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Pat McAfee TRIGGERS Woke Sports Media With MASSIVE Viewership Increase | Don’t @ Me With Dan Dakich

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07:48 – Pacers Hate The Referees
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25:08 – Verne Lundquist on Nick Saban
30:17 – Chris Cuomo Is A TV HACK


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so Pat McAfee starts a new show in a completely different way at ESPN and Pat mcafe is the only guy in media that says I don’t need you to ESPN I don’t need you to CBS I don’t need you to Bar St I don’t need you I got my own deal my own deals are good I got my own production company my production company’s good about two miles that way McAfee has his own Thunderdome it’s a glorious looking spot former Church where he outside has hockey goals and he has Golf Course holes it’s fun it’s right across from a golf course that he I think still belongs to I don’t know he was out there playing a couple years ago I haven’t seen him since so who the hell knows what happened with that inside is his studio and his father told me you know we got better camera we got better equipment than ESPN we’re using our own stuff everything is vintage McAfee well we know how that goes he has his own guests on one of those guests is Aaron roders Aaron Rogers says look like McAfee but in a different modom I am different I am challeng challenging status quo screw you with your vaccine screw you with your common way of living I’m doing my own thing and you know what happens then oh my God the old suits in building 4 the suits in building 4 who are so worried about the de EI report who are so worried about hiring nobody that’s any good just people that fill quotas and check boxes I don’t know if we can have this Norby Williamson noted 36-year vet you can make the argument that Norby Williamson was and maybe is and forever will be the most famous administrator at place I know that he did of course he did he got to his media contacts tried to make mcafe show look bad well guess what McAfee having the uhuh of a freaking rock star says yo on air Norby screw you you’re the rat a fight ensues Norby’s gone McAfee’s good but still people are pissed they’re pissed because McAfee does not conform well guess what the woke critics we can’t have you having Aon Rogers on the air oh my God you must give your arm to the jab or else you are bad I’ve a metran which I took by the way now all of a sudden works we’ll get into that guess what despite the wokes trying and I mean trying hard hard to defeat McAfee let’s look at it the Pat McAfee show viewership increased in April compared to other Studio programming in 2020 23 the show’s audience was up 37% compared to Studio programming th through though the TV audience was only up 2% across both traditional linear broadcast and YouTube it averaged 389 viewers in April excluding its NFL Draft simoc Cast counting all platforms including Tik Tock Instagram and X the show racked up 392 million views Now ladies and gentlemen that is to quote Charle Sheen winning right there and it’s winning in the face of Jack assery look we hear an outkick we fight wokeism at every turn so what happens well you’re racist says some dude on The View well you monetize racism and hate no we don’t we just see stupidity and angst and get it out of the way and explain it that’s what we do so not only do we fight against woke ISM we celebrate when woke gets defeated and make no mistake I guarantee you now a lot of these little wokies are now jumping on the bandwagon I’ll get into Chris Cuomo in a minute they’re jumping on the bandwagon of well you know we really weren’t against it well you know we just didn’t know well you knew with McAfee this thing was going to be a success but you chose to fight it all you got to do is watch one show and I shouldn’t be publicizing this cuz his show’s on against my show from noon to 3: but totally different audiences one’s on TV mine’s over there you can listen to it on the radio whatever even if it is the same audience I don’t care because I celebrate greatness and greatness is doing things on your own all of us Schmucks uh myself Charlie Sage Steel we could have stayed and told the line at ESPN but why to be on TV to walk through the airport and say hey I like you on ESPN ah screw that some point you got to stand out some point you got to be remembered some point you got to be different that’s why I’ve told you forever I love doing this show we’ll get to McAfee’s numbers we’re not starting at the place that he did remember McAfee failed as a host on actually my station 1430 the one that I’m on now he was there nobody paid attention he went different places made his own mark That’s What out kck’s doing outkick was the only streaming I shouldn’t say only streaming because I don’t know how to define it but I know this when when Business Insider I think that was the company came out we’re up like 28% when everybody else is down why because you want original you want smart and of course you want handsome and make no mistake between me and clay and Jonathan and Chad that’s handsome throw in Tony and Charlie that’s beautiful so you get smart handsome and beautiful and as they say on The Honeymooners and the way there we go maka’s success is no surprise and here’s what makes it even better people are clamoring to come on his show that’s where we’re at now here people are getting a hold of me hey