs fan as much as he is like this move to me reaked of management this is someone who’s talked openly about wanting to own a team who exists in a largely different space than his peers especially at this age and this kind of felt like a reminder of it like even seeing Tyrese Maxi later it felt different where Tyrese is sitting under the basket not really drawing a lot of attention to himself versus LeBron James that was very much in a spot that made sure he was the center of attention like he is used to and that rre of I am in a different tier than everybody else here yes he definitely Courtside but I do like his he was sitting off to the side he was sitting near one of the baskets which I took as his attempt to be like oh but you know I’m not I’m here but I’m not really here like you know which is the most LeBron the story with the people up top come on be a man of the people I I think this is one of those this is one of those things where with the background of bronnie potentially coming out of the draft right now I I think everything is kind of calculated with this guy I think one like you know going a week without being the subject of conversation is not something that he’s used to at this point but also it’s this idea that with Bron’s future not being as certain because Bron’s not as good of a player he’s not a guy that’s going to be a lottery pick that’s going to be in high demand I think everything’s kind of got to be on the table for for them right now that’s why Rich Paul being right there sort of made me chuckle because this felt like the Brain Trust that’s kind of out here keeping all their options on the table and so we’ll wait and see what happens with that shout out to LeBron with the three drink minimum it appeared there I want to know if that was a red it was Opus so it was like you said $500 bottle of wine but red with white pants really bold man that’s why he’s one of the alltime greats and why I am a complete schlap speaking of alltime greats guys we got the WNBA season kickstarting with I think as much fanfare and excitement as there’s been in in my lifetime for the beginning of the season with the w and so much of that points to the debut of Caitlyn Clark which as we try and contextualize this coming off a year where we had Victor W Bama’s very heralded debut in the NBA as one of the Marquee prospects the biggest since LeBron James on the NBA Side Charlotte this feels to me a lot like Zion coming out of Duke where we had a college player that was a singular phenomenon in the sport that Drew so much energy and took so much air just with her presence now getting ready to make a debut for a soldout game against the Connecticut Sun one that’s going to be incredibly well watched their preseason been incredibly well watched so H how do you think this affects the trajectory of this WNBA season to have a player like this is the entry point now I mean you just have to look at the fever games like the the sun they’re playing at the sun tonight the sun sold out the arena for the first time since they started as a team in 2003 I think what 36 of the 42 games that fever play are on National Television you can watch this game everywhere you can watch it on Disney plus I think that the business side of it shows what a massive moment this is um I think from from you know talking about Caitlyn and her game what’s so interesting to me is that The Fever coach Christy side said um you know we’re trying to break some habits here she was like we need her to take those long twos like she’s used to dancing around the three-point line and and backing up and getting what and she said I I gave her a rule which is that like she has 0.5 seconds to make a decision and if there’s a teammate coming off the ball she’s got to get it to them and she’ll get the ball back she was like she’s gonna get looks I think that this is a a hangover sort of from from Caitlyn not having you know she had a great team at Iowa but she wasn’t surrounded by you know four other future Pros um hello shout out Kate Martin and the Las Vegas Aces so I I think from a from a basketball standpoint I am fascinated to see what happens here um especially because I think every other Pro in the WNBA is going to be like oh hey Caitlyn you thought um and that’s going to be really fun so I think that that storyline regardless of how she’s playing that’s going to propel so so much viewership through the through the whole year especially because these games are going to be so visible and and you mentioned 36 of the 40 or 42 games on national TV it’ll be interesting on how good they are they haven’t made the playoffs since what 2015 2016 they have not been a very good team so if they stink again you know those you know 30 or 31 32 games are going to be you know with with a watching a bad team but with Caitlyn Clark but they have Center Stage right now going to the not just Caitlyn Clark but the other stars who we have gotten to know over the last couple of years in college are now in the WNBA they are getting more notoriety now than they ever have they’re making more money I mean the league is making more money than they ever have so the spotlight is on them and in all honesty they need to step up a little bit they’re kind of failing with the whole Charter thing a little bit I know if I’m a if I’ve been a player for about five six years in that league and heard we’re going to start taking charter flights and all of a sudden my first few trips are still commercial I’m going to be bummed out they go to they got to get their ducks in the row behind the scenes here as we’re getting to watch hopefully an incredible WNBA season yeah there had been a lot of positive momentum you had the Asia Wilson shoeing announcement you had the skims campaign that went live yesterday to Charlotte’s point a lot of visibility a lot of good vibes and then some of the air taken out of those sales when all of a sudden you botch the roll out for this fun new thing that you had teased [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Gojo and goolock the news is flying across the timeline this morning of fun things across various leagues we were just talking about the WNBA having its season debut tonight and we get the announcement that the Golden State we’ve had WNBA expansion we’re getting a team uh owned by the Golden State Warriors and also a team in Toronto the Golden State team is the Golden State Valkyries which badass name love that one as someone that that is currently playing God of War and actually getting ready to fight seagren right now at the end of this game I’ve spent a lot of time Waring with Valkyries and they are incredibly tough and so great tone to set right off the bat Charlotte you’re a big fan of this name for a very different reason I guess oh I no I just I’m why’ you have to say that I just know that also from also yeah it’s also from a Vagner opera The Ring cycle really creepy opera like a lot of Norse stuff you know little bit of white people stuff a little bit of incest but you know what are you going to do oh whoa whoa wow wow throny here all right back from that one slowly the nerd stuff always Google it I’m on a work computer I I I was GNA say it’s exactly right I I looked up Valkyrie to me it’s Chooser of the slain and They Carried the Norse Warriors the Valkyries did to vajala I mean that that’s cool as hell maybe not as cool as what you’re talking about Charlotte which I have no idea what you’re talking about either I never I never know what I’m talking about Let’s uh let’s just make sure that everybody knows that I never know what I’m talking about but I do it a lot I talk a lot Tom Cruz in an eye patch from a movie in 2008 that’s what I’m looking at yeah oh jeez so there’s a lot going on with that but inherently cool name looks like purple and black for the colors big fan of everything involved there I’m sorry to everyone who thinks that they should have just been the war w Warriors but we will somehow press on without that being the case um the other stuff that we’ve seen Adam schfer all morning uh with some I won’t call them leaks because we know these are timed releases we saw Fox yesterday have the conversation about their opening game but uh Adam schfer this morning releasing some of the early season ESPN games for week one and Dad how about this we get two little nuggets here the defending Champion Kansas City Chiefs who are going to host