In this LIV Lesson, Smash GC star and 2023 LIV Golf League Individual Champion Talor Gooch takes you through his performance training.

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LIV Golf

[Applause] [Music] oh yes and that’s a share of the lead for Taylor [Applause] G I’m Taylor G proud Oklahoma State Cowboy the 2023 live golf champion welcome to my live [Music] lesson he displayed all the guts and temperament of a champion you’re going to get all my top tips on stretching imp pliability workouts in the weight room and also we’re going to get into the golf Sim room and we’re going to have a little fun there too all right guys these are the workouts that we’re about to do the exercises that are going to get you ready to go straight to the course and be ready to fire cat Cow open book rotation hip circles straight leg heel rocks with rotation split stance band rotation strap load to explode split stance Med ball rotation lunge lateral bounds single leg ball slams let’s just get into it we’re going to start with a few stretches start getting things loosened up and warmed up so let me show you how I do that so I always start with just a few body movements just to get things moving like that’s truly what it is for me I like to get my um t-spine my my middle of my back kind of loosened up I’ve had some injuries in the past with that so that’s something I’m always focusing on so the first one uh you yoga people are going to know this it’s cat cows right so you’re just going to get on all fours and you’re going to just extend you’re going to do this a few times I usually do anywhere from you know 6 to 12 of those so then I like to start working on some rotational movements uh there’s a few different ways to do that one of my favorite ones is what we call an open book so you’re going to get you know kind of on your side here you’re going to put a leg over have it try to stay on the ground uh and then you’re going to go from here and you’re going to reach so you want to do these anywhere from six to to 10 times so we’ll start on one side and then from there you’re going to move to the other side and again you want to try to keep this as close to the ground as possible I can’t even keep it fully on the ground it’s going to come up a little bit but what this is doing is it’s separating your lower body from your upper body which is T ppine Mobility right that’s that’s that rotational movement that if you don’t have that you don’t have a golf swing and again with this exercise we’re working on rotation t-spine rotation so when you’re keeping this knee as close to the ground as possible and then moving this arm around what that’s doing is it’s making your upper body and your lower body separate right upper body is turning while your lower body is staying still and that’s working again on that rotational movement it’s in the t-spine where your body has to move to separate your lower body from your upper body and if you don’t have that separation in your lower body and your upper body you can’t create speed you’re going to probably get injured and you’re just not going to have a have much rotation you know much of a back swing and you’re not going to be able to to rotate through through very well so the t-spine rotation is huge and that’s why this is a staple for me in the gym to to begin my my workout so now after you’ve done some t-spine work I like getting to working on you know your glutes your hips um cuz like I said earlier you know your feet your legs are what’s connected to the ground so you got to work on that so we’re going to work uh do a few movements for just getting getting some some Mobility going some movement going so these are called hip circles they’re very simple you’re going get on all fours and then you’re going to try to make a circle with your hip and I’ll turn this way so you can see it so you’re going to go like that I usually do tin this way and then you do tin the other way with the is doing is it’s starting to fire these muscles all through your hips and your glutes um and it’s just working on again the the your range of motion um and it’s it’s getting everything in there starting to move and starting to fire up a little bit so you’re going to do tin one way then tin the other way and then you’re going to go to your other leg and same thing do tin this direction [Music] and then you’re going to do tend the other direction so that’s a good way to start getting things fired up get some blood flowing uh get some range of motion going and then the next kind of favorite hip um movement I like to do before we really get going in here is just a heel Rock so you’re get on one knee straighten out the other knee keep this foot on the ground pointed out that way and all you’re going to do is you’re going to start from this position and then you’re going to rock back and try to sit on your heel so you start by doing that and then the next progression in that is you’re going to rotate your foot so you’re going to try to get it to point to the sky I know this looks easy but good luck trying to do it and same thing you’re going to do this anywhere from six to 10 times and then obviously we’re going to go to the other leg same thing make sure this leg is is straight out you don’t want it bent you want it straight out and you’re going to start foot pointed out you’re going to rock again you’re going to do that six to 10 rocks and then again you’re going to rotate this foot try to get it up to the sky and again like I said six to 10 of those and then from there we’re going to move into starting getting into using some bands using some weights uh using some of the cables and then we’re going to get as my trainer and I call it we’re going to get a nice lather we’re going to get some sweat going yes I mean stretching is is obviously key to staying healthy plain and simple uh if if you don’t have the pliability if you don’t have uh the ability to lengthen your muscles for any kind of repetition you’re just putting yourself in a in a place uh to to fail so stretching is just so key but it’s also not everything all right now we’re going to get off the ground we’re going to start getting some different types of movements uh we’re going to start getting athletic and the whole idea behind it is to get more explosive the more explosive that you can get the better the those fast switch muscles are working the further you’re going to hit a golf ball right so one of my favorites with the bands is you wrap the band around any kind of pole you got in the gym okay and it’s a split stance band rotation is what we call it okay so you’re going to get your stance split up the outside leg you’re going to rotate across but you’re going to do it quickly you’re not going to do it just slow you’re going to you want to do that six to 10 times and then just like with all the other movements we’re going to be working both sides of the body right CU in reality right there for me I’m a right-handed golfer so I’m I swing like this that movement that I just did was almost like a left hand swing right I’m rotating this way so it’s good not only for your back swing but again you want to try to make your body as equal as possible you don’t want one side to be stronger than the other you don’t want one side to be more flexible than the other you want to try to create as much symmetry as possible so after you do the six to 10 of the split stance band rotations then you’re going to switch to the other side okay so you’re going to split your stance again the out side knee is a knee that you’re going to rotate over and again it’s not a slow movement cuz we’re trying to get fast we’re trying to get explosive we’re trying to get athletic so you’re going to do six to 10 of these so this