Golf Simulator

Covered patio build questions

I currently have a Garmin R10 and a 10 x 7 ft net with side shank nets. I want to mount retractable floor to ceiling netting to protect 6 windows on 1 side and the street on the other. I will probably use the netting for a year or 2 with my laptop and TV before considering upgrading to a projector and screen.

The patio is covered and is 24 ft long and about 20 ft wide on 1 side and 9 ft wide on the other. Based on the pictures which would you have the netting on?

by btkats


  1. Podtastix

    If you’re swinging righty it’s basically impossible to hit a ball into the street (in the second pic). That being said, I’d net both sides. Hang a cable up high and you can pull the nets back when not in use. Better to spend the extra $100 and be safe.

  2. SoManyLilBitches

    Check out the GoSports Range Cage on amazon. It was 300 bucks, comes with a cheap projector screen, has sides, and a top.

  3. If you’re a righty, option 2 will work. If you manage to get a ball left over that wall, it’s time to take up knitting.

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