I want to come on your outkick show can I come on your outkick show yeah sure maybe I got to run it by my committee the Nicks and Nick Dylan at all but McAfee people are dying to it’s almost become a badge of honor to show on McAfee’s show which is weird because aren’t the wokies supposed to take over weren’t we all supposed to cower in the corner because some group Dei fueled BLM fueled lgtbq ABCD fueled white woman liberal fueled weren’t we all supposed to a few years ago just sit in the corner and go oh my God I don’t want them to come after me mcae is a shining example that maybe just maybe we’re free free at last good God Almighty I’m free at last I don’t know maybe it was the Brady Rose combined with McAfee maybe it’s the Brady Rose combined with McAfee combined with us here at outkick doing the Lord’s work I don’t know but I do know this we ain’t never going back to where we’re all supposed to shut up and let idiots run wild uhuh and mcafe is an example Brady’s is an example Travis is an example Tommy Lauren is an example dockage is an example hot mik is an example I’m kind of digging humping this chair like this a little bit you know what I’m saying I may not stop but anyway good for you patback hope I see you shess uh no shoess at Oakland playing out of the rough hey don’t at me Nick and Nick kiss it Nick and Nick I got two words for you see this smooch it Nick and Nick don’t be badmouthing Nick and Nick my producers and rabit nicks fan see these two guys aren’t clever enough to have their own team that doesn’t have their own name but they’re clever enough to be producers here and let me read this to you what the next next segment is supposed to be the Indiana Pacers have submitted 78 plays to the NBA that they felt were called incorrectly against them during games one and two against the New York Knicks ni ckss a league source told Bri Brian windhorse here’s what here’s the caveat you ready keep crying Rick Carlile oh shut up Nick and Nick I that has you two written all over it no no no let me explain to the unwashed what you do as a coach is you got eight million guys you got a video coordinator you got a production ass you got so many guys it’s insane so you put them to work you’re like hey here’s what I want put every clip where they missed a call against us wait for it and compare it to they made the same call wait where they missed a call against us and they didn’t call it against them something like that compare calls here’s a moving screen on us here’s a moving screen on them against us it was called against them it wasn’t called why that’s what you do every coach in America does it I used to do it when I was a grad assistant or an assistant coach for the great bob Knight at Indiana took you hours because I didn’t have the technology then I would take my little tape and my script and fly sometimes to Finley Ohio to the head of referees man named Bob Workman and I’d have to be mean and nasty we’d put night on the speaker phone we’d go through it is a pain in the backside but everybody does it the NBA has a way to do it I don’t know that way but it’s I’m sure the same way some guy video guy makes the clips you send them in but I will say this in Rick carlile’s defense 28 missed calls against your team is insanity that’s game one where everybody thought the Miss calls were the deal but 48 in game two that’s crazy that’s actually it was what was it it was 29 and 47 does that come out no 29 and 49 yeah that comes out to 78 calls Insanity never seen nothing like it rick Carlile speaking after the Pacers fell behind two zip in the Eastern Conference semifinal with a 13121 loss to New York on Wednesday said the team had identified 29 questionable referee decisions from game one The Source said the Pacers then identified 49 plays from game two that they felt were called incorrectly or not called at all and submitted them to the NBA overnight I read my own way he said he decided not to send the game one calls to the league for review but revers that decision after game two had similar officiating issues from their perspective now look you Nick and Nick I understand about the crying part I do were this the other way if this was Tom Tibido doing this and the Pacers were up two zip I’d be ripping Tibido up and down but I would say however that this is the way you go about the business of coaching this is one of the what do people call it the game within the game yes you do this I don’t understand though and that put a lot of trust in the officials is the only thing that I can come up with why Carlile didn’t do it after game one I think Carlile did this game one was over so many people in Twitter fa wherever saw the horrendous decision to call an offensive moving screen foul with 12.7 seconds to go on Miles Turner and I think what Carlile felt was public opinion would Ru the day would dictate the day would dictate that the officials wipe their backside clean themselves up and got better except it went the opposite see most people feel like game won because of the call at the time they thought that was the worst officiated game all cont according to Carlile game two much worse 20 calls worse now let’s fast forward to tonight 7 o’clock gainbridge Fieldhouse I’ll be behind the Pacers bench Row one let’s fast forward does it make a difference I think it will are they going to cheat for the Pacers I don’t think they will I tell you this this is going to happen tonight you watch first call either against the