the Baltimore Ravens on opening night that Thursday of the NFL season are going to follow that up with a game against the Cincinnati Bengals so backto back AFC North foes to start the year in a really tough one and then the Monday Night Football opener once again going to feature Aaron Rodgers it’s the Jets at the 49ers on the first Monday Night Football game of the season that same game where Aaron roders four plays in ruptured his Achilles last year and changed the course of human history in the NFL dad so really exciting opening slate for the NFL season and for Aaron Rogers I’d have to imagine a pretty sizable mental burden to be going out into the same setting that last year completely altered your season yeah interesting he’s playing against a team he’d probably rather be on in San Francisco being from out there and and he just wants to make it to and he just wants to make it to play five right then then he knows he’ll beat last season’s amount of four plays so yeah uh schedule we always I I don’t even know why we have the show we’re having Tomorrow there’s going to be shows everywhere I’m on one for Westwood one for the schedule release when we’re getting all the stuff now we’re getting the last couple of days we’re getting all Tom Brady’s first game you know the Browns and the and the Cowboys on the the 425 game on the first Sunday of the NFL so I mean we’re getting all that good stuff already I don’t know what the hell I’m going to talk about for two hours come tomorrow so shefter by the way is defending himself on social media he says by the way these are not schedule leaks these are coordinated n work announcements CU people are crapping on them for it no six of one half dozen of the other here that’s a reminder right there that Adam schfer reading the replies which Adam you’re too good for that that’s dangerous dive just a bunch of nudes and bio at this point you don’t need to don’t click on any links in there Adam I understand that you’ve been on the internet for a long time but this place is changing rapidly and not for the better uh speaking of nudes and bio we finally got a response I don’t know why at has a transition at all that replies to Jason Fitz but I feel like we do need to try and grade this while Charlotte is here we last week got swept up in the trend from the Greenlight podcast our friends Chris long and mon decided to instead of partaking some of the beef that we had seen going on between Kendrick and Drake they wanted to go from dis tracks to kiss tracks say kind things about their friends in the form of hip-hop although it ended up just kind of being spoken word poetry for all of us I did a couple including for Mak ESPN’s KES and Jason Fitz And since Jason was and I think still technically is a professional songwriter as someone whose life was in music before this the pressure was on Jason much like the Boston Celtics I don’t know how much joy there was going to be in this because we’ put the bar at such a high place but Emerson it seems like he might have had a chance to actually clear this yeah yeah so uh first off you had a nice little tribute to Jason Fitz so you’ve already mentioned it your boy making here of the Greenlight podcast dropped the kiss TR back for Gojo and gool and decided to uh you did decided to respond to mon as well as pay it forward to Jason Fitz so here we go got to set the move first Mike Mike his name is Gojo you wish you knew him like I did wish see he was hanging with you like he does at mik crib loves his Reese’s and his PC he’s the king of snacks cancels every phone call and meeting for that yeah mascot Emy all the shine on his head cuz he is even sexier than Right Said Fred look it up kids it’s a song from the ’90s mik just won’t remember RI because then he was Tiny but he’s old enough to have played for a Natty uh and build an Empire not because it’s zy cuz he’s sck with two seeson every badass way throwing DraftKings takes both night and day making bakeing makes them shake them ladies lining up to date and never hesitating wait and faking never anyb has taken eat a whole steak in three bites Max cuz he laughs like Santa he’s way less fat the yo show their love with a head that bobbles every wedding party’s better when he wobbles G to the O J to the O you wish it you could get to know where bro that makes you spit some flow cuz everybody needs to have a bro like Gojo oh my God nice kiss track there by fit are you kidding me that is the coolest thing anyone’s ever done for anyone what I mean what what what can you say I mean dude’s a professional right so you expect something good but that that was damn impressive yeah wow he is the first one who in this entire ordeal has actually wrapped to like something resembling a steady beat now there was some criticism internally here from our show staff uh cough Billy that he changed up the flow in a way that might not have needed to happen I kind of disagree I thought that was an incredible Flex for a guy that seemed to understand the assignment better than any of the rest of this the entire time so yeah this R of a pro in doing this Charlotte I’m sorry we didn’t write one for you I hope you don’t feel offended is this something that you would be into at all I know you are a writer so this is closer to your ballpark than it is to mine I was gonna say thanks for my kiss track everybody really feeling the love um yes of course are you kidding me I’m you know what I’ll work on one for you guys and I will debut it next week um it might be more along the lines of spoken poetry because um I think that’s where my ceiling is but you know I’m going to I’m going to do my best and I can’t wait to show you what I come up with now I’m terrified what have I done I’m excited about yours Charlotte dad I was really worried when the beatboxing started with Fitz that was a really inauspicious start to this listen he killed it but I gotta I gotta ask is he like the Jason Tatum of this because of all the people that threw out the kiss tracks right from green light and and then him his had to be the best cuz he’s a professional right he’s a pro so the expectation is that he’s going to have the be which he did by the way that was the best one but does he feel relief or Joy right if the Celtics went at all is there going to be relief or actual joy in knowing that you were supposed to do that anyway I think the word is satisfaction I think it’s a deep satisfa it’s like yeah I knew I could do this you all thought maybe the pressure would get to me it didn’t here’s my beautiful kiss track you’re welcome I think that is I think that’s satisfaction because I know in texting with him it was weighing on Jason pretty heavily the burden of that he even said last week it’s going to take me longer because people expect more out of me but you’re right Charlotte the perfect reframe for Jason Fitz and for the Boston Celtics maybe satisfaction let it be your totem going for forward in the postseason Charlotte Wilder everyone check her out on Oddball with her and Amel Hassen she’ll be on the levitar show as well later today thanks buddy we appreciate you always a pleasure love you guys [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hell yeah brother Jared gof earning his spot as Detroit’s franchise quarterback and the Lions rewarding him for such efforts here guys signing him to a 4-year 212 million contract extension it includes 170 million bucks guaranteed making the 2016 number one pick the highest paid player in franchise history an average annual salary here Gojo of 53 million bucks he’s now the second highest paid quarterback in the NFL behind only Joe burrow so Goff big big winner in this whole thing is he not yeah Dad this uh you know not a quarterback whose name we had talked about a lot this offseason in terms of someone eligible for an extension most of that conversation had said around quarterbacks will certainly get to in Dak Prescott to a tongue of ioa maybe even Emerson’s beloved Trevor Lawrence and what his future looks like in Jacksonville because we know all these things are intertwined but when look at the situation with Jared G this seems like the only outcome that Detroit really had based on what had gone on for this team the last two years and more importantly I think where they had come from in this you were a team that in Dan Campbell’s tenure had pulled yourself out of hell as a franchise Detroit historically one of