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Every Undefeated UFC Title Challenger Ranked Worst To Best

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Nothing better than an undefeated UFC record right? Tons of hype, hopefully a ton of great finishes? Well… not in every case. We start from the worst down to the best ever of the undefeated fighters that made it all the way to a title shot with their ‘0’ in tact.

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the best thing to have in a UFC division alongside a beloved Champion is a bunch of highlevel contenders lining up to take them on the more impressive and scary they are the better and it doesn’t come more impressive than being undefeated there’s been several of those Fighters stood across from the champion and today we’re going to run through all of them now there’s been 33 undefeated Challengers to ever fight for a UFC title and I’ve ordered them all based on how credential and how scary they were the moment they walked into that cage to face the champion nothing to do with how the fight went or what happened after that I’m Bailey in from point Thank you to those Hall of Fame channel members for supporting the content and this is every undefeated UFC title Challenger ranked okay number 33 Kevin Jackson no one was really sure what martial arts were going to work after Brazilian jiu-jitsu swept the field in the early days but everyone was also pretty sure wrestling was very dominant Kevin Jackson was an Olympic wrestler who needed just two UFC wins before com tors were calling him the best middleweight fighter on the planet unfortunately that wasn’t true Kevin was 3 and0 and undefeated when he challenged for the UFC title against Frank Shamrock and yeah he does have the worst resume out of everyone on this list and was essentially just a wrestler and when he tried it in the title fight he got submitted in just 16 seconds sorry Kevin but yeah his record speaks for himself as does his lack of experience and training number 32 bch kaha B’s title shot came after about a year and a half and she only needed three wins to get to the Belt she was 6 and0 when she she joined the promotion and Edge passed a veteran and Julie KY not massively impressive but then she beat up Jessman Duke who was still pretty new to MMA as a sport and had just come off the reality show that started a bit of a storyline and she was ticking off Ronda Rousey’s teammates then she beat Shaya Basler who was on the verge of retirement and at 9 and0 bch got a title shot it was pretty much the storyline combined with her undefeated record that got her the title fight but she hadn’t really beaten anyone that you’d look at as a top Contender so number 31 Sarah McMahon when Ronda Rous had run out of contenders a lot was made of Sarah McMahon’s silver medal in wrestling and don’t get me wrong it’s incredibly hard to win that but how did she rank as a challenger at the time well she was just 7even and0 when she took on the champ Rousey but before she got to the UFC McMahon had fought some veterans like Tony evinger and Shaya Basler but they’re not what you would call World Championship level she scored a nice round one KO in her UFC debut over Sheila Gaff but again that wasn’t a top 10 or even top 15 fighter in the division and the UFC immediately put her in against Ronda in an Olympian vers Olympian matchup as a contender Sarah was just pushed way too early and because of that she isn’t going to rank super high number 30 Gil Castillo okay well I know divisions were thin back in the early days of the UFC but even so Gil Castillo stands out as a bit of an outlier even then Gil got a title shot at 8 and0 against Dave manay for the first ever middleweight Championship but he never fought in the UFC before that the best thing he’d done was recently beat Nate marqua at IFC for the Welterweight Title which was a legit win but apart from that he didn’t beat anyone you’ve heard of but it was enough for the UFC to pick him out as the guy to fight for the first belt hard to rank his steo very high at all unfortunately because he didn’t have the best credentials at the time and hadn’t really done anything scarily impressive to make himself seem like a dangerous Contender either number 29 Matt lenland another Olympic wrestler who transitioned into MMA early on was Matt lenland he built a style out of taking guys down and grinding on him Matt stuck up four UFC wins inside of two years in the UFC but they weren’t great unfortunately beating Yoji Andro in your UFC debut won’t do anything for anyone then he won his next fight by DQ wrestled F Baron which everyone hated that put lyan at just 7 and0 when he went up against Murillo booster Monte for the UFC title as a challenger Matt wasn’t very experienced didn’t have a lot of wins and was essentially just a wrestler still did well to get a title shot though even if the UFC didn’t want to give it to him but the Champs BJJ was way too good anyway number 28 BJ Penn all right well some of you might think it’s a bit too early on in the video to already be mentioning BJ Penn’s name but let’s take a look at the 3-0 undefeated version BJ blue threw Joey Gilbert in his UFC debut but it didn’t really mean that much three months later he got a first round KO of Dean Thomas and that did he then of course delivered an 11sec knockout of Carl Uno and secured himself a title shot at just three and0 now you might say he was one of the best undefeated Challengers of all time but the truth is he did have very little experience in the sport and those three wins were great but it’s not the same kind of resume as some of the other contenders on this list BJ he developed into one of the best lightweights ever but after just one year of competition that 3 and0 version of himself just doesn’t compare number 27 Tim Sylvia big heavyweight kickboxer Tim Sylvia was another guy