Pacers traveling foul crazy first I’m going to the rim a knck player goes up there’s a little contact no call place is going to go crazy you got to understand something about what you’re going to see tonight the good folks my people here in Indiana understand our Hoops we understand we know referees names we know referees history we understand the rules we’re not out there like New Yorkers that put away their hedge fund and they go to a game nuh-uh that ain’t us people we know our hoops and we’re going to give hell tonight to whoever decides they want a referee because you better call this one straight damn it I think they will I do I think they will I don’t know really that sending these things in works but it makes you feel better it makes you feel that you you you you you you are doing your job as a coach oh wait a second sorry this just in from the Knicks ni go New York go New York Go I mean seriously I mean it’s New York you’re supposed to have you know a little Satchel go New York go New York go what it’s like my hooers who who hoers really that’s what you got Nick and Nick go New York go New York go yay what what that’s all we got and then they end it with this bite me Miles Turner to the victors go the spoils the victors can do the talking people down O2 do the squawking uh last night there was two pretty good games last night I got to put my headset back in I have a problem apparently with my headset because you’re going to hear some sex noises if you think that you’re GNA hear Luca donic just talking post game after a 29 uh Point performance after he went into OKC and shut up the great state of Oklahoma if you think donic is just going to be talking ball got another thing coming people people all right let’s play it here’s Luca donic post game at the podium listen to the background noise U just our sharing the ball and our energy was great what do you think uh okay um okay moving on time home D’s not life you got to play it again you got to Play It Again to hear the I don’t know was some dude you know and some lady in the back getting it on I don’t know was it some dude watching porn and they had the volume on during the press conference I don’t know but somebody was stripping somebody listen again so you can hear it make sure you hear it I just our sharing the ball and our energy was great what do you think uh okay um okay moving on a good time home that’s not life you know what I think it was I think it was Greg Doyle in the back watching Caitlyn Clark’s first exhibition game may have been I got to tell tell you I’ve been to a lot of press conference I’ve done a lot of press conferences I’ve never heard that one I did however myself and JD Campbell who is our Sid at Bowling Green on a Valentine’s Day we were playing the next night at AK and we’re walking by a hotel room and I don’t know what the hell was happening to this woman but she was liking it let’s put it that way of course we stopped we listened we were staying I was staying in the room next door we kept our door open because we wanted to see the combatants can get a good look at him but I’ll tell you this something good was happening or at least some lady was enjoying the hell out of whatever it was I do Wonder was that doy in the back some Jurgens a nice moist tow I don’t know maybe it was but there you go Luca donic and by the way let’s stay here for a minute donic did have 29 the ball was moving the ball was whipping around next thing you know OKC got their brains beat out at home what do we say we got a series ladies and gentlemen yeah we do word on the street is we don’t have a series until the home team loses a game when a home team lost a game speaking of home teams losing a game I’m going to high five myself last night I’ve learned from my boy the sack man fade the public the public is always going to have things to say well this is why they’re going to win you know last night Double D well I took the Cavaliers plus 13 and A2 games game twos are always different they just are they seemingly to me are always closer so the Cavaliers I took them plus 13 A5 I took under 213 which was amazing because it was 212 why game twos man the only weird game two so far was the Pacers and the Knicks where the Pacers had a lead but couldn’t close it these games too in these series I don’t give game one team relaxes game two other team goes harder I don’t know but I got I’m looking at it and I’m watching the game the Cleveland game and it struck me damn everyone’s doing something like whether it’s I don’t know Darius Garland he goes five for eight Evan Mobley he drops what 21 of course Donovan Mitchell’s doing his thing and you know what else I was watching every shot was going in I’m like damn are the Cavs going to miss I don’t think so they shot 54% from the field they shot what 44% 47% 46% from three the only thing they didn’t shoot well was from the free throw line but they only went there 16 times I mean honest to God and here it is you know you want to break down a game I’ll break it down for you 13 of 28 from three for the Cavs eight of 35 from three for the Boston Celtics there’s your game I mean neither team offensive rebounded neither team really turned it over just a matter who’s going to miss who’s going to make period jayen Brunson threw a nice 0 for six now look Jaylen Brown not Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson wouldn’t be 0 for six today tomorrow the next day unless of course Pacers sacked up and guarded