the NFL laughing stock teams a team that had always struggled to come by wins gets two playoff wins after a massive drought this last season is the culmination of this steady climb that Jared gof had been a part of and without any steady replacement on the horizon here I know they drafted henden hooker I understand he’s had time to cook on that roster but you’re in a win now mode with the way that you have structured this team your Championship window is as wide open as it’s ever been this season and so they couldn’t afford to mess around with this this is a place that seems to reward loyalty so I understand completely why this probably always had to happen yeah I agree uh what were they going to do I mean they’re building they just right now including him has spent $444 million on extensions with st Brown a wide receiver and Su The Tackle so I mean they’re building right now they’re they’re in it right now they’re so why have a question mark there and it’s not like you’re trying to hang on right Jared G did throw 30 touchdowns 12 interceptions threw for over what 4500 yards was in the top 10 of quarterback rankings it’s not like it’s not like you’re you’re extending a bottom of the league third bottom third of the league quarterback here you you’re extending a guy that we saw we saw some of the good and some of the bad over the time he’s been there we saw some of the uh when he was with the Rams and then we saw him really shine at times but if they’re to finish off what they started uh which is you know being at the top of their division right now and making a run in the playoffs and trying to get to the Super Bowl they they don’t have another Choice I’m with you what what what was your plan it wasn’t going to be a Young quarterback coming in a you’re never going to pick early enough to do that b you don’t want to trade all those assets to try and do that so was it going to be a free agent quarterback where you’re going to trade again giv up assets or take a guy who’s been playing at times plays great and at times plays pretty good so I I’m with you I think this was a move that had to be done to keep the continuity of this team going and I I Dan you I’ve heard Dan Orlowski say before you sometimes get in trouble in the NFL when you play good players great player money but quarterback kind of skews that conversation but because we understand it’s less about where you rank and more are you in range and jarro G is not a top five quarterback probably realistically not a top 10 quarterback if everyone is playing at the height of their powers but he’s within range enough of that upper half of the league to where when he has understanding of the offense him and Ben Johnson have that continuity that’s been built up over the last few years with all of those players you mentioned they’ve resigned or drafted to try and be a part of this push towards an NFC championship appearance a Super Bowl appearance hell maybe even a win that’s all seems like it’s on the table realistically now for the Lions you can’t afford to really mess around all that much here we know these deals tend to age well pretty quickly because we mentioned there’s a mountain of other quarterbacks we’re getting ready to talk about here but Dad this is just sort of how this position operates doesn’t mean there’s not a little bit of consternation because you’re right Jared gof is a fine quarterback within the body of this system system right he’s a smart veteran leader only 29 years old which threw me off a little bit Jerry G feels like he’s been in the league for a million years at this point cuz he’s lived two lives already but we know he’s got limitations if you want him to throw deep and outside the numbers a ton and fit into a bunch of other areas it’s not going to be it but if you want that dude to throw play action over the middle of the field hell he can fit a ham through a keyhole that’s not an analogy that makes real sense but it just what popped into my brain because he can do anything in that particular facet and so he’s got enough skills and Amity to where this was the comfortable choice I think for Detroit given where they’re at I I I got thrown on the age as well cuz I started thinking about Kirk Cousins and I’m like is he going to finish his four-year deal in Atlanta well now that they side penck Jr probably not I I and he’s 35 I did not realize Stafford was 29 I I honestly did not for some reason I thought he was way older than that so yeah I I really don’t have a problem with this move move because and you what you said in the beginning there is true the quarterback position throws off everything you’re going to do it it it skews differently than every other position you’re always going to pay more than you wanted to uh for a quarterback and in this situation they I think they absolutely had to do this I I do love and my one of my favorite things about this is the lions are a continued very public experiment about what if you buy into all of the soft skill parts of football like Dad we talked about this a bit with the Kurt Cousins and Michael penck Jr thing that you brought up the internal effect on a locker room what message that sends to Veterans what message it sends to Kirk Cousins when you clearly don’t communicate a move like that in the lead up to the draft versus the Lions who every step of the way when you listen to Dan Campbell or when you listen to their GM Brad Holmes they always seem to prioritize the player experience and this is another one of those things where we hear all the time hey when you reward players for going out in your regime and Performing well the way Jared go has over the last two years when you send the message to your locker room that we are in win now mode and we’re not going to do anything to rock the boat while we’re this close to the prize the way that we felt like last year it is fascinating to me because Dad Dan Campbell the former player in that chair who’s built a staff full of former players and a team that seems as cohesive as any in the NFL from front office down to the 53rd guy on the roster they seem to really believe that yes we everything that we do is telling our players and telling our team this is what we think about our situation and this is what we think about you guys and so far it’s had them on a trajectory where we talk about what the bills were able to do with Josh Allen and improving him what Dan Campbell’s been able to do improving this team with a player like jarro G in the middle who is A castoff from that Rams team continues to give Credence to that style of thinking it it truly feels like you know you always talk about a trade and who won the trade it truly feel feels like that trade really benefited both sides right the Rams got a a super bowl out of it in Stafford going to La and Detroit is rising up the ranks pretty quickly what a difference of that first day Dan Campbell was named head coach and he was talking about biting kneecaps and everything where every player that was on the roster had to be sitting at home going oh my God camp is gonna suck he’s gonna play he’s going to be so hard on us at Camp to you know what what Dan Campbell was selling worked everybody now was bought in because the wins say it all you know you need guys to buy in but when the product works it’s like what Deo Ryan is selling out with the Texans it took him one year what he’s selling everybody is buying so now others want to be part of that and you become that team that that is making solid moves you extended Camp you’ve extended the GM already it’s like all going in that positive direction it’s kind of like what they did with um uh W with San Francisco Shanahan and why am I I can’t believe I’m drawing a blank on the GM out there Ln um yeah John Lynch how they signed them to that six-year deal extended them because they have everything going in the right direction that’s kind of where Detroit is now in the beginning of that phase really going in the right direction it’s it they’re doing things that healthy organizations do they’re keeping their core together they’re getting out in front of these contracts here and it’s why when a deal like that comes up yesterday one of the first things a lot of us do because we’re all media trained enough and because America’s team quote unquote has that kind of hold on everyone where we immediately look over to the Dallas Cowboys and go see this is possible