that had a bit of a strange record he had five fights in 2001 and then in 2002 he had loads of one night tournaments so by the end of just two years he was already 13 and0 now he did beat Ben Rothwell and Mike Whitehead early on but his UFC debut wasn’t necessarily that impressive he fought cabbage and he didn’t really look very good credential but to be fair Tim beat the piss out of him and that left him at 15 and0 and he was also 6’8 but the UFC just gave him a title shot after one win Tim obviously had a striking advantage over a lot of other heavyweights but he’d really only been in the sport for like two years and when you’re comparing his resume as a challenger to the other people on this list well it’s basically non-existent the fight with cabbage had made him look like a striking God but there were holes in the rest of his game number 26 Holly home okay now obviously despite being the girl to finally beat Ronda Rousey a lot of people going into the fight had Holly as a massive Underdog way bigger than some of ronda’s previous opponents Joe Rogan himself thought it was a massive mismatch I don’t I don’t agree with that fight the the Holly Hol fight I just don’t think that’s smart Mike Tyson made all those guys they were they were really terrified in the ring he went right through them looks just like Rhonda the real problem with Rhonda is Rhonda is like a Mike Tyson she’s Elite of the elite yes home had won championships in boxing and kickboxing but her early UFC fights had not shown her in a good light at all she was given a big welcome as the girl to beat Ronda and then she barely won a split decision against Raquel Pennington then she took Mario Renault three rounds and was given a title shot after that just N9 and0 now going into the fight Holly didn’t have much experience at the UFC level hadn’t really shown any kind of a level that could beat Ronda which puts a pretty low down on this list but oh how wrong everyone was number 25 sha Sher now the muscle shark sha Sher built up a lot of wins before he got to the UFC he was 17-0 and he’ beaten K perisian twice outside of the UFC his debut was against another undefeated guy Benji radit and he won from a cut though so it wasn’t necessarily an amazing win and that’s all he needed to get a title shot against Matt Hughes who’d been dominating everyone you can’t really argue with the amount of people sha beat at 19 and0 but the quality is definitely somewhat questionable as a lot of them went down on the Reg scene it was an epic run but sha was also a bad matchup for the champion who was also a Grappler himself so really he had very little UFC experience in his first title shot and wasn’t necessarily the most dangerous Challenger number 24 George Cierre okay so despite being one of the greatest fighters of all time The Undefeated version of GSP the one that first fought for a title was pretty far from the finished product after just one year as a pro in Canada George won and defended the UC title and then he got a call to the UFC at just 5-0 now he went up against Kyle perisian and that was a really impressive win and then he wiped the floor with Jay Heron as well but at just 7 and0 and just 23 years old there was no doubt GSP was inexperienced and then he got a title shot against Matt Hughes George was already super dangerous and had developed his wrestling game but Matt was way more experienced had five UFC title defenses under his belt GSP went on to be one of the best but as an undefeated Challenger he’s not too high up on this list number 23 Pedro jizo this Brazilian fought for the UFC title in the year 2000 so I doubt many of you saw that happen but I go so far as to say that for his time he was a pretty credential Challenger it wasn’t just that Pedro was a BJJ black belt but he also had some of the nastiest leg kicks ever seen But on his way to 9 and0 he took out some actual names as well like Tank Abbott Mark Coleman and kasaka and that wasn’t the best resume but he was definitely one of the more well-rounded Fighters at the time which made him very dangerous especially against a wrestler in the champion Kevin randman still it’s not like he had the best resume even given the time number 22 Yuan Yan J The Undefeated UFC run of yuana lasted about 3 years and she showed how good she was but what did she look like when she was basically an unknown who had to repeat her name at media day and stepped up to face the winner of the latest reality show she only needed two wins in the UFC before she fought for the title and we knew she’d won multiple world champions in Muay Thai but this was MMA where we’d seen Fighters with striking backgrounds get dominated those two wins were against Juliana Lima which is okay and Claudia gelia which certainly aged very well at the time we just didn’t know how good she was when she walked in the cage which is why she’s only at number 21 and there had only ever been two other European Champions at that time people just weren’t even on board with that as an idea but we quickly found out she was for real winning the belt number 21 Dominic Reyes a big athletic Southpaw kickboxer Dom started off his UFC run looking impressive against guys outside the top 15 oh the big Cabos the big kabos the big kabos my way he connects with a head kick and Jordan pal went stiffer than a honeymoon’s dick he is actual traveling he banged out three finishes in a row and and the UFC gave him ENT PR but th couldn’t finish him still won a decision he was 10 and0 at that point and after he beat another Staple in Vulcan oir he was ranked number six it was a good win but not the kind of one that would rank him above some of these other undefeated contenders he got the title shot off the back of too and Chris Weidman a former Champion but a guy moving up a weight class and on a losing streak so he’ beat some veterans but wasn’t the most credential guy