is something again that I’m always doing before I go out to the range tournament days like we talked about rotational power rotational strength rotational range of motion is absolutely necessary um and that is a great great movement to get better range of motion to get better speed just get more athletic and for pre-tournament what I’m always doing with everything that we’re going through here I only do two sets of it because again before a tournament for me that’s not a full-blown workout we’re just trying to warm up we’re trying to get to the point to where we have a nice lather everything is firing you get to the range you just point and pull the trigger and you’re not thinking about anything your body’s already warmed up it’s already firing on all cylinders and that’s what this is about and that’s why we’re only doing two sets of everything in here um another great tool to use when getting the rotational movement going is this thing right here so it’s a strap to hook up to this pulley system here we’re going add just a little bit more weight here and this simulates the golf swing in the gym about as good as anything that you can do okay so you’re going to step out and you’re going to rotate into the side that’s facing that’s closest to the machine you’re going to rotate and then explode rotate explode again you’re going to do six to 10 of those and what that’s doing is it’s simulating the golf swing for when your back swing when you’re going back you’re turning into that hip right so that’s working on that internal rotation of the hip and so what this is doing with the weight that’s added to it it’s just putting more pressure into that rotation so so it’s helping you get deeper into that hip movement which again this is not a stretch but what it’s doing it’s dynamically helping you get a better range of motion right so and then also like we keep talking about explosive we want to try to get speed we want to try to get explosives so that’s why I said as you rotate in then you explode through so as you have to do it with both sides with everything we’re going to do it from this side also so same thing you’re going to turn and explode turn explode you’re going to do six of 10 of these you’re going to do two sets of them uh and again it’s about going slow here getting that range of motion getting that depth into this hip and explode being dynamic being athletic is the key and that that’s different for everybody and what you know works for you it’s going to work for everybody else like everybody needs the same things and and that’s you know again these Dynamic movements that’s getting athletic that’s getting stronger that’s getting faster that’s getting more pliable that’s improving your flexibility it’s all of it but that’s not just sitting there and touching your toes that’s not just sitting there and you know arching your back you got to get Dynamic you got to put yourself in athletic positions and and you know push your body to new limits if you will um because golf is such a repetitive Sport and whether we think it or not is a physical sport you’re you’re pounding your your joints and your ligaments um and you have to have strength you have to have flexibility your muscles have to have that elasticity but also you need to have the the refined motor skills of balance and you have to have your brain working with all of your muscles to make sure you’re not trying to think about good balance because in the gym you’ve already trained that balance so when you get on the golf course it’s already in your muscle memory and you don’t have to think about it another great movement that simulates uh what the golf swing is like uh but that’s going to add some more uh range of motion and just continue to help make you Dynamic is we got to get this med ball here okay so you’re going to have one foot on the ground one foot on the bench and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to squat into the leg that’s on the ground and as you squat into this leg you’re also going to rotate okay so just like if this was a golf club and I’m swinging I’m rotating into this hip right and that’s what this is simulating here so you’re going to start here you’re going to hug the bosu ball and as you go down going to rotate and I always try to get this elbow to get across the knee that’s down so go down and then up down rotate and then up and that’s really really firing all of these muscles throughout your hip and glutes to to stabilize fire because again if you don’t have the the proper strength here or the proper balance when you go down you’re just you’re going to you’re going to fall right and so again this is working range of motion it’s working stabilization and then of course when you’re coming up this is working on your strength right this is firing this glutes as you’re as you’re coming up so it’s down and up so then same thing we’re going to switch legs so this one is going to go back up on the bench this one is for forward and as we go down same thing rotate over and then up rotate over and then up and again same thing we’re going to do six to 10 of those and we’re going to do two sets of those now we’ve really gotten you know the rotation going your te- spine’s working your core is working you’ve got glutes working uh your hips are firing up I mean you can’t see but I got a nice little lather under here so we’re starting to get going uh and we’re getting close to be able to going out and getting onto the golf course couple things that I like to do to kind of end the the warmup is explosive movements so one one of the movements is is simply just lateral bounds lateral jumps okay so you’re going to start here you’re going to jump you’re going to jump but one thing this is doing is you’re landing on one leg that’s the key of this and when you’re lay on this leg you have to stabilize your your legs have to lock into the ground to make sure you’re not falling right cuz similar to a golf swing when you swing you don’t want to be falling over or be falling back and that’s what this is doing you know in a golf swing you’re driving into this leg and then this is posting up and you’re stabilizing you’re having balance here so same thing here you’re going to go here and stabilize same thing so it’s explosiveness it’s stabilization it’s getting you athletic it’s getting you Dynamic it’s getting you ready to go hit a golf ball another one that I’ll usually finish with is ball slams and again this is just explosiveness right so you’re going get the ball slaming it so I like to do it on one foot everything that we do we try to be as Dynamic and as athletic as possible when you’re always on two feet it makes things easier right so the better you can be on one foot it’s going to make when you’re swinging on two feet it’s going to make it that much easier so I always do one foot usually do four to six of those because again explosive movements you don’t want to do a bunch of them right you want to do them short quick fast and just a few of them so we’re training those fast switch muscles to fire up right now and don’t fall and by this point I’ve got a dang good lather so it’s time to go uh go to the range and get ready to compete [Music]


  1. One of the best warm up videos I've seen for golf. Most of these can be done with no specialist training equipment, and are mostly achievable regardless of age. Thanks Gooch!

  2. Absolutely love this! Awesome! Thank you!! πŸ’ͺπŸ»β›³οΈπŸŒπŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ’ͺ🏻

  3. That’s probably the best warm-up workout for a golfer I’ve ever seen. Great job Taylor/LIV
    LIV leadership are the true golf innovators! The PGA can learn a few things from you!

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