him I don’t know but I digress Jaylen Brown’s making 60 m a year I said 6D I didn’t say 16 I didn’t say six I didn’t say 10 60 5 m a month what do you think about that 5 mil a month whoa is that 50,000 a day or is it more than that I don’t know but anyway that’s what he’s doing so good no really good for the Cleveland Cavaliers really good for donic I think I’m the only human being alive I don’t like watching donic play I I don’t I know I’m supposed to but I don’t really like watching him play my bad I don’t all right anyway take the Pacers tonight bet everything you own now the number is a little too high so you’re going to have to figure that out I don’t know about seven oan nobbe isn’t playing we’ll see what Jaylen Brunson does but I gotta tell you I’m taking the Pacers tonight for everything I own hey I don’t file this under he’s an idiot I hope he goes to jail for a long time but I kind of don’t blame him Buster scheme Buster SK is a former NFL Corner bat he allegedly listen to this he allegedly took off his ankle monitor and failed to attend his court hearing earlier this week and is on the lamb baby buster schi is on the lamb get your head on the swivel cuz some NFL fast moving cornerback he’s on the lamb listen to this Canadian authorities that’s where he’s at arrested him for 15 charges of fraud over $5,000 using false checks to withdraw over $100,000 listen to this the dude made over4 million in the NFL you made 40 million let’s say 52% goes away 20 million out of here you know Charles Barkley was on with someone the other day and he said that Dr J the famous Dr J Julius Irving told him when he was a rookie this money’s going to last you a lifetime 20 million should be able to last you a lifetime that’s after taxes remember he made 40 I gave him 20 should be able to last a lifetime you should not have to be on the lamp but hey let me ask you let me go back to my initial question do you blame him if I’m facing 60 in the can I’m going Frankie Ken’s who’s Frankie kenis the guy that taught me the jump shot Highland High School he was arrested he was indicted he was convicted he was awaiting sentencing on voter fraud city councilman in East Chicago Indiana they all were going to jail got convicted they didn’t take his passport he night before his sentencing had a birthday party Frankie didn’t show Frankie’s Greek Frankie with his passport was on a plane to Greece where as a Greek citizen interpo does not extradite you so Frankie left the country said I ain’t living in a in a federal prison in Minneapolis for the rest of my life and he is sunning and funed on the beach in Greece called my radio show one day hey Danny like coach kenis yeah we’re out here in my Orca we’re celebrating Georgine’s wedding I go hey man I don’t know who these people are so good for Buster scheme hope he’s a Greek citizen if he’s a Greek citizen get over there baby get out get go sit on a beach mayorca go to Athens go wherever true story Vern lanquist I love Uncle Vern I wanted to work with Uncle Vern when I was working at ESPN I was hoping that Uncle burn Uncle ver would move to ESPN or I would move to CBS so I could have a day see here’s the deal when you work with somebody and you’re doing TV you’re doing a game usually the night before you go out to dinner you get a little wine maybe a drink or two nice dinner it’s fun we used to hustle to get the places on Monday nights whether it was me Allison Williams Bart Fox our producer our director Scott Johnson too we couldn’t wait cuz we would laugh our uh us off Sam Ponder was involved in that Molly McGrath it’s just a good time but any anyway Uncle Vern is no more and he’s giving a little insight Uncle Vern is to why Nick Sabin quit now this isn’t Earth shattering Uncle Vern says the most recent changes to the transfer portal and nil one of the biggest changes in football since the start of his career and he believes those changes are what drove Nick Sabin into retirement here’s Uncle Vern the two biggest changes both of which help Drive Nick Sabin into retirement are transfer portal and ni I these kids now ask how much you going to pay me if you don’t pay me or if you don’t guarantee I’m starting and pay me I’m transfering I’m going to Central Michigan and I think Nick has now said yeah that drove me nuts let me explain something to you it’s should it should I mean if you’re Nick Sabin and you’ve done all that you can do can you imagine slap dick Johnny coming into your office and saying yo Nick putting his feet up you know I’m your best corner I want a million I already got an offer from another school for a million I want a million and you’re Nick Sabin you know what you’ve done for kids you know what you’ve done for the program you know what playing for Alabama means to a kid the publicity the attention the NFL chances and you got to sit there and listen to some little 18 to 23y Old tell you how we roll around here good for Nick sa and all these coaches that say it doesn’t drive them out really Jay Wright gone Roy Williams Gone shashy Gone Sab gone Urban Meyers has been offered so many coaching jobs make your head spin no chance why would you they’re all successful they’re all multi-billionaires and they all got a hell of a lot to do with the rest of their lives I don’t blame them for one second Illinois state where my son is at man oh man they had a kid who’s a nice player couldn’t catch couldn’t finish early he’s considering Notre Dame on a transfer portal I’m like damn