and dad to me this is hey when you feel like you know that you’ve got your person the Detroit Lions even if the rest of us on the outside don’t look at Jared G with the same googly hard eyes as the Lions do internally they know and so they acted whereas the Dallas Cowboys we sit here now still and immediately Wonder all right are these enough leaves that have fallen for Jerry Jones to feel like he can go out here and make a move on the Dak Prescott contract front because on the other side Dad they just seem to be waiting until the final hour for everything as their strategy with him with CD Lamb’s future certainly Micah Parson’s coming down the road who man watching some going back to watch some tape yesterday and then seeing Micah Parson just pop up on my screen as a good reminder of how rich he’s going to be but the Dallas Cowboys seem to have always been governed by the deadlines Drive results mentality and now staring in the face of what we just talked about with those other unhealth with those other healthy organizations seems as toxic as it’s been for a while and it’s the reason the Cowboys feel like they’re sitting on a knife’s edge going into this season yeah it does you just you really if you’re a Dallas Cowboy fan have to be scratching your head at just what is going on with your team because you know you have other quarterbacks out there that that are that are up for um new contracts this offseason Trevor Lawrence Jordan love Tu a tungo vioa you know all that have that OB obviously with a fifth year option or can be tagged and and Dak Prescott Dak can’t be traded Dak can’t be tagged he got that in his deal so I I I like everybody else you keep wanting to say well these are billionaires who are running things they got to be smart and then at times we find out you know what sometimes they’re just not you know whether it’s a football team or a corporation outside of football you give somebody the benefit of the doubt because they’re running the show and they do stuff where you scratch your head and you say wait a minute but you then say well you know what they should know what they’re doing you know and now Jerry Jones does have a few you know Lombardi trophies going back a whole lot of time but I I just don’t understand this one what’s going on right now well it could be that Dad or it could be again the old phrase when people show you who they are or in this case what they think of you believe them the Lions just showed Jared gof what they think of him while we might all roll our eyes at it Jared G is going to roll into training camp this year with a lot more sense of security than walking into the last year his deal not being sure of his future for a guy that’s probably got some scars based off what happened in Los Angeles I’m sure mentally that goes a long way outside of just the financial security that he’s already secured and on the other side in Dallas Dallas has had plenty of opportunity to get in front of this with Dak Prescott we have all talked openly about that massive cap hit that’s on the books for him next season we have known what needs to be done and if Dallas thought they had their quarterback they would have done it already because at that position it’s the easiest spot to start your financial planning in the NFL it’s why we see so many teams doing it and so it continues to reinforce the message Dad that I think from the cowboy side they are not all the way bought in on Dak enough to make him the quarterback of their future when they very easily could but Dad I want to ask you this because there’s the other part of this Dak Prescott you mentioned from a business standpoint coming off a season where for a while he spent half the season in the MVP race last year and you go back and look at Jer golf’s numbers who were top 10 at a lot of positions Dak prescotts were top five in most meaningful metrics last year Dak Prescott was a top five quarterback and so with all that leverage of the no trade clause and they can’t tag him and they can’t do all this stuff here Dad if you’re Dak Prescott at this point what offer do the Cowboys have to put in front of you for you to not want to say hey I could risk going through this season and actually hit free agency as a quarterback in this league where we rarely see that happen well Dak has said I believe he has said he doesn’t need to be the highest paid quarterback which would in turn be the highest paid player in the league so you know is he willing to to make something that’s a little more Team friendly but you’re right you sit there and look at the stats and for him it’s all been about you know we just well we had turnovers the other year with 15 interceptions only had nine this year or maybe 17 I a ton of interceptions uh but not being able to win this team in the postseason uh and that just hangs over his head so Mike he can ask for the world I mean right when all he has his agent has to do is show the stats this is what people people are getting paid on and Dallas can come back and say well we haven’t been you know to a NFC Championship game or a Super Bowl with him at the helm so you know maybe it can’t be that much and then obviously you negotiate and you work to a number but I I’m I’m because I guess my thought is what the hell you gonna do Dallas what are you what are you GNA do where are you going to go where you where are you finding the next guy when you keep saying Jerry we’re to win right now we’re to win now we’re putting everything into it right now but now what he’s doing he’s waiting for the leaves to fall so we went from winning right now to waiting for more leaves to fall to to make a clearer picture for him and my clearer picture and prognostication for them is they’ve been a 12- win team that ain’t happening this year that’s not happening I mean they just they just haven’t done enough and then if you if you go into this season with this hanging over your head that would just be stunning to me see I actually think they can still be that caliber of team this season and I think no small part of that is because of what you’ve put on Dak Prescott like Mike McCarthy’s offense asked Dak Prescott to go out there and like when he was with Aaron Rogers and Green Bay make some impressive throws because you’re not going to do a bunch of tough stuff pre- snap we just saw 35 going on 36y Old Kirk Cousins coming off a rupture to kiles get $100 million guaranteed over two years Dak Prescott is 30 years old and much the same while you can point to Dak Prescott yes lack of postseason success in Dallas has absolutely been the thing hanging over this entire situ Kurt Cousins got one career postseason win like that clearly was not prohibitive enough for him to not be the bell of the ball this last off season so Dad if you’re Dak Prescott and this is always the thing that’s that’s lying out there is it’s a massive risk in a league where we had the basketball and football debate last week this is the league where violence governs everything and that threat of injury is so everpresent that it could change the course of your career in a single play we saw it for Aaron Rogers last year and Dak Prescott that’s a guy physical player will take off and run will put his body In Harm’s Way and so that’s something you have to think about a little bit more but man on the other side if Dak Prescott wants to play hard ball and say all right message received I now have the opportunity to do something that very few quarterbacks do on the other side of this year so I’ll play out this final season I’ll take a bunch of money and then I’ll go make a ton more and you’ll have to continue to write me that check even when I’m not on your roster next year that’s pretty tantalizing at this point but again we hardly ever see it and I would not blame Dak press SC if the Dallas Cowboys came and they gave him the next Market setting offer right above this and he took it because that kind of risk is just that a massive massive risk but on the other side of that if he really wanted to test this I could understand the incentive and based on the way Dallas has sent the message to him that being a driving force or a motivator for him would be totally understandable yeah this one will be an interesting move again he’s 30 years old uh so we’ll see I mean I I I’m still stunned Dallas hasn’t done this to low lower their cap number lower his cap number and help them out but that’s just