he definitely looked scary but was going up against Jon Jones so not many people gave him much of a chance pretty big Underdog against the champ but the fight was far closer than anyone had predicted number 20 Chad Mendes if you’ve watched money Mendes’s career you’ll probably know that until he fought Connor he’d only ever lost to one person in his 20 fight career and that was Jose Aldo but how did he rate going into their first fight when he was still an undefeated Contender chatted joined the wec a bit late in 2010 but still banged out four fights which left him at 9 and0 and he beat the lights of CBS Swanson and Eric KO which were impressive wins but Chad’s first run towards the title kind of just wasn’t not really his fault he wrestled Japanese dream fighter mitchi hero omigawa to a decision in both the UFC debuts and then he did the same thing to Honey Yaya and then he got a title shot against Jose Aldo he had those wec victories but his UFC credentials were non-existent effectively Chad was 11 and0 when he fought for the title and wasn’t nearly at his full potential as a fighter and outside of his wrestling most people thought he just didn’t pose a threat to Jose number 19 Cody garbrandt when you talk about the early UFC career of Cody garbrandt the fact he got a title fight so quickly is something that always comes up you can’t really ignore it inside one year he won three fights and got a shot of the champion Cody went through some standard contenders and an initial three-fight win streak before he got a high profile matchup against 21-0 Thomas Alida this guy was coming off the back of three performance of the night Knockouts even Joe Rogan had called him a future champion at the same time though he was only ranked number seven in the division and Cody smoked him leaping half the division in the process then he got another first round stoppage over to mizugaki and within a year was in line for the belt his performances had been super impressive but he hadn’t really beaten anyone inside the top 15 just those two wins and he was getting ready to fight Dominick Cruz I think his shot was helped Along by the Rivalry with Team Alpha Male and Cruz the champion but Dom had just beaten TJ Dillashaw who everyone thought was kind of better than Cody so they didn’t really give him too much of a chance he didn’t have a ton of experience but he still went in there and put it on the champ in an amazing performance number 18 Darren till the 17 and0 record of Darren till before he fought for the bout it was a lot higher than a lot of other people on this list Darren got a lot of fights when he went over to Brazil and turn pro I meaning he had eight in 2013 alone and then he went on a sixf fight win streak once he got to the UFC before getting his shot which is actually a lot more than most people on this list now the first half were against bog standard UFC competition and then he went from unranked to beating the number six Donald Cerrone that was a pretty big jump and then he got the number one contender in Steven Wonderboy Thompson a lot of people said he was gifted that fight and he missed weight and inside a year he went from outside the top 15 to a title Challenger at the same time though you can’t argue he didn’t beat the number six and the number one guy so he is above some of these other people on the list till came in at a plus 140 Underdog which is pretty close odds against the champion but the questions about whether it was too early for him turned out to be true number 17 Randy Couture okay so Randy is another guy who only had a handful of fights before challenging for a UFC title and he was just 3 and0 when he fought for the belt the first time but Randy had actually shown a well-rounded and intelligent game for his early UFC fights and when he squared off against vtor bort in a title Eliminator most people had bort down as the best fighter on the planet the Phenom BJJ black belt KO machine Randy beat him and finished in 8 minutes and he looked like the future of the sport that made him a dangerous Contender and also as credential you could get at the time anyway and that’s why he’s a little higher up this list than most of those other guys number 16 karolina Koval kavich most girls who came into the UFC back in the early day were from Strike Force or invictor but Carolina had already been a World Champ in ksw before she made the trip to the UFC she started beating girls who were on The Ultimate Fighter season Randa Marcos Heather Joe Clark two wins and it didn’t take much time to get in line for the belt with the division being so new the thing that makes karolina impressive though is she beat the number one Contender at the time rose nunas Rose had been on a fantastic win streak since the show and she looked like the only challenge Yana had in that division but karolina drill with knees and won a split decision it was seriously impressive given the scope of the division at the time that didn’t exactly make her the most credential Contender she was now 10 and0 which was damn impressive but she only had three UFC wins and she had some really Scrappy striking number 15 Mark Coleman seeing as a sport was so new at the time Mark didn’t really have much of a chance to evolve as a fighter before he was fighting for the title he debuted at UFC 10 in 1996 and blew through the tournament ending The Undefeated Runner Don fry in the final which was a pretty goddamn good win when he came back at UFC 11 he did the same thing it was pretty clear that his wrestling was incredibly dominant and it was going to take something special to beat Mark that put Mark at just 5-0 and he was booked against Dan s to fight for the first ever Heavyweight Championship how good was Coleman as a challenger well he was definitely scary the commentary team had talked about him being the most vicious man on the planet and he had a couple of