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In this video, Carolin discusses sidehill lies and downhill lies, highlighting the tendencies and outcomes of the ball in these situations, as well as strategies for scoring well on the course.

Carolin Pinegger is a Leadbetter Certified Instructor & Previous LPGA Pro Tour Player

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hi everybody and welcome I’m coach Carolyn Le better certified instructor and former professional Tour player and today we’re talking about s Hill Li more specifically the downhill lie so Sid Hill lies are a bit tricky because there is a couple more things that come into play when you’re not on a level surface so I want to make sure we focus on the downhill Li today and we kind of see what are the Tendencies and what does the ball tend to do out of there what can you do to expect that anticipate it compensate for it in a good way and how can we score and feel comfortable with these side Hill lies and downhill lies all right so let’s start with the tendency of the ball and the shot that is created on a downhill lie so here I’m obviously downhill my left foot my lead foot is lower than my trail foot and by rule of thumb the ball is going to try to work right off of a lie like this so you can already anticipate that and if you know that you can do two two things you can either adjust for it and try to put a little bit more draw spin on it to counteract that or you can aim more left and work with the lie and work with the slope so I like either it really depends on what type of player you are but I would assume that for most amateurs and you know Avid golfers it’s easier to just aim a little bit more left and make a regular swing and adjust for that spin that tends to get on the ball when you actually have a downhill lie like this so so it’s really important in the ball position that you move your ball just a hair back than what you would usually have it at so I have an eight iron here I would have this just just in front of my middle if I had a regular shot but since I don’t I’m going to move it like half an inch back more to the middle of my stance because I want to make sure that I can catch the ball and not catch the ground too late right and I also want to make sure that my ball is where my club’s going to bottom out which is going to be just a little bit further further back which is also why it tends to go right because if you think about an arc of a golf swing when the when your Club comes back to the ball the earlier it hits the ball the more open your face is because you are on a perfect Arc your face is really only square at exact middle it’s not like just before impact it’s a little open right so that’s why we’re dealing with this Arc so we’re moving our ball back a little bit because we want that impact and we want that compression and we have to adjust for this lie also we’re going to adjust to this lie and really kind of trick our body into not being on a downhill lie to do that we’re going to level our hips and make sure our hips are actually level with the ground instead of working against it see if I would were to set up like this I would kind of hit really far behind the ball and I would hit the ground before I even get to the ball and then you kind of Chunk it or whiff it or I mean God knows everything can happen so let’s trick our minds into actually being on a level ey by leveling out our own body lines so hips and shoulders so you’re going to dip your front shoulder your lead shoulder you’re going to dip that to match the level of the ground and now everything kind of shifts and if you can see you’re shifting your the bottom of your swing a little bit backwards which is why we’ve moved the ball back a little bit so it’s all starting to make sense and now really all we do is we aim a touch more left and we hit a completely normal shot like you would and you can see this came out a little bit lower of course because you are on a downhill lie you’re going to deal off the club here and I caught the ball first and then I took the divot behind the ball which is exactly what you want to do and it’s going to come out a little bit lower simply because you have deloft at the club so my eight iron just became a seven iron or a six iron and just keep that in mind it is normal to see that and the opposite is true for the uphill Li so on an uphill Li you’re going to add Loft so you usually Club up to get more Club because you’re not going to fly this far on a downhill lie like this you’re actually can Club back a little bit because the ball’s going to come out hotter and you’re actually delofting the club so you’re making an eight iron into a seven or a six iron so keep that in mind when you’re clubbing yourself as well I hope you enjoyed this simple little tip if this is the first time on my channel welcome I’m so glad to have you make sure you subscribe comment and like this video I always want to hear from my new followers and from my current followers of course so I’m always here to answer any questions you have in the comment section I have content coming your way every single week so if you do subscribe you’re going to get notified and you’re going to be able to really take that Improvement journey of your golf game into overdrive so let’s do that guys if you want more tips like this make sure to check out coach caroling golf.com that is my coaching platform I have a 7-Day free trial for you guys so you can go in check it out already look at all my drill libraries and videos and tips to make sure that you’re making the right choice for you and I would be honored to work with you guys so let’s do it let’s jump start our 2024 golf season and be the best golfers we can possibly be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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