obviously you know we we keep going around in a circle here a sign that they just don’t think he is the guy long term so we’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out along with these other quarterbacks if they are to get uh deals that we mentioned Lawrence love and uh and Tua well we will get to see it play it out and hear the opinion of one of the all-time greats in week one of the season because we got the announcement yesterday at what looked like Fox’s version of the upfronts Michael stran and Tom Brady on stage to announce that Tom Brady is in fact after all the speculation going to make his broadcast debut and is going to do it calling the game of America’s team listen to how excited Tom Brady was to get out there and call this or not thought we had the sound uh but apparently we do not Tom Brady is going to be calling the week one matchup dad of the Dallas Cowboys it’s Cowboys Browns that’ll be in the fox double header window there he made a couple of barbs in America’s team and so we are going to get to see Tom Brady finally do this and Tom Brady calling a Dallas Cowboys game is like the center of the Ben diagram that is every advertising executive’s dream yeah uh CBS is does even have a second game then uh so that’s going to be a lone game it’s the 4 425 game on that Sunday what I did not know and this I just you it’s probably been out there but I didn’t know that we know Greg Olsen had been the number one uh analyst and now he’s not Kevin Burkhart had been the the play-by-play with him Kevin is going to be with Tom Brady Kevin staying in that number one team and uh We’ve I don’t think I don’t know if you’ve heard of we’ve yet to see where uh Olsen is going to end up I don’t imagine he’s going to be the number two guy uh there but I I I didn’t know they were splitting up that Booth yeah no it’s you know wonder how that went over at the I saw the fox like uh Sunny getaway Retreat for a lot of the uh upper echelon on air Talent where they were on the beach in some Sunny location and I wonder if at that point Greg already knew his fate or if Kevin came over and like gave him the little kiss as he was getting ready to betray him and go over with Tom Brady so congrats to all of them at some point down the road I do want to get into because I think it’s fascinating is Dad you’re dreading your schedule release show with Westwood one but that’s going to come up and be all ESPN tomorrow as they’re going to reveal a lot of that I love it it’s a holy holiday for the social media departments one of reasons that this has taken so long people have speculated is because of what we’ve heard of the NFL’s Christmas Day games and the potential rumors of Netflix getting involved as a broadcast partner which I think is fascinating in terms of what we’ve seen with the streaming services like Netflix like Amazon all getting into the mix because Sports Remains the one major driver live events that people are going to tune in for no matter what and as all these streaming services are looking up their subscribers there’s one button they continue to press and right now it looks like the NFL coming up next though let’s head back to the NBA we’ve got the playoffs Rolling Along we had the draft lottery the other night the combines going on right now ESPN NBA front office Insider Bobby marks going to break down all of it for us next year on Gojo and goolan [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] n ah [Music] [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back to goj go Mike go junr and Mike goolock Senor and with so much going on in the NBA pumped to talk to our next guest ESPN NBA front office Insider Bobby marks joining us from Chicago right now uh out there for the draft combine or as social media would have me believe bronnie James is prod day uh I guess in theory there are other people out there but uh Bobby good morning and what’s the vibe been like out there right now as we head into a draft where a lot of people struggle to sink their teeth into a marquee Prospect here what has been the mood and the the conversation around this event so far you know it’s interesting in this uh this collective bargaining agreement that was signed last year one of the mandates was player participation as far as draft prospects coming out requiring to take the physical the team interviews um and we have seen full player participation now today we start the five on five play um I would not expect some of the I would say probably most of the first round prospects to participate which is kind of the norm um but we’ve got you know we yesterday was all shooting drills and testing um and as you mentioned of course there is a famous H uh player son participating which I’m intrigued to see him play I really am you know certainly the body of work at USC was not great um based on a lot of different circumstances he shot the ball extremely well last last night I mean I know when you’re going against air um you can you know that’s a little bit different than playing in a game here but um but yeah I think it’s um yeah there’s Buzz with that I think the other thing is too is that even though there’s not like a franchise player in this draft we think a lot of the teams you talk to are like yeah I’m comfortable being at 16 and 17 I think I can get a good player compared to maybe where Detroit is at 5 where it’s kind of a little bit of the unknown as far as getting an All-Star type guy Detroit I mean worst record in the NBA and they get the fifth pick I mean just it’s just absolutely amazing how that worked out you know we saw everybody saw the bronny shooting the threes like I said you’re doing it on air but he’s you know that’s what he’s asked to do and he’s making them I I’m sure there were some people surprised to hear but were you all in the basketball World surprised to hear he was basically three inches shorter than what the roster said he was at USC no I out there Mike last to La last week um and watched him work out and um I didn’t you certainly the height you know comes into play the one thing I took away was how much bigger he is in person um he’s put on 15 pounds since the end of under of the season um he’s up to 210 I think he came in out he’s got a his wingspan is pretty big for a guard um but at the end of the day like what what is he is he a point guard is he a he’s a small shooter shooting guard it’s it’s and I think at I think what his calling card is going to be have to be kind of like a I don’t know Tony Allen type player you know Defender multi lock up multiple guys here um but yeah 61 I think 61 and a half without shoes is is it’s small right I mean it’s small if you’re not running point for your team um which he certainly did not do at USC so you’ve been going through and doing the offseason kind of scouting report and prognostication for a lot of the teams that are now sitting at home watching the postseason like the rest of us as far as bronnie how does he fit into what the future for LeBron James looks like for this Los Angeles Lakers team that’s going forward into an important off season yeah I don’t know if I buy into the you know you got to draft him Lakers have U 55 and they also have a first round pick if New Orleans um doesn’t take it I’m not in that belief that you have to draft him to keep LeBron in La I I just don’t I don’t I don’t see that um coming to fishan Maybe I’m Wrong come the end of end end of June um do I think he gets drafted I think there’s probably a better chance that he does than doesn’t I think any time you’re picking whether it be the second round it’s all about two years from now three years from now um the reality is that he’s probably going to be in the g-league like most players are when you’re picked in a second round or on a two-way contract and that’s kind of that’s going to be his best development than playing for the Lakers or Phoenix or one of these other teams is the percentage still in your mind the highest that LeBron uh does the player option and goes back to LA well he certainly created some Buzz last night didn’t he yeah I we were sitting at the bar last night watching the Oklahoma City game with a bunch of teams and they they had a couple teams come up hey what they got any money to go out and get that guy and I said yeah if he wants to go for the minimum or maybe a signning trade or not or trade or something like that but yeah he he up to Cleveland