Want to work on gaining more distance like Lakers Superstar D’Angelo is working on? You can do that here: https://rotaryswinggolf.lpages.co/gt-delivery-position/

When you have the ability to get people results fast, word tends to travel. One of the cool things about that is you get athletes at the top of their profession who want you to help them get results too. These guys don’t just go to anyone, they only go to where they KNOW they’re going to get results. Lakers superstar D’Angelo Russell was in for a private lesson the other day and we got to talking about “how” the swing is built. Is it built on mechanics or is it built on feel?

Do proper mechanics produce the right feel or is it the right feel that produces the right mechanics? That’s exactly what we talk about in this clip and we even use shooting a basketball at the highest level as an example!

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it’s a little low a little bit but it’s a game of Misses right like you now have the ball going in front of you moving forward instead of I’m not sure where this thing is going listen I would not be mad at this just the KN one like I I I’ve tried to restart so many times to where I’m like I’m just going to restart and not have power not have distance and do it right yeah Brick by Brick then I find my way reverting by skipping steps again so this is this a good foundation the thing about what you just said though is so important to understand a lot of people think they’re supposed to try and like build a golf swing right that’s what you were saying like all right I’m going to go back I’m going to have no power and I’m just going to start like doing step by step make sure my setup’s perfect okay now my setup’s good now I’m going to have a perfect takeaway now I’m going to have a perfect back swing I think of it the exact opposite I think of that as like a piece of art and what I’m trying to do is carve away all the that doesn’t need to be in there to reveal what you naturally want to do and so instead of trying to build a swing with no power and then hoping at some point that you as hard as you can and digress from there but what what that is is like mechanics will if you have perfect mechanics like if you taught me how to shoot a perfect shot with perfect mechanics my elbow’s right in front of my shoulder my wrist is here I got the ball on right on the fingertips I could have perfect mechanics but does that mean I’m going to be a great shooter because I don’t have the feel right perfect mechanics will sometimes give a player really good feel but the right feel will always give the player the right mechanics or it’s not the right feel so what I’m trying to do is get all the off of you and carve you into like what you already are because this is not a rocket science move this is just a really basic throwing motion and once you understand that I don’t want you to go back and try to perfect it with no power like the first thing you need to do is understand how power is produced like when you looked at my swing and like I did a video where I showed my swing and tiger swing and they’re like really simar right they’re very very Sim they’re not exact but he’s a better golf I’m not Tiger Woods right but my swing’s pretty good but the whole thing that allowed me to understand how to move like that was understanding his power source and that’s what I spent years and years and years trying to understand and I’m like I tried every leadside pattern thing you could possibly imagine but I realized like once you understand how somebody produces power and go from there then the mechanics are there because the only way to produce that power is with those mechanics so I didn’t try to say okay I’m going to make my takeaway exactly like tiger would well I did try that years I knew that wouldn’t work but I tried thousands and thousands and thousands of swings I’m like if I just understood what it felt like when he’s producing speed then I would understand what his swing mechanics are so I actually went the other way I said I want to I hear you vividly like what you’re saying I like I see what you’re saying you’re saying see it and come backwards versus starting from here to stack up yeah go you got to produce power you got to understand how to produce speed I hear you give the ball up in your stance just a hair more Yep there you go that’s going to help you get back behind it now this way with your spine there you go give yourself a little bit more room behind the ball there now you have room to release the club all right that was P you can’t release it from here you got to release it from back here I just start behind it absolutely

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