Improve your senior golf swing with these 3 easy tips to increase club head speed. Perfect for senior golfers looking to enhance their game!

In this VLS Golf swing lesson, Todd Kolb shares 3 easy ways to increase club head speed in your senior golf swing.

I just added Club head speed to three of my students golf games they’re all experienced golfers and my guess is one of them is just like you and we can add some Club head speed to your game as well I’m PJ teaching professional Todd Co director of instruction for us golf TV and one of the fun things is the obviously working with different people and anytime you give a golf lesson you think of something that might help other people so I want to share with you what I told Daryl what I told Dennis and what I told Tim that helped them increase their Club head speed so let’s dive right into it so first of all Daryl over 50 years old loves the game of golf a bigger guy strong guy all right but is really struggling with creating some more Club head speed all right so here’s what I told him when I looked at Daryl’s swing he has a really good set up and stuff like that but his swing is really short okay the swing is short there’s not much length to it now part of that is is because he’s lost some flexibility might be you you have you lost in flexibility and you see your swing getting shorter when you look at it but also just kind of a bigger guy a strong guy right and what I was telling him is is that as your swing moves around your body and gets too flat it’s very difficult to get much length the swing so what I told him was I said hey let’s work on the lead arm Direction all right this one of the Core Concepts of the vertical line swing you’ve probably seen it but we worked on lead arm swing so I said all right here’s what I want you to do Daryl when you swing the club back I want you to feel like the swing Works more up all right so instead of of it working low and around I want it to work straight back and I want it to work up so let me just go ahead and hit it let me hit two shots all right and then we’re going to talk a little bit about how you can get in that position because if you’re lacking Club head speed and your swing is really short this is for you all right so here we go his swing looked more like this it was low short and around okay now all we did is we just said all right when you’re set in there I want you to feel like that lead arm Works more straight back and works up all right because if we want to get some length to the swing we’ve got to work on the lead arm Direction which is going to give us more distance so now I’m going to go more straight back more up okay and you can see I certainly hit that more solid but more importantly add some length to my swing so what I want you to take away from that the lesson that I just gave right there with Daryl is that the lead arm Direction can impact the length of your swing if you’re not hitting the golf ball a long ways it could be just simply because your swing is too short now let’s talk about the next lesson that I gave okay the next lesson that I gave was to Dennis now and then we’re going to talk about Tim here in a second okay with Dennis now he’s a little bit older okay a little bit older gol I don’t know the exact age but um his pivot wasn’t where it needs to be his length of Swing was good but his pivot and his loading was not correct so swing looked like this now if you’ve ever been told that you sway off the golf ball pay attention all right cuz this is going to be for you so when he was set in here he’s been working with us for a while it’s got a great setup and a great swing but when he took it to the Top If you looked closely the weight went to the outside of his Trail foot so for me that’s my right foot so as he swung the club back it worked to the outside of his foot now when you think of anything that we do in life okay we would never do it from the outside of the foot cuz you would I mean you twist your ankle for one all right and so when we load into the trail side we talk a lot about this in the vertical line swing and and all those type stuff and a matter of fact we go deep into this uh in the Lost chapter of the book The Bad lie hopefully you’ve seen the bad lie just be curious leave it in the comments have you read the book do you like the book you know and of course where are you from right we love hearing that but Nick and I decided after we launched the book there was something missing something was missing and it was on Club head speed so we added this new chapter we call it the Lost chapter you can check it out and uh we go deep into this but back to Dennis so I wanted to teach him how to load properly in his Trail foot so I wanted his swing instead of watch the trail foot instead of looking like this I wanted it to look more like this all right so the drill that I gave him was I simply just said all right let’s put your feet together Dennis and as you swing your arms and Club back away from the target I just want you to step to the right so really simple so I’m set up I just step and then through all right let me do it one more time just right here just step okay and then through so instinctively as we walk and as we step you would never step and go to the outside of your foot intentionally so by just having us step to the right instinctively the weight stayed more on the inside of his right foot what happened he had that great back swing already in place but because he loaded properly he came through the golf ball better and we increased his Club head speed all right now the third lesson that I gave this week here was with Tim and uh Tim might be like you man he loves Golf and he loves golf doesn’t he Nick huh does the guy yeah he does see Nick gave me the thumbs up this guy loves Golf and he has made some tremendous progress now I don’t know if you’re like Tim I don’t know if you’re like Daryl I don’t know if you’re like Dennis but the point is is you want more Club head speed so let me go ahead and te a golf ball up here with and cuz I’m going to hit a couple drives here because we did this with the driver now in Tim’s situation okay he didn’t have this really low short back swing he didn’t need length to his swing he already had that he was already loading properly into his Trail foot the club was in a beautiful spot he’s hitting the golf ball in the center of the face he’s doing all the right stuff but it’s just not going as long as he wants it to so I said all right well here’s what we got to do we’ve got to train the body to learn how to move faster because your setup is good your back swing is good you’re hitting the ball in the center of the face all these other things that we’ve been working on to get him where he needs to be is right where we want him so let’s add some speed to it right so here’s what we did we call this the counter back swing sequence and it’s it’s quite frankly at the heart of the Lost chapter that I referenced earlier you want to check that out because we dive deep into this but so here it is so all I did said all right I want you to take your regular setup Tim and what I want you to do is put the club in front like this see how I did that and then from here you’re just going to load it and swing it okay so let me do it again so I’m just set up put the club in front let it swing and go all right now let me go ahead and hit a shot now you can actually even do this drill with a ball okay all right and hit a shot with your driver it’s a it’s a little challenging so Nick’s kind of laughing over there like uhoh he better hit this side or I’m going to have a lot of editing to so here we go put the club in front back oh Nick you don’t have to edit that one my friend okay because when the club is in front like this it creates momentum it creates speed so that the back swing can naturally move quicker so if you’re hitting the ball in the center of the face if you’ve got good length to your swing if you’re loading correctly you’re doing all the things correctly but you’re just not hitting it as long as you want to you got to train the body to just move quicker if you found that helpful and you want to learn how I added 20 yards to Claire’s drives without changing her swing by simply just a minor adjustment to her setup check out this video

1 Comment

  1. Please show your lessons with your students instead of telling us what they were doing. That would be much more helpful!

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