good wins but he didn’t have a lot of experience in the sport especially compared to some of these guys ranked ahead of him now he was still enough to win the belt but stacked up against some of these other challenges and he just doesn’t compare number 14 Kat zingu Kat got a seriously tough UFC debut against Misha Tate but her physicality and toughness one out and in the third round she molded the number one contender in a UFC debut C it’s your number one Contender she got injured right after that though and after she recovered she didn’t get the champion and instead went up against the future goat Amanda Nunes rally back in the third round and tko’ed Amanda and proved once again how tough she was how dominant she could be in top position and had just thrown Nunez around at the end of the fight cat at 9 and0 got a shot against Ronda Rousey and she was still the favorite but zingano at least looked like she could match her physically and had taken out the other two best women in the division she didn’t have a lot of credentials outside of that but I feel like it ranks her pretty high on this list unfortunately cat wasn’t composed at all in the title fight and it turned into Rousey’s fastest title defense ever number 13 Paulo Costa the eracer definitely seemed like a big scary title Challenger when he was booked against Israel ad asagna and he had five UFC wins under his belt and pretty much looked like vandelay Silva reborn two of those guys weren’t really Championship level the Johnny Hendricks win was a beat down against a former champ sure but upper weight class on the losing streak beating y Romero was a massive achievement though he’d only ever lost inside the UFC to Robert wha and Costa went toe-to-toe with him Center it proved his star work at the top of the division and his ability to eat punches and land bombs made him look like a very scary challenge for I will make he cry I will hit him hit him very badly it seemed like there could be a path to victory for Paulo a lot of fans thought so and he was 13 and0 going into the fight with five of them being in the UFC not really the most credential opponents across the board but he was certainly a very scary guy and I think number 13 is pretty fair number 12 Chris Weidman pretty early on Chris wman was doing kind of crazy stuff with just three months of BJJ training he won a Grappler Quest tournament he was a stand out wrestler but that was some BJ pen [ __ ] still that wasn’t MMA but after just two years of that he was making his UFC debut already he sharped the rankings when he took out the former Challenger Damen Meyer and then ended the four-fight win streak of Mark Munoz look at this big shot from Munoz he missed it look at that he had other wins in the UFC but those were his two biggest and he was sitting at 9 and0 now he hadn’t beaten any former Champions and his record wasn’t really that extensive but he’s also this high up because of what other credential people were saying about him going into the fight my friend Chris whitean and I see him in training I believe he’s going to beat and Sila not only he’s going to beat I believe he’s going to finish andon Sila yeah no I think Weidman is good enough technically where he should be able to make up for his lack of experience he’s really good on the ground I don’t think people know how good he is and it turns out they were all right you know Chris went in that cage inexperienced but with everything he needed to unseat the pound for pound number one midweight Champion my goodness he has done it wow number 11 Ilia Toria Ilia had looked pretty special on the way up and after just two UFC fights he went up against a fellow undefeated Prospect Ryan Hall and in one round he shut his lights out now that turned a lot of people on to Toria and how scary he could be but he looked even more scary when they then knocked out ji Herber hold of the legs now Jai hadn’t really been on a massive win streak but Bryce Mitchell had Toro got him next he took the O off Bryce and sub aded one of the best Grapplers in the division that will got him a main event against Josh Emma who had fought a lot of credential guys in the division and we saw how clinical Toria striking was he went all five rounds with the hardest hitter in the weight class now perhaps Toria hadn’t compiled the most credential resume at this point but he’ handed undefeated Fighters losses and had shown a very high skill level with knockout power submissions and the ability to go five rounds he also had something you couldn’t teach confidence taking pictures with the belt before he’s fight with vul Poria changed his Instagram bio earlier this week say 15 to know UFC world champion before the fight ever happened he definitely believes in himself and the odds maker set the fight as a pick him close odds and vul could pretty much ever had at FWE he was 14 and0 when he walked to the cage and on the night I think a lot of people had a feeling in their gut Toria could pull off the win and he proved everything he [Applause] said number 10 Kan Velasquez right out of college Kane transitioned from wrestling to MMA under the guidance of Javier Mendes and you could see why he didn’t waste any time thinking about it he moved wrestled and stried at such a fluid and high Pace he quickly set himself apart from anyone in the history of the heavyweight division in his first year he got three tko’s there were absolute beatdowns and he only got hit nine times now Czech cono and Ben Rothwell aren’t necessarily the most credential opponent but the former interim Champion NOA was that man had only ever been finished once Kane looked levels above big neck down 1 2 3 4 5 booom that’s a r that put Kane at just 8 and0 which meant yeah he definitely isn’t the most experienced guy on this list but the Mad did he look next level and going up against Brock with champion well he was a great