with uh Rich Paul and his wife and I think there’s an expectation that we will see him in Chicago sometime today to watch his son which uh tips off at uh one o’clock Eastern um so yeah I do think there’s still the expectation there as far as um you know him going back to LA but you never know I mean it’s it’s the unknown as far as as my wife said to me this morning he’s made so much money he can go somewhere for the minimum I said yes I’ve taught you well on the basics of the CBA so Bobby Bobby I’m wondering what’s the last event that you went to where you strolled in with your own bottle of wine yeah I don’t even do that at home in my backyard I I pour it in the kitchen so yeah that was you want to talk about figuring out your place in the uh in the narrative Universe there when you can roll in with the $500 bottle of wine Courtside I think you’ve made it in a different way than the rest of us can comprehend at least he wasn’t playing right could you imagine if he was inactive for that game it’s under his seat so yeah that’s that was something different certainly something different but again the brand is very strong for LeBron James so not altogether surprising um Bobby as we take the look at at what we’ve talked about with you and uh everyone who’s been reading over on looking ahead for some of the teams sitting at home now looking at the teams that have been eliminated from the playoffs so far who’s got the most difficult road to trying to get back there next year that you you say well I mean Phoenix is the ultimate wild card right I mean just be stun and we wrote about it really they’re married to that roster with Durant Beal and Booker the only change they were going to have to do is make a coaching change um that’s the reality of this business and they go get they go get Mike buen holer um and hopefully for ownership sake they’ve spent so much money on this roster and they’re limited how to add you’re basically hoping that’s they’re going to be what the change is I mean they still went out and won 49 games last year but I think Phoenix is um I think Phoenix is certainly uh certainly challenged it’s funny Atlanta lost in the play and and and they get the number one pick and man this is not the year to get the number one pick if you’re uh if you’re a team that won 39 games here so it’s uh it is going to be interesting as far as some of these teams that either lost in the playoffs or you know are sitting at home waiting to get ready for this draft you know look at some of the young teams that are doing well in Minnesota Oklahoma City even Orlando even though they’re to got knocked out a young team doing well we were talking about this about a week ago are we getting past the players trying to form super teams now no I think we are I think you know what Oklahoma City has done is remarkable right I mean they’ve got 35 draft picks over the next seven years including 13 first round picks the youngest roster in the NBA the ability to keep Shay guildas Alexander and then Jaylen Williams and Chad holgren you saw it in um in Orlando with poo Ben Caro uh Anthony Edwards in Minnesota um I do think we’re getting past the big Market super team three guys and because it it’s Mike it’s basically how the rules are set up the rules really hurt you to add three guys making $150 $160 million in salary combined the inability to add around that player really makes it challenging so it’s it’s drafting it’s developing it’s retaining and then it’s going out and finding those kind of those those role players to fill out your bench and as we’ve seen a lot of the rule changes over recent years between that between what we’ve seen with the draft lottery odds certainly the playin tournament for uh the playoffs as well all of it seems to be producing the exact results that Adam Silver and Company I’m sure we’re very excited to see so uh more great results on the way I’m sure for the rest of the combine this week Bobby we appreciate the time this morning enjoy Chicago hopefully you get a LeBron James sighting and hopefully he shares some of the bottle that he’s brought with him to this event too thanks guys appreciate it thanks Bobby it’s so true Mike I mean if you’re going to bring some by the way yeah if you’re if you’re going to bring some I mean bring some for everybody right you know I mean you could bring like one of those huge like mags that you see at restaurants right there but that one’s a little tougher to bring in like to Bobby’s Point we’d seen LeBron and some other guys walk in with like the bottle of wine as a part of their pregame outfit carrying what’s essentially a small child’s worth of wine would be an interesting choice unless he went the box wine route like we’ve all done here he’s a high class guy but you could fit a big old bag of wine underneath your arm and feed the entire front row and now all of a sudden maybe Cavaliers fans warm up even more to the idea of Lebron James returning one last time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] this a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Gojo and gock our thanks to ESPN NBA front office Insider Bobby marks for joining us uh getting us ready for the summer to come for a lot of NBA teams uh Dad we got two more games coming up tonight though uh series shifting back to New York at MSG the Pacers going up against a Knicks team that might might just be running out of gas I I think this is a series that could still go the distance but I I I let’s put it this way I think the Knicks get one more win at Madison Square gon this is too proud and too tough a team for me to doubt their ability to steal one more there but I think the youth the pace all the things that we talked about going into this series with Tom habro for the paac is going to bre prove to be too much for the Knicks at this juncture given the sheer mounting amount of injuries that really hit its death blow when OG and anobi went off the court I just I just can’t see the Knicks continuing that long I mean they’re just running out of gas and but we’ll see you say you say they can get one more that means it’s going if you think the Pacers are going to win that’s going seven games then which my gosh uh uh Boston should be able to end this one with Cleveland and get it done and get some rest and the thing the Knicks would love the most if they were to win uh they’re not going to get is rest so I still like the Pacers and that comeback I just think the Knicks eventually run out of gas and then obviously we had the nuggets and the Timberwolves which amazing enough no no a home team has not won a game in that series which is just some we always say a series doesn’t start until the road team wins well that series started in game one then and now we’re sitting at 22 and uh it’s been pretty impressive I think we can also say the alternative is true the season the series doesn’t start until someone wins at home and so Denver I think gets the series started officially tonight I think the Nuggets keep it rolling the light went back on for them you ticked off yic enough you made the god king bleed and now they had to remind everybody that yeah we still know what time it is we still have the best player on planet Earth I’m sorry I was one of the people that doubted them like an idiot and I am going back to my ways I am putting the Denver Nuggets off to the side and saying all right after the first real turbulence they’ve had in the last two years in the postseason they weathered that storm and now they are back on track looking like a team that’s absolutely capable of making a return trip to the NBA finals so again those will be popping off tonight we’ll have plenty on that as we come up tomorrow but Dad I wanted to get back to something that we mentioned before Bobby came on with us fascinated by Netflix inserting itself into this Pro Sports Market here now we’ve got the NFL schedule release tomorrow and like we said there seems to be have been a delay that was largely centered or at least it was rumored to be reported by puck John Orin citing Anonymous sources saying that part of this is because Netflix has gotten into the bidding war for the Christmas Day games and appears to be the likely winner right now now no deal is in place yet according to these reports but Dad even the mere idea where years ago we never would have thought this is possible Netflix is where you went for shows comedy specials