farm system not great hey look if I’m saving and this is what I told Urban way back and this is what I’ve told every single coach that I know that quits congratulations and they’re all like what I go you’re going to learn very very quickly there is a life out there I literally thought I could not live without coaching I literally thought I have to have the competition I have to have the everyday I can’t live without it it’s what I do it’s what I’m intent about and then something weird happened Thanksgiving now you all know about Thanksgiving I knew about Thanksgiving when I was a kid but when you’re a kid you’re like all right ah doesn’t matter Thanksgiving made me never go back into coaching I’ll tell you why I got a couple offers guys said hey look we’re gonna fire our coach at the end of the year we’d like you to talk to you about being our coach pretty good offers not Nick Sabin offers not Indiana mid Majors okay so I’m like all right because this is how it happens coaches don’t get fired at most places without having somebody been talked to and and I knew the people involved but Thanksgiving happened first Thanksgiving my brother my dad my mom my SI whatever we all went to my brother’s house everybody was there I’m sitting around I don’t have to take a team to practice twice a day I don’t have to figure out where everybody’s eating for Thanksgiving which I always had to do my wife didn’t have to have the team over I wasn’t getting ready if I was even in town to leave town for a game wait a second what was this Thanksgiving thing everyone’s around we figured out an offshore betting Place delete delete football games were on basketball games were on Wednesday night my brother’s like hey you guys want to go watch a high school basketball game yeah let’s go eating like pigs watching every sport go to bed do it again the next day are you kidding me I remember telling my then wife yeah I ain’t going back no chance and it was all because of than Thanksgiving now multiply that by a 100 meaning going back and all of a sudden you got the nil all of a sudden you got P transfer report all of a sudden you must absolutely watch how you talk to players Lee Ross my lovely wife is doing games this weekend uh FS2 games starting at noon actually starting right here in a little bit she got three games today in the Big E semifinals and in the miles she’s doing the finals talking to coaches they’re like yeah this is crazy I mean you got to watch every sentence that you say because somebody will turn it around and next thing you know you’re some kind of IST these are women coaches why in the hell we acquiesced 18 to 23 year olds I will never know I will never understand it I ain’t acquiescing to these two Nicks over here no matter how hard they work damn it anybody remember this former TV host and CNN host Chris Cuomo now says he had takes I Veron daily really after telling his audience on CNN that people taking I Vermon where he called it a d warmer D warmer all needed to be shamed let’s go back in time shall we flash back to Chris Cuomo and his knowitall ass sorry people who are getting injecting drugs for animals and horse and people tell them to oh my God what person you know you talk about like you know cancel culture and who to shame iveron a dormer really they are shaming themselves no one has to shame them they’re shaming themselves they need to be called out and shamed brother is’t it amazing how the stupid talk the loudest you can make that argument that I’m among them but I think I’m pretty informed at least on the issues that we discussed these two had no idea I looked into Ivan metric during this time we were in Florida and my brother my kid my daughter and my stepdaughter got Co we looked in IA metr guess what it was pretty good but you couldn’t find it because everybody was taking it so these two clowns got on TV and said everybody should be shamed well they’re idiots we knew they were idiots they’re off TV now and let’s see the current Chris Chromo and what he tells David bet or excuse me Patrick Bet David about Ian metric now I’ll tell you something else that’s going to get you a a lot of hits I am taking a um what do they call it like a a regular dose you know whatever they they’re trying to build up of ior mecon ivera was a boogeyman early on in Co you couldn’t talk about it that was wrong we were given bad information about Ivor mechon the real question is why everyone’s GNA say Joe Rogan was right no Joe Rogan was saying yeah he was right but that’s that’s not what matters what matters is the entire clinical Community knew that Iver mechon couldn’t hurt you they knew it Patrick I know they knew it how do I know because now I’m doing nothing but talking to these clinicians who at the time were overwhelmed by Co and they weren’t saying anything not that they were hiding anything but it’s cheap it’s not owned by anybody and it’s used as an antimicrobial antiviral in all of these different ways and has been for a long time for malaria for over almost 20 years yeah so and my doctor who who is now my doctor was using it during covid on her family and on patience and it was working for them so they were wrong to play scared on that didn’t know that at the time know it now admit it now reporting on it now cuz I think that’s the job the idea that well you were a vaccine proponent why wouldn’t I have been a vaccine proponent now there are questions oh no but I knew at the time no you didn’t what you knew was that