wrestler and Velasquez he was a mixed martial artist the odds were super close but the fight wasn’t and Kane lived up to the hype and then he to the body Lesnar’s in big trouble 50 seconds that’s it it’s the UFC heavyweight champion number nine sirel G although it might feel in hindsight like a fast rise through the ranks for the Frenchman G but he actually put a lot of work in before he got to the title he racked up three wins in the UFC in 2019 and then got a former Champion Junior dos Santos and put him away in the second round if there were any doubts about his ability he then backed them up by soundly beating two other top 10 guys in Rosen streo and then volov at 9 and0 with incredibly fast and precise striking he looked like nothing in the division had ever really seen before that combined with those other wins also got him an inm shot against Derrik Lewis and he got another knockout was simply outclassing the black beast and the number two guy in the division in the process the UFC champion G also handled everything Like A Champion supremely confident so relaxed and it’s no wonder the BET lines were so close and a pick and fight going up against the champion Francis and ganu it honestly felt like Gan might have the recipe to Beat the Champ but in the end and Gana used the wrestling to get it done and sill was handed his first loss number eight gray mayard people always remember a lot of things about tough five but among your Nate Diaz’s and Joe lozon you also had a future Challenger in grey Maynard he was only 2 and0 when he got to the UFC but he quickly started a run towards the title The Bully was a great wrestler and then he immediately showed his KO power in a 9sec one hitter quitter against Joe VZ then he fought some legit lightweight competition he got a fight the night win over Dennis CA and then he beat The Undefeated Frankie Edgar gray then made his way through Jim Miller Roger herera and got revenge on Nate Diaz who guillotined him on the show The Bully was the perfect nickname he was just out musling and outp powering everyone he then beat the former title Challenger Kenny floran and another impressive performance and he got his shot against the champion at just 9 and0 but he’d already beaten Frankie Edgar 2 years earlier safe to say m had looked like a seriously tough challenge for the champ when he walked in the cage he was the favorite and he almost won it in the first round but it turned into an epic Trilogy of fights number seven Rashad Evans the UFC career of Sugar Rashad Evans honestly gets overlooked which is a shame because he had a truly Stellar run towards the belt he won season two of The Ultimate Fighter and across the next two years he got five wins in the UFC ending that with a head kick KO of Shan salmon that got everyone’s attention Rashad then admittedly barely scraped past Tito Ortiz and that fight became a draw but then he beat The Undefeated Michael bisbing and then he produced The Knockout of the year against Chuck Liddell the former Champion that put Rashad at 120 and one with seven wins now in the UFC he’d faced a lot of competition and managed to stay undefeated against all of them had shown KO power as well as a very dominant wrestling game he was also incredibly athletic and going in against Forest Griffin for the belt the winner of season one of the show Evans felt like the new Evolution of Fighters and he proved it by koing the champ in round two off for is in trouble and it is all over number six Israel adna after first turning down the UFC until he felt he was ready the potential of Israel adna became immediately apparent after he got a few wins and then went up against two big tough middle weights in Marvin vtori and Brad Tavarez he got past both of them and then he went up against perennial Contender Derek Brunson and not only did he score three knockdowns but he finished him in the first round now that cemented Izzy as a real Challenger in most people’s eyes not just the win but the way he was doing it of course after that he got a high-profile fight against Anderson Silva and with a victory over the former Champion you know he was poised for contention his striking movement in Arsenal had looked levels above everyone else in the division and he was booked in an inum fight against Kelvin gastan who had beaten some of the guys adisan yet that fight showed everything about Israel’s skill set that we didn’t know yet but also his determination to stay undefeated and it turned into a blood guts fight of the Year style Bender then fought Robert Whitaker at 17 and0 for the Undisputed title and the champ closed as a slight Underdog it just showed how dangerous everyone thought Iz he was what he’d done to already prove himself and he appeared Next Level and showed it got to be very careful is the Undisputed King of the middleweights number five khabib namaga made off khabib joined the UFC in 2012 and it took him six years to get to fight for a world title which is way longer than a lot of other people on this video two years into his UFC run Habib managed to stack up five wins and the last and most high-profile one came over a who he just destroyed who’s got the style to handle this guy he then sat out injured while that man went on to become UFC champion and it already gave some people reason to call namaga off the future of the division when he came back khabib’s next three wins were all very impressive performances TKO in short noticed Daryl haer before beating Michael Johnson and Edson Barbosa in high-profile fights where khabib looked terrifying and was literally asking them to give up that put him at 25 and0 and next in line for the title he’ looked incredibly dominant had barely taken a punch and yet again he was super scary given the time off canceled fights with Tony Ferguson in the state of the division it’s fair to say khabib didn’t have the most credential