all this stuff but now as they’ve added Monday Night RAW from the WWE now that we’ve seen golf on there we’re going to see the Tyson and uh and uh Fury fight or the Tyson and Paul fight on here as well you you now all of a sudden are seeing Netflix have the same realization that Amazon did with prime getting into the Thursday night bidding here what do you think fans are going to feel about this is just this kind of something we’ve resigned our to ourselves to as a watching public that yes while it’s going to continue to inconvenience people this is the way the world’s going yeah yeah I think you know we we’ve had the cable Cutters you know for years that have been going on but then I I think people it it got streaming crazy right and now people are trying to Corral okay what streaming services should I belong to and then you get places that do the bundle you know as well so I think it’s making it’s just making people adjust again okay if I cut cable and I went to streaming oh my God now look at my bill I got 20 different streaming services going out there I need to call that down to the things that I want and things that people want are live sports you feel you’re getting Great Value I think out of live sports so obviously Amazon went that way and Netflix is going that way you mentioned the boxing they’ve done uh what the Netflix slam a tennis matchup they’ve done a Netflix cup which is going to be a golf matchup so they’re seeing that carries the day live sports carry the day you may not want to see shows or thing on a certain network but it comes to live games that’s what you want to see and the beneficiary of it especially you know in this country is football football I mean they can just charge an arm and a leg but all these Services know I mean you know look what happened when peacock had the the playoff game subscriptions went up I mean Amazon the ratings have been really good you look at Netflix already for them they’ve had what three consecutive quarters of subscriber growth so they’re getting the growth and now they’re going to add live sports to it you know you’re going to pay a ton of money but you know you’re going to get subscribers it’s the one thing that always wins live sports and then if it’s NFL as the live sport I mean it’s almost a lock yeah if you want to watch every NFL game you need quite a few subscriptions now dude so Netflix is going to be one of four streamers that will exclusively carry at least one game next season so you’re going to need peacock you’re going to need ESPN plus and then you’re going to need Amazon now it’s it it’s been incredibly annoying as a viewer because the hardest thing to do then is be able to switch channels at all when things are going on now you’re going fromat ites it clunky and cumbersome like in addition to the financial part of it Dad you mentioned like Netflix that number is also skewed by the fact that they finally did the Crackdown on all of us sharing passwords I had to finally get off your guys Netflix account really tipped me off mom just texted me for my Apple password right now I’m like dude oh you and I don’t want to hear it from Dad I have given you passwords to plenty of and you know what this used to be the bargain in Every Family you had a guy right you had a person who had one of the streaming platforms and y’all shared the password and it was kind of the unspoken bond in this world where now you’re right Dad we all thought oh man cutting the cord on cable I’m paying too much money for all these channels that I don’t watch and this is dumb and now what are we doing paying a bunch of money for a service that you won’t use 99% of like you’re going to go there and you’re going to watch the one or two things that you paid for on that service and you’re going to pay for a bunch of stuff like we read the room completely wrong on the way that we sold this idea of cord cutting back in the day and most people I think would run back into the sweet and Brace of cable obviously customer service has always been a place where they have failed miserably dad you are the I’d probably say patient zero of hating dealing with cable companies but now having to juggle all this doesn’t feel demonstrably better but but I’ll say this much like uh my son-in-law your your sister’s husband Ben uh who eats an incredible amount we were just we we were justed at all you can eat buffet we’re at all you eat can Buffet where we win because he well exceeds what the price is for the all you can eat I feel I’m that for Netflix I consume so much Netflix I can’t lose here right the the money I pay for the subscription there and the amount of content I I get which now will include NFL I’m winning I’m cool Netflix is the is the streaming service I used most so I’m good with it you can wait until December though you know with Netflix if you’re interested in watching the NFL games that’s that’s really how they’re getting you in all this though is they want you to do the free week subscription and then like most of us do forget and now all of the sudden it’s three months later and you look at your credit card statement you’ve got that $8 a month or whatever it’s going to cost now if you buy the upgraded version of that and you’re like oh man I need to go and change it but then they make it really hard to cancel and on and on we go and that’s the dance and it sucks like all of this is a net negative for the viewer like that is abundantly clear but they’ve got us because we’re addicts especially when it comes to the NFL we have went gone through far worse as NFL fans in terms of what we have tolerated and still come back to the well for watching this sport here’s what I can’t wait for is what Netflix is paying I mean we saw what Amazon pays you know they they get a weekly game though I get uh but this is two games and know that they’re going to be in the hunt for more games this isn’t a one-time thing for Netflix so I I can’t wait to hear the amount they’re going to be paying the NFL the owners just keep smiling and smiling in the NFL because just more and more money gets put in their pockets thankfully that PO also goes to the players which gives me some solid their schedule is going to keep getting jacked with here the challenge I would lay out to Netflix is you’ve got a lot of programming here Paramount plus changed the game with the commercials this last season those were the be I almost bought Paramount plus because the advertisements were that good so Netflix you just finished up the great comedy special week out here balls in your court if this actually happens here the gauntlets been thrown down you can either choose to compete or run scared the choice is yours [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he hey ah n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys time to finish off the show the way we always do this that the third three quick stories send you into the rest of the day as always download subscribe rate and review this show leave at a five star rating and check us out live Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 10 a.m. eastern when you can noon to 1 p.m. Eastern for the best of Gojo and gock on the radio wherever you hear Von and if you miss any of that there or our great guest thank you to Charlotte Wilder our our friend for Wilder Wednesday on a Tuesday the co-host of Oddball with a mean El Hassen and ESPN NBA front office Insider Bobby marks for joining us today to break down the NBA’s combine offseason and more if you miss them you can get it wherever you get your podcast or available right here as soon as we get done on YouTube and guys let’s get to this we talked a lot about the news tonight the WNBA season’s kicking off I just ordered because they are absolute heat the uh Golden State Valkyries the expansion franchise that just launched nice purple crew neck that is going to be a welcome addition to the closet can’t wait for that but in the midst of all this news surrounding women’s basketball the debut of Caitlyn Clark tonight we got some news on the college front as Caitlyn Clark’s former coach at Iowa Lisa bler announced her retirement yesterday to the shock of many there I saw the reaction from Kate Martin out with the Las Vegas Aces found out during a press conference she was on there Lisa bler retires assistant coach Jan Jensen takes over and Dad I’m sure there was part of Lisa that enjoyed everything that went on with