there were people telling you to be resistant to what the government was telling you to do well why don’t you do your own study I did I found out that it worked I mean look that’s all crap that’s all smart guy educated guy talking in circles to make himself not look like the jackass that he was he and Don Lemon got up there so smug it’s also a guy who’s had his ass beat a little bit I mean let’s be honest it’s a guy that has been knocked down a Peg and who doesn’t who doesn’t Among Us that has been knocked down a peg who doesn’t get a little humbled but these guys were so vicious so mean so rude so condescending so arrogant about what Trump had said which was Iva metric oh it’s a dormer how about drinking bleach he never said anything about drinking bleach never Iva metric I knew worked why didn’t you everybody in Florida knew it worked I mean when we were down there you couldn’t get it my brother I remember was sick he’s like hey man I’ll take anything I go look I’m just telling you this stuff works he drove like an hour and a half to some place that was giving ivom metric shots or giving it out or whatever I mean I knew and I don’t even research I did not even pay attention I don’t even think I was doing this show then but all of a sudden these two idiots Don Lemon and Cuomo Chris Cuomo now all of a sudden are trying to figure out ways to spin it there’s no spin on it you hate Donald Trump you absolutely hated Donald Trump so anything Donald Trump said you were going to disagree with make fun of and persecute those that paid attention to it I mean just say what it is that’s it that’s all it was you couldn’t think for yourself you couldn’t because you were so blinded still are Don Lemon is anyway I don’t know what Cuomo is but anyway you were so blinded by the dislike for one man that no matter what he said your dumb ass was going to go the opposite like a 10-year-old kid talking to his parents I’m going to do the opposite of what you say that’s all that was anything else that said is crap we didn’t know I knew Trump knew people knew everybody wasn’t so overwhelmed like they make it sound like hey I just can’t get to I am Metra no you could I did ah it’s such BS it just drives me crazy they get up there they just don’t like a guy who cares whether you like a guy or not why would that matter I don’t like him and had some woman woman I like tell me wow I don’t believe you could vote for Donald Trump here’s what he did to women blah I don’t care I don’t give a damn about anybody’s personal life I don’t I used to I don’t what I care about is what are you doing for this country I mean these idiots go out and they say well you know Trump said this so it must mean that no no if you really have a brain which these people don’t they lost their brain I’m sure they’re smart people but they completely lost their mind not only during Co but they continue to just because they don’t like a guy well Donald Trump hates him oh shut up Donald Trump grabbed him by the back well that’s him honest to God honest to God I mean nobody wants to talk Biden you want to talk about Trump Biden left his first wife was cheating with this clown this clown says she’s a doctor she ain’t a do I mean what the hell who cares what are you doing for the country that’s why CNN is crap that’s why it’s complete crap because frankly their whole programming is based on disliking a guy it’s and don’t let these idiots talk their way around it don’t let them that’s all they’re doing well Joe Rogan was right well it doesn’t matter no well he was right what why did Joe Rogan have the information hell I ain’t Joe Rogan why did I because I paid attention because I wasn’t blinded by one freaking guy gez I it just drive you nuts how idiotic these people are honest to God Don Lemon hates white people but he’s married to a white dude he’s getting stuffed by a white dude or he’s stuffing a white dude but he hates white dudes just pay attention


  1. You are being fooled by McAffee he is drinking the kool aid but just doing it on the down low. Wait and see

  2. They are to racist for me to many black people hating on accomplished white athletes !
    It about to drive these commentators crazy that they are starting to finally let some decent white talent back in the game .

  3. With McAfee, it’s not just about sports—it’s genuinely one of the funniest, most entertaining shows out there, bar none. They had a bit last week about turtles being racists that was a spin-off from people hating paper drinking straws. Sound boring? Nah, not at all. It was genuinely one of the funniest things I’ve seen in some time. Dan’s right—it’s a great show that I’m glad (so far at least) ESPN suits have had the sense not to f*ck with.

  4. Keep preaching the anti-P.C. gospel Dan, screw the people that can’t handle the truth. Miss hearing you on Indy’s airwaves but I’m glad you landed on your feet. God Bless.

  5. Dan I was at IU basketball camp in 1989 for a week and you ran the show. Obviously, Bob lectured once or twice but what I remember most was before we would scrimmage you would shoot a half court hook shot and if you made it we wouldn’t have to do calisthenics. If you missed we did calisthenics. I’m pretty sure you made 3 out of 5!

  6. The PMS was going to get here regardless 😂😂. But if espn wants to pay us to have are exact show (except the f word) to have us on at every office barber shop sports bar hell yeah

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