resume going into his title shot and he had to fight Quin I mean if none of that had happened he might be a bit higher up this list but of course he looked almost impossible to beat and it turns out he was number four Brian Orga out of the bat T city was a child prodigy who was under the BJJ guidance of henah Gracie the son of the guy who helped found the UFC he then backed that up by going on a sixf fight finishing streak in the UFC and looked pretty freaking incredible his first big win was when he koed Klay grea something that only one person had ever done and he followed that up with a comeback Victory against Han moano a legit Contender with a nice slick gear team then he took on Cubs wanson a guy who could have got the title shot at the time but he fought Brian and he managed to tap him out with another gear team that was one number one Contender under the belt for Brian and he tied Max for the longest win streak in the division Frankie Edgar was then supposed to fight for the title against Max Holloway but their fight fell apart and Brian stepped in and then he made it six finishes in a row being the first man ever to KO the former Champion with an uppercut in the first round knock he was now 14 and0 had the grappling advantage over the current champion and had eliminated the two other number one contenders of course all his wins were also finishes and he looked super scary going in against Holloway who put on a master class of the performance number three Shane Carwin in 2008 Shane Carwin arrived at 8 and0 in the UFC and started Touch of death people with his massive hands he got two first round Knockouts just months apart then his third UFC fight he got a veteran in Gabriel Gonzaga and melted him in just one minute sing the stand up and he’s hug victory for Shane he had incredible power and was also an NCAA college wrestler but three wins was all he needed to get an inum fight against Frank me and again he made things look easy he controlled him and absolutely demolished him with some terrifying uppercuts I think he’s out mate he’s out Jes Shane was now 12-0 and going to fight Brock Lesnar for the UFC title Shane hadn’t had a lot of UFC fights compared to some these other people but the way he’ taken everyone out including the former champ was Flawless he also had the wrestling to back things up Shane was one scary title Challenger when he stopped up against Brock and he nearly put him away as well but wasn’t able to capture the belt number two leoto Macha in a truly Matrix like early UFC run Leo Macha basically did not get hit by anyone it was almost Flawless he got three dominant decisions in his first UFC fights then he took out the new hot signing so kuu and then he got a former Champion Tito Ortiz who was was a great wrestler and he tried to take leoto down seven times and machita stopped all of them that was five wins in a row for the dragon he was still undefeated he’d never even been knocked down and in his five UFC fights he’ absorbed less strikes than anyone in UFC history he then got another undefeated Prospect Thiago Silva who was 13 and0 and again the dragon scored a first round knockout and only got hit twice and it is all over this fight has it was no wonder fans were going absolutely crazy for this mythical karate sensation it was time for a shot against the champion brashard he went into the fight as the 14-0 favorite against the champion who was also undefeated that’s how good people thought leoto was it’s no wonder that after he koed the champ Rogan proclaimed it was time for the machita era as the guy had taken over the whole Division and made it look all too easy ladies and gentlemen welcome to the machita era number one Daniel Cormier all right well we finally made it to number one and hey it might not be who you expected but for me it’s pretty hard to not look at the body of work DC put together as an undefeated contender and not rank him above everybody else before the UFC DC made a name for himself winning the historic Strike Force Heavyweight Grand Prix and he beat two big names in Antonio Bigfoot Silva and Josh Barnett before he got to the UFC he came in as a heavyweight with everyone raving about his potential then he thoroughly beat up Frank me and Roy Nelson and it was even clearer I mean this guy was a future Champion what’s even scarier is then he was able to drop to light heavyweight and he picked up two more pretty easy wins I mean he threw Dan Henderson through the air like he was made of paper four Dom wins was all it took for Daniel to get a fight against Jon Jones but at that point he’d proven he was potentially the best fighter on the roster he was 15 and0 and if anyone was going to give a challenge to Jon Jones it was going to be Daniel the Rivalry was super intense and the odds were also super close essentially a pick and fight that’s how much people believed in DC and his potential to beat the goat Champion Jon Jones in the end JN was able to beat Cormier at his own game but standing across from Jones it finally felt like DC might be the guy to beat bones all right I’m not going to lie that video took some doing okay going through all of those undefeated contenders and ranking them look I probably got some in the order you don’t agree with but that’s fine you can let me know down below thank you Luke Taylor for editing this video mate I know it was a long one guys but you got to give props to him for putting it all together go check him out call to meore if you want to show him some support always much appreciated I’m sure as always got to give a shout out to Hall of Famers thank you very much you’ve been joining in on the writers meeting getting unedited podcast episodes as well just by being a Channel member you got to love that if you want to join them guys link is down below click in the description and uh you know become part of the [Music] family [Music]