Caitlyn Clark for the last few years and was not in any rush to find out what life after Caitlyn was going to be like around well that was my fault first and foremost listen she’s 63 the winningest women’s basketball coach in Big 10 history 40 Seasons as a coach 24 at Iowa she started at St Ambrose for six years Drake for 10 seasons before going to Iowa so you got to give her all the love that she deserves uh but then then you do ask that question is it ever going to get this good again the back-to-back National Championship appearances you have one of the greatest college basketball players of all time uh under your wing for some years there and now she’s gone so are you’re like well then maybe the maybe this is a good time to kind of slide on out the door uh either way listen it’s been an incredible career for her so congrats to her she hit him with the SpongeBob I I’mma head out and you know what to Dad’s to Dad’s point and we had our friend Lucy Rhoden from the Dan lebatard show on here and she talked about the way that you know Lisa had built up this program even before Caitlyn Clark had got there and some of the success they had had prior to that and so certainly don’t want to see make it seem like she’s ducking smoke but at the same time we would all kind of understand Lisa enjoy retirement you have earned it it’ll be exciting to see what that Hawkeye program continues to do I would ask everyone around women’s basketball I saw there was that cool documentary that came out a while back that involved a lot of Caitlyn Clark action in there we can stop talking about Caitlyn Clark now having been committed to Notre Dame I don’t need to hear about that ever again in my entire life I’m done with it these personal attacks on me need to be over with because it is not good for my already very strained mental health so let this be the last time that is talked about publicly Caitlyn we’re big fans but my God you don’t have to keep hurting me like this Emerson let’s make everyone a lot happier and talk about something near and dear to your hot part hot dogs raining down from the Sky oh yeah can we interest you in a video of hot dogs falling from the sky into the arms of eager fans welcome to Seattle everybody where their ingame promotion now go Joe hot dogs with parachutes falling down into the arms and the mouths of hungry Gizzy guzzling fans below is this Heaven no it’s Seattle baby it’s Seattle booking my oneway ticket to Seattle right now this has to be a top three in-game promotion of all time in any sport in mankind history yay or nay best I’ve ever seen dead while it gives me deep Hunger Games Vibes and it feels very dystopian where this could be heading I’m glad they’ve used this technology and idea for good hot dogs raining down from the sky equal opportunity for everyone there cuz sometimes when you go to games and you get either the Cannons that shoot a hot or a t-shirt it kind of caters to certain areas of the stadium and there’s a lot of people that get excluded from that and so at least with these hot dogs it feels like based on the Wind of the day you might have an opportunity no matter where you’re sitting in the stands to absolutely Mainline some glizzies so I’m wondering for you guys uh Emerson I’ll start with you if you’re at a baseball game and the the the hot dogs are coming out of the sky down into the St just like a home run baseball would I know where you’re going finish okay what are you fighting for harder the Home Run Baseball or the foul ball baseball whatever or the Gizzy falling from the sky I don’t care about baseballs I can go down to Dick Sporting Goods on Boon and buy a baseball depends on who hits it but azzy I’m pushing children out of the way I’m pushing families mothers fathers I don’t care who it is I will lay out and launch my meaty body down 20 rows if means I’m going to catch one of these parachuting glizzies I’m telling you right now there’s nothing better than a hot dog at the Ballpark a solid throat missile at the Ballpark and if it’s free you could save me $6 done done I need to know if there’s condiments that come down with it that are like attached maybe the hot dog has a backpack on and it’s filled with mustard relish ketchup whatever chili cheese onions see I don’t think you need that for stadium dogss like that Dad I remember core memory for me as a kid going to Notre name Stadium the cheerleaders would come out and they would throw the stadium hot dogs into the stands and I caught one and just downed it with no condiment a good hot dog on a cold day and in the Pacific Northwest you can get a little bit of a cooler afternoon by the water there I think it’s great even without the condiments given because this to me is more about the competition when things start getting thrown into the crowd this is about your willingness to go out and compete yeah yeah I don’t never fight for t-shirts I don’t fight for any of it I would fight for a hot dog and there’s nothing wrong with raw dogging azy Gojo that’s totally fine sometimes you just need listen nice little snack you fight for a hot dog it’s a free hot dog you eat it without condiments I have no problem with that at all n none at all I’m I’m good with that I’m fighting Dallas Braden who was in the booth for the A’s having the right energy and seeing a hot dog get caught outside the booth and spending some time reeling that one in to get right that is good clean living and that’s why Dallas is a legend uh guys let’s get to the third here uh viral hammock guy Emerson please elaborate yeah on today’s episode I thought I’ve Seen It All We Have we have a man arguing with a bus driver because he is hanging out in a hammock on a public bus I don’t know it’s one of those viral moments you may look at it and say is this staged or not but instead of you’re wasting your time trying to figure that out uh hammock guy the question is is he doing anything really wrong here because he kind of makes a point I’m just going to say it he makes a good point says where is the sign that says no hammocks on the bus there isn’t one I mean we just saw the video of that lady trying to sleep in the overhead bin on an airplane we’ve seen people do all sorts of depraved stuff anyone that’s ever been on a New York Subway this is really fighting hard to even register on the RoR scale so Dad I think this person found a loophole I think big bus is frustrated that they can’t just control everything that goes on on here and I have to award him points for this there’s no other way so I’m I’m of the O first off how long did it take you know that that’s that had to be strapped up okay I mean that that had to take a little bit of time if you see the connections on both sides to do it now there are some things I don’t know how long is he riding on the bus is he truly just going to a stop is he just staying on it all day and just being there all day because at some point if you’re the bus driver you just got to say all right this is ridiculous a fight a dude ain’t getting out of it right now so ain’t hurting anybody so I’m just GNA I’m just going to continue to drive the bus but I would like to know some other factors in this yeah that’s a good question so along the esa where I walk my dogs a lot there are who I would consider to be professional hammock hangers like these people I’ve seen them break it out of a bag and then it’s just you find two trees strap strap snuggle strap strap snuggle and a lot of times there’s more than one person in one of those and that thing starts rocking and you just keep walking oh yeah see I’m wondering when the rest of the park Olympics kind of people are going to make their way into this because the hammock person’s one thing what about those people that put it between two trees and do the little tight rope walk there you do that on a bus and now all of a sudden you’re cooking with gas the people from the circus come calling you’ve changed your life you’ve gotten Chosen and now your kids don’t have to worry about paying for college it can all happen if you just have the courage to defy Big Bus please as a par not a parliamentary procedure respect bus drivers don’t make life difficult Don’t Be a Jerk on our behalf we didn’t tell you to do that we did tell you to download subscribe rate review this show thanks so much we’ll talk to you tomorrow [Music] he [Music] w [Music]


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