  1. Knowing Cain was a underdeveloped undefeated fighter fighting for the belt for the first time against Brock lesnar fckd my whole timeline up

  2. Could you make a picture or a file of the rankings every time you rank stuff, that would be awesome, thanks 🙂

  3. I havent eve watched this but i know some crappy or improven cat like Aspina or Bisping l is gona benat the top. Ceappy Not fighter bias. Ganes gona smoke Aspinall.

  4. I think teporia only won cause volk got rattled so hard in the second Malkhachev. He so badly shouldn't of taken that fight. The talent on these divisions is so stacked that the differences between weight is far too much.

  5. I watched Rousey v Holm with one dude that I knew a little, and like 9 of his friends that all claimed to be huge mma fans. Like 6 of them gave me 3 to 1 odds when I said Holly would win. I put $20 down against all of them individually… worked out pretty well for me that night lol.

  6. Mannnnn, I still think that "prime Cane" could still compete with the top of the current Heavyweights. I genuinely think he was that good in his prime.

  7. This is a great list and interesting to know how many there were and who each of them are!

    Not to say your ranking is wrong or anything its all personal opinion. For me, Ortega would be a lot further down the list because he was losing every fight until he found the finish. That to me meant that he wasn’t good enough to compete against Max (and others at the top of the division) skill wise. He is gd at finding opportunities and making good use of them but that can only go so far. I think that was further proven when he fought Volk too with the 2 huge chances he found but was otherwise mauled.

  8. Man Reyes was horribly robbed vs jones.
    I wonder if that fight was scored correctly what jones would have done. Maybe retire or move up to HW without taking 3 years to bulk up.

    Unbelievable how reyes career has went downhill since that fight.

  9. Good video, man. One thing i completely disagree with is the music. I know i will get hate for this, 11 years in, i have never needed music. People are weak minded, i cope, or i get by with music. Dude, just bite down on your mouthpiece and get to work. Guys and gals have to learn to be gritty and have self motivation. For me, my personal life stops at the gaurd shack. Those stresses do not follow me in the building.

  10. Reyes vs Jones wasn’t just close, Reyes won. And I was one of the believers. Put $200 on reuses and was robbed by the judges!

  11. How do you say your name? Baileyin? Fuck kind of name is that? Isn’t your real name Alex? Love your work, though.

  12. Amen. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ Who is God. And with God the Father and The Holy Spirit!❤❤❤ 🙏

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